Commit 36d8c000 by Alan Mishchenko

Slightly improved cut computation.

parent 5ed242ac
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ int If_CutFilter( If_Set_t * pCutSet, If_Cut_t * pCut )
SeeAlso []
static inline int If_CutMergeOrdered( If_Cut_t * pC0, If_Cut_t * pC1, If_Cut_t * pC )
static inline int If_CutMergeOrderedOld( If_Cut_t * pC0, If_Cut_t * pC1, If_Cut_t * pC )
int i, k, c;
assert( pC0->nLeaves >= pC1->nLeaves );
......@@ -224,6 +224,90 @@ static inline int If_CutMergeOrdered( If_Cut_t * pC0, If_Cut_t * pC1, If_Cut_t *
Synopsis [Merges two cuts.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
static inline int If_CutMergeOrdered( If_Cut_t * pC0, If_Cut_t * pC1, If_Cut_t * pC )
int nLimit = pC0->nLimit;
int nSizeC0 = pC0->nLeaves;
int nSizeC1 = pC1->nLeaves;
int i, k, c;
assert( nSizeC0 >= nSizeC1 );
// the case when one of the cuts is the largest
if ( nSizeC0 == nLimit )
// the case of the largest cut sizes
if ( nSizeC1 == nLimit )
for ( i = 0; i < nSizeC0; i++ )
if ( pC0->pLeaves[i] != pC1->pLeaves[i] )
return 0;
for ( i = 0; i < nSizeC1; i++ )
for ( k = nSizeC0 - 1; k >= 0; k-- )
if ( pC0->pLeaves[k] == pC1->pLeaves[i] )
if ( k == -1 ) // did not find
return 0;
for ( i = 0; i < nSizeC0; i++ )
pC->pLeaves[i] = pC0->pLeaves[i];
pC->nLeaves = nLimit;
return 1;
// compare two cuts with different numbers
i = k = c = 0;
while ( 1 )
if ( c == nLimit ) return 0;
if ( pC0->pLeaves[i] < pC1->pLeaves[k] )
pC->pLeaves[c++] = pC0->pLeaves[i++];
if ( i >= nSizeC0 ) goto FlushCut1;
else if ( pC0->pLeaves[i] > pC1->pLeaves[k] )
pC->pLeaves[c++] = pC1->pLeaves[k++];
if ( k >= nSizeC1 ) goto FlushCut0;
pC->pLeaves[c++] = pC0->pLeaves[i++]; k++;
if ( i >= nSizeC0 ) goto FlushCut1;
if ( k >= nSizeC1 ) goto FlushCut0;
if ( c + nSizeC0 > nLimit + i ) return 0;
while ( i < nSizeC0 )
pC->pLeaves[c++] = pC0->pLeaves[i++];
pC->nLeaves = c;
return 1;
if ( c + nSizeC1 > nLimit + k ) return 0;
while ( k < nSizeC1 )
pC->pLeaves[c++] = pC1->pLeaves[k++];
pC->nLeaves = c;
return 1;
Synopsis [Merges two cuts.]
Description [Special case when the cut is known to exist.]
SideEffects []
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