Commit 0edf9a50 by Alan Mishchenko

Expriments with functions.

parent c9e520e2
FileName [dau.c]
SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
PackageName [DAG-aware unmapping.]
Synopsis []
Author [Alan Mishchenko]
Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.]
Revision [$Id: dau.c,v 1.00 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
#include "dauInt.h"
#include "misc/util/utilTruth.h"
#include "misc/extra/extra.h"
typedef struct Dtt_Man_t_ Dtt_Man_t;
struct Dtt_Man_t_
int nVars; // variable number
int nPerms; // number of permutations
int nComps; // number of complementations
int * pPerms; // permutations
int * pComps; // complementations
word * pPres; // function marks
Vec_Int_t * vFanins; // node fanins
Vec_Int_t * vTruths; // node truth tables
Vec_Int_t * vConfigs; // configurations
Vec_Int_t * vClasses; // node NPN classes
Vec_Int_t * vTruthNpns; // truth tables of the classes
Vec_Wec_t * vFunNodes; // nodes by NPN class
Vec_Int_t * vTemp; // temporary
Vec_Int_t * vTemp2; // temporary
unsigned BinMask; // hash mask
unsigned * pBins; // hash bins
Vec_Int_t * vUsedBins; // used bins
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Dtt_Man_t * Dtt_ManAlloc( int nVars )
Dtt_Man_t * p = ABC_CALLOC( Dtt_Man_t, 1 );
p->nVars = nVars;
p->nPerms = Extra_Factorial( nVars );
p->nComps = 1 << nVars;
p->pPerms = Extra_PermSchedule( nVars );
p->pComps = Extra_GreyCodeSchedule( nVars );
p->pPres = ABC_CALLOC( word, 1 << (p->nComps - 7) );
p->vFanins = Vec_IntAlloc( 2*617000 );
p->vTruths = Vec_IntAlloc( 617000 );
p->vConfigs = Vec_IntAlloc( 617000 );
p->vClasses = Vec_IntAlloc( 617000 );
p->vTruthNpns = Vec_IntAlloc( 617000 );
p->vFunNodes = Vec_WecStart( 16 );
p->vTemp = Vec_IntAlloc( 4000 );
p->vTemp2 = Vec_IntAlloc( 4000 );
p->BinMask = 0x3FFF;
p->pBins = ABC_FALLOC( unsigned, p->BinMask + 1 );
p->vUsedBins = Vec_IntAlloc( 4000 );
return p;
void Dtt_ManFree( Dtt_Man_t * p )
Vec_IntFreeP( &p->vFanins );
Vec_IntFreeP( &p->vTruths );
Vec_IntFreeP( &p->vConfigs );
Vec_IntFreeP( &p->vClasses );
Vec_IntFreeP( &p->vTruthNpns );
Vec_WecFreeP( &p->vFunNodes );
Vec_IntFreeP( &p->vTemp );
Vec_IntFreeP( &p->vTemp2 );
Vec_IntFreeP( &p->vUsedBins );
ABC_FREE( p->pPerms );
ABC_FREE( p->pComps );
ABC_FREE( p->pPres );
ABC_FREE( p->pBins );
ABC_FREE( p );
Synopsis [Collect representatives of the same class.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
static inline unsigned Dtt_ManHashKey( Dtt_Man_t * p, unsigned Truth )
static unsigned s_P[4] = { 1699, 5147, 7103, 8147 };
unsigned char * pD = (unsigned char*)&Truth;
return pD[0] * s_P[0] + pD[1] * s_P[1] + pD[2] * s_P[2] + pD[3] * s_P[3];
int Dtt_ManCheckHash( Dtt_Man_t * p, unsigned Truth )
unsigned Hash = Dtt_ManHashKey(p, Truth);
unsigned * pSpot = p->pBins + (Hash & p->BinMask);
for ( ; ~*pSpot; Hash++, pSpot = p->pBins + (Hash & p->BinMask) )
if ( *pSpot == Truth ) // equal
return 0;
Vec_IntPush( p->vUsedBins, pSpot - p->pBins );
*pSpot = Truth;
return 1;
Vec_Int_t * Dtt_ManCollect( Dtt_Man_t * p, unsigned Truth, Vec_Int_t * vFuns )
int i, k, Entry;
word tCur = ((word)Truth << 32) | (word)Truth;
Vec_IntClear( vFuns );
for ( i = 0; i < p->nPerms; i++ )
for ( k = 0; k < p->nComps; k++ )
unsigned tTemp = (unsigned)(tCur & 1 ? ~tCur : tCur);
//if ( Dtt_ManCheckHash( p, tTemp ) )
Vec_IntPush( vFuns, tTemp );
tCur = Abc_Tt6Flip( tCur, p->pComps[k] );
tCur = Abc_Tt6SwapAdjacent( tCur, p->pPerms[i] );
assert( tCur == (((word)Truth << 32) | (word)Truth) );
// clean hash table
Vec_IntForEachEntry( p->vUsedBins, Entry, i )
p->pBins[Entry] = ~0;
Vec_IntClear( p->vUsedBins );
//printf( "%d ", Vec_IntSize(vFuns) );
return vFuns;
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
