Commit 0da555cb by Alan Mishchenko

Version abc60920

parent 370578bf
......@@ -2114,6 +2114,14 @@ SOURCE=.\src\temp\ivy\ivyUtil.c
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
#set check # checks intermediate networks
#set checkfio # prints warnings when fanins/fanouts are duplicated
#set checkread # checks new networks after reading from file
#set backup # saves backup networks retrived by "undo" and "recall"
#set savesteps 1 # sets the maximum number of backup networks to save
set backup # saves backup networks retrived by "undo" and "recall"
set savesteps 1 # sets the maximum number of backup networks to save
set progressbar # display the progress bar
# program names for internal calls
......@@ -601,8 +601,8 @@ extern Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkDupBox( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkNew, Abc_Obj_t * pBox,
extern Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCloneObj( Abc_Obj_t * pNode );
extern Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkFindNode( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char * pName );
extern Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkFindNet( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char * pName );
extern Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkFindTerm( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char * pName );
extern Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkFindCi( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char * pName );
extern Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkFindCo( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char * pName );
extern Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkFindOrCreateNet( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char * pName );
extern Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NodeCreateConst0( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
extern Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NodeCreateConst1( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
......@@ -97,7 +97,9 @@ static int Abc_CommandICut ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** arg
static int Abc_CommandIRewrite ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
static int Abc_CommandIRewriteSeq ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
static int Abc_CommandIResyn ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
static int Abc_CommandISat ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
static int Abc_CommandIFraig ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
static int Abc_CommandIProve ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
static int Abc_CommandHaig ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
static int Abc_CommandMini ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
......@@ -224,7 +226,9 @@ void Abc_Init( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc )
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New AIG", "irw", Abc_CommandIRewrite, 1 );
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New AIG", "irws", Abc_CommandIRewriteSeq, 1 );
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New AIG", "iresyn", Abc_CommandIResyn, 1 );
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New AIG", "isat", Abc_CommandISat, 1 );
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New AIG", "ifraig", Abc_CommandIFraig, 1 );
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New AIG", "iprove", Abc_CommandIProve, 1 );
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New AIG", "haig", Abc_CommandHaig, 1 );
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "New AIG", "mini", Abc_CommandMini, 1 );
......@@ -3354,7 +3358,8 @@ int Abc_CommandAppend( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
return 1;
Abc_NtkDelete( pNtk2 );
// sweep dangling logic
Abc_AigCleanup( pNtk->pManFunc );
// replace the current network
// Abc_FrameReplaceCurrentNetwork( pAbc, pNtkRes );
