Commit 4e247281 by Alan Mishchenko

Updating new mapper.

parent 2d6d5a0f
......@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START
//#define MIG_MASK 0x0000FFFF
//#define MIG_BASE 16
#define MIG_MASK 0x00003FF
#define MIG_BASE 10
#define MIG_MASK 0x0000FFF
#define MIG_BASE 12
typedef struct Mig_Fan_t_ Mig_Fan_t;
struct Mig_Fan_t_
......@@ -176,6 +176,10 @@ static inline int Mig_ObjSiblId( Mig_Obj_t * p ) {
static inline Mig_Obj_t * Mig_ObjSibl( Mig_Obj_t * p ) { return Mig_ObjSiblId(p) == 0 ? NULL: Mig_ObjObj(p, Mig_ObjSiblId(p)); }
static inline int Mig_ObjRefNum( Mig_Obj_t * p ) { return Vec_IntSize(&Mig_ObjMan(p)->vRefs) == 0 ? -1: Vec_IntEntry(&Mig_ObjMan(p)->vRefs, Mig_ObjId(p)); }
static inline void Mig_ManCleanCopy( Mig_Man_t * p ) { if ( p->vCopies.pArray == NULL ) Vec_IntFill( &p->vCopies, Mig_ManObjNum(p), -1 ); }
static inline int Mig_ObjCopy( Mig_Obj_t * p ) { return Vec_IntSize(&Mig_ObjMan(p)->vCopies) == 0 ? -1: Vec_IntEntry(&Mig_ObjMan(p)->vCopies, Mig_ObjId(p)); }
static inline void Mig_ObjSetCopy( Mig_Obj_t * p, int i ) { assert( Vec_IntSize(&Mig_ObjMan(p)->vCopies) != 0 ); Vec_IntWriteEntry(&Mig_ObjMan(p)->vCopies, Mig_ObjId(p), i); }
static inline void Mig_ManIncrementTravId( Mig_Man_t * p ) { if ( p->vTravIds.pArray == NULL ) Vec_IntFill( &p->vTravIds, Mig_ManObjNum(p)+500, 0 ); p->nTravIds++; }
static inline void Mig_ObjIncrementTravId( Mig_Obj_t * p ) { if ( Mig_ObjMan(p)->vTravIds.pArray == NULL ) Vec_IntFill( &Mig_ObjMan(p)->vTravIds, Mig_ManObjNum(Mig_ObjMan(p))+500, 0 ); Mig_ObjMan(p)->nTravIds++; }
static inline void Mig_ObjSetTravIdCurrent( Mig_Obj_t * p ) { Vec_IntSetEntry(&Mig_ObjMan(p)->vTravIds, Mig_ObjId(p), Mig_ObjMan(p)->nTravIds ); }
......@@ -344,7 +348,8 @@ static inline Mig_Man_t * Mig_ManStart()
static inline void Mig_ManStop( Mig_Man_t * p )
printf( "Subject graph uses %d pages of %d objects with %d entries. Total memory %.2f MB.\n",
if ( 0 )
printf( "Subject graph uses %d pages of %d objects with %d entries. Total memory = %.2f MB.\n",
Vec_PtrSize(&p->vPages), MIG_MASK + 1, p->nObjs,
1.0 * Vec_PtrSize(&p->vPages) * (MIG_MASK + 1) * 16 / (1 << 20) );
// attributes
......@@ -363,6 +368,10 @@ static inline void Mig_ManStop( Mig_Man_t * p )
ABC_FREE( p->pName );
ABC_FREE( p );
static inline int Mig_ManMemory( Mig_Man_t * p )
return Vec_PtrSize(&p->vPages) * (MIG_MASK + 1) * sizeof(Mig_Obj_t);
......@@ -379,7 +388,7 @@ void Mig_ManSetRefs( Mig_Man_t * p, int fSkipCos )
Mig_Obj_t * pObj;
int i, iFanin;
abctime clk = Abc_Clock();
// abctime clk = Abc_Clock();
// increment references
Vec_IntFill( &p->vRefs, Mig_ManObjNum(p), 0 );
Mig_ManForEachCand( p, pObj )
......@@ -394,7 +403,7 @@ void Mig_ManSetRefs( Mig_Man_t * p, int fSkipCos )
Mig_ManForEachNode( p, pObj )
assert( Vec_IntEntry(&p->vRefs, Mig_ObjId(pObj)) > 0 );
Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Time", Abc_Clock() - clk );
// Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Time", Abc_Clock() - clk );
......@@ -508,8 +517,8 @@ void Mig_ManTest2( Gia_Man_t * pGia )
#define MPM_UNIT_TIME 1
#define MPM_UNIT_AREA 10
#define MPM_UNIT_EDGE 100
#define MPM_UNIT_REFS 1000
#define MPM_UNIT_EDGE 10
#define MPM_UNIT_REFS 100
typedef struct Mpm_Cut_t_ Mpm_Cut_t; // 8 bytes + NLeaves * 4 bytes
......@@ -555,7 +564,7 @@ struct Mpm_Obj_t_
int mTime; // arrival time
int mArea; // area
int mEdge; // edge
int iCutList; // cut list
int hCutList; // cut list
typedef struct Mpm_LibLut_t_ Mpm_LibLut_t;
......@@ -578,6 +587,9 @@ struct Mpm_Man_t_
Mpm_LibLut_t * pLibLut; // LUT library
// mapping attributes
Mpm_Obj_t * pMapObjs; // mapping objects
int GloRequired;
int GloArea;
int GloEdge;
// cut computation
Mmr_Step_t * pManCuts; // cut memory
// temporary cut storage
......@@ -585,6 +597,7 @@ struct Mpm_Man_t_
Mpm_Uni_t * pCutStore[MPM_CUT_MAX+1]; // storage for cuts
Mpm_Uni_t pCutUnits[MPM_CUT_MAX+1]; // cut info units
Vec_Int_t vFreeUnits; // free cut info units
Vec_Ptr_t * vTemp; // storage for cuts
// object presence
unsigned char * pObjPres; // object presence
Mpm_Cut_t * pCutTemp; // temporary cut
......@@ -599,6 +612,12 @@ struct Mpm_Man_t_
// Dsd_Man_t * pManDsd;
void * pManDsd;
int pPerm[MPM_VAR_MAX];
// statistics
abctime timeCut;
abctime timeFan;
abctime timeDerive;
abctime timeOther;
abctime timeTotal;
// iterators over object cuts
......@@ -619,7 +638,7 @@ struct Mpm_Man_t_
static inline Mpm_Obj_t * Mpm_ManObj( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mig_Obj_t * pObj ) { return p->pMapObjs + Mig_ObjId(pObj); }
