Commit 6352d0b6 by Alan Mishchenko

Improvements to Cba data-structure.

parent af828a49
......@@ -2053,7 +2053,7 @@ void Nf_ManSetDefaultPars( Jf_Par_t * pPars )
pPars->nCutNum = 16;
pPars->nProcNum = 0;
pPars->nRounds = 5;
pPars->nRoundsEla = 0;
pPars->nRoundsEla = 1;
pPars->nRelaxRatio = 0;
pPars->nCoarseLimit = 3;
pPars->nAreaTuner = 1;
......@@ -42,112 +42,111 @@ ABC_NAMESPACE_HEADER_START
// network objects
typedef enum {
CBA_OBJ_NONE = 0, // 0: unused
CBA_OBJ_PI, // 1: input
CBA_OBJ_PO, // 2: output
CBA_OBJ_BOX, // 3: box
CBA_OBJ_NONE = 0, // 00: unused
CBA_OBJ_PI, // 01: input
CBA_OBJ_PO, // 02: output
CBA_OBJ_BOX, // 03: box
CBA_BOX_CF, // 04:
CBA_BOX_CT, // 05:
CBA_BOX_CX, // 06:
CBA_BOX_CZ, // 07:
CBA_BOX_BUF, // 08:
CBA_BOX_INV, // 09:
CBA_BOX_AND, // 10:
CBA_BOX_NAND, // 11:
CBA_BOX_OR, // 12:
CBA_BOX_NOR, // 13:
CBA_BOX_XOR, // 14:
CBA_BOX_XNOR, // 15:
CBA_BOX_MUX, // 18:
CBA_BOX_MAJ, // 19:
CBA_BOX_ABC, // 20:
CBA_BOX_BA, // 21:
CBA_BOX_BO, // 22:
CBA_BOX_BX, // 23:
CBA_BOX_BN, // 24:
CBA_BOX_BAO, // 25:
CBA_BOX_BOA, // 26:
CBA_BOX_RAND, // 27:
CBA_BOX_ROR, // 29:
CBA_BOX_RNOR, // 30:
CBA_BOX_RXOR, // 31:
CBA_BOX_LAND, // 34:
CBA_BOX_LOR, // 36:
CBA_BOX_LNOR, // 37:
CBA_BOX_LXOR, // 38:
CBA_BOX_NMUX, // 40:
CBA_BOX_SEL, // 41:
CBA_BOX_PSEL, // 42:
CBA_BOX_ENC, // 43:
CBA_BOX_PENC, // 44:
CBA_BOX_DEC, // 45:
CBA_BOX_EDEC, // 46:
CBA_BOX_ADD, // 47:
CBA_BOX_SUB, // 48:
CBA_BOX_MUL, // 49:
CBA_BOX_SMUL, // 50:
CBA_BOX_DIV, // 51:
CBA_BOX_MOD, // 52:
CBA_BOX_REM, // 53:
CBA_BOX_POW, // 54:
CBA_BOX_MIN, // 55:
CBA_BOX_SQRT, // 56:
CBA_BOX_ABS, // 57:
CBA_BOX_EQU, // 63:
CBA_BOX_NEQU, // 64:
CBA_BOX_SHIL, // 65:
CBA_BOX_SHIR, // 66:
CBA_BOX_ROTL, // 69:
CBA_BOX_ROTR, // 70:
CBA_BOX_NODE, // 71:
CBA_BOX_LUT, // 72:
CBA_BOX_GATE, // 73:
CBA_BOX_TRI, // 75:
CBA_BOX_RAM, // 76:
CBA_BOX_RAMR, // 77:
CBA_BOX_RAMW, // 78:
CBA_BOX_RAML, // 80:
CBA_BOX_RAMS, // 81:
CBA_BOX_DFF, // 85:
} Cba_ObjType_t;
......@@ -190,6 +189,7 @@ struct Cba_Ntk_t_
Vec_Int_t vFinFon0; // fanout: first fon
Vec_Int_t vFinObj; // object
Vec_Int_t vNtkObjs; // instances
Vec_Int_t vFonBits; // fon mapping into AIG nodes
// other
Vec_Ptr_t * vOther; // various data
Vec_Int_t vArray0;
......@@ -211,6 +211,8 @@ struct Cba_Man_t_
Vec_Int_t vUsed; // used map entries
Vec_Int_t vUsed2; // used map entries
char * pTypeNames[CBA_BOX_LAST];
int nObjs[CBA_BOX_LAST]; // counter of objects of each type
int nAnds[CBA_BOX_LAST]; // counter of AND gates after blasting
// internal data
int iRoot; // root network
Vec_Ptr_t vNtks; // networks
......@@ -332,8 +334,7 @@ static inline int Cba_ObjIsBoxUser( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int i ) { r
static inline int Cba_ObjIsBoxPrim( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int i ) { return Cba_ObjType(p, i) > CBA_OBJ_BOX && Cba_ObjType(p, i) < CBA_BOX_LAST; }
static inline int Cba_ObjIsGate( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int i ) { return Cba_ObjType(p, i) == CBA_BOX_GATE; }
static inline int Cba_ObjIsSlice( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int i ) { return Cba_ObjType(p, i) == CBA_BOX_SLICE; }
static inline int Cba_ObjIsCatIn( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int i ) { return Cba_ObjType(p, i) == CBA_BOX_CATIN; }
static inline int Cba_ObjIsCatOut( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int i ) { return Cba_ObjType(p, i) == CBA_BOX_CATOUT; }
static inline int Cba_ObjIsConcat( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int i ) { return Cba_ObjType(p, i) == CBA_BOX_CONCAT; }
static inline int Cba_ObjIsUnary( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int i ) { return Cba_TypeIsUnary(Cba_ObjType(p, i)); }
static inline int Cba_ObjFin0( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int i ) { assert(i>0); return Vec_IntEntry(&p->vObjFin0, i); }
......@@ -375,16 +376,18 @@ static inline int Cba_FonIsReal( int f ) { r
static inline int Cba_FonIsConst( int f ) { return f < 0; }
static inline int Cba_FonConst( int f ) { assert(Cba_FonIsConst(f)); return -f-1; }
static inline int Cba_FonFromConst( int c ) { assert(c >= 0); return -c-1; }
static inline int Cba_FonConstRange( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f ) { assert(Cba_FonIsConst(f)); return atoi(Cba_NtkConst(p, Cba_FonConst(f))); }
static inline int Cba_FonConstRangeSize( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f ) { assert(Cba_FonIsConst(f)); return atoi(Cba_NtkConst(p, Cba_FonConst(f))); }
static inline int Cba_FonConstSigned( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f ) { assert(Cba_FonIsConst(f)); return strchr(Cba_NtkConst(p, Cba_FonConst(f)), 's') != NULL; }
static inline int Cba_FonObj( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f ) { return Cba_FonIsReal(f) ? Vec_IntEntry(&p->vFonObj, f) : 0; }
static inline int Cba_FonRange( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f ) { assert(Cba_FonIsReal(f)); return Cba_NtkHasFonRanges(p)?Abc_Lit2Var(Vec_IntGetEntry(&p->vFonRange, f)):0; }
static inline int Cba_FonSigned( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f ) { assert(Cba_FonIsReal(f)); return Cba_NtkHasFonRanges(p)?Abc_LitIsCompl(Vec_IntGetEntry(&p->vFonRange, f)):0; }
static inline int Cba_FonRangeId( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f ) { assert(Cba_FonIsReal(f)); return Cba_NtkHasFonRanges(p)?Vec_IntGetEntry(&p->vFonRange, f):0;}
static inline int Cba_FonRange( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f ) { assert(Cba_FonIsReal(f)); return Abc_Lit2Var( Cba_FonRangeId(p, f) ); }
static inline int Cba_FonLeft( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f ) { return Cba_NtkRangeLeft(p, Cba_FonRange(p, f)); }
static inline int Cba_FonRight( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f ) { return Cba_NtkRangeRight(p, Cba_FonRange(p, f)); }
static inline int Cba_FonRangeSize( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f ) { return Cba_FonIsConst(f) ? Cba_FonConstRange(p, f):Cba_NtkRangeSize(p, Cba_FonRange(p, f)); }
static inline int Cba_FonSigned( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f ) { return Cba_FonIsConst(f) ? Cba_FonConstSigned(p, f) : Abc_LitIsCompl(Cba_FonRangeId(p, f)); }
static inline int Cba_FonRangeSize( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f ) { return Cba_FonIsConst(f) ? Cba_FonConstRangeSize(p, f):Cba_NtkRangeSize(p, Cba_FonRange(p, f)); }
static inline void Cba_FonSetRangeSign( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f, int x ) { assert(Cba_NtkHasFonRanges(p)); Vec_IntSetEntry(&p->vFonRange, f, x); }
static inline void Cba_FonSetRange( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f, int x ) { assert(Cba_NtkHasFonRanges(p)); Vec_IntSetEntry(&p->vFonRange, Abc_Var2Lit(f,0), x); }
static inline void Cba_FonSetRange( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f, int x ) { assert(Cba_NtkHasFonRanges(p)); Vec_IntSetEntry(&p->vFonRange, f, Abc_Var2Lit(x,0)); }
static inline void Cba_FonHashRange( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f, int l, int r ) { Cba_FonSetRange( p, f, Cba_NtkHashRange(p, l, r) ); }
static inline int Cba_FonCopy( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f ) { return Cba_FonIsReal(f) ? Vec_IntEntry(&p->vFonCopy, f) : f; }
static inline void Cba_FonSetCopy( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f, int x ) { assert(Cba_FonIsReal(f)); assert(Cba_FonCopy(p, f) == 0); Vec_IntWriteEntry(&p->vFonCopy, f, x); }
......@@ -398,6 +401,11 @@ static inline int Cba_FonNtkId( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f ) { a
static inline Cba_Ntk_t * Cba_FonNtk( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int f ) { assert(Cba_FonIsReal(f)); return Cba_ObjNtk( p, Cba_FonObj(p, f) ); }
static inline int Cba_ObjFanin( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int i, int k ) { assert(i>0); return Cba_FonObj( p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, k) ); }
static inline int Cba_ObjLeft( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int i ) { return Cba_FonLeft( p, Cba_ObjFon0(p, i) ); }
static inline int Cba_ObjRight( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int i ) { return Cba_FonRight( p, Cba_ObjFon0(p, i) ); }
static inline int Cba_ObjRangeSize( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int i ) { return Cba_FonRangeSize( p, Cba_ObjFon0(p, i) ); }
static inline int Cba_ObjSigned( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int i ) { return Cba_FonSigned( p, Cba_ObjFon0(p, i) ); }
static inline int Cba_ObjSign( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int i ) { return Abc_Var2Lit( Cba_FonRangeSize(p, i), Cba_ObjSigned(p, i) ); }
......@@ -435,10 +443,12 @@ static inline int Cba_ObjFanin( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int i, int k ) { a
#define Cba_NtkForEachBoxPrim( p, i ) \
for ( i = 1; i < Vec_StrSize(&p->vObjType); i++ ) if ( !Cba_ObjIsBoxPrim(p, i) ) {} else
#define Cba_NtkForEachFon( p, i ) \
for ( i = 1; i < Vec_IntSize(&p->vFonObj); i++ )
#define Cba_NtkForEachFinFon( p, iFon, iFin ) \
for ( iFin = 0; iFin < Vec_IntSize(&p->vFinFon) && (((iFon) = Vec_IntEntry(&p->vFinFon, iFin)), 1); iFin++ ) if ( !iFon ) {} else
for ( iFin = 1; iFin < Vec_IntSize(&p->vFinFon) && (((iFon) = Vec_IntEntry(&p->vFinFon, iFin)), 1); iFin++ ) if ( !iFon ) {} else
#define Cba_NtkForEachFonName( p, NameId, iFon ) \
for ( iFon = 0; iFon < Vec_IntSize(&p->vFonName) && (((NameId) = Vec_IntEntry(&p->vFonName, iFon)), 1); iFon++ ) if ( !NameId ) {} else
for ( iFon = 1; iFon < Vec_IntSize(&p->vFonName) && (((NameId) = Vec_IntEntry(&p->vFonName, iFon)), 1); iFon++ ) if ( !NameId ) {} else
#define Cba_ObjForEachFin( p, iObj, iFin, k ) \
for ( k = 0, iFin = Cba_ObjFin0(p, iObj); iFin < Cba_ObjFin0(p, iObj+1); iFin++, k++ )
......@@ -557,6 +567,7 @@ static inline void Cba_NtkFree( Cba_Ntk_t * p )
Vec_IntErase( &p->vFinFon0 );
Vec_IntErase( &p->vFinObj );
Vec_IntErase( &p->vNtkObjs );
Vec_IntErase( &p->vFonBits );
// other
Vec_IntErase( &p->vArray0 );
Vec_IntErase( &p->vArray1 );
......@@ -779,6 +790,7 @@ static inline int Cba_NtkMemory( Cba_Ntk_t * p )
nMem += (int)Vec_IntMemory(&p->vFinFon0 );
nMem += (int)Vec_IntMemory(&p->vFinObj );
nMem += (int)Vec_IntMemory(&p->vNtkObjs );
nMem += (int)Vec_IntMemory(&p->vFonBits );
// other
nMem += (int)Vec_IntMemory(&p->vArray1 );
nMem += (int)Vec_IntMemory(&p->vArray1 );
......@@ -1035,7 +1047,7 @@ static inline void Cba_ManPrintStats( Cba_Man_t * p, int nModules, int fVerbose
/*=== cbaBlast.c =============================================================*/
extern Gia_Man_t * Cba_ManBlast( Cba_Man_t * p, int fBarBufs, int fVerbose );
extern Gia_Man_t * Cba_ManBlast( Cba_Man_t * p, int fBarBufs, int fSeq, int fVerbose );
extern Cba_Man_t * Cba_ManInsertGia( Cba_Man_t * p, Gia_Man_t * pGia );
extern Cba_Man_t * Cba_ManInsertAbc( Cba_Man_t * p, void * pAbc );
/*=== cbaCba.c ===============================================================*/
......@@ -1043,8 +1055,10 @@ extern Cba_Man_t * Cba_ManReadCba( char * pFileName );
extern void Cba_ManWriteCba( char * pFileName, Cba_Man_t * p );
/*=== cbaCom.c ===============================================================*/
/*=== cbaNtk.c ===============================================================*/
extern void Cba_NtkPrintStatsFull( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int fDistrib, int fVerbose );
extern void Cba_NtkPrintNodes( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int Type );