return 0;
......@@ -5441,26 +5446,126 @@ usage:
SeeAlso []
int Abc_CommandISat( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
FILE * pOut, * pErr;
Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, * pNtkRes;
int c, fUpdateLevel, fVerbose;
int nConfLimit;
extern Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkIvySat( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int nConfLimit, int fVerbose );
pNtk = Abc_FrameReadNtk(pAbc);
pOut = Abc_FrameReadOut(pAbc);
pErr = Abc_FrameReadErr(pAbc);
// set defaults
nConfLimit = 100000;
fUpdateLevel = 1;
fVerbose = 0;
while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "Clzvh" ) ) != EOF )
switch ( c )
case 'C':
if ( globalUtilOptind >= argc )
fprintf( pErr, "Command line switch \"-C\" should be followed by an integer.\n" );
goto usage;
nConfLimit = atoi(argv[globalUtilOptind]);
if ( nConfLimit < 0 )
goto usage;
case 'l':
fUpdateLevel ^= 1;
case 'v':
fVerbose ^= 1;
case 'h':
goto usage;
goto usage;
if ( pNtk == NULL )
fprintf( pErr, "Empty network.\n" );
return 1;
if ( Abc_NtkIsSeq(pNtk) )
fprintf( pErr, "Only works for non-sequential networks.\n" );
return 1;
pNtkRes = Abc_NtkIvySat( pNtk, nConfLimit, fVerbose );
if ( pNtkRes == NULL )
fprintf( pErr, "Command has failed.\n" );
return 0;
// replace the current network
Abc_FrameReplaceCurrentNetwork( pAbc, pNtkRes );
return 0;
fprintf( pErr, "usage: isat [-C num] [-vh]\n" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t tries to prove the miter constant 0\n" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-C num : limit on the number of conflicts [default = %d]\n", nConfLimit );
// fprintf( pErr, "\t-l : toggle preserving the number of levels [default = %s]\n", fUpdateLevel? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-v : toggle verbose printout [default = %s]\n", fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-h : print the command usage\n");
return 1;
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Abc_CommandIFraig( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
FILE * pOut, * pErr;
Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, * pNtkRes;
int c, fUpdateLevel, fVerbose;
int nConfLimit;
extern Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkIvyFraig( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
extern Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkIvyFraig( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int nConfLimit, int fVerbose );
pNtk = Abc_FrameReadNtk(pAbc);
pOut = Abc_FrameReadOut(pAbc);
pErr = Abc_FrameReadErr(pAbc);
// set defaults
nConfLimit = 100;
fUpdateLevel = 1;
fVerbose = 0;
while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "lzvh" ) ) != EOF )
while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "Clzvh" ) ) != EOF )
switch ( c )
case 'C':
if ( globalUtilOptind >= argc )
fprintf( pErr, "Command line switch \"-C\" should be followed by an integer.\n" );
goto usage;
nConfLimit = atoi(argv[globalUtilOptind]);
if ( nConfLimit < 0 )
goto usage;
case 'l':
fUpdateLevel ^= 1;
......@@ -5484,7 +5589,7 @@ int Abc_CommandIFraig( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
return 1;
pNtkRes = Abc_NtkIvyFraig( pNtk );
pNtkRes = Abc_NtkIvyFraig( pNtk, nConfLimit, fVerbose );
if ( pNtkRes == NULL )
fprintf( pErr, "Command has failed.\n" );
......@@ -5495,8 +5600,82 @@ int Abc_CommandIFraig( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
return 0;
fprintf( pErr, "usage: ifraig [-h]\n" );
fprintf( pErr, "usage: ifraig [-C num] [-vh]\n" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t performs fraiging using a new method\n" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-C num : limit on the number of conflicts [default = %d]\n", nConfLimit );
// fprintf( pErr, "\t-l : toggle preserving the number of levels [default = %s]\n", fUpdateLevel? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-v : toggle verbose printout [default = %s]\n", fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-h : print the command usage\n");