static inline int Dtt_ManGetFun( Dtt_Man_t * p, unsigned tFun )
unsigned ttFun = p->nVars == 4 ? 0xFFFF & tFun : tFun;
return Abc_TtGetBit( p->pPres, ttFun >> 1 );
static inline void Dtt_ManSetFun( Dtt_Man_t * p, unsigned tFun )
unsigned ttFun = p->nVars == 4 ? 0xFFFF & tFun : tFun;
//assert( !Dtt_ManGetFun(p, ttFun) );
Abc_TtSetBit( p->pPres, ttFun >> 1 );
void Dtt_ManAddFunction( Dtt_Man_t * p, int n, int FanI, int FanJ, int Type, unsigned Truth )
Vec_Int_t * vFuncs = Dtt_ManCollect( p, Truth, p->vTemp2 );
unsigned Min = Vec_IntFindMin( vFuncs );
int i, nObjs = Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins)/2;
assert( nObjs == Vec_IntSize(p->vTruths) );
assert( nObjs == Vec_IntSize(p->vConfigs) );
assert( nObjs == Vec_IntSize(p->vClasses) );
Vec_WecPush( p->vFunNodes, n, nObjs );
Vec_IntPushTwo( p->vFanins, FanI, FanJ );
Vec_IntPush( p->vTruths, Truth );
Vec_IntPush( p->vConfigs, Type );
Vec_IntPush( p->vClasses, Vec_IntSize(p->vTruthNpns) );
Vec_IntPush( p->vTruthNpns, Min );
Vec_IntForEachEntry( vFuncs, Min, i )
Dtt_ManSetFun( p, Min );
int Dtt_PrintStats( int nNodes, int nVars, Vec_Wec_t * vFunNodes, word nSteps, abctime clk )
int nNew = Vec_IntSize(Vec_WecEntry(vFunNodes, nNodes));
printf("N =%2d | ", nNodes );
printf("C =%12.0f | ", (double)(iword)nSteps );
printf("New%d =%10d ", nVars, nNew + (int)(nNodes==0) );
printf("All%d =%10d | ", nVars, Vec_WecSizeSize(vFunNodes)+1 );
Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Time", Abc_Clock() - clk );
//Abc_Print(1, "%9.2f sec\n", 1.0*(Abc_Clock() - clk)/(CLOCKS_PER_SEC));
return nNew;
void Dtt_EnumerateLf( int nVars, int nNodeMax, int fVerbose )
abctime clk = Abc_Clock(); word nSteps = 0;
Dtt_Man_t * p = Dtt_ManAlloc( nVars ); int n, i, j;
// constant zero class
Vec_IntPushTwo( p->vFanins, 0, 0 );
Vec_IntPush( p->vTruths, 0 );
Vec_IntPush( p->vConfigs, 0 );
Vec_IntPush( p->vClasses, Vec_IntSize(p->vTruthNpns) );
Vec_IntPush( p->vTruthNpns, 0 );
Dtt_ManSetFun( p, 0 );
// buffer class
Vec_WecPush( p->vFunNodes, 0, Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins)/2 );
Vec_IntPushTwo( p->vFanins, 0, 0 );
Vec_IntPush( p->vTruths, (unsigned)s_Truths6[0] );
Vec_IntPush( p->vConfigs, -1 );
Vec_IntPush( p->vClasses, Vec_IntSize(p->vTruthNpns) );
Vec_IntPush( p->vTruthNpns, (unsigned)s_Truths6[0] );
for ( i = 0; i < nVars; i++ )
Dtt_ManSetFun( p, (unsigned)s_Truths6[i] );
// enumerate
Dtt_PrintStats(0, nVars, p->vFunNodes, nSteps, clk);
for ( n = 1; n < nNodeMax; n++ )
for ( i = 0, j = n - 1; i < n; i++, j-- )
Vec_Int_t * vFaninI = Vec_WecEntry( p->vFunNodes, i );
Vec_Int_t * vFaninJ = Vec_WecEntry( p->vFunNodes, j );
int k, i0, j0, EntryI, EntryJ;
Vec_IntForEachEntry( vFaninI, EntryI, i0 )
unsigned TruthI = Vec_IntEntry(p->vTruths, EntryI);
Vec_Int_t * vFuns = Dtt_ManCollect( p, TruthI, p->vTemp );
int Start = i == j ? i0 : 0;
Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vFaninJ, EntryJ, j0, Start )
unsigned Truth, TruthJ = Vec_IntEntry(p->vTruths, EntryJ);
Vec_IntForEachEntry( vFuns, Truth, k )
if ( !Dtt_ManGetFun(p, TruthJ & Truth) )
Dtt_ManAddFunction( p, n, EntryI, EntryJ, 0, TruthJ & Truth );
if ( !Dtt_ManGetFun(p, TruthJ & ~Truth) )
Dtt_ManAddFunction( p, n, EntryI, EntryJ, 1, TruthJ & ~Truth );
if ( !Dtt_ManGetFun(p, ~TruthJ & Truth) )
Dtt_ManAddFunction( p, n, EntryI, EntryJ, 2, ~TruthJ & Truth );
if ( !Dtt_ManGetFun(p, TruthJ | Truth) )
Dtt_ManAddFunction( p, n, EntryI, EntryJ, 3, TruthJ | Truth );
if ( !Dtt_ManGetFun(p, TruthJ ^ Truth) )
Dtt_ManAddFunction( p, n, EntryI, EntryJ, 4, TruthJ ^ Truth );
nSteps += 5;
if ( Dtt_PrintStats(n, nVars, p->vFunNodes, nSteps, clk) == 0 )
Dtt_ManFree( p );
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