extern void Cba_NtkPrintDistribOld( Cba_Ntk_t * p );
extern void Cba_ManPrintDistrib( Cba_Man_t * p );
extern void Cba_NtkPrintDistrib( Cba_Ntk_t * p );
//extern void Cba_ManPrepareTypeNames( Cba_Man_t * p );
extern void Cba_NtkObjOrder( Cba_Ntk_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vObjs, Vec_Int_t * vNameIds );
extern int Cba_NtkCiFonNum( Cba_Ntk_t * p );
......@@ -1057,9 +1071,11 @@ extern Cba_Man_t * Cba_ManExtractGroup( Cba_Man_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vObjs );
extern Cba_Man_t * Cba_ManDeriveFromGia( Gia_Man_t * pGia, int fUseXor );
extern Cba_Man_t * Cba_ManInsertGroup( Cba_Man_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vObjs, Cba_Ntk_t * pSyn );
/*=== cbaReadBlif.c ==========================================================*/
extern Cba_Man_t * Prs_ManBuildCbaBlif( char * pFileName, Vec_Ptr_t * vDes );
extern void Prs_ManReadBlifTest( char * pFileName );
extern Cba_Man_t * Cba_ManReadBlif( char * pFileName );
/*=== cbaReadVer.c ===========================================================*/
extern Cba_Man_t * Prs_ManBuildCbaVerilog( char * pFileName, Vec_Ptr_t * vDes );
extern void Prs_ManReadVerilogTest( char * pFileName );
extern Cba_Man_t * Cba_ManReadVerilog( char * pFileName );
/*=== cbaWriteBlif.c =========================================================*/
......@@ -36,6 +36,540 @@ ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START
Synopsis [Helper functions.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Cba_NtkPrepareBits( Cba_Ntk_t * p )
int i, nBits = 0;
Cba_NtkCleanFonCopies( p );
Cba_NtkForEachFon( p, i )
Cba_FonSetCopy( p, i, nBits );
nBits += Cba_FonRangeSize( p, i );
return nBits;
int * Cba_VecCopy( Vec_Int_t * vOut, int * pArray, int nSize )
int i; Vec_IntClear( vOut );
for( i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
Vec_IntPush( vOut, pArray[i] );
return Vec_IntArray( vOut );
int Cba_ReadHexDigit( char HexChar )
if ( HexChar >= '0' && HexChar <= '9' )
return HexChar - '0';
if ( HexChar >= 'A' && HexChar <= 'F' )
return HexChar - 'A' + 10;
if ( HexChar >= 'a' && HexChar <= 'f' )
return HexChar - 'a' + 10;
assert( 0 ); // not a hexadecimal symbol
return -1; // return value which makes no sense
void Cba_BlastConst( Cba_Ntk_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vOut, int iFon, int nTotal, int fSigned )
char * pConst = Cba_NtkConst(p, Cba_FonConst(iFon));
char * pLimit = pConst + strlen(pConst);
int i, Number, nBits = atoi( pConst );
assert( nBits <= nTotal );
while ( *pConst >= '0' && *pConst <= '9' )
assert( *pConst == '\'' );
if ( *pConst == 's' ) // assume signedness is already used in setting fSigned
Vec_IntClear( vOut );
if ( *pConst == 'b' )
while ( --pLimit > pConst )
Vec_IntPush( vOut, *pLimit == '0' ? 0 : 1 );
else if ( *pConst == 'h' )
while ( --pLimit > pConst )
Number = Cba_ReadHexDigit( *pLimit );
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
Vec_IntPush( vOut, (Number >> i) & 1 );
if ( Vec_IntSize(vOut) > nTotal )
Vec_IntShrink( vOut, nTotal );
else if ( *pConst == 'd' )
Number = atoi( pConst+1 );
assert( Number <= 0x7FFFFFFF );
for ( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
Vec_IntPush( vOut, (Number >> i) & 1 );
if ( Vec_IntSize(vOut) > nTotal )
Vec_IntShrink( vOut, nTotal );
else assert( 0 );
if ( fSigned && Vec_IntSize(vOut) < nTotal )
Vec_IntFillExtra( vOut, nTotal - Vec_IntSize(vOut), Vec_IntEntryLast(vOut) );
int * Cba_VecLoadFanins( Cba_Ntk_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vOut, int iFon, int * pFanins, int nFanins, int nTotal, int fSigned )
assert( nFanins <= nTotal );
if ( Cba_FonIsReal(iFon) )
int i, Fill = fSigned ? pFanins[nFanins-1] : 0;
Vec_IntClear( vOut );
for( i = 0; i < nTotal; i++)
Vec_IntPush( vOut, i < nFanins ? pFanins[i] : Fill );
else if ( Cba_FonIsConst(iFon) )
Cba_BlastConst( p, vOut, iFon, nTotal, fSigned );
else if ( iFon == 0 ) // undriven input
Vec_IntFill( vOut, nTotal, 0 );
else assert( 0 );
assert( Vec_IntSize(vOut) == nTotal );
return Vec_IntArray( vOut );
int Cba_NtkMuxTree_rec( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pCtrl, int nCtrl, Vec_Int_t * vData, int Shift )
int iLit0, iLit1;
if ( nCtrl == 0 )
return Vec_IntEntry( vData, Shift );
iLit0 = Cba_NtkMuxTree_rec( pNew, pCtrl, nCtrl-1, vData, Shift );
iLit1 = Cba_NtkMuxTree_rec( pNew, pCtrl, nCtrl-1, vData, Shift + (1<<(nCtrl-1)) );
return Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, pCtrl[nCtrl-1], iLit1, iLit0 );
Synopsis [Bit blasting for specific operations.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Cba_BlastShiftRight( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pNum, int nNum, int * pShift, int nShift, int fSticky, Vec_Int_t * vRes )
int * pRes = Cba_VecCopy( vRes, pNum, nNum );
int Fill = fSticky ? pNum[nNum-1] : 0;
int i, j, fShort = 0;
if ( nShift > 32 )
nShift = 32;
assert( nShift <= 32 );
for( i = 0; i < nShift; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < nNum - fSticky; j++ )
if( fShort || j + (1<<i) >= nNum )
pRes[j] = Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, pShift[i], Fill, pRes[j] );
if ( (1<<i) > nNum )
fShort = 1;
pRes[j] = Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, pShift[i], pRes[j+(1<<i)], pRes[j] );
void Cba_BlastShiftLeft( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pNum, int nNum, int * pShift, int nShift, int fSticky, Vec_Int_t * vRes )
int * pRes = Cba_VecCopy( vRes, pNum, nNum );
int Fill = fSticky ? pNum[0] : 0;
int i, j, fShort = 0;
if ( nShift > 32 )
nShift = 32;
assert( nShift <= 32 );
for( i = 0; i < nShift; i++ )
for( j = nNum-1; j >= fSticky; j-- )
if( fShort || (1<<i) > j )
pRes[j] = Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, pShift[i], Fill, pRes[j] );
if ( (1<<i) > nNum )
fShort = 1;
pRes[j] = Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, pShift[i], pRes[j-(1<<i)], pRes[j] );
void Cba_BlastRotateRight( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pNum, int nNum, int * pShift, int nShift, Vec_Int_t * vRes )
int * pRes = Cba_VecCopy( vRes, pNum, nNum );
int i, j, * pTemp = ABC_ALLOC( int, nNum );
assert( nShift <= 32 );
for( i = 0; i < nShift; i++, pRes = Cba_VecCopy(vRes, pTemp, nNum) )
for( j = 0; j < nNum; j++ )
pTemp[j] = Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, pShift[i], pRes[(j+(1<<i))%nNum], pRes[j] );
ABC_FREE( pTemp );
void Cba_BlastRotateLeft( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pNum, int nNum, int * pShift, int nShift, Vec_Int_t * vRes )
int * pRes = Cba_VecCopy( vRes, pNum, nNum );
int i, j, * pTemp = ABC_ALLOC( int, nNum );
assert( nShift <= 32 );
for( i = 0; i < nShift; i++, pRes = Cba_VecCopy(vRes, pTemp, nNum) )
for( j = 0; j < nNum; j++ )
int move = (j >= (1<<i)) ? (j-(1<<i))%nNum : (nNum - (((1<<i)-j)%nNum)) % nNum;
pTemp[j] = Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, pShift[i], pRes[move], pRes[j] );
// pTemp[j] = Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, pShift[i], pRes[((unsigned)(nNum-(1<<i)+j))%nNum], pRes[j] );
ABC_FREE( pTemp );
int Cba_BlastReduction( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pFans, int nFans, int Type )
if ( Type == CBA_BOX_RAND )
int k, iLit = 1;
for ( k = 0; k < nFans; k++ )
iLit = Gia_ManHashAnd( pNew, iLit, pFans[k] );
return iLit;
if ( Type == CBA_BOX_ROR )
int k, iLit = 0;
for ( k = 0; k < nFans; k++ )
iLit = Gia_ManHashOr( pNew, iLit, pFans[k] );
return iLit;
if ( Type == CBA_BOX_RXOR )
int k, iLit = 0;
for ( k = 0; k < nFans; k++ )
iLit = Gia_ManHashXor( pNew, iLit, pFans[k] );
return iLit;
assert( 0 );
return -1;
int Cba_BlastLess2( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pArg0, int * pArg1, int nBits )
int k, iKnown = 0, iRes = 0;
for ( k = nBits - 1; k >= 0; k-- )
iRes = Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, iKnown, iRes, Gia_ManHashAnd(pNew, Abc_LitNot(pArg0[k]), pArg1[k]) );
iKnown = Gia_ManHashOr( pNew, iKnown, Gia_ManHashXor(pNew, pArg0[k], pArg1[k]) );
if ( iKnown == 1 )
return iRes;
void Cba_BlastLess_rec( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pArg0, int * pArg1, int nBits, int * pYes, int * pNo )
if ( nBits > 1 )
int Yes = Gia_ManHashAnd( pNew, Abc_LitNot(pArg0[nBits-1]), pArg1[nBits-1] ), YesR;
int No = Gia_ManHashAnd( pNew, Abc_LitNot(pArg1[nBits-1]), pArg0[nBits-1] ), NoR;
if ( Yes == 1 || No == 1 )
*pYes = Yes;
*pNo = No;
Cba_BlastLess_rec( pNew, pArg0, pArg1, nBits-1, &YesR, &NoR );
*pYes = Gia_ManHashOr( pNew, Yes, Gia_ManHashAnd(pNew, Abc_LitNot(No), YesR) );
*pNo = Gia_ManHashOr( pNew, No, Gia_ManHashAnd(pNew, Abc_LitNot(Yes), NoR ) );
assert( nBits == 1 );
*pYes = Gia_ManHashAnd( pNew, Abc_LitNot(pArg0[0]), pArg1[0] );
*pNo = Gia_ManHashAnd( pNew, Abc_LitNot(pArg1[0]), pArg0[0] );
int Cba_BlastLess( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pArg0, int * pArg1, int nBits )
int Yes, No;
if ( nBits == 0 )
return 0;
Cba_BlastLess_rec( pNew, pArg0, pArg1, nBits, &Yes, &No );
return Yes;
int Cba_BlastLessSigned( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pArg0, int * pArg1, int nBits )
int iDiffSign = Gia_ManHashXor( pNew, pArg0[nBits-1], pArg1[nBits-1] );
return Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, iDiffSign, pArg0[nBits-1], Cba_BlastLess(pNew, pArg0, pArg1, nBits-1) );
void Cba_BlastFullAdder( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int a, int b, int c, int * pc, int * ps )
int Xor = Gia_ManHashXor(pNew, a, b);
int And1 = Gia_ManHashAnd(pNew, a, b);
int And2 = Gia_ManHashAnd(pNew, c, Xor);
*ps = Gia_ManHashXor(pNew, c, Xor);
*pc = Gia_ManHashOr (pNew, And1, And2);
int Cba_BlastAdder( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int Carry, int * pAdd0, int * pAdd1, int nBits ) // result is in pAdd0
int b;
for ( b = 0; b < nBits; b++ )
Cba_BlastFullAdder( pNew, pAdd0[b], pAdd1[b], Carry, &Carry, &pAdd0[b] );
return Carry;
void Cba_BlastSubtract( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pAdd0, int * pAdd1, int nBits ) // result is in pAdd0
int b, Carry = 1;
for ( b = 0; b < nBits; b++ )
Cba_BlastFullAdder( pNew, pAdd0[b], Abc_LitNot(pAdd1[b]), Carry, &Carry, &pAdd0[b] );
void Cba_BlastMinus( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pNum, int nNum, Vec_Int_t * vRes )
int * pRes = Cba_VecCopy( vRes, pNum, nNum );
int i, invert = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < nNum; i++ )
pRes[i] = Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, invert, Abc_LitNot(pRes[i]), pRes[i] );
invert = Gia_ManHashOr( pNew, invert, pNum[i] );
void Cba_BlastMultiplier2( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pArg0, int * pArg1, int nBits, Vec_Int_t * vTemp, Vec_Int_t * vRes )
int i, j;
Vec_IntFill( vRes, nBits, 0 );
for ( i = 0; i < nBits; i++ )
Vec_IntFill( vTemp, i, 0 );
for ( j = 0; Vec_IntSize(vTemp) < nBits; j++ )
Vec_IntPush( vTemp, Gia_ManHashAnd(pNew, pArg0[j], pArg1[i]) );
assert( Vec_IntSize(vTemp) == nBits );
Cba_BlastAdder( pNew, 0, Vec_IntArray(vRes), Vec_IntArray(vTemp), nBits );
void Cba_BlastFullAdderCtrl( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int a, int ac, int b, int c, int * pc, int * ps, int fNeg )
int And = Abc_LitNotCond( Gia_ManHashAnd(pNew, a, ac), fNeg );
Cba_BlastFullAdder( pNew, And, b, c, pc, ps );
void Cba_BlastFullAdderSubtr( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int a, int b, int c, int * pc, int * ps, int fSub )
Cba_BlastFullAdder( pNew, Gia_ManHashXor(pNew, a, fSub), b, c, pc, ps );
void Cba_BlastMultiplier( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pArgA, int * pArgB, int nArgA, int nArgB, Vec_Int_t * vTemp, Vec_Int_t * vRes, int fSigned )