static inline Mpm_Obj_t * Mpm_ManObjId( Mpm_Man_t * p, int iObj ) { return p->pMapObjs + iObj; }
static inline int Mpm_ObjCutList( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mig_Obj_t * pObj ) { return Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->iCutList; }
static inline int Mpm_ObjCutList( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mig_Obj_t * pObj ) { return Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->hCutList; }
static inline int Mpm_ObjArrTime( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mig_Obj_t * pObj ) { return Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->mTime; }
static inline int Mpm_ObjReqTime( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mig_Obj_t * pObj ) { return Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->mRequired; }
static inline int Mpm_ObjArrTimeId( Mpm_Man_t * p, int iObj ) { return Mpm_ManObjId(p, iObj)->mTime; }
......@@ -653,9 +672,13 @@ static inline Mpm_Cut_t * Mpm_CutFetch( Mpm_Man_t * p, int h )
assert( Mpm_CutWordNum(pCut->nLeaves) == (h & p->pManCuts->uMask) );
return pCut;
static inline Mpm_Cut_t * Mpm_ObjCutBestObj( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mpm_Obj_t * pObj )
return Mpm_CutFetch( p, pObj->hCutList );
static inline Mpm_Cut_t * Mpm_ObjCutBest( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mig_Obj_t * pObj )
return Mpm_CutFetch( p, Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->iCutList );
return Mpm_CutFetch( p, Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->hCutList );
static inline int Mpm_CutCreateZero( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mig_Obj_t * pObj )
......@@ -672,13 +695,12 @@ static inline int Mpm_CutCreateUnit( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mig_Obj_t * pObj )
pCut->pLeaves[0] = Abc_Var2Lit( Mig_ObjId(pObj), 0 );
return hCut;
static inline int Mpm_CutCreate( Mpm_Man_t * p, int * pLeaves, int nLeaves, int fUseless )
static inline int Mpm_CutCreate( Mpm_Man_t * p, int * pLeaves, int nLeaves, int fUseless, Mpm_Cut_t ** ppCut )
Mpm_Cut_t * pCut;
int hCutNew = Mpm_CutAlloc( p, nLeaves, &pCut );
pCut->fUseless = fUseless;
pCut->nLeaves = nLeaves;
memcpy( pCut->pLeaves, pLeaves, sizeof(int) * nLeaves );
int hCutNew = Mpm_CutAlloc( p, nLeaves, ppCut );
(*ppCut)->fUseless = fUseless;
(*ppCut)->nLeaves = nLeaves;
memcpy( (*ppCut)->pLeaves, pLeaves, sizeof(int) * nLeaves );
return hCutNew;
static inline int Mpm_CutDup( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mpm_Cut_t * pCut, int fCompl )
......@@ -703,6 +725,35 @@ static inline int Mpm_CutCopySet( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mig_Obj_t * pObj, int fCompl )
*pList = 0;
return iList;
static inline void Mpm_CutRef( Mpm_Man_t * p, int * pLeaves, int nLeaves )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < nLeaves; i++ )
Mpm_ManObjId( p, Abc_Lit2Var(pLeaves[i]) )->nMapRefs++;
static inline void Mpm_CutDeref( Mpm_Man_t * p, int * pLeaves, int nLeaves )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < nLeaves; i++ )
Mpm_ManObjId( p, Abc_Lit2Var(pLeaves[i]) )->nMapRefs--;
static inline void Mpm_CutPrint( int * pLeaves, int nLeaves )
int i;
printf( "%d : { ", nLeaves );
for ( i = 0; i < nLeaves; i++ )
printf( "%d ", pLeaves[i] );
printf( "}\n" );
static inline void Mpm_CutPrintAll( Mpm_Man_t * p )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < p->nCutStore; i++ )
printf( "%2d : ", i );
Mpm_CutPrint( p->pCutStore[i]->pLeaves, p->pCutStore[i]->nLeaves );
......@@ -720,11 +771,14 @@ static inline void Mpm_ManObjPresClean( Mpm_Man_t * p )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < (int)p->pCutTemp->nLeaves; i++ )
p->pObjPres[Abc_Lit2Var(p->pCutTemp->pLeaves[i])] = (unsigned char)0xFF;
// for ( i = 0; i < Mig_ManObjNum(p->pMig); i++ )
// assert( p->pObjPres[i] == (unsigned char)0xFF );
static inline int Mpm_ManObjPres( Mpm_Man_t * p, int k, int iLit )
int iObj = Abc_Lit2Var(iLit);
// assert( iLit > 1 && iLit < 2 * Mig_ManObjNum(p->pMig) );
if ( p->pObjPres[iObj] != (unsigned char)0xFF )
return 1;
if ( (int)p->pCutTemp->nLeaves == p->nLutSize )
......@@ -735,15 +789,21 @@ static inline int Mpm_ManObjPres( Mpm_Man_t * p, int k, int iLit )
static inline int Mpm_ObjDeriveCut( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mpm_Cut_t ** pCuts, Mpm_Cut_t * pCut )
abctime clk = clock();
int i, c;
pCut->nLeaves = 0;
for ( c = 0; pCuts[c] && c < 3; c++ )