return 1;
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Abc_CommandIProve( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
FILE * pOut, * pErr;
Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, * pNtkRes;
int c, fUpdateLevel, fVerbose;
extern Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkIvyProve( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
pNtk = Abc_FrameReadNtk(pAbc);
pOut = Abc_FrameReadOut(pAbc);
pErr = Abc_FrameReadErr(pAbc);
// set defaults
fUpdateLevel = 1;
fVerbose = 0;
while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "lzvh" ) ) != EOF )
switch ( c )
case 'l':
fUpdateLevel ^= 1;
case 'v':
fVerbose ^= 1;
case 'h':
goto usage;
goto usage;
if ( pNtk == NULL )
fprintf( pErr, "Empty network.\n" );
return 1;
if ( Abc_NtkIsSeq(pNtk) )
fprintf( pErr, "Only works for non-sequential networks.\n" );
return 1;
pNtkRes = Abc_NtkIvyProve( pNtk );
if ( pNtkRes == NULL )
fprintf( pErr, "Command has failed.\n" );
return 0;
// replace the current network
Abc_FrameReplaceCurrentNetwork( pAbc, pNtkRes );
return 0;
fprintf( pErr, "usage: iprove [-h]\n" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t performs CEC using a new method\n" );
// fprintf( pErr, "\t-l : toggle preserving the number of levels [default = %s]\n", fUpdateLevel? "yes": "no" );
// fprintf( pErr, "\t-v : toggle verbose printout [default = %s]\n", fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-h : print the command usage\n");
......@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkIvyResyn( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fUpdateLevel, int fVerbose )
SeeAlso []
Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkIvyFraig( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkIvySat( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int nConfLimit, int fVerbose )
Ivy_FraigParams_t Params, * pParams = &Params;
Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkAig;
......@@ -347,6 +347,38 @@ Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkIvyFraig( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
if ( pMan == NULL )
return NULL;
Ivy_FraigParamsDefault( pParams );
pParams->nBTLimitMiter = nConfLimit;
pParams->fVerbose = fVerbose;
// pMan = Ivy_FraigPerform( pTemp = pMan, pParams );
pMan = Ivy_FraigMiter( pTemp = pMan, pParams );
Ivy_ManStop( pTemp );
pNtkAig = Abc_NtkIvyAfter( pNtk, pMan, 0, 0 );
Ivy_ManStop( pMan );
return pNtkAig;
Synopsis [Gives the current ABC network to AIG manager for processing.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkIvyFraig( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int nConfLimit, int fVerbose )
Ivy_FraigParams_t Params, * pParams = &Params;
Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkAig;
Ivy_Man_t * pMan, * pTemp;
pMan = Abc_NtkIvyBefore( pNtk, 0, 0 );
if ( pMan == NULL )
return NULL;
Ivy_FraigParamsDefault( pParams );
pParams->nBTLimitNode = nConfLimit;
pParams->fVerbose = fVerbose;
pMan = Ivy_FraigPerform( pTemp = pMan, pParams );
Ivy_ManStop( pTemp );
pNtkAig = Abc_NtkIvyAfter( pNtk, pMan, 0, 0 );
......@@ -365,6 +397,33 @@ Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkIvyFraig( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
SeeAlso []
Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkIvyProve( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
Ivy_FraigParams_t Params, * pParams = &Params;
Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkAig;
Ivy_Man_t * pMan, * pTemp;
pMan = Abc_NtkIvyBefore( pNtk, 0, 0 );
if ( pMan == NULL )
return NULL;
Ivy_FraigParamsDefault( pParams );
pMan = Ivy_FraigProve( pTemp = pMan, pParams );
Ivy_ManStop( pTemp );
pNtkAig = Abc_NtkIvyAfter( pNtk, pMan, 0, 0 );
Ivy_ManStop( pMan );
return pNtkAig;
Synopsis [Gives the current ABC network to AIG manager for processing.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkIvy( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
// Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkAig;
......@@ -135,9 +135,8 @@ Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkStrash( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, bool fAllNodes, bool fCleanup )
Synopsis [Appends the second network to the first.]
Description [Modifies the first network by adding the logic of the second.
Performs structural hashing while appending the networks. Does not add
the COs of the second. Does not change the second network. Returns 0
if the appending failed, 1 otherise.]
Performs structural hashing while appending the networks. Does not change
the second network. Returns 0 if the appending failed, 1 otherise.]
SideEffects []
......@@ -159,11 +158,15 @@ int Abc_NtkAppend( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk1, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk2, int fAddPos )
// check that the networks have the same PIs
// reorder PIs of pNtk2 according to pNtk1
if ( !Abc_NtkCompareSignals( pNtk1, pNtk2, 1, 1 ) )
return 0;
printf( "Abc_NtkAppend(): The union of the network PIs is computed (warning).\n" );
// perform strashing
Abc_NtkCleanCopy( pNtk2 );
Abc_NtkForEachCi( pNtk2, pObj, i )
pObj->pCopy = Abc_NtkCi(pNtk1, i);
pObj->pCopy = Abc_NtkFindCi(pNtk1, Abc_ObjName(pObj));
if ( pObj->pCopy == NULL )
pObj->pCopy = Abc_NtkDupObj(pNtk1, pObj, 1);
// add pNtk2 to pNtk1 while strashing
if ( Abc_NtkIsLogic(pNtk2) )
Abc_NtkStrashPerform( pNtk2, pNtk1, 1 );
......@@ -853,9 +853,16 @@ static lbool solver_search(solver* s, int nof_conflicts, int nof_learnts)
// reset the activities
if ( s->factors )
s->var_inc = 1.0;
for ( i = 0; i < s->size; i++ )
s->activity[i] = (double)s->factors[i];
// if ( s->orderpos[i] != -1 )
// order_update(s, i );
// s->activity[i] = 1.0;
for (;;){
clause* confl = solver_propagate(s);
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ extern void solver_delete(solver* s);
extern bool solver_addclause(solver* s, lit* begin, lit* end);
extern bool solver_simplify(solver* s);
extern int solver_solve(solver* s, lit* begin, lit* end, sint64 nConfLimit, sint64 nInsLimit );
extern int solver_solve(solver* s, lit* begin, lit* end, sint64 nConfLimit, sint64 nInsLimit);
extern int * solver_get_model( solver * p, int * pVars, int nVars );
extern int solver_nvars(solver* s);
......@@ -300,6 +300,7 @@ int Fraig_NodeIsEquivalent( Fraig_Man_t * p, Fraig_Node_t * pOld, Fraig_Node_t *
int RetValue, RetValue1, i, fComp, clk;
int fVerbose = 0;
int fSwitch = 0;
// make sure the nodes are not complemented
assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(pNew) );
......@@ -318,6 +319,7 @@ int Fraig_NodeIsEquivalent( Fraig_Man_t * p, Fraig_Node_t * pOld, Fraig_Node_t *
if ( nBTLimit <= 10 )
return 0;
nBTLimit = (int)sqrt(nBTLimit);
// fSwitch = 1;
......@@ -417,6 +419,8 @@ PRT( "time", clock() - clk );
// if ( pOld->fFailTfo || pNew->fFailTfo )
// printf( "*" );
// printf( "s(%d)", pNew->Level );
if ( fSwitch )
printf( "s(%d)", pNew->Level );
return 0;
......@@ -433,6 +437,8 @@ p->time3 += clock() - clk;
pOld->fFailTfo = 1;
pNew->fFailTfo = 1;
// p->nSatFails++;
if ( fSwitch )
printf( "T(%d)", pNew->Level );
return 0;
......@@ -491,6 +497,8 @@ PRT( "time", clock() - clk );
// if ( pOld->fFailTfo || pNew->fFailTfo )
// printf( "*" );
// printf( "s(%d)", pNew->Level );
if ( fSwitch )
printf( "s(%d)", pNew->Level );
return 0;
else // if ( RetValue1 == MSAT_UNKNOWN )
......@@ -500,6 +508,8 @@ p->time3 += clock() - clk;
// if ( pOld->fFailTfo || pNew->fFailTfo )
// printf( "*" );
// printf( "T(%d)", pNew->Level );
if ( fSwitch )
printf( "T(%d)", pNew->Level );
// mark the node as the failed node
pOld->fFailTfo = 1;
......@@ -515,6 +525,10 @@ p->time3 += clock() - clk;
// if ( pOld->fFailTfo || pNew->fFailTfo )
// printf( "*" );
// printf( "u(%d)", pNew->Level );
if ( fSwitch )
printf( "u(%d)", pNew->Level );
return 1;
......@@ -130,6 +130,15 @@ struct Ivy_FraigParams_t_
int nSimWords; // the number of words in the simulation info