int * pRes, * pArgC, * pArgS, a, b, Carry = fSigned;
assert( nArgA > 0 && nArgB > 0 );
assert( fSigned == 0 || fSigned == 1 );
// prepare result
Vec_IntFill( vRes, nArgA + nArgB, 0 );
pRes = Vec_IntArray( vRes );
// prepare intermediate storage
Vec_IntFill( vTemp, 2 * nArgA, 0 );
pArgC = Vec_IntArray( vTemp );
pArgS = pArgC + nArgA;
// create matrix
for ( b = 0; b < nArgB; b++ )
for ( a = 0; a < nArgA; a++ )
Cba_BlastFullAdderCtrl( pNew, pArgA[a], pArgB[b], pArgS[a], pArgC[a],
&pArgC[a], a ? &pArgS[a-1] : &pRes[b], fSigned && ((a+1 == nArgA) ^ (b+1 == nArgB)) );
// final addition
pArgS[nArgA-1] = fSigned;
for ( a = 0; a < nArgA; a++ )
Cba_BlastFullAdderCtrl( pNew, 1, pArgC[a], pArgS[a], Carry, &Carry, &pRes[nArgB+a], 0 );
void Cba_BlastDivider( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pNum, int nNum, int * pDiv, int nDiv, int fQuo, Vec_Int_t * vRes )
int * pRes = Cba_VecCopy( vRes, pNum, nNum );
int * pQuo = ABC_ALLOC( int, nNum );
int * pTemp = ABC_ALLOC( int, nNum );
int i, j, known, borrow, y_bit, top_bit;
assert( nNum == nDiv );
for ( j = nNum - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
known = 0;
for ( i = nNum - 1; i > nNum - 1 - j; i-- )
known = Gia_ManHashOr( pNew, known, pDiv[i] );
if( known == 1 )
pQuo[j] = known;
for ( i = nNum - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
if ( known == 1 )
y_bit = (i >= j) ? pDiv[i-j] : 0;
pQuo[j] = Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, known, pQuo[j], Gia_ManHashAnd( pNew, y_bit, Abc_LitNot(pRes[i]) ) );
known = Gia_ManHashOr( pNew, known, Gia_ManHashXor(pNew, y_bit, pRes[i]));
pQuo[j] = Abc_LitNot(pQuo[j]);
if ( pQuo[j] == 0 )
borrow = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < nNum; i++ )
top_bit = Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, borrow, Abc_LitNot(pRes[i]), pRes[i] );
y_bit = (i >= j) ? pDiv[i-j] : 0;
borrow = Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, pRes[i], Gia_ManHashAnd(pNew, borrow, y_bit), Gia_ManHashOr(pNew, borrow, y_bit) );
pTemp[i] = Gia_ManHashXor( pNew, top_bit, y_bit );
if ( pQuo[j] == 1 )
Cba_VecCopy( vRes, pTemp, nNum );
for( i = 0; i < nNum; i++ )
pRes[i] = Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, pQuo[j], pTemp[i], pRes[i] );
ABC_FREE( pTemp );
if ( fQuo )
Cba_VecCopy( vRes, pQuo, nNum );
ABC_FREE( pQuo );
// non-restoring divider
void Cba_BlastDivider2( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pNum, int nNum, int * pDiv, int nDiv, int fQuo, Vec_Int_t * vRes )
int i, * pRes = Vec_IntArray(vRes);
int k, * pQuo = ABC_ALLOC( int, nNum );
assert( nNum > 0 && nDiv > 0 );
assert( Vec_IntSize(vRes) < nNum + nDiv );
for ( i = 0; i < nNum + nDiv; i++ )
pRes[i] = i < nNum ? pNum[i] : 0;
for ( i = nNum-1; i >= 0; i-- )
int Cntrl = i == nNum-1 ? 1 : pQuo[i+1];
int Carry = Cntrl;
for ( k = 0; k <= nDiv; k++ )
Cba_BlastFullAdderSubtr( pNew, k < nDiv ? pDiv[k] : 0, pRes[i+k], Carry, &Carry, &pRes[i+k], Cntrl );
pQuo[i] = Abc_LitNot(pRes[i+nDiv]);
if ( fQuo )
Cba_VecCopy( vRes, pQuo, nNum );
int Carry = 0, Temp;
for ( k = 0; k < nDiv; k++ )
Cba_BlastFullAdder( pNew, pDiv[k], pRes[k], Carry, &Carry, &Temp );
pRes[k] = Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, pQuo[0], pRes[k], Temp );
Vec_IntShrink( vRes, nDiv );
ABC_FREE( pQuo );
void Cba_BlastDividerSigned( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pNum, int nNum, int * pDiv, int nDiv, int fQuo, Vec_Int_t * vRes )
Vec_Int_t * vNum = Vec_IntAlloc( nNum );
Vec_Int_t * vDiv = Vec_IntAlloc( nDiv );
Vec_Int_t * vRes00 = Vec_IntAlloc( nNum + nDiv );
Vec_Int_t * vRes01 = Vec_IntAlloc( nNum + nDiv );
Vec_Int_t * vRes10 = Vec_IntAlloc( nNum + nDiv );
Vec_Int_t * vRes11 = Vec_IntAlloc( nNum + nDiv );
Vec_Int_t * vRes2 = Vec_IntAlloc( nNum );
int k, iDiffSign = Gia_ManHashXor( pNew, pNum[nNum-1], pDiv[nDiv-1] );
Cba_BlastMinus( pNew, pNum, nNum, vNum );
Cba_BlastMinus( pNew, pDiv, nDiv, vDiv );
Cba_BlastDivider( pNew, pNum, nNum, pDiv, nDiv, fQuo, vRes00 );
Cba_BlastDivider( pNew, pNum, nNum, Vec_IntArray(vDiv), nDiv, fQuo, vRes01 );
Cba_BlastDivider( pNew, Vec_IntArray(vNum), nNum, pDiv, nDiv, fQuo, vRes10 );
Cba_BlastDivider( pNew, Vec_IntArray(vNum), nNum, Vec_IntArray(vDiv), nDiv, fQuo, vRes11 );
Vec_IntClear( vRes );
for ( k = 0; k < nNum; k++ )
int Data0 = Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, pDiv[nDiv-1], Vec_IntEntry(vRes01,k), Vec_IntEntry(vRes00,k) );
int Data1 = Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, pDiv[nDiv-1], Vec_IntEntry(vRes11,k), Vec_IntEntry(vRes10,k) );
Vec_IntPush( vRes, Gia_ManHashMux(pNew, pNum[nNum-1], Data1, Data0) );
Cba_BlastMinus( pNew, Vec_IntArray(vRes), nNum, vRes2 );
for ( k = 0; k < nNum; k++ )
Vec_IntWriteEntry( vRes, k, Gia_ManHashMux(pNew, fQuo ? iDiffSign : pNum[nNum-1], Vec_IntEntry(vRes2,k), Vec_IntEntry(vRes,k)) );
Vec_IntFree( vNum );
Vec_IntFree( vDiv );
Vec_IntFree( vRes00 );
Vec_IntFree( vRes01 );
Vec_IntFree( vRes10 );
Vec_IntFree( vRes11 );
Vec_IntFree( vRes2 );
assert( Vec_IntSize(vRes) == nNum );
void Cba_BlastZeroCondition( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pDiv, int nDiv, Vec_Int_t * vRes )
int i, Entry, iLit = Cba_BlastReduction( pNew, pDiv, nDiv, CBA_BOX_ROR );
Vec_IntForEachEntry( vRes, Entry, i )
Vec_IntWriteEntry( vRes, i, Gia_ManHashAnd(pNew, iLit, Entry) );
void Cba_BlastTable( Gia_Man_t * pNew, word * pTable, int * pFans, int nFans, int nOuts, Vec_Int_t * vRes )
extern int Kit_TruthToGia( Gia_Man_t * pMan, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory, Vec_Int_t * vLeaves, int fHash );
Vec_Int_t * vMemory = Vec_IntAlloc( 0 );
Vec_Int_t vLeaves = { nFans, nFans, pFans };
word * pTruth = ABC_ALLOC( word, Abc_TtWordNum(nFans) );
int o, i, m, iLit, nMints = (1 << nFans);
Vec_IntClear( vRes );
for ( o = 0; o < nOuts; o++ )
// derive truth table
memset( pTruth, 0, sizeof(word) * Abc_TtWordNum(nFans) );
for ( m = 0; m < nMints; m++ )
for ( i = 0; i < nFans; i++ )
if ( Abc_TtGetBit( pTable, m * nFans + i ) )
Abc_TtSetBit( pTruth, m );
// implement truth table
if ( nFans < 6 )
pTruth[0] = Abc_Tt6Stretch( pTruth[0], nFans );
iLit = Kit_TruthToGia( pNew, (unsigned *)pTruth, nFans, vMemory, &vLeaves, 1 );
Vec_IntPush( vRes, iLit );
Vec_IntFree( vMemory );
ABC_FREE( pTruth );
void Cba_BlastPower( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pNum, int nNum, int * pExp, int nExp, Vec_Int_t * vTemp, Vec_Int_t * vRes )
Vec_Int_t * vDegrees = Vec_IntAlloc( 2*nNum );
Vec_Int_t * vResTemp = Vec_IntAlloc( 2*nNum );
int i, * pDegrees = NULL, * pRes = Vec_IntArray(vRes);
int k, * pResTemp = Vec_IntArray(vResTemp);
Vec_IntFill( vRes, nNum, 0 );
Vec_IntWriteEntry( vRes, 0, 1 );
for ( i = 0; i < nExp; i++ )
if ( i == 0 )
pDegrees = Cba_VecCopy( vDegrees, pNum, nNum );
Cba_BlastMultiplier2( pNew, pDegrees, pDegrees, nNum, vTemp, vResTemp );
pDegrees = Cba_VecCopy( vDegrees, pResTemp, nNum );
Cba_BlastMultiplier2( pNew, pRes, pDegrees, nNum, vTemp, vResTemp );
for ( k = 0; k < nNum; k++ )
pRes[k] = Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, pExp[i], pResTemp[k], pRes[k] );
Vec_IntFree( vResTemp );
Vec_IntFree( vDegrees );
void Cba_BlastSqrt( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int * pNum, int nNum, Vec_Int_t * vTmp, Vec_Int_t * vRes )
int * pRes, * pSum, * pSumP;
int i, k, Carry = -1;
assert( nNum % 2 == 0 );
Vec_IntFill( vRes, nNum/2, 0 );
Vec_IntFill( vTmp, 2*nNum, 0 );
pRes = Vec_IntArray( vRes );
pSum = Vec_IntArray( vTmp );
pSumP = pSum + nNum;
for ( i = 0; i < nNum/2; i++ )
pSumP[0] = pNum[nNum-2*i-2];
pSumP[1] = pNum[nNum-2*i-1];
for ( k = 0; k < i+1; k++ )
pSumP[k+2] = pSum[k];
for ( k = 0; k < i + 3; k++ )
if ( k >= 2 && k < i + 2 ) // middle ones
Cba_BlastFullAdder( pNew, pSumP[k], Abc_LitNot(pRes[i-k+1]), Carry, &Carry, &pSum[k] );
Cba_BlastFullAdder( pNew, pSumP[k], Abc_LitNot(k ? Carry:1), 1, &Carry, &pSum[k] );
if ( k == 0 || k > i )
Carry = Abc_LitNot(Carry);
pRes[i] = Abc_LitNot(Carry);
for ( k = 0; k < i + 3; k++ )
pSum[k] = Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, pRes[i], pSum[k], pSumP[k] );
Vec_IntReverseOrder( vRes );
Synopsis []
Description []
......@@ -45,9 +579,452 @@ ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START
SeeAlso []
Gia_Man_t * Cba_ManBlast( Cba_Man_t * p, int fBarBufs, int fVerbose )
Gia_Man_t * Cba_NtkBlast( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int fSeq )
return NULL;
int fVerbose = 0;
int fUseOldMultiplierBlasting = 0;
Gia_Man_t * pTemp, * pNew, * pExtra = NULL;
Vec_Int_t * vTemp0, * vTemp1, * vTemp2, * vRes;
Vec_Str_t * vInit = fSeq ? Vec_StrAlloc(100) : NULL;
Vec_Int_t * vBits = &p->vFonBits;
int nBits = Cba_NtkPrepareBits( p );
int * pFans0, * pFans1, * pFans2;
int nRange, nRange0, nRange1, nRange2;
int Type, iFon, iFon0, iFon1, iFon2, fSigned01;
int i, k, b, iFin, iObj, iLit, nAndPrev;
Vec_IntClear( vBits );
Vec_IntGrow( vBits, nBits );
vTemp0 = Vec_IntAlloc( 1000 );
vTemp1 = Vec_IntAlloc( 1000 );
vTemp2 = Vec_IntAlloc( 1000 );
vRes = Vec_IntAlloc( 1000 );
// clean AND-gate counters
memset( p->pDesign->nAnds, 0, sizeof(int) * CBA_BOX_LAST );
// create AIG manager
pNew = Gia_ManStart( 5 * Cba_NtkObjNum(p) + 1000 );
pNew->pName = Abc_UtilStrsav( Cba_ManName(p->pDesign) );
Gia_ManHashAlloc( pNew );
// blast in the topological order
Cba_NtkForEachObj( p, i )
Type = Cba_ObjType(p, i);
if ( Type == CBA_OBJ_PO )
assert( Vec_IntSize(vBits) == Cba_FonCopy(p, Cba_ObjFon0(p, i)) );
nRange = Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, i); assert( nRange > 0 );
if ( Cba_ObjIsPi(p, i) || Cba_ObjIsSeq(p, i) )
for ( k = 0; k < nRange; k++ )
Vec_IntPush( vBits, Gia_ManAppendCi(pNew) );
assert( Type == CBA_BOX_DFFCPL || Cba_ObjFonNum(p, i) == 1 );
assert( Cba_ObjFinNum(p, i) > 0 );
iFon0 = Cba_ObjFinNum(p, i) > 0 ? Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0) : -1;
iFon1 = Cba_ObjFinNum(p, i) > 1 ? Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 1) : -1;
iFon2 = Cba_ObjFinNum(p, i) > 2 ? Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 2) : -1;
nRange0 = Cba_ObjFinNum(p, i) > 0 ? Cba_FonRangeSize(p, iFon0) : -1;
nRange1 = Cba_ObjFinNum(p, i) > 1 ? Cba_FonRangeSize(p, iFon1) : -1;
nRange2 = Cba_ObjFinNum(p, i) > 2 ? Cba_FonRangeSize(p, iFon2) : -1;
pFans0 = (Cba_ObjFinNum(p, i) > 0 && Cba_FonIsReal(iFon0)) ? Vec_IntEntryP( vBits, Cba_FonCopy(p, iFon0) ) : NULL;
pFans1 = (Cba_ObjFinNum(p, i) > 1 && Cba_FonIsReal(iFon1)) ? Vec_IntEntryP( vBits, Cba_FonCopy(p, iFon1) ) : NULL;
pFans2 = (Cba_ObjFinNum(p, i) > 2 && Cba_FonIsReal(iFon2)) ? Vec_IntEntryP( vBits, Cba_FonCopy(p, iFon2) ) : NULL;
fSigned01 = (Cba_ObjFinNum(p, i) > 1 && Cba_FonSigned(p, iFon0) && Cba_FonSigned(p, iFon1));
nAndPrev = Gia_ManAndNum(pNew);
Vec_IntClear( vRes );
if ( Type == CBA_BOX_SLICE )
int Left = Cba_ObjLeft( p, i );
int Right = Cba_ObjRight( p, i );
int Left0 = Cba_FonLeft( p, iFon0 );
int Right0 = Cba_FonRight( p, iFon0 );
if ( Left > Right )
assert( Left0 > Right0 );
for ( k = Right; k <= Left; k++ )
Vec_IntPush( vRes, pFans0[k - Right0] );
assert( Left < Right && Left0 < Right0 );
for ( k = Right; k >= Left; k-- )
Vec_IntPush( vRes, pFans0[k - Right0] );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_CONCAT )
int iFinT, iFonT, nTotal = 0;
Cba_ObjForEachFinFon( p, i, iFinT, iFonT, k )
nTotal += Cba_FonRangeSize( p, iFonT );
assert( nRange == nTotal );
Cba_ObjForEachFinFon( p, i, iFinT, iFonT, k )
nRange0 = Cba_FonRangeSize( p, iFonT );
pFans0 = Cba_FonIsReal(iFonT) ? Vec_IntEntryP( vBits, Cba_FonCopy(p, iFonT) ) : NULL;