for ( i = 0; i < (int)pCuts[c]->nLeaves; i++ )
if ( !Mpm_ManObjPres( p, i, pCuts[c]->pLeaves[i] ) )
p->timeCut += clock() - clk;
return 0;
pCut->hNext = 0;
pCut->iFunc = 0; pCut->iFunc = ~pCut->iFunc;
pCut->fUseless = 0;
assert( pCut->nLeaves > 0 );
p->timeCut += clock() - clk;
return 1;
......@@ -816,13 +876,13 @@ static inline void Mpm_CutSetupInfo( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mpm_Cut_t * pCut, int ArrTim
Mpm_Obj_t * pLeaf;
int i;
memset( pInfo, 0, sizeof(Mpm_Inf_t) );
// pInfo->nLeaves = pCut->nLeaves;
pInfo->nLeaves = pCut->nLeaves;
pInfo->mTime = ArrTime;
pInfo->mArea = p->pLibLut->pLutAreas[pCut->nLeaves];
pInfo->mEdge = pCut->nLeaves;
pInfo->mEdge = MPM_UNIT_EDGE * pCut->nLeaves;
Mpm_CutForEachLeafMap( p, pCut, pLeaf, i )
if ( pLeaf->nMapRefs )
if ( pLeaf->nMapRefs == 0 )
pInfo->mArea += pLeaf->mArea;
pInfo->mEdge += pLeaf->mEdge;
......@@ -834,7 +894,7 @@ static inline void Mpm_CutSetupInfo( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mpm_Cut_t * pCut, int ArrTim
pInfo->mEdge += MPM_UNIT_REFS * pLeaf->mEdge / pLeaf->nEstRefs;
pInfo->mAveRefs += MPM_UNIT_EDGE * pLeaf->nMapRefs;
pInfo->uSign |= ((word)1 << Abc_Lit2Var(pCut->pLeaves[i]));
pInfo->uSign |= ((word)1 << (Abc_Lit2Var(pCut->pLeaves[i]) & 0x3F));
pInfo->mAveRefs /= pCut->nLeaves;
......@@ -850,7 +910,7 @@ static inline void Mpm_CutSetupInfo( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mpm_Cut_t * pCut, int ArrTim
SeeAlso []
int Mpm_CutCompareDelay( Mpm_Inf_t * pOld, Mpm_Inf_t * pNew )
static inline int Mpm_CutCompareDelay( Mpm_Inf_t * pOld, Mpm_Inf_t * pNew )
if ( pOld->mTime != pNew->mTime ) return pOld->mTime - pNew->mTime;
if ( pOld->nLeaves != pNew->nLeaves ) return pOld->nLeaves - pNew->nLeaves;
......@@ -858,7 +918,7 @@ int Mpm_CutCompareDelay( Mpm_Inf_t * pOld, Mpm_Inf_t * pNew )
if ( pOld->mEdge != pNew->mEdge ) return pOld->mEdge - pNew->mEdge;
return 0;
int Mpm_CutCompareDelay2( Mpm_Inf_t * pOld, Mpm_Inf_t * pNew )
static inline int Mpm_CutCompareDelay2( Mpm_Inf_t * pOld, Mpm_Inf_t * pNew )
if ( pOld->mTime != pNew->mTime ) return pOld->mTime - pNew->mTime;
if ( pOld->mArea != pNew->mArea ) return pOld->mArea - pNew->mArea;
......@@ -866,7 +926,7 @@ int Mpm_CutCompareDelay2( Mpm_Inf_t * pOld, Mpm_Inf_t * pNew )
if ( pOld->nLeaves != pNew->nLeaves ) return pOld->nLeaves - pNew->nLeaves;
return 0;
int Mpm_CutCompareArea( Mpm_Inf_t * pOld, Mpm_Inf_t * pNew )
static inline int Mpm_CutCompareArea( Mpm_Inf_t * pOld, Mpm_Inf_t * pNew )
if ( pOld->mArea != pNew->mArea ) return pOld->mArea - pNew->mArea;
if ( pOld->mEdge != pNew->mEdge ) return pOld->mEdge - pNew->mEdge;
......@@ -914,10 +974,7 @@ int Mpm_ObjAddCutToStore( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mpm_Cut_t * pCut, int ArrTime )
Mpm_Uni_t * pUnit, * pUnitNew;
int k, iPivot, last;
if ( p->nCutStore == 9 )
int s = 0;
abctime clk;
// create new unit
pUnitNew = Mpm_CutToUnit( p, pCut );
Mpm_CutSetupInfo( p, pCut, ArrTime, &pUnitNew->Inf );
......@@ -928,8 +985,7 @@ int Mpm_ObjAddCutToStore( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mpm_Cut_t * pCut, int ArrTime )
return 1;
// special case when the cut store is full and last cut is better than new cut
pUnit = p->pCutStore[p->nCutStore-1];
if ( p->nCutStore == p->nNumCuts && p->pCutCmp(&pUnitNew->Inf, &pUnit->Inf) > 0 )
if ( p->nCutStore == p->nNumCuts-1 && p->pCutCmp(&pUnitNew->Inf, &p->pCutStore[p->nCutStore-1]->Inf) > 0 )
Mpm_UnitRecycle( p, pUnitNew );
return 0;
......@@ -939,6 +995,7 @@ int Mpm_ObjAddCutToStore( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mpm_Cut_t * pCut, int ArrTime )
for ( iPivot = p->nCutStore - 1; iPivot >= 0; iPivot-- )
if ( p->pCutCmp(&pUnitNew->Inf, &p->pCutStore[iPivot]->Inf) > 0 ) // iPivot-th cut is better than new cut
clk = Abc_Clock();
// filter this cut using other cuts
for ( k = 0; k <= iPivot; k++ )
......@@ -947,6 +1004,9 @@ int Mpm_ObjAddCutToStore( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mpm_Cut_t * pCut, int ArrTime )
(pUnitNew->Inf.uSign & pUnit->Inf.uSign) == pUnit->Inf.uSign &&
Mpm_ManSetIsSmaller(p, pUnit->pLeaves, pUnit->nLeaves) )
// printf( "\n" );
// Mpm_CutPrint( pUnitNew->pLeaves, pUnitNew->nLeaves );
// Mpm_CutPrint( pUnit->pLeaves, pUnit->nLeaves );
Mpm_UnitRecycle( p, pUnitNew );
return 0;
......@@ -967,52 +1027,60 @@ int Mpm_ObjAddCutToStore( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mpm_Cut_t * pCut, int ArrTime )