double SimSatur; // the ratio of refined classes when saturation is reached
int fPatScores; // enables simulation pattern scoring
int MaxScore; // max score after which resimulation is used
int fVerbose; // verbose output
int nBTLimitNode; // conflict limit at a node
int nBTLimitMiter; // conflict limit at an output
int nBTLimitGlobal; // conflict limit global
int nInsLimitNode; // inspection limit at a node
int nInsLimitMiter; // inspection limit at an output
int nInsLimitGlobal; // inspection limit global
......@@ -441,7 +450,9 @@ extern void Ivy_FastMapStop( Ivy_Man_t * pAig );
extern void Ivy_FastMapReadSupp( Ivy_Man_t * pAig, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, Vec_Int_t * vLeaves );
extern void Ivy_FastMapReverseLevel( Ivy_Man_t * pAig );
/*=== ivyFraig.c ==========================================================*/
extern Ivy_Man_t * Ivy_FraigMiter( Ivy_Man_t * pManAig, Ivy_FraigParams_t * pParams );
extern Ivy_Man_t * Ivy_FraigPerform( Ivy_Man_t * pManAig, Ivy_FraigParams_t * pParams );
extern Ivy_Man_t * Ivy_FraigProve( Ivy_Man_t * pManAig, Ivy_FraigParams_t * pParams );
extern void Ivy_FraigParamsDefault( Ivy_FraigParams_t * pParams );
/*=== ivyHaig.c ==========================================================*/
extern void Ivy_ManHaigStart( Ivy_Man_t * p, int fVerbose );
......@@ -20,13 +20,33 @@
#include "ivy.h"
#include "satSolver.h"
#include "extra.h"
typedef struct Ivy_Fraig_t_ Ivy_Fraig_t;
struct Ivy_Fraig_t_
typedef struct Ivy_FraigMan_t_ Ivy_FraigMan_t;
typedef struct Ivy_FraigSim_t_ Ivy_FraigSim_t;
typedef struct Ivy_FraigList_t_ Ivy_FraigList_t;
struct Ivy_FraigList_t_
Ivy_Obj_t * pHead;
Ivy_Obj_t * pTail;
int nItems;
struct Ivy_FraigSim_t_
int Type;
Ivy_FraigSim_t * pNext;
Ivy_FraigSim_t * pFanin0;
Ivy_FraigSim_t * pFanin1;
unsigned pData[0];
struct Ivy_FraigMan_t_
// general info
Ivy_FraigParams_t * pParams; // various parameters
......@@ -34,23 +54,31 @@ struct Ivy_Fraig_t_
Ivy_Man_t * pManAig; // the starting AIG manager
Ivy_Man_t * pManFraig; // the final AIG manager
// simulation information
int nWords; // the number of words
unsigned * pWords; // the simulation info
int nSimWords; // the number of words
char * pSimWords; // the simulation info
Ivy_FraigSim_t * pSimStart; // the list of simulation info for internal nodes
// counter example storage
int nPatWords; // the number of words in the counter example
unsigned * pPatWords; // the counter example
int * pPatScores; // the scores of each pattern
// equivalence classes
int nClasses; // the number of equivalence classes
Ivy_Obj_t * pClassesHead; // the linked list of classes
Ivy_Obj_t * pClassesTail; // the linked list of classes
Ivy_FraigList_t lClasses; // equivalence classes
Ivy_FraigList_t lCand; // candidatates
int nPairs; // the number of pairs of nodes
// equivalence checking
sat_solver * pSat; // SAT solver
int nSatVars; // the number of variables currently used
Vec_Ptr_t * vPiVars; // the PIs of the cone used
// other
ProgressBar * pProgress;
// statistics
int nSimRounds;
int nNodesMiter;
int nClassesZero;
int nClassesBeg;
int nClassesEnd;
int nPairsBeg;
int nPairsEnd;
int nSatCalls;
int nSatCallsSat;
int nSatCallsUnsat;
......@@ -61,11 +89,16 @@ struct Ivy_Fraig_t_
int timeSim;
int timeTrav;
int timeSat;
int timeSatUnsat;
int timeSatSat;
int timeSatFail;
int timeRef;
int timeTotal;
int time1;
int time2;
static inline unsigned * Ivy_ObjSim( Ivy_Obj_t * pObj ) { return (unsigned *)pObj->pFanout; }
static inline Ivy_FraigSim_t * Ivy_ObjSim( Ivy_Obj_t * pObj ) { return (Ivy_FraigSim_t *)pObj->pFanout; }
static inline Ivy_Obj_t * Ivy_ObjClassNodeLast( Ivy_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->pNextFan0; }
static inline Ivy_Obj_t * Ivy_ObjClassNodeRepr( Ivy_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->pNextFan0; }
static inline Ivy_Obj_t * Ivy_ObjClassNodeNext( Ivy_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->pNextFan1; }
......@@ -76,7 +109,7 @@ static inline Ivy_Obj_t * Ivy_ObjFraig( Ivy_Obj_t * pObj )