pFans0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp0, iFonT, pFans0, nRange0, nRange0, Cba_FonSigned(p, iFonT) );
for ( b = 0; b < nRange0; b++ )
Vec_IntPush( vRes, pFans0[b] );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_BUF )
int nRangeMax = Abc_MaxInt( nRange0, nRange );
int * pArg0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp0, iFon0, pFans0, nRange0, nRangeMax, Cba_FonSigned(p, iFon0) );
for ( k = 0; k < nRange; k++ )
Vec_IntPush( vRes, pArg0[k] );
else if ( Type >= CBA_BOX_CF && Type <= CBA_BOX_CZ )
assert( 0 );
//word * pTruth = (word *)Cba_ObjFanins(p, i);
//for ( k = 0; k < nRange; k++ )
// Vec_IntPush( vRes, Abc_TtGetBit(pTruth, k) );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_MUX || Type == CBA_BOX_NMUX )
// It is strange and disturbing that Verilog standard treats these statements differently:
// Statement 1:
// assign o = i ? b : a;
// Statement 2:
// always @( i or a or b )
// begin
// case ( i )
// 0 : o = a ;
// 1 : o = b ;
// endcase
// end
// If a is signed and b is unsigned, Statement 1 does not sign-extend a, while Statement 2 does.
// The signedness of o does not matter.
// Below we (somewhat arbitrarily) distinguish these two by assuming that
// Statement 1 has three fanins, while Statement 2 has more than three fanins.
int iFinT, iFonT, fSigned = 1;
assert( nRange0 >= 1 && Cba_ObjFinNum(p, i) >= 3 );
assert( 1 + (1 << nRange0) == Cba_ObjFinNum(p, i) );
Cba_ObjForEachFinFon( p, i, iFinT, iFonT, k )
if ( k > 0 )
fSigned &= Cba_FonSigned(p, iFonT);
for ( b = 0; b < nRange; b++ )
Vec_IntClear( vTemp0 );
Cba_ObjForEachFinFon( p, i, iFinT, iFonT, k )
if ( k > 0 )
nRange1 = Cba_FonRangeSize( p, iFonT );
pFans1 = Cba_FonIsReal(iFonT) ? Vec_IntEntryP( vBits, Cba_FonCopy(p, iFonT) ) : NULL;
if ( Cba_ObjFinNum(p, i) == 3 ) // Statement 1
Vec_IntPush( vTemp0, k < nRange1 ? pFans1[k] : (fSigned? pFans1[nRange1-1] : 0) );
else // Statement 2
Vec_IntPush( vTemp0, k < nRange1 ? pFans1[k] : (Cba_FonSigned(p, iFonT)? pFans1[nRange1-1] : 0) );
Vec_IntPush( vRes, Cba_NtkMuxTree_rec(pNew, pFans0, nRange0, vTemp0, 0) );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_SHIR || Type == CBA_BOX_SHIRA ||
Type == CBA_BOX_SHIL || Type == CBA_BOX_SHILA )
int nRangeMax = Abc_MaxInt( nRange, nRange0 );
int * pArg0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp0, iFon0, pFans0, nRange0, nRangeMax, Cba_FonSigned(p, iFon0) );
if ( Type == CBA_BOX_SHIR || Type == CBA_BOX_SHIRA )
Cba_BlastShiftRight( pNew, pArg0, nRangeMax, pFans1, nRange1, Cba_FonSigned(p, iFon0) && Type == CBA_BOX_SHIRA, vRes );
Cba_BlastShiftLeft( pNew, pArg0, nRangeMax, pFans1, nRange1, 0, vRes );
Vec_IntShrink( vRes, nRange );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_ROTR )
assert( nRange0 == nRange );
Cba_BlastRotateRight( pNew, pFans0, nRange0, pFans1, nRange1, vRes );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_ROTL )
assert( nRange0 == nRange );
Cba_BlastRotateLeft( pNew, pFans0, nRange0, pFans1, nRange1, vRes );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_INV )
int nRangeMax = Abc_MaxInt( nRange, nRange0 );
int * pArg0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp0, iFon0, pFans0, nRange0, nRangeMax, Cba_FonSigned(p, iFon0) );
for ( k = 0; k < nRange; k++ )
Vec_IntPush( vRes, Abc_LitNot(pArg0[k]) );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_AND )
int nRangeMax = Abc_MaxInt( nRange, Abc_MaxInt(nRange0, nRange1) );
int * pArg0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp0, iFon0, pFans0, nRange0, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
int * pArg1 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp1, iFon1, pFans1, nRange1, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
for ( k = 0; k < nRange; k++ )
Vec_IntPush( vRes, Gia_ManHashAnd(pNew, pArg0[k], pArg1[k]) );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_OR )
int nRangeMax = Abc_MaxInt( nRange, Abc_MaxInt(nRange0, nRange1) );
int * pArg0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp0, iFon0, pFans0, nRange0, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
int * pArg1 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp1, iFon1, pFans1, nRange1, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
for ( k = 0; k < nRange; k++ )
Vec_IntPush( vRes, Gia_ManHashOr(pNew, pArg0[k], pArg1[k]) );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_XOR )
int nRangeMax = Abc_MaxInt( nRange, Abc_MaxInt(nRange0, nRange1) );
int * pArg0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp0, iFon0, pFans0, nRange0, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
int * pArg1 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp1, iFon1, pFans1, nRange1, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
for ( k = 0; k < nRange; k++ )
Vec_IntPush( vRes, Gia_ManHashXor(pNew, pArg0[k], pArg1[k]) );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_LNOT )
iLit = Cba_BlastReduction( pNew, pFans0, nRange0, CBA_BOX_ROR );
Vec_IntFill( vRes, 1, Abc_LitNot(iLit) );
for ( k = 1; k < nRange; k++ )
Vec_IntPush( vRes, 0 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_LAND )
int iLit0 = Cba_BlastReduction( pNew, pFans0, nRange0, CBA_BOX_ROR );
int iLit1 = Cba_BlastReduction( pNew, pFans1, nRange1, CBA_BOX_ROR );
Vec_IntFill( vRes, 1, Gia_ManHashAnd(pNew, iLit0, iLit1) );
for ( k = 1; k < nRange; k++ )
Vec_IntPush( vRes, 0 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_LOR )
int iLit0 = Cba_BlastReduction( pNew, pFans0, nRange0, CBA_BOX_ROR );
int iLit1 = Cba_BlastReduction( pNew, pFans1, nRange1, CBA_BOX_ROR );
Vec_IntFill( vRes, 1, Gia_ManHashOr(pNew, iLit0, iLit1) );
for ( k = 1; k < nRange; k++ )
Vec_IntPush( vRes, 0 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_LXOR )
int iLit0 = Cba_BlastReduction( pNew, pFans0, nRange0, CBA_BOX_ROR );
int iLit1 = Cba_BlastReduction( pNew, pFans1, nRange1, CBA_BOX_ROR );
Vec_IntFill( vRes, 1, Gia_ManHashXor(pNew, iLit0, iLit1) );
for ( k = 1; k < nRange; k++ )
Vec_IntPush( vRes, 0 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_EQU || Type == CBA_BOX_NEQU )
int iLit = 0, nRangeMax = Abc_MaxInt( nRange0, nRange1 );
int * pArg0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp0, iFon0, pFans0, nRange0, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
int * pArg1 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp1, iFon1, pFans1, nRange1, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
for ( k = 0; k < nRangeMax; k++ )
iLit = Gia_ManHashOr( pNew, iLit, Gia_ManHashXor(pNew, pArg0[k], pArg1[k]) );
Vec_IntFill( vRes, 1, Abc_LitNotCond(iLit, Type == CBA_BOX_EQU) );
for ( k = 1; k < nRange; k++ )
Vec_IntPush( vRes, 0 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_LTHAN || Type == CBA_BOX_METHAN ||
int nRangeMax = Abc_MaxInt( nRange0, nRange1 );
int * pArg0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp0, iFon0, pFans0, nRange0, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
int * pArg1 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp1, iFon1, pFans1, nRange1, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
int fSwap = (Type == CBA_BOX_MTHAN || Type == CBA_BOX_LETHAN);
int fCompl = (Type == CBA_BOX_METHAN || Type == CBA_BOX_LETHAN);
if ( fSwap ) ABC_SWAP( int *, pArg0, pArg1 );
if ( fSigned01 )
iLit = Cba_BlastLessSigned( pNew, pArg0, pArg1, nRangeMax );
iLit = Cba_BlastLess( pNew, pArg0, pArg1, nRangeMax );
iLit = Abc_LitNotCond( iLit, fCompl );
Vec_IntFill( vRes, 1, iLit );
for ( k = 1; k < nRange; k++ )
Vec_IntPush( vRes, 0 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_RAND || Type == CBA_BOX_ROR || Type == CBA_BOX_RXOR )
Vec_IntPush( vRes, Cba_BlastReduction( pNew, pFans0, nRange0, Type ) );
for ( k = 1; k < nRange; k++ )
Vec_IntPush( vRes, 0 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_ADD )
int nRangeMax = Abc_MaxInt( nRange, Abc_MaxInt(nRange1, nRange2) );
int * pArg0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp0, iFon0, pFans0, 1, 1, 0 );
int * pArg1 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vRes, iFon1, pFans1, nRange1, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
int * pArg2 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp1, iFon2, pFans2, nRange2, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
int Carry = Cba_BlastAdder( pNew, pArg0[0], pArg1, pArg2, nRange ); // result is in pArg1 (vRes)
assert( nRange0 == 1 );
Vec_IntShrink( vRes, nRange );
Vec_IntPush( vRes, Carry );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_SUB )
int nRangeMax = Abc_MaxInt( nRange, Abc_MaxInt(nRange0, nRange1) );
int * pArg0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vRes, iFon0, pFans0, nRange0, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
int * pArg1 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp1, iFon1, pFans1, nRange1, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
int Carry = 0;
Cba_BlastSubtract( pNew, pArg0, pArg1, nRange ); // result is in pFan0 (vRes)
Vec_IntShrink( vRes, nRange );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_MUL )
if ( fUseOldMultiplierBlasting )
int nRangeMax = Abc_MaxInt( nRange, Abc_MaxInt(nRange0, nRange1) );
int * pArg0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp0, iFon0, pFans0, nRange0, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
int * pArg1 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp1, iFon1, pFans1, nRange1, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
Cba_BlastMultiplier2( pNew, pArg0, pArg1, nRange, vTemp2, vRes );
Vec_IntShrink( vRes, nRange );
int nRangeMax = Abc_MaxInt(nRange0, nRange1);
int * pArg0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp0, iFon0, pFans0, nRange0, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
int * pArg1 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp1, iFon1, pFans1, nRange1, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
Cba_BlastMultiplier( pNew, pArg0, pArg1, nRangeMax, nRangeMax, vTemp2, vRes, fSigned01 );
if ( nRange > nRangeMax + nRangeMax )
Vec_IntFillExtra( vRes, nRange, fSigned01 ? Vec_IntEntryLast(vRes) : 0 );
Vec_IntShrink( vRes, nRange );
assert( Vec_IntSize(vRes) == nRange );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_DIV || Type == CBA_BOX_MOD )
int nRangeMax = Abc_MaxInt( nRange, Abc_MaxInt(nRange0, nRange1) );
int * pArg0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp0, iFon0, pFans0, nRange0, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
int * pArg1 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp1, iFon1, pFans1, nRange1, nRangeMax, fSigned01 );
if ( fSigned01 )
Cba_BlastDividerSigned( pNew, pArg0, nRangeMax, pArg1, nRangeMax, Type == CBA_BOX_DIV, vRes );
Cba_BlastDivider( pNew, pArg0, nRangeMax, pArg1, nRangeMax, Type == CBA_BOX_DIV, vRes );
Vec_IntShrink( vRes, nRange );
if ( Type == CBA_BOX_DIV )
Cba_BlastZeroCondition( pNew, pFans1, nRange1, vRes );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_MIN )
int nRangeMax = Abc_MaxInt( nRange0, nRange );
int * pArg0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp0, iFon0, pFans0, nRange0, nRangeMax, Cba_FonSigned(p, iFon0) );
Cba_BlastMinus( pNew, pArg0, nRangeMax, vRes );
Vec_IntShrink( vRes, nRange );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_POW )
int nRangeMax = Abc_MaxInt(nRange0, nRange);
int * pArg0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp0, iFon0, pFans0, nRange0, nRangeMax, Cba_FonSigned(p, iFon0) );
int * pArg1 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp1, iFon1, pFans1, nRange1, nRange1, Cba_FonSigned(p, iFon1) );