(pUnitNew->Inf.uSign & pUnit->Inf.uSign) == pUnitNew->Inf.uSign &&
Mpm_ManSetIsBigger(p, pUnit->pLeaves, pUnit->nLeaves) )
// printf( "\n" );
// Mpm_CutPrint( pUnitNew->pLeaves, pUnitNew->nLeaves );
// Mpm_CutPrint( pUnit->pLeaves, pUnit->nLeaves );
Mpm_UnitRecycle( p, pUnit );
p->pCutStore[last++] = p->pCutStore[k];
p->nCutStore = last;
p->timeOther += Abc_Clock() - clk;
// remove the last cut if too many
if ( p->nCutStore >= p->nNumCuts )
if ( p->nCutStore == p->nNumCuts )
Mpm_UnitRecycle( p, p->pCutStore[--p->nCutStore] );
assert( p->nCutStore <= p->nNumCuts );
assert( p->nCutStore < p->nNumCuts );
return 1;
// create storage from cuts at the node
void Mpm_ObjAddChoiceCutsToStore( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mig_Obj_t * pObj, int ReqTime )
Mpm_Cut_t * pCut;
int hCut, ArrTime;
int hCut, hNext, ArrTime;
assert( p->nCutStore == 0 );
assert( Vec_IntSize(&p->vFreeUnits) == p->nNumCuts + 1 );
Mpm_ObjForEachCut( p, pObj, hCut, pCut )
Mpm_ObjForEachCutSafe( p, pObj, hCut, pCut, hNext )
ArrTime = Mpm_CutGetArrTime( p, pCut );
if ( ArrTime > ReqTime )
Mpm_ObjAddCutToStore( p, pCut, ArrTime );
Mmr_StepRecycle( p->pManCuts, hCut );
// create cuts at the node from storage
void Mpm_ObjTranslateCutsFromStore( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mig_Obj_t * pObj, int fAddUnit )
Mpm_Cut_t * pCut;
Mpm_Uni_t * pUnit;
Mpm_Obj_t * pMapObj = Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj);
int i, *pList = &pMapObj->iCutList;
int i, *pList = &pMapObj->hCutList;
assert( p->nCutStore > 0 && p->nCutStore <= p->nNumCuts );
// save statistics
pUnit = p->pCutStore[0];
pMapObj->mArea = pUnit->Inf.mArea;
pMapObj->mEdge = pUnit->Inf.mEdge;
pMapObj->mTime = pUnit->Inf.mTime;
Mpm_CutRef( p, pUnit->pLeaves, pUnit->nLeaves );
// translate cuts
*pList = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < p->nCutStore; i++ )
pUnit = p->pCutStore[i];
*pList = Mpm_CutCreate( p, pUnit->pLeaves, pUnit->nLeaves, pUnit->fUseless );
pList = &Mpm_CutFetch(p, *pList)->hNext;
*pList = Mpm_CutCreate( p, pUnit->pLeaves, pUnit->nLeaves, pUnit->fUseless, &pCut );
pList = &pCut->hNext;
Mpm_UnitRecycle( p, pUnit );
*pList = fAddUnit ? Mpm_CutCreateUnit( p, pObj ) : 0;
......@@ -1021,24 +1089,6 @@ void Mpm_ObjTranslateCutsFromStore( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mig_Obj_t * pObj, int fAddUni
Synopsis [Set references.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
static inline void Mpm_ManStartEstRefs( Mpm_Man_t * p )
Mig_Obj_t * pObj;
Mig_ManForEachCand( p->pMig, pObj )
Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->nEstRefs = MPM_UNIT_REFS * Mig_ObjRefNum(pObj);
Synopsis [Required times.]
Description []
......@@ -1050,14 +1100,9 @@ static inline void Mpm_ManStartEstRefs( Mpm_Man_t * p )
static inline void Mpm_ManResetRequired( Mpm_Man_t * p )
Mpm_Obj_t * pObj;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < Mig_ManObjNum(p->pMig); i++ )
pObj = p->pMapObjs + i;
pObj->mRequired = ABC_INFINITY;
pObj->nMapRefs = 0;
p->pMapObjs[i].mRequired = ABC_INFINITY;
static inline int Mpm_ManFindArrivalMax( Mpm_Man_t * p )
......@@ -1067,29 +1112,36 @@ static inline int Mpm_ManFindArrivalMax( Mpm_Man_t * p )
ArrMax = Abc_MaxInt( ArrMax, Mpm_ObjArrTimeId(p, Mig_ObjFaninId0(pObj)) );
return ArrMax;
static inline void Mpm_ManComputeRequired( Mpm_Man_t * p, int ArrMax )
static inline void Mpm_ManFinalizeRound( Mpm_Man_t * p )
Mig_Obj_t * pObj;
Mpm_Obj_t * pFanin;
Mpm_Cut_t * pCut;
int * pDelays;
int i, Required;
p->GloArea = 0;
p->GloEdge = 0;
p->GloRequired = Mpm_ManFindArrivalMax(p);
Mpm_ManResetRequired( p );
Mig_ManForEachObjReverse( p->pMig, pObj )
if ( Mig_ObjIsCo(pObj) )
Mpm_ManObjId(p, Mig_ObjFaninId0(pObj))->mRequired = ArrMax;
pFanin = Mpm_ManObjId( p, Mig_ObjFaninId0(pObj) );
pFanin->mRequired = p->GloRequired;
else if ( Mig_ObjIsNode(pObj) )
if ( Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->nMapRefs == 0 )
if ( Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->nMapRefs > 0 )
pCut = Mpm_ObjCutBest( p, pObj );
pDelays = p->pLibLut->pLutDelays[pCut->nLeaves];
Required = Mpm_ManObj(p,pObj)->mRequired;
Mpm_CutForEachLeafMap( p, pCut, pFanin, i )
pFanin->mRequired = Abc_MinInt( pFanin->mRequired, Required - pDelays[i] );
p->GloArea += p->pLibLut->pLutAreas[pCut->nLeaves];
p->GloEdge += pCut->nLeaves;
else if ( Mig_ObjIsBuf(pObj) )
......@@ -1098,6 +1150,7 @@ static inline void Mpm_ManComputeRequired( Mpm_Man_t * p, int ArrMax )
