Commit 14457af2 by Alan Mishchenko

Bug fix for incorrect memory allocation in main SAT solver, leading to crashes…

Bug fix for incorrect memory allocation in main SAT solver, leading to crashes in 'dsec' (correction to the previous fix).
parent 3906e37c
......@@ -2120,7 +2120,7 @@ int Ivy_FraigNodesAreEquiv( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pOld, Ivy_Obj_t * pN
p->pSat = sat_solver_new();
sat_solver_setnvars( p->pSat, 1000 );
p->pSat->factors = ABC_CALLOC( double, 1000 );
p->pSat->factors = ABC_CALLOC( double, p->pSat->cap );
p->nSatVars = 1;
// var 0 is reserved for const1 node - add the clause
// pLits[0] = toLit( 0 );
......@@ -2272,7 +2272,7 @@ int Ivy_FraigNodeIsConst( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pNew )
p->pSat = sat_solver_new();
sat_solver_setnvars( p->pSat, 1000 );
p->pSat->factors = ABC_CALLOC( double, 1000 );
p->pSat->factors = ABC_CALLOC( double, p->pSat->cap );
p->nSatVars = 1;
// var 0 is reserved for const1 node - add the clause
// pLits[0] = toLit( 0 );
......@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ void Cec_ManSatSolverRecycle( Cec_ManSat_t * p )
p->pSat = sat_solver_new();
sat_solver_setnvars( p->pSat, 1000 );
p->pSat->factors = ABC_CALLOC( double, 1000 );
p->pSat->factors = ABC_CALLOC( double, p->pSat->cap );
// var 0 is not used
// var 1 is reserved for const0 node - add the clause
p->nSatVars = 1;
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