Cba_BlastPower( pNew, pArg0, nRangeMax, pArg1, nRange1, vTemp2, vRes );
Vec_IntShrink( vRes, nRange );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_SQRT )
int * pArg0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp0, iFon0, pFans0, nRange0, nRange0 + (nRange0 & 1), 0 );
nRange0 += (nRange0 & 1);
Cba_BlastSqrt( pNew, pArg0, nRange0, vTemp2, vRes );
if ( nRange > Vec_IntSize(vRes) )
Vec_IntFillExtra( vRes, nRange, 0 );
Vec_IntShrink( vRes, nRange );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_TABLE )
assert( 0 );
//Cba_BlastTable( pNew, Cba_ObjTable(p, p, i), pFans0, nRange0, nRange, vRes );
else assert( 0 );
Vec_IntAppend( vBits, vRes );
p->pDesign->nAnds[Type] += Gia_ManAndNum(pNew) - nAndPrev;
assert( nBits == Vec_IntSize(vBits) );
p->pDesign->nAnds[0] = Gia_ManAndNum(pNew);
// create COs
Cba_NtkForEachPo( p, iObj, i )
Cba_ObjForEachFinFon( p, iObj, iFin, iFon, k )
nRange = Cba_FonRangeSize( p, iFon );
pFans0 = Cba_FonIsReal(iFon) ? Vec_IntEntryP( vBits, Cba_FonCopy(p, iFon) ) : NULL;
pFans0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp0, iFon, pFans0, nRange0, nRange0, Cba_FonSigned(p, iFon) );
for ( b = 0; b < nRange; b++ )
Gia_ManAppendCo( pNew, pFans0[b] );
Cba_NtkForEachBoxSeq( p, iObj, i )
if ( fSeq )
assert( Cba_ObjType(p, iObj) == CBA_BOX_DFFCPL );
iFon0 = Cba_ObjFinFon( p, iObj, 0 );
iFon1 = Cba_ObjFinFon( p, iObj, 1 );
nRange0 = Cba_FonRangeSize( p, iFon0 );
nRange1 = Cba_FonRangeSize( p, iFon1 );
assert( nRange0 == nRange1 );
Cba_ObjForEachFinFon( p, iObj, iFin, iFon, k )
nRange = Cba_FonRangeSize( p, iFon );
pFans0 = Cba_FonIsReal(iFon) ? Vec_IntEntryP( vBits, Cba_FonCopy(p, iFon) ) : NULL;
pFans0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp0, iFon, pFans0, nRange0, nRange0, Cba_FonSigned(p, iFon) );
if ( k == 0 )
for ( b = 0; b < nRange; b++ )
Gia_ManAppendCo( pNew, pFans0[b] );
else if ( k == 1 )
for ( b = 0; b < nRange; b++ )
if ( pFans0[b] == 0 )
Vec_StrPush( vInit, '0' );
else if ( pFans0[b] == 1 )
Vec_StrPush( vInit, '1' );
Vec_StrPush( vInit, 'x' );
else break;
else // combinational
Cba_ObjForEachFinFon( p, iObj, iFin, iFon, k )
nRange = Cba_FonRangeSize( p, iFon );
pFans0 = Cba_FonIsReal(iFon) ? Vec_IntEntryP( vBits, Cba_FonCopy(p, iFon) ) : NULL;
pFans0 = Cba_VecLoadFanins( p, vTemp0, iFon, pFans0, nRange0, nRange0, Cba_FonSigned(p, iFon) );
for ( b = 0; b < nRange; b++ )
Gia_ManAppendCo( pNew, pFans0[b] );
Vec_IntFree( vTemp0 );
Vec_IntFree( vTemp1 );
Vec_IntFree( vTemp2 );
Vec_IntFree( vRes );
// finalize AIG
pNew = Gia_ManCleanup( pTemp = pNew );
Gia_ManDupRemapLiterals( vBits, pTemp );
Gia_ManStop( pTemp );
// transform AIG with init state
if ( fSeq )
Gia_ManSetRegNum( pNew, Vec_StrSize(vInit) );
Vec_StrPush( vInit, '\0' );
pNew = Gia_ManDupZeroUndc( pTemp = pNew, Vec_StrArray(vInit), 1 );
Gia_ManDupRemapLiterals( vBits, pTemp );
Gia_ManStop( pTemp );
Vec_StrFreeP( &vInit );
//Vec_IntErase( vBits );
//Vec_IntErase( &p->vCopies );
return pNew;
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Gia_Man_t * Cba_ManBlast( Cba_Man_t * p, int fBarBufs, int fSeq, int fVerbose )
return Cba_NtkBlast( Cba_ManRoot(p), fSeq );
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ static int Cba_CommandPs ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
static int Cba_CommandPut ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
static int Cba_CommandGet ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
static int Cba_CommandClp ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
static int Cba_CommandBlast ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
static int Cba_CommandCec ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
static int Cba_CommandTest ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
......@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ void Cba_Init( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc )
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New word level", "@put", Cba_CommandPut, 0 );
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New word level", "@get", Cba_CommandGet, 0 );
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New word level", "@clp", Cba_CommandClp, 0 );
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New word level", "@blast", Cba_CommandBlast, 0 );
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New word level", "@cec", Cba_CommandCec, 0 );
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New word level", "@test", Cba_CommandTest, 0 );
......@@ -101,15 +103,18 @@ int Cba_CommandRead( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
FILE * pFile;
Cba_Man_t * p = NULL;
char * pFileName = NULL;
int c, fTest = 0, fVerbose = 0;
int c, fTest = 0, fDfs = 0, fVerbose = 0;
while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "tvh" ) ) != EOF )
while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "tdvh" ) ) != EOF )
switch ( c )
case 't':
fTest ^= 1;
case 'd':
fDfs ^= 1;
case 'v':
fVerbose ^= 1;
......@@ -159,12 +164,19 @@ int Cba_CommandRead( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
printf( "Unrecognized input file extension.\n" );
return 0;
if ( fDfs )
Cba_Man_t * pTemp;
p = Cba_ManDup( pTemp = p, Cba_NtkCollectDfs );
Cba_ManFree( pTemp );
Cba_AbcUpdateMan( pAbc, p );
return 0;
Abc_Print( -2, "usage: @read [-tvh] <file_name>\n" );
Abc_Print( -2, "usage: @read [-tdvh] <file_name>\n" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t reads hierarchical design\n" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-t : toggle testing the parser [default = %s]\n", fTest? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-d : toggle computing DFS ordering [default = %s]\n", fDfs? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-v : toggle printing verbose information [default = %s]\n", fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-h : print the command usage\n");
return 1;
......@@ -259,9 +271,13 @@ usage:
int Cba_CommandPs( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
Cba_Man_t * p = Cba_AbcGetMan(pAbc);
int c, nModules = 0, fVerbose = 0;
int nModules = 0;
int fShowMulti = 0;
int fShowAdder = 0;
int fDistrib = 0;
int c, fVerbose = 0;
while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "Mvh" ) ) != EOF )
while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "Mmadvh" ) ) != EOF )
switch ( c )
......@@ -276,6 +292,15 @@ int Cba_CommandPs( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
if ( nModules < 0 )
goto usage;
case 'm':
fShowMulti ^= 1;
case 'a':
fShowAdder ^= 1;
case 'd':
fDistrib ^= 1;
case 'v':
fVerbose ^= 1;
......@@ -290,12 +315,24 @@ int Cba_CommandPs( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
Abc_Print( 1, "Cba_CommandPs(): There is no current design.\n" );
return 0;
if ( nModules )
Cba_ManPrintStats( p, nModules, fVerbose );
return 0;
Cba_NtkPrintStatsFull( Cba_ManRoot(p), fDistrib, fVerbose );
if ( fShowMulti )
Cba_NtkPrintNodes( Cba_ManRoot(p), CBA_BOX_MUL );
if ( fShowAdder )
Cba_NtkPrintNodes( Cba_ManRoot(p), CBA_BOX_ADD );
return 0;
Abc_Print( -2, "usage: @ps [-M num] [-vh]\n" );
Abc_Print( -2, "usage: @ps [-M num] [-madvh]\n" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t prints statistics\n" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-M num : the number of first modules to report [default = %d]\n", nModules );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-m : toggle printing multipliers [default = %s]\n", fShowMulti? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-a : toggle printing adders [default = %s]\n", fShowAdder? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-d : toggle printing distrubition [default = %s]\n", fDistrib? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-v : toggle printing verbose information [default = %s]\n", fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-h : print the command usage\n");
return 1;
......@@ -316,15 +353,18 @@ int Cba_CommandPut( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
Cba_Man_t * p = Cba_AbcGetMan(pAbc);
Gia_Man_t * pGia = NULL;
int c, fBarBufs = 1, fVerbose = 0;
int c, fBarBufs = 1, fSeq = 0, fVerbose = 0;
while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "bvh" ) ) != EOF )
while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "bsvh" ) ) != EOF )
switch ( c )
case 'b':
fBarBufs ^= 1;
case 's':
fSeq ^= 1;
case 'v':
fVerbose ^= 1;
......@@ -339,7 +379,7 @@ int Cba_CommandPut( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
Abc_Print( 1, "Cba_CommandPut(): There is no current design.\n" );
return 0;
pGia = Cba_ManBlast( p, fBarBufs, fVerbose );
pGia = Cba_ManBlast( p, fBarBufs, fSeq, fVerbose );
if ( pGia == NULL )
Abc_Print( 1, "Cba_CommandPut(): Conversion to AIG has failed.\n" );
......@@ -348,9 +388,10 @@ int Cba_CommandPut( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
Abc_FrameUpdateGia( pAbc, pGia );
return 0;
Abc_Print( -2, "usage: @put [-bvh]\n" );
Abc_Print( -2, "usage: @put [-bsvh]\n" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t extracts AIG from the hierarchical design\n" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-b : toggle using barrier buffers [default = %s]\n", fBarBufs? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-s : toggle blasting sequential elements [default = %s]\n", fSeq? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-v : toggle printing verbose information [default = %s]\n", fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-h : print the command usage\n");
return 1;
......@@ -479,6 +520,61 @@ usage:
SeeAlso []
int Cba_CommandBlast( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
Gia_Man_t * pNew = NULL;
Cba_Man_t * p = Cba_AbcGetMan(pAbc);
int c, fSeq = 0, fVerbose = 0;
while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "svh" ) ) != EOF )
switch ( c )
case 's':
fSeq ^= 1;
case 'v':
fVerbose ^= 1;
case 'h':
goto usage;
goto usage;
if ( p == NULL )
Abc_Print( 1, "Cba_CommandBlast(): There is no current design.\n" );
return 0;
pNew = Cba_ManBlast( p, 0, fSeq, fVerbose );
if ( pNew == NULL )
Abc_Print( 1, "Cba_CommandBlast(): Bit-blasting has failed.\n" );
return 0;
Abc_FrameUpdateGia( pAbc, pNew );
return 0;
Abc_Print( -2, "usage: %%blast [-svh]\n" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t performs bit-blasting of the word-level design\n" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-s : toggle blasting sequential elements [default = %s]\n", fSeq? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-v : toggle printing verbose information [default = %s]\n", fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-h : print the command usage\n");
return 1;
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Cba_CommandCec( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
Cba_Man_t * p = Cba_AbcGetMan(pAbc), * pTemp;
......@@ -536,7 +632,7 @@ int Cba_CommandCec( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
fclose( pFile );
// extract AIG from the current design
pFirst = Cba_ManBlast( p, 0, 0 );
pFirst = Cba_ManBlast( p, 0, 0, 0 );
if ( pFirst == NULL )
Abc_Print( -1, "Extracting AIG from the current design has failed.\n" );
......@@ -551,7 +647,7 @@ int Cba_CommandCec( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
else if ( !strcmp( Extra_FileNameExtension(pFileName), "cba" ) )
pTemp = Cba_ManReadCba( pFileName );
else assert( 0 );
pSecond = Cba_ManBlast( pTemp, 0, 0 );
pSecond = Cba_ManBlast( pTemp, 0, 0, 0 );
Cba_ManFree( pTemp );
if ( pSecond == NULL )