// pObj->EstRefs = (float)((2.0 * pObj->EstRefs + pObj->nRefs) / 3.0);
Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->nEstRefs = (2 * Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->nEstRefs + MPM_UNIT_REFS * Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->nMapRefs) / 3;
p->GloArea /= MPM_UNIT_AREA;
......@@ -1158,17 +1211,16 @@ static inline Mpm_Man_t * Mpm_ManStart( Mig_Man_t * pMig, Mpm_LibLut_t * pLib, i
p->pLibLut = pLib;
p->nLutSize = pLib->LutMax;
p->nNumCuts = nNumCuts;
p->timeTotal = Abc_Clock();
// mapping attributes
p->pMapObjs = ABC_CALLOC( Mpm_Obj_t, Mig_ManObjNum(pMig) );
Mpm_ManResetRequired( p );
Mpm_ManStartEstRefs( p );
// cuts
p->pManCuts = Mmr_StepStart( 12, Abc_Base2Log(Mpm_CutWordNum(p->nLutSize) + 1) );
p->pManCuts = Mmr_StepStart( 13, Abc_Base2Log(Mpm_CutWordNum(p->nLutSize) + 1) );
Vec_IntGrow( &p->vFreeUnits, nNumCuts + 1 );
p->pObjPres = ABC_FALLOC( unsigned char, Mig_ManObjNum(pMig) );
p->pCutTemp = (Mpm_Cut_t *)ABC_CALLOC( word, Mpm_CutWordNum(p->nLutSize) );
Vec_StrGrow( &p->vObjShared, 32 );
p->pCutCmp = Mpm_CutCompareDelay;
p->vTemp = Vec_PtrAlloc( 1000 );
// start DSD manager
p->pManDsd = NULL;
return p;
......@@ -1176,6 +1228,7 @@ static inline Mpm_Man_t * Mpm_ManStart( Mig_Man_t * pMig, Mpm_LibLut_t * pLib, i
static inline void Mpm_ManStop( Mpm_Man_t * p )
ABC_FREE( p->pMapObjs );
Vec_PtrFree( p->vTemp );
Mmr_StepStop( p->pManCuts );
ABC_FREE( p->vFreeUnits.pArray );
ABC_FREE( p->vObjShared.pArray );
......@@ -1183,7 +1236,26 @@ static inline void Mpm_ManStop( Mpm_Man_t * p )
ABC_FREE( p->pObjPres );
ABC_FREE( p );
static inline void Mpm_ManPrintStatsInit( Mpm_Man_t * p )
printf( "K = %d. C = %d. Nodes = %d. Choices = %d.\n", p->nLutSize, p->nNumCuts, Mig_ManObjNum(p->pMig), 0 );
static inline void Mpm_ManPrintStats( Mpm_Man_t * p )
printf( "Memory usage: Mig = %.2f MB Map = %.2f MB Cut = %.2f MB Total = %.2f MB.\n",
1.0 * Mig_ManMemory(p->pMig) / (1 << 20),
1.0 * Mig_ManObjNum(p->pMig) * sizeof(Mpm_Obj_t) / (1 << 20),
1.0 * Mmr_StepMemory(p->pManCuts) / (1 << 17),
1.0 * Mig_ManMemory(p->pMig) / (1 << 20) +
1.0 * Mig_ManObjNum(p->pMig) * sizeof(Mpm_Obj_t) / (1 << 20) +
1.0 * Mmr_StepMemory(p->pManCuts) / (1 << 17) );
Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Cuts ", p->timeCut );
Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Fans ", p->timeFan );
Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Derive", p->timeDerive );
Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Other ", p->timeOther );
Abc_PrintTime( 1, "TOTAL ", Abc_Clock() - p->timeTotal );
......@@ -1212,7 +1284,7 @@ void Mpm_ObjDerefFaninCuts( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mig_Obj_t * pObj )
Mig_Obj_t * pFanin;
int i;
Mig_ObjForEachFanin( pObj, pFanin, i )
if ( !Mig_ObjIsCi(pObj) && --Mpm_ManObj(p, pFanin)->nMigRefs == 0 )
if ( Mig_ObjIsNode(pFanin) && --Mpm_ManObj(p, pFanin)->nMigRefs == 0 )
Mpm_ObjRecycleCuts( p, pFanin );
if ( Mig_ObjSiblId(pObj) )
Mpm_ObjRecycleCuts( p, Mig_ObjSibl(pObj) );
......@@ -1255,11 +1327,11 @@ void Mpm_ObjUpdateCut( Mpm_Cut_t * pCut, int * pPerm, int nLeaves )
assert( Mig_ObjIsAnd(pObj) );
if ( Abc_LitNotCond(pCut0->iFunc, Mig_ObjFaninC0(pObj)) == 0 ||
Abc_LitNotCond(pCut1->iFunc, Mig_ObjFaninC1(pObj)) == 0 ) // set the resulting cut to 0
Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->iCutList = Mpm_CutCreateZero( p, pObj );
Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->hCutList = Mpm_CutCreateZero( p, pObj );
else if ( Abc_LitNotCond(pCut0->iFunc, Mig_ObjFaninC0(pObj)) == 1 ) // set the resulting set to be that of Fanin1
Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->iCutList = Mpm_CutCopySet( p, Mig_ObjFanin1(pObj), 0 );
Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->hCutList = Mpm_CutCopySet( p, Mig_ObjFanin1(pObj), 0 );
else if ( Abc_LitNotCond(pCut1->iFunc, Mig_ObjFaninC1(pObj)) == 1 ) // set the resulting set to be that of Fanin0
Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->iCutList = Mpm_CutCopySet( p, Mig_ObjFanin0(pObj), 0 );
Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->hCutList = Mpm_CutCopySet( p, Mig_ObjFanin0(pObj), 0 );
else assert( 0 );
goto finish;
......@@ -1283,13 +1355,13 @@ void Mpm_ObjUpdateCut( Mpm_Cut_t * pCut, int * pPerm, int nLeaves )
// consider filtering based on functionality
if ( nLeaves == 0 ) // derived const cut
Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->iCutList = Mpm_CutCreateZero( p, pObj );
Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->hCutList = Mpm_CutCreateZero( p, pObj );
goto finish;
if ( nLeaves == 1 ) // derived unit cut
pFanin = Mig_ManObj( p->pMig, Abc_Lit2Var(p->pCutTemp->pLeaves[0]) );
Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->iCutList = Mpm_CutCopySet( p, pFanin, Abc_LitIsCompl(p->pCutTemp->pLeaves[0]) );
Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->hCutList = Mpm_CutCopySet( p, pFanin, Abc_LitIsCompl(p->pCutTemp->pLeaves[0]) );
goto finish;
if ( nLeaves < nLeavesOld ) // reduced support of the cut
......@@ -1315,7 +1387,7 @@ void Mpm_ObjUpdateCut( Mpm_Cut_t * pCut, int * pPerm, int nLeaves )
static inline int Mpm_ManDeriveCutNew( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mpm_Cut_t ** pCuts, int Required )
int fUseFunc = 0;
// int fUseFunc = 0;
int ArrTime;
Mpm_Cut_t * pCut = p->pCutTemp;
Mpm_ManObjPresClean( p );
......@@ -1330,25 +1402,33 @@ static inline int Mpm_ManDeriveCutNew( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mpm_Cut_t ** pCuts, int Re
int Mpm_ManDeriveCuts( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mig_Obj_t * pObj )
static int Flag = 0;
Mpm_Obj_t * pMapObj = Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj);
Mpm_Cut_t * pCuts[3];
int c0, c1, c2;
// check that the best cut is ok
abctime clk;
Mpm_ManPrepareCutStore( p );
if ( Mpm_ObjCutList(p, pObj) > 0 ) // cut list is assigned
// check that the best cut is ok
pMapObj = Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj);
if ( pMapObj->hCutList > 0 ) // cut list is assigned
Mpm_Cut_t * pCut = Mpm_ObjCutBest( p, pObj ); assert( pCut->hNext == 0 );
pMapObj->mTime = Mpm_CutGetArrTime(p, pCut);
if ( pMapObj->mTime > pMapObj->mRequired )
printf( "Arrival time (%d) exceeds required time (%d) at object %d.\n", pMapObj->mTime, pMapObj->mRequired, Mig_ObjId(pObj) );
Mpm_ObjAddCutToStore( p, pCut, pMapObj->mTime );
Mpm_CutDeref( p, pCut->pLeaves, pCut->nLeaves );
Mmr_StepRecycle( p->pManCuts, pMapObj->hCutList );
// start storage with choice cuts
if ( Mig_ObjSiblId(pObj) )
if ( p->pMig->vSibls.nSize && Mig_ObjSiblId(pObj) )
Mpm_ObjAddChoiceCutsToStore( p, Mig_ObjSibl(pObj), pMapObj->mRequired );
// compute signatures for fanin cuts
clk = Abc_Clock();
Mpm_ObjPrepareFanins( p, pObj );
p->timeFan += Abc_Clock() - clk;
// compute cuts in the internal storage
clk = Abc_Clock();
if ( Mig_ObjIsNode2(pObj) )
// go through cut pairs
......@@ -1361,7 +1441,7 @@ int Mpm_ManDeriveCuts( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mig_Obj_t * pObj )
else if ( Mig_ObjIsNode3(pObj) )
// go through cut pairs
// go through cut triples
for ( c0 = 0; c0 < p->nCuts[0] && (pCuts[0] = p->pCuts[0][c0]); c0++ )
for ( c1 = 0; c1 < p->nCuts[1] && (pCuts[1] = p->pCuts[1][c1]); c1++ )
for ( c2 = 0; c2 < p->nCuts[2] && (pCuts[2] = p->pCuts[2][c2]); c2++ )
......@@ -1370,8 +1450,11 @@ int Mpm_ManDeriveCuts( Mpm_Man_t * p, Mig_Obj_t * pObj )
goto finish;
else assert( 0 );
p->timeDerive += Abc_Clock() - clk;
// transform internal storage into regular cuts
// if ( Flag == 0 && p->nCutStore == p->nNumCuts - 1 )
// Flag = 1, Mpm_CutPrintAll( p );
// printf( "%d ", p->nCutStore );
Mpm_ObjTranslateCutsFromStore( p, pObj, Mig_ObjRefNum(pObj) > 0 );
// dereference fanin cuts and reference node
......@@ -1382,6 +1465,176 @@ finish:
return 1;
Synopsis [Recursively derives the local AIG for the cut.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
static inline unsigned Mpm_CutDataInt( Mpm_Cut_t * pCut ) { return pCut->hNext; }
static inline void Mpm_CutSetDataInt( Mpm_Cut_t * pCut, unsigned Data ) { pCut->hNext = Data; }
int Mpm_ManNodeIfToGia_rec( Gia_Man_t * pNew, Mpm_Man_t * pMan, Mig_Obj_t * pObj, Vec_Ptr_t * vVisited, int fHash )
Mig_Obj_t * pTemp;
Mpm_Cut_t * pCut;
int iFunc, iFunc0, iFunc1;
// get the best cut
pCut = Mpm_ObjCutBest( pMan, pObj );
// if the cut is visited, return the result
if ( Mpm_CutDataInt(pCut) )
return Mpm_CutDataInt(pCut);
// mark the node as visited
Vec_PtrPush( vVisited, pCut );
// insert the worst case
Mpm_CutSetDataInt( pCut, ~0 );
// skip in case of primary input
if ( Mig_ObjIsCi(pObj) )
return Mpm_CutDataInt(pCut);
// compute the functions of the children
for ( pTemp = pObj; pTemp; pTemp = Mig_ObjSibl(pTemp) )
iFunc0 = Mpm_ManNodeIfToGia_rec( pNew, pMan, Mig_ObjFanin0(pTemp), vVisited, fHash );
if ( iFunc0 == ~0 )
iFunc1 = Mpm_ManNodeIfToGia_rec( pNew, pMan, Mig_ObjFanin1(pTemp), vVisited, fHash );
if ( iFunc1 == ~0 )
// both branches are solved
