Commit 5303465e by Alan Mishchenko

Added new sorting procedures.

parent 4ffe37b3
FileName [utilSort.c]
SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
PackageName [Merge sort with user-specified cost.]
Synopsis [Merge sort with user-specified cost.]
Author [Alan Mishchenko]
Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - Feburary 13, 2011.]
Revision [$Id: utilSort.c,v 1.00 2011/02/11 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "abc_global.h"
Synopsis [Merging two lists of entries.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Abc_SortMerge( int * p1Beg, int * p1End, int * p2Beg, int * p2End, int * pOut )
int nEntries = (p1End - p1Beg) + (p2End - p2Beg);
int * pOutBeg = pOut;
while ( p1Beg < p1End && p2Beg < p2End )
if ( *p1Beg == *p2Beg )
*pOut++ = *p1Beg++, *pOut++ = *p2Beg++;
else if ( *p1Beg < *p2Beg )
*pOut++ = *p1Beg++;
else // if ( *p1Beg > *p2Beg )
*pOut++ = *p2Beg++;
while ( p1Beg < p1End )
*pOut++ = *p1Beg++;
while ( p2Beg < p2End )
*pOut++ = *p2Beg++;
assert( pOut - pOutBeg == nEntries );
Synopsis [Recursive sorting.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Abc_Sort_rec( int * pInBeg, int * pInEnd, int * pOutBeg )
int nSize = pInEnd - pInBeg;
assert( nSize > 0 );
if ( nSize == 1 )
if ( nSize == 2 )
if ( pInBeg[0] > pInBeg[1] )
pInBeg[0] ^= pInBeg[1];
pInBeg[1] ^= pInBeg[0];
pInBeg[0] ^= pInBeg[1];
else if ( nSize < 8 )
int temp, i, j, best_i;
for ( i = 0; i < nSize-1; i++ )
best_i = i;
for ( j = i+1; j < nSize; j++ )
if ( pInBeg[j] < pInBeg[best_i] )
best_i = j;
temp = pInBeg[i];
pInBeg[i] = pInBeg[best_i];
pInBeg[best_i] = temp;
Abc_Sort_rec( pInBeg, pInBeg + nSize/2, pOutBeg );
Abc_Sort_rec( pInBeg + nSize/2, pInEnd, pOutBeg + nSize/2 );
Abc_SortMerge( pInBeg, pInBeg + nSize/2, pInBeg + nSize/2, pInEnd, pOutBeg );
memcpy( pInBeg, pOutBeg, sizeof(int) * nSize );
Synopsis [Returns the sorted array of integers.]
Description [This procedure is about 10% faster than qsort().]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Abc_Sort( int * pInput, int nSize )
int * pOutput;
if ( nSize < 2 )
pOutput = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) * nSize );
Abc_Sort_rec( pInput, pInput + nSize, pOutput );
free( pOutput );
Synopsis [Merging two lists of entries.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Abc_SortCostMerge( int * p1Beg, int * p1End, int * p2Beg, int * p2End, int * pOut )
int nEntries = (p1End - p1Beg) + (p2End - p2Beg);
int * pOutBeg = pOut;
while ( p1Beg < p1End && p2Beg < p2End )
if ( p1Beg[1] == p2Beg[1] )
*pOut++ = *p1Beg++, *pOut++ = *p1Beg++, *pOut++ = *p2Beg++, *pOut++ = *p2Beg++;
else if ( p1Beg[1] < p2Beg[1] )
*pOut++ = *p1Beg++, *pOut++ = *p1Beg++;
else // if ( p1Beg[1] > p2Beg[1] )
*pOut++ = *p2Beg++, *pOut++ = *p2Beg++;
while ( p1Beg < p1End )
*pOut++ = *p1Beg++, *pOut++ = *p1Beg++;
while ( p2Beg < p2End )
*pOut++ = *p2Beg++, *pOut++ = *p2Beg++;
assert( pOut - pOutBeg == nEntries );
Synopsis [Recursive sorting.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Abc_SortCost_rec( int * pInBeg, int * pInEnd, int * pOutBeg )
int nSize = (pInEnd - pInBeg)/2;
assert( nSize > 0 );
if ( nSize == 1 )
if ( nSize == 2 )
if ( pInBeg[1] > pInBeg[3] )
pInBeg[1] ^= pInBeg[3];
pInBeg[3] ^= pInBeg[1];
pInBeg[1] ^= pInBeg[3];
pInBeg[0] ^= pInBeg[2];
pInBeg[2] ^= pInBeg[0];
pInBeg[0] ^= pInBeg[2];
else if ( nSize < 8 )
int temp, i, j, best_i;
for ( i = 0; i < nSize-1; i++ )
best_i = i;
for ( j = i+1; j < nSize; j++ )
if ( pInBeg[2*j+1] < pInBeg[2*best_i+1] )
best_i = j;
temp = pInBeg[2*i];
pInBeg[2*i] = pInBeg[2*best_i];
pInBeg[2*best_i] = temp;
temp = pInBeg[2*i+1];
pInBeg[2*i+1] = pInBeg[2*best_i+1];
pInBeg[2*best_i+1] = temp;
Abc_SortCost_rec( pInBeg, pInBeg + 2*(nSize/2), pOutBeg );
Abc_SortCost_rec( pInBeg + 2*(nSize/2), pInEnd, pOutBeg + 2*(nSize/2) );
Abc_SortCostMerge( pInBeg, pInBeg + 2*(nSize/2), pInBeg + 2*(nSize/2), pInEnd, pOutBeg );
memcpy( pInBeg, pOutBeg, sizeof(int) * 2 * nSize );
Synopsis [Sorting procedure.]