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include <math.h>
#include "cba.h"
......@@ -32,6 +33,269 @@ ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START
Synopsis [Prints distribution of operator types.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
static inline void Vec_WrdSelectSortCost2( word * pArray, int nSize, word * pCosts )
int i, j, best_i;
for ( i = 0; i < nSize-1; i++ )
best_i = i;
for ( j = i+1; j < nSize; j++ )
if ( pCosts[j] < pCosts[best_i] )
best_i = j;
ABC_SWAP( word, pArray[i], pArray[best_i] );
ABC_SWAP( word, pCosts[i], pCosts[best_i] );
static inline word Cba_NtkPrintDistribMakeSign( int s, int s0, int s1 )
return ((word)s1 << 42) | ((word)s0 << 21) | (word)s;
static inline void Cba_NtkPrintDistribFromSign( word sss, int * s, int * s0, int * s1 )
*s1 = (int)(sss >> 42); *s0 = (int)(sss >> 21) & 0x1FFFFF; *s = (int)sss & 0x1FFFFF;
static inline void Cba_NtkPrintDistribAddOne( Vec_Ptr_t * vTypes, Vec_Ptr_t * vOccurs, int Type, word Sign )
Vec_Wrd_t * vType = (Vec_Wrd_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( vTypes, Type );
Vec_Wrd_t * vOccur = (Vec_Wrd_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( vOccurs, Type );
word Entry; int i;
Vec_WrdForEachEntry( vType, Entry, i )
if ( Entry == Sign )
Vec_WrdAddToEntry( vOccur, i, 1 );
Vec_WrdPush( vType, Sign );
Vec_WrdPush( vOccur, 1 );
void Cba_NtkPrintDistribSortOne( Vec_Ptr_t * vTypes, Vec_Ptr_t * vOccurs, int Type )
Vec_Wrd_t * vType = (Vec_Wrd_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( vTypes, Type );
Vec_Wrd_t * vOccur = (Vec_Wrd_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( vOccurs, Type );
Vec_WrdSelectSortCost2( Vec_WrdArray(vType), Vec_WrdSize(vType), Vec_WrdArray(vOccur) );
Vec_WrdReverseOrder( vType );
Vec_WrdReverseOrder( vOccur );
void Cba_NtkPrintDistrib( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int fVerbose )
Vec_Ptr_t * vTypes, * vOccurs;
Vec_Int_t * vAnds = Vec_IntStart( CBA_BOX_LAST );
int iRnObj = -1, nCountRange = 0;
int i, k, s, s0, s1, Type; word Sign;
char * pTypeNames[CBA_BOX_LAST];
Cba_ManCreatePrimMap( pTypeNames );
// allocate statistics arrays
vTypes = Vec_PtrStart( CBA_BOX_LAST );
vOccurs = Vec_PtrStart( CBA_BOX_LAST );
for ( i = 0; i < CBA_BOX_LAST; i++ )
Vec_PtrWriteEntry( vTypes, i, Vec_WrdAlloc(16) );
for ( i = 0; i < CBA_BOX_LAST; i++ )
Vec_PtrWriteEntry( vOccurs, i, Vec_WrdAlloc(16) );
// add nodes
Cba_NtkForEachObj( p, i )
// char * pName = Cba_ObjName(p, i);
Type = Cba_ObjType( p, i );
if ( Cba_ObjSign(p, i) > 0x1FFFFF )
printf( "Object %6d has range %d, which is reduced to %d in the statistics.\n",
i, Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, i), Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, i) & 0xFFFFF );
if ( Cba_ObjLeft(p, i) && Cba_ObjRight(p, i) )
if ( iRnObj == -1 )
iRnObj = 1;
// 0-input types
if ( Cba_ObjIsPi(p, i) || (Type == CBA_BOX_BUF && Cba_FonIsConst(Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0))) || Type == CBA_BOX_CONCAT )
Sign = Cba_NtkPrintDistribMakeSign( Cba_ObjSign(p, i), 0, 0 );
// 1-input types
else if ( Cba_TypeIsUnary(Type) )
Sign = Cba_NtkPrintDistribMakeSign( Cba_ObjSign(p, i), Cba_ObjSign(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)), 0 );
// 2-input types (including MUX)
else if ( Cba_ObjFinNum(p, i) == 1 )
Sign = Cba_NtkPrintDistribMakeSign( Cba_ObjSign(p, i), Cba_ObjSign(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)), 0 );
assert( Cba_ObjFinNum(p, i) >= 2 );
Sign = Cba_NtkPrintDistribMakeSign( Cba_ObjSign(p, i), Cba_ObjSign(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)), Cba_ObjSign(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 1)) );
// add to storage
Cba_NtkPrintDistribAddOne( vTypes, vOccurs, Type, Sign );
// count the number of AIG nodes
if ( Type == CBA_BOX_MUX )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_MUX, 3 * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, i) * (Cba_ObjFinNum(p, i) - 2) );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_SHIR )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_SHIR, Abc_MinInt(Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)), Abc_Base2Log(Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, i))) * 3 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_SHIRA )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_SHIRA, Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, i) * Abc_MinInt(Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)), Abc_Base2Log(Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, i))) * 3 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_SHIL )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_SHIL, Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, i) * Abc_MinInt(Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)), Abc_Base2Log(Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, i))) * 3 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_SHILA )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_SHILA, Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, i) * Abc_MinInt(Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)), Abc_Base2Log(Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, i))) * 3 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_ROTR )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_ROTR, Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, i) * Abc_MinInt(Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)), Abc_Base2Log(Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, i))) * 3 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_ROTL )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_ROTL, Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, i) * Abc_MinInt(Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)), Abc_Base2Log(Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, i))) * 3 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_INV )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_INV, 0 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_AND )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_AND, Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_OR )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_OR, Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_XOR )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_XOR, 3 * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_SLICE )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_SLICE, 0 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_CONCAT )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_CONCAT, 0 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_LNOT )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_LNOT, Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) - 1 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_LAND )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_LAND, Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) + Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 1)) - 1 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_LOR )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_LOR, Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) + Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 1)) - 1 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_LXOR )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_LXOR, Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) + Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 1)) + 1 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_EQU )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_EQU, 4 * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) - 1 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_NEQU )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_NEQU, 4 * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) - 1 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_LTHAN )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_LTHAN, 6 * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) - 6 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_MTHAN )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_MTHAN, 6 * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) - 6 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_LETHAN )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_LETHAN, 6 * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) - 6 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_METHAN )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_METHAN, 6 * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) - 6 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_RAND )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_RAND, Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) - 1 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_ROR )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_ROR, Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) - 1 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_RXOR )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_RXOR, 3 * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) - 3 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_ADD )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_ADD, 9 * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_SUB )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_SUB, 9 * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_MUL )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_MUL, 9 * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 1)) );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_DIV )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_DIV, 13 * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) - 19 * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) + 10 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_MOD )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_MOD, 13 * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) - 7 * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) - 2 );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_POW )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_POW, 10 * (int)pow(Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)),Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0))) );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_MIN )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_MIN, 4 * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_SQRT )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vAnds, CBA_BOX_SQRT, 11 * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) / 8 + 5 * Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)) / 2 - 5 );
if ( nCountRange )
printf( "Warning: %d objects of the design have non-zero-based ranges.\n", nCountRange );
printf( "In particular, object %6d with name \"%s\" has range %d=[%d:%d]\n",
iRnObj, Cba_FonName(p, Cba_ObjFon0(p, iRnObj)),
Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, iRnObj), Cba_ObjLeft(p, iRnObj), Cba_ObjRight(p, iRnObj) );
// print by occurrence
printf( "ID : name occurrence and2 (occurrence)<output_range>=<input_range>.<input_range> ...\n" );
for ( i = 0; i < CBA_BOX_LAST; i++ )
Vec_Wrd_t * vType = (Vec_Wrd_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( vTypes, i );
Vec_Wrd_t * vOccur = (Vec_Wrd_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( vOccurs, i );
if ( p->pDesign->nObjs[i] == 0 )
printf( "%2d : %-8s %6d%8d ", i, pTypeNames[i], p->pDesign->nObjs[i], Vec_IntEntry(vAnds, i) );
// sort by occurence
Cba_NtkPrintDistribSortOne( vTypes, vOccurs, i );