if ( fHash )
iFunc = Gia_ManHashAnd( pNew, Abc_LitNotCond(iFunc0, Mig_ObjFaninC0(pTemp)), Abc_LitNotCond(iFunc1, Mig_ObjFaninC1(pTemp)) );
iFunc = Gia_ManAppendAnd( pNew, Abc_LitNotCond(iFunc0, Mig_ObjFaninC0(pTemp)), Abc_LitNotCond(iFunc1, Mig_ObjFaninC1(pTemp)) );
if ( Mig_ObjPhase(pTemp) != Mig_ObjPhase(pObj) )
iFunc = Abc_LitNot(iFunc);
Mpm_CutSetDataInt( pCut, iFunc );
return Mpm_CutDataInt(pCut);
int Mpm_ManNodeIfToGia( Gia_Man_t * pNew, Mpm_Man_t * pMan, Mig_Obj_t * pObj, Vec_Int_t * vLeaves, int fHash )
Mpm_Cut_t * pCut;
Mig_Obj_t * pFanin;
int i, iRes;
// get the best cut
pCut = Mpm_ObjCutBest( pMan, pObj );
assert( pCut->nLeaves > 1 );
// set the leaf variables
Mpm_CutForEachLeaf( pMan->pMig, pCut, pFanin, i )
Mpm_CutSetDataInt( Mpm_ObjCutBest(pMan, pFanin), Vec_IntEntry(vLeaves, i) );
// recursively compute the function while collecting visited cuts
Vec_PtrClear( pMan->vTemp );
iRes = Mpm_ManNodeIfToGia_rec( pNew, pMan, pObj, pMan->vTemp, fHash );
if ( iRes == ~0 )
Abc_Print( -1, "Mpm_ManNodeIfToGia(): Computing local AIG has failed.\n" );
return ~0;
// clean the cuts
Mpm_CutForEachLeaf( pMan->pMig, pCut, pFanin, i )
Mpm_CutSetDataInt( Mpm_ObjCutBest(pMan, pFanin), 0 );
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( Mpm_Cut_t *, pMan->vTemp, pCut, i )
Mpm_CutSetDataInt( pCut, 0 );
return iRes;
Gia_Man_t * Mpm_ManFromIfLogic( Mpm_Man_t * pMan )
Gia_Man_t * pNew;
Mpm_Cut_t * pCutBest;
Mig_Obj_t * pObj, * pFanin;
Vec_Int_t * vMapping, * vMapping2, * vPacking = NULL;
Vec_Int_t * vLeaves, * vLeaves2, * vCover;
int i, k, Entry, iLitNew;
// assert( !pMan->pPars->fDeriveLuts || pMan->pPars->fTruth );
// start mapping and packing
vMapping = Vec_IntStart( Mig_ManObjNum(pMan->pMig) );
vMapping2 = Vec_IntStart( 1 );
if ( 0 ) // pMan->pPars->fDeriveLuts && pMan->pPars->pLutStruct )
vPacking = Vec_IntAlloc( 1000 );
Vec_IntPush( vPacking, 0 );
// create new manager
pNew = Gia_ManStart( Mig_ManObjNum(pMan->pMig) );
// iterate through nodes used in the mapping
vCover = Vec_IntAlloc( 1 << 16 );
vLeaves = Vec_IntAlloc( 16 );
vLeaves2 = Vec_IntAlloc( 16 );
Mig_ManCleanCopy( pMan->pMig );
Mig_ManForEachObj( pMan->pMig, pObj )
if ( Mpm_ManObj(pMan, pObj)->nMapRefs == 0 && !Mig_ObjIsTerm(pObj) )
if ( Mig_ObjIsNode(pObj) )
// collect leaves of the best cut
Vec_IntClear( vLeaves );
pCutBest = Mpm_ObjCutBest( pMan, pObj );
Mpm_CutForEachLeaf( pMan->pMig, pCutBest, pFanin, k )
Vec_IntPush( vLeaves, Mig_ObjCopy(pFanin) );
// perform one of the two types of mapping: with and without structures
iLitNew = Mpm_ManNodeIfToGia( pNew, pMan, pObj, vLeaves, 0 );
// write mapping
Vec_IntSetEntry( vMapping, Abc_Lit2Var(iLitNew), Vec_IntSize(vMapping2) );
Vec_IntPush( vMapping2, Vec_IntSize(vLeaves) );
Vec_IntForEachEntry( vLeaves, Entry, k )
assert( Abc_Lit2Var(Entry) < Abc_Lit2Var(iLitNew) );
Vec_IntForEachEntry( vLeaves, Entry, k )
Vec_IntPush( vMapping2, Abc_Lit2Var(Entry) );
Vec_IntPush( vMapping2, Abc_Lit2Var(iLitNew) );
else if ( Mig_ObjIsCi(pObj) )
iLitNew = Gia_ManAppendCi(pNew);
else if ( Mig_ObjIsCo(pObj) )
iLitNew = Gia_ManAppendCo( pNew, Abc_LitNotCond(Mig_ObjCopy(Mig_ObjFanin0(pObj)), Mig_ObjFaninC0(pObj)) );
else if ( Mig_ObjIsConst0(pObj) )
iLitNew = 0;
// create const LUT
Vec_IntWriteEntry( vMapping, 0, Vec_IntSize(vMapping2) );
Vec_IntPush( vMapping2, 0 );
Vec_IntPush( vMapping2, 0 );
else assert( 0 );
Mig_ObjSetCopy( pObj, iLitNew );
Vec_IntFree( vCover );
Vec_IntFree( vLeaves );
Vec_IntFree( vLeaves2 );
// printf( "Mapping array size: IfMan = %d. Gia = %d. Increase = %.2f\n",
// Mpm_ManObjNum(pMan), Gia_ManObjNum(pNew), 1.0 * Gia_ManObjNum(pNew) / Mpm_ManObjNum(pMan) );
// finish mapping
if ( Vec_IntSize(vMapping) > Gia_ManObjNum(pNew) )
Vec_IntShrink( vMapping, Gia_ManObjNum(pNew) );
Vec_IntFillExtra( vMapping, Gia_ManObjNum(pNew), 0 );
assert( Vec_IntSize(vMapping) == Gia_ManObjNum(pNew) );
Vec_IntForEachEntry( vMapping, Entry, i )
if ( Entry > 0 )
Vec_IntAddToEntry( vMapping, i, Gia_ManObjNum(pNew) );
Vec_IntAppend( vMapping, vMapping2 );
Vec_IntFree( vMapping2 );
// attach mapping and packing
assert( pNew->vMapping == NULL );
assert( pNew->vPacking == NULL );
pNew->vMapping = vMapping;
pNew->vPacking = vPacking;
// verify that COs have mapping
Gia_Obj_t * pObj;
Gia_ManForEachCo( pNew, pObj, i )
assert( !Gia_ObjIsAnd(Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)) || Gia_ObjIsLut(pNew, Gia_ObjFaninId0p(pNew, pObj)) );
return pNew;
Synopsis [Cut computation experiment.]
