Commit 42e767c2 by Alan Mishchenko

External APIs needed to use ABC as a static library.

parent 77083825
FileName [abcapis.h]
SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
PackageName [Include this file in the external code calling ABC.]
Synopsis [External declarations.]
Author [Alan Mishchenko]
Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - September 29, 2012.]
Revision [$Id: abcapis.h,v 1.00 2012/09/29 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
#ifndef MINI_AIG__abc_apis_h
#define MINI_AIG__abc_apis_h
/// INCLUDES ///
// procedures to start and stop the ABC framework
extern void Abc_Start();
extern void Abc_Stop();
// procedures to get the ABC framework (pAbc) and execute commands in it
extern void * Abc_FrameGetGlobalFrame();
extern int Cmd_CommandExecute( void * pAbc, char * pCommandLine );
// procedures to input/output 'mini AIG'
extern void Abc_NtkInputMiniAig( void * pAbc, void * pMiniAig );
extern void * Abc_NtkOutputMiniAig( void * pAbc );
// procedures to access verifization status and a counter-example
extern int Abc_FrameReadProbStatus( void * pAbc );
extern void * Abc_FrameReadCex( void * pAbc );
/// END OF FILE ///
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