Vec_WrdForEachEntry( vType, Sign, k )
Cba_NtkPrintDistribFromSign( Sign, &s, &s0, &s1 );
if ( ((k % 6) == 5 && s1) || ((k % 8) == 7 && !s1) )
printf( "\n " );
printf( "(%d)", (int)Vec_WrdEntry( vOccur, k ) );
printf( "%s%d", Abc_LitIsCompl(s)?"-":"", Abc_Lit2Var(s) );
if ( s0 )
printf( "=%s%d", Abc_LitIsCompl(s0)?"-":"", Abc_Lit2Var(s0) );
if ( s1 )
printf( ".%s%d", Abc_LitIsCompl(s1)?"-":"", Abc_Lit2Var(s1) );
printf( " " );
printf( "\n" );
Vec_VecFree( (Vec_Vec_t *)vTypes );
Vec_VecFree( (Vec_Vec_t *)vOccurs );
Vec_IntFree( vAnds );
void Cba_NtkPrintNodes( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int Type )
int i, iFon0, iFon1, Counter = 0;
char * pTypeNames[CBA_BOX_LAST];
Cba_ManCreatePrimMap( pTypeNames );
printf( "Operation %s\n", pTypeNames[Type] );
Cba_NtkForEachObj( p, i )
if ( (int)Type != Type )
iFon0 = Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0);
iFon1 = Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 1);
printf( "%8d :", Counter++ );
printf( "%8d : ", i );
printf( "%3d%s = ", Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, i), Cba_ObjSigned(p, i) ? "s" : " " );
printf( "%3d%s %s ", Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 0)), Cba_ObjSigned(p, iFon0) ? "s" : " ", pTypeNames[Type] );
printf( "%3d%s ", Cba_ObjRangeSize(p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, i, 1)), Cba_ObjSigned(p, iFon1) ? "s" : " " );
printf( " : " );
printf( "%-12s = ", Cba_ObjName(p, i) );
printf( "%-12s %s ", Cba_FonIsConst(iFon0) ? Cba_NtkConst(p, Cba_FonConst(iFon0)) : Cba_FonNameStr(p, iFon0), pTypeNames[Type] );
printf( "%-12s ", Cba_FonIsConst(iFon1) ? Cba_NtkConst(p, Cba_FonConst(iFon1)) : Cba_FonNameStr(p, iFon1) );
printf( "\n" );
void Cba_NtkPrintStatsFull( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int fDistrib, int fVerbose )
int i;
char * pTypeNames[CBA_BOX_LAST];
Cba_ManCreatePrimMap( pTypeNames );
printf( "%-20s : ", Cba_NtkName(p) );
printf( "PI = %4d ", Cba_NtkPiNum(p) );
printf( "PO = %4d ", Cba_NtkPoNum(p) );
printf( "FF = %4d ", Cba_NtkBoxSeqNum(p) );
printf( "Obj = %6d ", Cba_NtkObjNum(p) );
printf( "Mem = %.3f MB", 1.0*Cba_NtkMemory(p)/(1<<20) );
printf( "\n" );
if ( fDistrib )
Cba_NtkPrintDistrib( p, fVerbose );
if ( !fVerbose )
printf( "Node type statistics:\n" );
for ( i = 1; i < CBA_BOX_LAST; i++ )
if ( !p->pDesign->nObjs[i] )
if ( p->pDesign->nAnds[0] && p->pDesign->nAnds[i] )
printf( "%2d : %-8s %6d %7.2f %%\n", i, pTypeNames[i], p->pDesign->nObjs[i], 100.0*p->pDesign->nAnds[i]/p->pDesign->nAnds[0] );
printf( "%2d : %-8s %6d\n", i, pTypeNames[i], p->pDesign->nObjs[i] );
Synopsis []
Description []
......@@ -63,7 +327,7 @@ void Cba_NtkPrintDistribStat( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int * pCounts, int * pUserCounts )
if ( pUserCounts[i] )
printf( "%-20s = %5d\n", Cba_NtkName(pNtk), pUserCounts[i] );
void Cba_NtkPrintDistrib( Cba_Ntk_t * p )
void Cba_NtkPrintDistribOld( Cba_Ntk_t * p )
int pCounts[CBA_BOX_LAST] = {0};
int * pUserCounts = ABC_CALLOC( int, Cba_ManNtkNum(p->pDesign) + 1 );
......@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ struct Prs_Man_t_
Vec_Int_t vFailed;
Vec_Int_t vSucceeded;
// error handling
int nOpens; // open port counter
int fUsingTemp2; // vTemp2 is in use
int FuncNameId; // temp value
int FuncRangeId; // temp value
......@@ -226,10 +227,10 @@ static inline void Prs_ManFinalizeNtk( Prs_Man_t * p )
p->pNtk = NULL;
static inline int Prs_NtkNewStrId( Prs_Ntk_t * pNtk, const char * format, ... )
static inline int Prs_ManNewStrId( Prs_Man_t * p, const char * format, ... )
Abc_Nam_t * p = pNtk->pStrs;
Vec_Str_t * vBuf = Abc_NamBuffer( p );
Abc_Nam_t * pStrs = p->pStrs;
Vec_Str_t * vBuf = Abc_NamBuffer( pStrs );
int nAdded, nSize = 1000;
va_list args; va_start( args, format );
Vec_StrGrow( vBuf, Vec_StrSize(vBuf) + nSize );
......@@ -241,7 +242,7 @@ static inline int Prs_NtkNewStrId( Prs_Ntk_t * pNtk, const char * format, ... )
assert( nSize == nAdded );
va_end( args );
return Abc_NamStrFindOrAddLim( p, Vec_StrLimit(vBuf), Vec_StrLimit(vBuf) + nAdded, NULL );
return Abc_NamStrFindOrAddLim( pStrs, Vec_StrLimit(vBuf), Vec_StrLimit(vBuf) + nAdded, NULL );
// parsing slice/concatentation/box
......@@ -306,20 +307,22 @@ static inline char * Prs_ManLoadFile( char * pFileName, char ** ppLimit )
static inline Prs_Man_t * Prs_ManAlloc( char * pFileName )
Prs_Man_t * p;
p = ABC_CALLOC( Prs_Man_t, 1 );
if ( pFileName )
char * pBuffer, * pLimit;
pBuffer = Prs_ManLoadFile( pFileName, &pLimit );
if ( pBuffer == NULL )
return NULL;
p = ABC_CALLOC( Prs_Man_t, 1 );
p->pName = pFileName;
p->pBuffer = pBuffer;
p->pLimit = pLimit;
p->pCur = pBuffer;
p->pStrs = Abc_NamStart( 1000, 24 );
p->pFuns = Abc_NamStart( 100, 24 );
p->vNtks = Vec_PtrAlloc( 100 );
p->vHash = Hash_IntManStart( 1000 );
// Hash_Int2ManInsert( p->vHash, 0, 0, 0 );
p->vNtks = Vec_PtrAlloc( 100 );
return p;
......@@ -1449,7 +1449,7 @@ int Prs_CreateCatIn( Cba_Ntk_t * p, Prs_Ntk_t * pNtk, int Con )
int i, Sig, iObj, iFon, NameId, nBits = 0;
Vec_Int_t * vSigs = Prs_CatSignals(pNtk, Con);
// create input concatenation
iObj = Cba_ObjAlloc( p, CBA_BOX_CATIN, Vec_IntSize(vSigs), 1 );
iObj = Cba_ObjAlloc( p, CBA_BOX_CONCAT, Vec_IntSize(vSigs), 1 );
iFon = Cba_ObjFon0(p, iObj);
//sprintf( Buffer, "_icc%d_", iObj );
//NameId = Cba_NtkNewStrId( p, Buffer );
......@@ -1501,46 +1501,6 @@ int Prs_CreateRange( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int iFon, int NameId )
Cba_FonSetRangeSign( p, iFon, RangeId );
return Cba_FonRangeSize( p, iFon );
int Prs_CreateCatOut( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int iFon, Prs_Ntk_t * pNtk, int Con )
int i, Sig, iObj, iFonNew, NameId, nBits = 0;
Vec_Int_t * vSigs = Prs_CatSignals(pNtk, Con); char * pSigName;
NameId = Cba_NtkNewStrId( p, "_occ%d_", iFon );
Cba_FonSetName( p, iFon, NameId );
Cba_NtkSetMap( p, NameId, iFon );
// create output concatenation
iObj = Cba_ObjAlloc( p, CBA_BOX_CATOUT, 1, Vec_IntSize(vSigs) );
Cba_ObjSetFinFon( p, iObj, 0, iFon );
// set outputs
Vec_IntForEachEntry( vSigs, Sig, i )
int Value = Abc_Lit2Var2(Sig);
Prs_ManType_t Type = (Prs_ManType_t)Abc_Lit2Att2( Sig );
iFonNew = Cba_ObjFon( p, iObj, Vec_IntSize(vSigs)-1-i );
if ( Type == CBA_PRS_NAME )
pSigName = Prs_NtkStr(pNtk, Value);
NameId = Cba_NtkNewStrId( p, pSigName );
Cba_FonSetName( p, iFonNew, NameId );
nBits += Prs_CreateRange( p, iFonNew, NameId );
else if ( Type == CBA_PRS_SLICE )
pSigName = Prs_NtkStr(pNtk, Prs_SliceName(pNtk, Value));
NameId = Cba_NtkNewStrId( p, pSigName );
Cba_FonSetName( p, iFonNew, NameId );
Prs_CreateRange( p, iFonNew, NameId );
// create slice of this concat
Prs_CreateSlice( p, iFonNew, pNtk, Prs_SliceRange(pNtk, Value) );
nBits += Cba_NtkRangeSize( p, Prs_SliceRange(pNtk, Value) );
else assert( 0 );
Cba_FonSetRange( p, iFon, Cba_NtkHashRange(p, nBits-1, 0) );
return iObj;
void Prs_CreateSignalOut( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int iFon, Prs_Ntk_t * pNtk, int Sig )
int i, iFonNew, NameOut, RangeOut, NameId, RangeId, RangeSize, nBits = 0;
......@@ -1656,7 +1616,7 @@ void Prs_CreateOutConcat( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int * pSlices, int nSlices )
Prev = iFon;
// create new concatenation
iObj = Cba_ObjAlloc( p, CBA_BOX_CATIN, nParts, 1 );
iObj = Cba_ObjAlloc( p, CBA_BOX_CONCAT, nParts, 1 );
iFon = Cba_ObjFon0(p, iObj);
Cba_FonSetName( p, iFon, NameId );
Prs_CreateRange( p, iFon, NameId );
......@@ -1855,7 +1815,7 @@ int Prs_CreateVerilogNtk( Cba_Ntk_t * p, Prs_Ntk_t * pNtk )
Vec_Int_t * vBox2Obj = Vec_IntStart( Prs_NtkBoxNum(pNtk) );
Vec_Int_t * vBox; Vec_Ptr_t * vAllRams, * vRam;
int i, k, iObj, iTerm, iFon, FormId, ActId, RangeId, NameId;
int i, k, iObj, iTerm, iFon, FormId, ActId, RangeId, NameId, Type;
// map inputs
Cba_NtkCleanMap( p );
Cba_NtkForEachPi( p, iObj, i )
......@@ -1918,25 +1878,15 @@ int Prs_CreateVerilogNtk( Cba_Ntk_t * p, Prs_Ntk_t * pNtk )
if ( Prs_BoxIsNode(pNtk, i) ) // node
int Type = Prs_BoxNtk(pNtk, i);
int nSigs = Prs_BoxIONum( pNtk, i );
int NameId = Abc_Lit2Var2(Vec_IntEntry(vBox, 1));
char * pName = Cba_NtkStr( p, NameId );
if ( !strcmp(pName, "E_336717") )
int s = 0;
iObj = Cba_ObjAlloc( p, Type, nSigs-1, Type == CBA_BOX_ADD ? 2 : 1 );
Type = Prs_BoxNtk(pNtk, i);
iObj = Cba_ObjAlloc( p, Type, Prs_BoxIONum(pNtk, i)-1, Type == CBA_BOX_ADD ? 2 : 1 );
Prs_CreateSignalOut( p, Cba_ObjFon0(p, iObj), pNtk, Vec_IntEntry(vBox, 1) ); // node output
//Cba_ObjSetFunc( p, iObj, FuncId );
else // box
Cba_Ntk_t * pBox = NULL; int nInputs, nOutputs = 1;
char ** pOutNames = NULL, * pNtkName = Prs_NtkStr(pNtk, Prs_BoxNtk(pNtk, i));
Cba_ObjType_t Type = Prs_ManFindType( pNtkName, &nInputs, 1, &pOutNames );
Type = Prs_ManFindType( pNtkName, &nInputs, 1, &pOutNames );
if ( Type == CBA_BOX_RAMWC )
if ( Type == CBA_OBJ_BOX )
......@@ -1969,7 +1919,7 @@ int Prs_CreateVerilogNtk( Cba_Ntk_t * p, Prs_Ntk_t * pNtk )
else assert( 0 );
else if ( (Type == CBA_BOX_DFFRS || Type == CBA_BOX_LATCHRS) && !strncmp(pNtkName, "wide_", strlen("wide_")) && !Prs_CreateFlopSetReset(p, pNtk, vBox, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) )
nInputs = atoi(pNtkName+strlen(Type == CBA_BOX_DFFRS ? "wide_dffrs_" : "wide_latchrs_")), nOutputs = 1, Type = CBA_BOX_CATIN;
nInputs = atoi(pNtkName+strlen(Type == CBA_BOX_DFFRS ? "wide_dffrs_" : "wide_latchrs_")), nOutputs = 1, Type = CBA_BOX_CONCAT;
// create object
iObj = Cba_ObjAlloc( p, Type, nInputs, nOutputs );
if ( pBox ) Cba_ObjSetFunc( p, iObj, Cba_NtkId(pBox) );
......@@ -2013,16 +1963,10 @@ int Prs_CreateVerilogNtk( Cba_Ntk_t * p, Prs_Ntk_t * pNtk )
// connect objects
Prs_NtkForEachBox( pNtk, vBox, i )
// char * pInstName = NULL;
// if ( Prs_BoxName(pNtk, i) )
// pInstName = Prs_NtkStr(pNtk, Prs_BoxName(pNtk, i));
// if ( pNtk->iModuleName == 291 && i == 0 )
// {
// int s = 0;
// }
iObj = Vec_IntEntry( vBox2Obj, i );
if ( Prs_BoxIsNode(pNtk, i) ) // node
Type = Prs_BoxNtk(pNtk, i);
Vec_IntForEachEntryDoubleStart( vBox, FormId, ActId, k, 2 )
iFon = Prs_CreateSignalIn( p, pNtk, ActId );
......@@ -2034,7 +1978,7 @@ int Prs_CreateVerilogNtk( Cba_Ntk_t * p, Prs_Ntk_t * pNtk )
int nInputs = -1;
char ** pInNames = NULL, * pNtkName = Prs_NtkStr(pNtk, Prs_BoxNtk(pNtk, i));
Cba_ObjType_t Type = Prs_ManFindType( pNtkName, &nInputs, 0, &pInNames );
Type = Prs_ManFindType( pNtkName, &nInputs, 0, &pInNames );
if ( (Type == CBA_BOX_DFFRS || Type == CBA_BOX_LATCHRS) && !strncmp(pNtkName, "wide_", strlen("wide_")) )
int IndexSet = -1, IndexRst = -1, iBitSet = -1, iBitRst = -1;
......@@ -2048,7 +1992,7 @@ int Prs_CreateVerilogNtk( Cba_Ntk_t * p, Prs_Ntk_t * pNtk )
int w, Width = atoi( pNtkName + strlen(Type == CBA_BOX_DFFRS ? "wide_dffrs_" : "wide_latchrs_") );
assert( Cba_ObjType(p, iObj) == CBA_BOX_CATIN );
assert( Cba_ObjType(p, iObj) == CBA_BOX_CONCAT );
// prepare inputs
assert( nInputs >= 0 );
Cba_NtkCleanMap2( p );
......@@ -2149,6 +2093,14 @@ int Prs_CreateVerilogNtk( Cba_Ntk_t * p, Prs_Ntk_t * pNtk )
// if carry-in is not supplied, use constant 0
if ( Type == CBA_BOX_ADD && Cba_ObjFinFon(p, iObj, 0) == 0 )
Cba_ObjSetFinFon( p, iObj, 0, Cba_FonFromConst(1) );
// if set or reset are not supplied, use constant 0
if ( Type == CBA_BOX_DFFRS && Cba_ObjFinFon(p, iObj, 1) == 0 )
Cba_ObjSetFinFon( p, iObj, 1, Cba_FonFromConst(1) );
if ( Type == CBA_BOX_DFFRS && Cba_ObjFinFon(p, iObj, 2) == 0 )
Cba_ObjSetFinFon( p, iObj, 2, Cba_FonFromConst(1) );
Vec_IntFree( vBox2Obj );
// connect outputs
......@@ -49,8 +49,7 @@ void Cba_ManCreatePrimMap( char ** pMap )