......@@ -1393,38 +1646,61 @@ finish:
SeeAlso []
void Mpm_ManPerform( Mpm_Man_t * p )
void Mpm_ManPerformRound( Mpm_Man_t * p )
Mig_Obj_t * pObj;
abctime clk = Abc_Clock();
int i;
Mig_ManForEachCi( p->pMig, pObj, i )
Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->iCutList = Mpm_CutCreateUnit( p, pObj );
Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->nMapRefs = Mig_ObjRefNum(pObj);
Mig_ManForEachNode( p->pMig, pObj )
Mpm_ManDeriveCuts( p, pObj );
Mpm_ManFinalizeRound( p );
printf( "Del =%5d. Ar =%8d. Edge =%8d. Cuts =%10d. Max =%10d. Rem =%6d. ",
p->GloRequired, p->GloArea, p->GloEdge,
p->pManCuts->nEntriesAll, p->pManCuts->nEntriesMax, p->pManCuts->nEntries );
Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Time", Abc_Clock() - clk );
void Mpm_ManPerformTest( Mig_Man_t * pMig )
void Mpm_ManPerform( Mpm_Man_t * p )
p->pCutCmp = Mpm_CutCompareDelay;
Mpm_ManPerformRound( p );
p->pCutCmp = Mpm_CutCompareDelay2;
Mpm_ManPerformRound( p );
p->pCutCmp = Mpm_CutCompareArea;
Mpm_ManPerformRound( p );
Gia_Man_t * Mpm_ManPerformTest( Mig_Man_t * pMig )
Gia_Man_t * pNew;
Mpm_LibLut_t * pLib;
Mpm_Man_t * p;
Mig_Obj_t * pObj;
int i;
pLib = Mpm_LibLutSetSimple( 6 );
p = Mpm_ManStart( pMig, pLib, 10 );
p = Mpm_ManStart( pMig, pLib, 8 );
Mpm_ManPrintStatsInit( p );
Mpm_ManResetRequired( p );
Mig_ManForEachCi( p->pMig, pObj, i )
Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->nMapRefs = Mig_ObjRefNum(pObj);
Mig_ManForEachCi( p->pMig, pObj, i )
Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->hCutList = Mpm_CutCreateUnit( p, pObj );
Mig_ManForEachCand( p->pMig, pObj )
Mpm_ManObj(p, pObj)->nEstRefs = MPM_UNIT_REFS * Mig_ObjRefNum(pObj);
Mpm_ManPerform( p );
printf( "Delay = %d. Total cuts = %d. Max cuts = %d. Left cuts = %d.\n",
Mpm_ManFindArrivalMax(p), p->pManCuts->nEntriesAll, p->pManCuts->nEntriesMax, p->pManCuts->nEntries );
Mpm_ManPrintStats( p );
pNew = Mpm_ManFromIfLogic( p );
Mpm_ManStop( p );
Mpm_LibLutFree( pLib );
return pNew;
void Mig_ManTest( Gia_Man_t * pGia )
Gia_Man_t * Mig_ManTest( Gia_Man_t * pGia )
Mig_Man_t * p;
Gia_Man_t * pNew;
p = Mig_ManCreate( pGia );
Mpm_ManPerformTest( p );
pNew = Mpm_ManPerformTest( p );
Mig_ManStop( p );
return pNew;
......@@ -32303,7 +32303,7 @@ usage:
int Abc_CommandAbc9Test( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
// Gia_Man_t * pTemp = NULL;
Gia_Man_t * pTemp = NULL;
int c, fVerbose = 0;
int nFrames = 3;
int fSwitch = 0;
......@@ -32315,7 +32315,6 @@ int Abc_CommandAbc9Test( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
// extern void Bmc_CexTest( Gia_Man_t * p, Abc_Cex_t * pCex, int fVerbose );
// extern void Gia_IsoTest( Gia_Man_t * p, Abc_Cex_t * pCex, int fVerbose );
// extern void Unr_ManTest( Gia_Man_t * pGia );
extern void Mig_ManTest( Gia_Man_t * pGia );
// extern int Gia_ManVerify( Gia_Man_t * pGia );
// extern Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManOptimizeRing( Gia_Man_t * p );
// extern void Gia_ManCollectSeqTest( Gia_Man_t * p );
......@@ -32323,6 +32322,7 @@ int Abc_CommandAbc9Test( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
// extern Gia_Man_t * Bmc_CexDepthTest( Gia_Man_t * p, Abc_Cex_t * pCex, int nFrames, int fVerbose );
// extern Gia_Man_t * Bmc_CexTarget( Gia_Man_t * p, int nFrames );
// extern void Gia_ManMuxProfiling( Gia_Man_t * p );
extern Gia_Man_t * Mig_ManTest( Gia_Man_t * pGia );
while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "Fsvh" ) ) != EOF )
......@@ -32383,7 +32383,6 @@ int Abc_CommandAbc9Test( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
// Bmc_CexTest( pAbc->pGia, pAbc->pCex, fVerbose );
// Gia_IsoTest( pAbc->pGia, pAbc->pCex, 0 );
// Unr_ManTest( pAbc->pGia );
Mig_ManTest( pAbc->pGia );
// Gia_ManVerifyWithBoxes( pAbc->pGia );
// Gia_ManCollectSeqTest( pAbc->pGia );
// pTemp = Gia_ManOptimizeRing( pAbc->pGia );
......@@ -32393,6 +32392,8 @@ int Abc_CommandAbc9Test( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
// pTemp = Bmc_CexTarget( pAbc->pGia, nFrames );
// Abc_FrameUpdateGia( pAbc, pTemp );
// Gia_ManMuxProfiling( pAbc->pGia );
pTemp = Mig_ManTest( pAbc->pGia );
Abc_FrameUpdateGia( pAbc, pTemp );
return 0;
Abc_Print( -2, "usage: &test [-F num] [-svh]\n" );
......@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ static inline void Mmr_FlexStop( Mmr_Flex_t * p )
word * pPage;
int i;
if ( 1 && Vec_PtrSize(&p->vPages) )
printf( "Using %3d pages of %6d words each with %6d entries (max = %6d). Total memory %5.2f MB.\n",
if ( 0 && Vec_PtrSize(&p->vPages) )
printf( "Using %3d pages of %6d words each with %6d entries (max = %6d). Total memory = %5.2f MB.\n",
Vec_PtrSize(&p->vPages), p->nPageBase ? 1 << p->nPageBase : 0, p->nEntries, p->nEntriesMax,
1.0 * Vec_PtrSize(&p->vPages) * (1 << p->nPageBase) * 8 / (1 << 20) );
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( word *, &p->vPages, pPage, i )
......@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ static inline void Mmr_FixedStop( Mmr_Fixed_t * p, int fFreeLast )
word * pPage;
int i;
if ( 1 && Vec_PtrSize(&p->vPages) )
printf( "Using %3d pages of %6d words each with %6d entries (max = %6d) of size %d. Total memory %5.2f MB.\n",
if ( 0 && Vec_PtrSize(&p->vPages) )
printf( "Using %3d pages of %6d words each with %6d entries (max = %6d) of size %d. Total memory = %5.2f MB.\n",
Vec_PtrSize(&p->vPages), p->nPageBase ? 1 << p->nPageBase : 0, p->nEntries, p->nEntriesMax, p->nEntryWords,
1.0 * Vec_PtrSize(&p->vPages) * (1 << p->nPageBase) * 8 / (1 << 20) );
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( word *, &p->vPages, pPage, i )
......@@ -198,6 +198,10 @@ static inline void Mmr_FixedRecycle( Mmr_Fixed_t * p, int h )
memset( Mmr_FixedEntry(p, h), 0xFF, sizeof(word) * p->nEntryWords );
Vec_IntPush( &p->vFrees, h );
static inline int Mmr_FixedMemory( Mmr_Fixed_t * p )
return Vec_PtrSize(&p->vPages) * (p->PageMask + 1);
......@@ -247,6 +251,13 @@ static inline void Mmr_StepRecycle( Mmr_Step_t * p, int h )
Mmr_FixedRecycle( p->pMems + (h & p->uMask), (h >> p->nBits) );
static inline int Mmr_StepMemory( Mmr_Step_t * p )
int i, Mem = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= p->uMask; i++ )
Mem += Mmr_FixedMemory( p->pMems + i );
return Mem;
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