Commit 5a192f02 by Alan Mishchenko

Bug fix: alloing "dsat" to work on multi-output cones

parent ffb04d24
......@@ -1249,7 +1249,7 @@ int Abc_NtkDSat( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, ABC_INT64_T nConfLimit, ABC_INT64_T nInsLimit
int RetValue;//, clk = clock();
assert( Abc_NtkIsStrash(pNtk) );
assert( Abc_NtkLatchNum(pNtk) == 0 );
assert( Abc_NtkPoNum(pNtk) == 1 );
// assert( Abc_NtkPoNum(pNtk) == 1 );
pMan = Abc_NtkToDar( pNtk, 0, 0 );
RetValue = Fra_FraigSat( pMan, nConfLimit, nInsLimit, fAlignPol, fAndOuts, fVerbose );
pNtk->pModel = (int *)pMan->pData, pMan->pData = NULL;
......@@ -3909,6 +3909,10 @@ Aig_ManPrintStats( pMan );
// Saig_ManBmcMappingTest( pMan );
// void Pdr_ManEquivClasses( Aig_Man_t * pMan );
// Pdr_ManEquivClasses( pMan );
// Saig_MvManSimulate( pMan, 1 );
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