memset( pMap, 0, sizeof(char *) * CBA_BOX_LAST );
pMap[ CBA_BOX_SLICE ] = "sli";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_CATIN ] = "icc";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_CATOUT ] = "occ";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_CONCAT ] = "icc";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_BUF ] = "";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_INV ] = "~";
......@@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ void Cba_ManCreatePrimMap( char ** pMap )
pMap[ CBA_BOX_SHARP ] = "&";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_SHARPL ] = "&";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_MUX ] = "?";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_MAJ ] = "maj";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_RAND ] = "&";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_RNAND ] = "~&";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_ROR ] = "|";
......@@ -72,18 +71,18 @@ void Cba_ManCreatePrimMap( char ** pMap )
pMap[ CBA_BOX_RXNOR ] = "~^";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_LNOT ] = "!";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_LAND ] = "&&";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_LNAND ] = "logic nand";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_LOR ] = "||";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_LNOR ] = "logic nor";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_LXOR ] = "^^";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_LXNOR ] = "logic xnor";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_NMUX ] = "nmux";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_SEL ] = "sel";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_PSEL ] = "prio-select";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_ENC ] = "enc";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_PENC ] = "prio-enc";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_DEC ] = "dec";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_EDEC ] = "enable-dec";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_ADD ] = "+";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_SUB ] = "-";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_MUL ] = "*";
......@@ -93,7 +92,7 @@ void Cba_ManCreatePrimMap( char ** pMap )
pMap[ CBA_BOX_POW ] = "**";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_MIN ] = "-";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_SQRT ] = "@";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_ABS ] = "abs";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_LTHAN ] = "<";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_LETHAN ] = "<=";
pMap[ CBA_BOX_METHAN ] = ">=";
......@@ -131,6 +130,33 @@ void Cba_ManCreatePrimMap( char ** pMap )
SeeAlso []
static inline int Prs_NameIsLegalInVerilog( char * pName, int NameId )
// identifier ::= simple_identifier | escaped_identifier
// simple_identifier ::= [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_$]
// escaped_identifier ::= \ {Any_ASCII_character_except_white_space} white_space
// white_space ::= space | tab | newline
assert( pName != NULL && *pName != '\0' );
if ( *pName == '\\' )
return 1;
if ( NameId < 13 ) // see PRS_VER_UNKNOWN in cbaReadVer.c
return 0;
if ( (*pName < 'a' || *pName > 'z') && (*pName < 'A' || *pName > 'Z') && *pName != '_' )
return 0;
while ( *(++pName) )
if ( (*pName < 'a' || *pName > 'z') && (*pName < 'A' || *pName > 'Z') && (*pName < '0' || *pName > '9') && *pName != '_' && *pName != '$' )
return 0;
return 1;
char * Prs_ObjGetName( Prs_Ntk_t * p, int NameId )
char * pName = Prs_NtkStr(p, NameId);
if ( pName == NULL )
return pName;
if ( Prs_NameIsLegalInVerilog(pName, NameId) )
return pName;
return Vec_StrPrintF( Abc_NamBuffer(p->pStrs), "\\%s ", pName );
static inline char * Prs_ManWriteRange( Prs_Ntk_t * p, int RangeId, int fSlice )
int Left = RangeId ? Hash_IntObjData0( p->vHash, RangeId ) : 0;
......@@ -153,11 +179,11 @@ static void Prs_ManWriteVerilogSignal( FILE * pFile, Prs_Ntk_t * p, int Sig )
int Value = Abc_Lit2Var2( Sig );
Prs_ManType_t Type = (Prs_ManType_t)Abc_Lit2Att2( Sig );
if ( Type == CBA_PRS_NAME )
fprintf( pFile, "%s", Prs_NtkStr(p, Value) );
fprintf( pFile, "%s", Prs_ObjGetName(p, Value) );
else if ( Type == CBA_PRS_CONST )
fprintf( pFile, "%s", Prs_NtkConst(p, Value) );
else if ( Type == CBA_PRS_SLICE )
fprintf( pFile, "%s%s", Prs_NtkStr(p, Prs_SliceName(p, Value)), Prs_ManWriteRange(p, Prs_SliceRange(p, Value), 1) );
fprintf( pFile, "%s%s", Prs_ObjGetName(p, Prs_SliceName(p, Value)), Prs_ManWriteRange(p, Prs_SliceRange(p, Value), 1) );
else if ( Type == CBA_PRS_CONCAT )
Prs_ManWriteVerilogConcat( pFile, p, Value );
else assert( 0 );
......@@ -182,7 +208,7 @@ static void Prs_ManWriteVerilogArray2( FILE * pFile, Prs_Ntk_t * p, Vec_Int_t *
Vec_IntForEachEntryDouble( vSigs, FormId, ActSig, i )
fprintf( pFile, "." );
fprintf( pFile, "%s", Prs_NtkStr(p, FormId) );
fprintf( pFile, "%s", Prs_ObjGetName(p, FormId) );
fprintf( pFile, "(" );
Prs_ManWriteVerilogSignal( pFile, p, ActSig );
fprintf( pFile, ")%s", (i == Vec_IntSize(vSigs) - 2) ? "" : ", " );
......@@ -208,8 +234,8 @@ static void Prs_ManWriteVerilogBoxes( FILE * pFile, Prs_Ntk_t * p, char ** pType
Prs_NtkForEachBox( p, vBox, i )
Cba_ObjType_t NtkId = Prs_BoxNtk(p, i);
//char * pNtkName = Prs_NtkStr(p, Prs_BoxName(p, i));
if ( NtkId == CBA_BOX_MUX )
//char * pNtkName = Prs_ObjGetName(p, Prs_BoxName(p, i));
if ( NtkId == CBA_BOX_MUX && Prs_BoxIsNode(p, i) )
Prs_ManWriteVerilogMux( pFile, p, vBox );
else if ( Prs_BoxIsNode(p, i) ) // node
......@@ -252,7 +278,7 @@ static void Prs_ManWriteVerilogBoxes( FILE * pFile, Prs_Ntk_t * p, char ** pType
else // box
fprintf( pFile, " %s %s ( ", Prs_NtkStr(p, NtkId), Prs_BoxName(p, i) ? Prs_NtkStr(p, Prs_BoxName(p, i)) : "" );
fprintf( pFile, " %s %s ( ", Prs_ObjGetName(p, NtkId), Prs_BoxName(p, i) ? Prs_ObjGetName(p, Prs_BoxName(p, i)) : "" );
Prs_ManWriteVerilogArray2( pFile, p, vBox );
fprintf( pFile, " );\n" );
......@@ -267,19 +293,22 @@ static void Prs_ManWriteVerilogIos( FILE * pFile, Prs_Ntk_t * p, int SigType )
if ( SigType == 3 )
fprintf( pFile, "\n" );
Vec_IntForEachEntryTwo( vSigs[SigType], vSigsR[SigType], NameId, RangeId, i )
fprintf( pFile, " %s %s%s%s;\n", pSigNames[SigType], Abc_LitIsCompl(RangeId) ? "signed " : "", RangeId ? Prs_ManWriteRange(p, Abc_Lit2Var(RangeId), 0) : "", Prs_NtkStr(p, NameId) );
fprintf( pFile, " %s %s%s", pSigNames[SigType], Abc_LitIsCompl(RangeId) ? "signed " : "", RangeId ? Prs_ManWriteRange(p, Abc_Lit2Var(RangeId), 0) : "" );
fprintf( pFile, "%s;\n", Prs_ObjGetName(p, NameId) );
static void Prs_ManWriteVerilogIoOrder( FILE * pFile, Prs_Ntk_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vOrder )
int i, NameId;
Vec_IntForEachEntry( vOrder, NameId, i )
fprintf( pFile, "%s%s", Prs_NtkStr(p, Abc_Lit2Var2(NameId)), i == Vec_IntSize(vOrder) - 1 ? "" : ", " );
fprintf( pFile, "%s%s", Prs_ObjGetName(p, Abc_Lit2Var2(NameId)), i == Vec_IntSize(vOrder) - 1 ? "" : ", " );
static void Prs_ManWriteVerilogNtk( FILE * pFile, Prs_Ntk_t * p, char ** pTypeNames )
int s;
// write header
fprintf( pFile, "module %s (\n ", Prs_NtkStr(p, p->iModuleName) );
fprintf( pFile, "module %s (\n ", Prs_ObjGetName(p, p->iModuleName) );
Prs_ManWriteVerilogIoOrder( pFile, p, &p->vOrder );
fprintf( pFile, "\n );\n" );
// write declarations
......@@ -377,13 +406,13 @@ void Cba_ManWriteFonRange( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int iFon )
void Cba_ManWriteFonName( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int iFon, int fInlineConcat, int fInput )
extern void Cba_ManWriteCatIn( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int iObj );
extern void Cba_ManWriteConcat( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int iObj );
Vec_Str_t * vStr = &p->pDesign->vOut;
if ( !iFon || (!Cba_FonIsConst(iFon) && !Cba_FonName(p, iFon)) )
Vec_StrPrintF( vStr, "Open_%d", Cba_NtkMan(p)->nOpens++ );
// Vec_StrPrintF( vStr, "1\'b0" );
else if ( fInlineConcat && !Cba_FonIsConst(iFon) && Cba_ObjIsCatIn(p, Cba_FonObj(p, iFon)) )
Cba_ManWriteCatIn( p, Cba_FonObj(p, iFon) );
else if ( fInlineConcat && !Cba_FonIsConst(iFon) && Cba_ObjIsConcat(p, Cba_FonObj(p, iFon)) )
Cba_ManWriteConcat( p, Cba_FonObj(p, iFon) );
int Range = fInput ? Cba_FonRangeSize( p, iFon ) : 0;
......@@ -394,11 +423,11 @@ void Cba_ManWriteFonName( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int iFon, int fInlineConcat, int fInput
Vec_StrPush( vStr, '}' );
void Cba_ManWriteCatIn( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int iObj )
void Cba_ManWriteConcat( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int iObj )
int i, iFin, iFon;
Vec_Str_t * vStr = &p->pDesign->vOut;
assert( Cba_ObjIsCatIn(p, iObj) );
assert( Cba_ObjIsConcat(p, iObj) );
Vec_StrPush( vStr, '{' );
Cba_ObjForEachFinFon( p, iObj, iFin, iFon, i )
......@@ -407,21 +436,6 @@ void Cba_ManWriteCatIn( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int iObj )
Vec_StrPush( vStr, '}' );
void Cba_ManWriteCatOut( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int iObj )
int i, iFon;
Vec_Str_t * vStr = &p->pDesign->vOut;
assert( Cba_ObjIsCatOut(p, iObj) );
if ( Cba_ObjFonNum(p, iObj) > 1 )
Vec_StrPush( vStr, '{' );
Cba_ObjForEachFon( p, iObj, iFon, i )
Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, i ? ", " : "" );
Cba_ManWriteFonName( p, iFon, 0, 0 );
if ( Cba_ObjFonNum(p, iObj) > 1 )
Vec_StrPush( vStr, '}' );
int Cba_ManWriteLineFile( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int iObj, int FileAttr, int LineAttr )
Vec_Str_t * vStr = &p->pDesign->vOut;
......@@ -485,7 +499,7 @@ void Cba_ManWriteVerilogNtk( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int fInlineConcat )
int Type = Cba_ObjType(p, iObj);
if ( Cba_ObjIsSlice(p, iObj) )
if ( fInlineConcat && Cba_ObjIsCatIn(p, iObj) )
if ( fInlineConcat && Cba_ObjIsConcat(p, iObj) )
if ( Cba_ObjIsBoxUser(p, iObj) )
......@@ -552,27 +566,6 @@ void Cba_ManWriteVerilogNtk( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int fInlineConcat )
Cba_ManWriteFonName( p, iFonOut, 0, 1 );
Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, ") );" );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_CATOUT )
// write declarations
Cba_ObjForEachFon( p, iObj, iFon, i )
if ( !Cba_FonName(p, iFon) )
if ( Vec_BitEntry(vPoFons, iFon) )
Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, " wire " );
Cba_ManWriteFonRange( p, iFon );
Cba_ManWriteFonName( p, iFon, 0, 0 );
Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, ";\n" );
// write output concatenation
Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, " assign " );
Cba_ManWriteCatOut( p, iObj );
Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, " = " );
Cba_ManWriteFonName( p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, iObj, 0), 0, 0 );
Vec_StrPush( vStr, ';' );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_NMUX || Type == CBA_BOX_SEL )
int fUseSel = Type == CBA_BOX_SEL;
......@@ -878,8 +871,8 @@ void Cba_ManWriteVerilogNtk( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int fInlineConcat )
Cba_ManWriteFonName( p, Cba_ObjFon0(p, iObj), 0, 0 );
Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, " = " );
if ( Cba_ObjIsCatIn(p, iObj) )
Cba_ManWriteCatIn( p, iObj );
if ( Cba_ObjIsConcat(p, iObj) )
Cba_ManWriteConcat( p, iObj );
else if ( Type == CBA_BOX_MUX )
Cba_ManWriteFonName( p, Cba_ObjFinFon(p, iObj, 0), fInlineConcat, 0 );
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