Description [Returns permutation for the non-decreasing order of costs.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int * Abc_SortCost( int * pCosts, int nSize )
int i, * pResult, * pInput, * pOutput;
pResult = (int *) calloc( sizeof(int), nSize );
if ( nSize < 2 )
return pResult;
pInput = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) * 2 * nSize );
pOutput = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) * 2 * nSize );
for ( i = 0; i < nSize; i++ )
pInput[2*i] = i, pInput[2*i+1] = pCosts[i];
Abc_SortCost_rec( pInput, pInput + 2*nSize, pOutput );
for ( i = 0; i < nSize; i++ )
pResult[i] = pInput[2*i];
free( pOutput );
free( pInput );
return pResult;
// this implementation uses 3x less memory but is 30% slower due to cache misses
#if 0
Synopsis [Merging two lists of entries.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Abc_SortCostMerge( int * p1Beg, int * p1End, int * p2Beg, int * p2End, int * pOut, int * pCost )
int nEntries = (p1End - p1Beg) + (p2End - p2Beg);
int * pOutBeg = pOut;
while ( p1Beg < p1End && p2Beg < p2End )
if ( pCost[*p1Beg] == pCost[*p2Beg] )
*pOut++ = *p1Beg++, *pOut++ = *p2Beg++;
else if ( pCost[*p1Beg] < pCost[*p2Beg] )
*pOut++ = *p1Beg++;
else // if ( pCost[*p1Beg] > pCost[*p2Beg] )
*pOut++ = *p2Beg++;
while ( p1Beg < p1End )
*pOut++ = *p1Beg++;
while ( p2Beg < p2End )
*pOut++ = *p2Beg++;
assert( pOut - pOutBeg == nEntries );
Synopsis [Recursive sorting.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Abc_SortCost_rec( int * pInBeg, int * pInEnd, int * pOutBeg, int * pCost )
int nSize = pInEnd - pInBeg;
assert( nSize > 0 );
if ( nSize == 1 )
if ( nSize == 2 )
if ( pCost[pInBeg[0]] > pCost[pInBeg[1]] )
pInBeg[0] ^= pInBeg[1];
pInBeg[1] ^= pInBeg[0];
pInBeg[0] ^= pInBeg[1];
else if ( nSize < 8 )
int temp, i, j, best_i;
for ( i = 0; i < nSize-1; i++ )
best_i = i;
for ( j = i+1; j < nSize; j++ )
if ( pCost[pInBeg[j]] < pCost[pInBeg[best_i]] )
best_i = j;
temp = pInBeg[i];
pInBeg[i] = pInBeg[best_i];
pInBeg[best_i] = temp;
Abc_SortCost_rec( pInBeg, pInBeg + nSize/2, pOutBeg, pCost );
Abc_SortCost_rec( pInBeg + nSize/2, pInEnd, pOutBeg + nSize/2, pCost );
Abc_SortCostMerge( pInBeg, pInBeg + nSize/2, pInBeg + nSize/2, pInEnd, pOutBeg, pCost );
memcpy( pInBeg, pOutBeg, sizeof(int) * nSize );
Synopsis [Sorting procedure.]
Description [Returns permutation for the non-decreasing order of costs.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int * Abc_SortCost( int * pCosts, int nSize )
int i, * pInput, * pOutput;
pInput = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) * nSize );
for ( i = 0; i < nSize; i++ )
pInput[i] = i;
if ( nSize < 2 )
return pInput;
pOutput = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) * nSize );
Abc_SortCost_rec( pInput, pInput + nSize, pOutput, pCosts );
free( pOutput );
return pInput;
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Abc_SortNumCompare( int * pNum1, int * pNum2 )
return *pNum1 - *pNum2;
Synopsis [Testing the sorting procedure.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Abc_SortTest()
int fUseNew = 0;
int i, clk, nSize = 50000000;
int * pArray = (int *)malloc( sizeof(int) * nSize );
int * pPerm;
// generate numbers
srand( 1000 );
for ( i = 0; i < nSize; i++ )
pArray[i] = rand();
// try sorting
if ( fUseNew )
int fUseCost = 1;
if ( fUseCost )
clk = clock();
pPerm = Abc_SortCost( pArray, nSize );
Abc_PrintTime( 1, "New sort", clock() - clk );
// check
for ( i = 1; i < nSize; i++ )
assert( pArray[pPerm[i-1]] <= pArray[pPerm[i]] );
free( pPerm );
clk = clock();
Abc_Sort( pArray, nSize );
Abc_PrintTime( 1, "New sort", clock() - clk );
// check
for ( i = 1; i < nSize; i++ )
assert( pArray[i-1] <= pArray[i] );
clk = clock();
qsort( (void *)pArray, nSize, sizeof(int), (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) Abc_SortNumCompare );
Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Old sort", clock() - clk );
// check
for ( i = 1; i < nSize; i++ )
assert( pArray[i-1] <= pArray[i] );
free( pArray );
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