static inline int Ivy_ObjSatNum( Ivy_Obj_t * pObj ) { return (int)pObj->pNextFan0; }
static inline Vec_Ptr_t * Ivy_ObjFaninVec( Ivy_Obj_t * pObj ) { return (Vec_Ptr_t *)pObj->pNextFan1; }
static inline void Ivy_ObjSetSim( Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, unsigned * pSim ) { pObj->pFanout = (Ivy_Obj_t *)pSim; }
static inline void Ivy_ObjSetSim( Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, Ivy_FraigSim_t * pSim ) { pObj->pFanout = (Ivy_Obj_t *)pSim; }
static inline void Ivy_ObjSetClassNodeLast( Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, Ivy_Obj_t * pLast ) { pObj->pNextFan0 = pLast; }
static inline void Ivy_ObjSetClassNodeRepr( Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, Ivy_Obj_t * pRepr ) { pObj->pNextFan0 = pRepr; }
static inline void Ivy_ObjSetClassNodeNext( Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, Ivy_Obj_t * pNext ) { pObj->pNextFan1 = pNext; }
......@@ -105,33 +138,26 @@ static inline unsigned Ivy_ObjRandomSim() { return (ran
for ( pEnt = pClass; \
pEnt; \
pEnt = Ivy_ObjClassNodeNext(pEnt) )
#define Ivy_FraigForEachClassNodeSafe( pClass, pEnt, pEnt2 ) \
for ( pEnt = pClass, \
pEnt2 = pEnt? Ivy_ObjClassNodeNext(pEnt): NULL; \
pEnt; \
pEnt = pEnt2, \
pEnt2 = pEnt? Ivy_ObjClassNodeNext(pEnt): NULL )
// iterate through nodes in the hash table
#define Ivy_FraigForEachBinNode( pBin, pEnt ) \
for ( pEnt = pBin; \
pEnt; \
pEnt = Ivy_ObjNodeHashNext(pEnt) )
#define Ivy_FraigForEachBinNodeSafe( pBin, pEnt, pEnt2 ) \
for ( pEnt = pBin, \
pEnt2 = pEnt? Ivy_ObjNodeHashNext(pEnt): NULL; \
pEnt; \
pEnt = pEnt2, \
pEnt2 = pEnt? Ivy_ObjNodeHashNext(pEnt): NULL )
static Ivy_Fraig_t * Ivy_FraigStart( Ivy_Man_t * pManAig, Ivy_FraigParams_t * pParams );
static void Ivy_FraigPrint( Ivy_Fraig_t * p );
static void Ivy_FraigStop( Ivy_Fraig_t * p );
static void Ivy_FraigSimulate( Ivy_Fraig_t * p );
static void Ivy_FraigSweep( Ivy_Fraig_t * p );
static Ivy_Obj_t * Ivy_FraigAnd( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObjOld );
static int Ivy_FraigNodesAreEquiv( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj0, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj1, int nBTLimit );
static void Ivy_FraigNodeAddToSolver( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj0, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj1 );
static int Ivy_FraigMarkConeSetActivity_rec( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, int * pTravIds, int TravId, double * pFactors, int LevelMax );
static Ivy_FraigMan_t * Ivy_FraigStart( Ivy_Man_t * pManAig, Ivy_FraigParams_t * pParams );
static Ivy_FraigMan_t * Ivy_FraigStartSimple( Ivy_Man_t * pManAig, Ivy_FraigParams_t * pParams );
static void Ivy_FraigPrint( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p );
static void Ivy_FraigStop( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p );
static void Ivy_FraigSimulate( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p );
static void Ivy_FraigSweep( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p );
static Ivy_Obj_t * Ivy_FraigAnd( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObjOld );
static int Ivy_FraigNodesAreEquiv( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj0, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj1 );
static int Ivy_FraigNodeIsConst( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj );
static void Ivy_FraigNodeAddToSolver( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj0, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj1 );
static int Ivy_FraigMarkConeSetActivity( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pOld, Ivy_Obj_t * pNew );
static void Ivy_FraigAddToPatScores( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pClass, Ivy_Obj_t * pClassNew );
static int Ivy_FraigMiterStatus( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p );
static void Ivy_FraigMiterProve( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p );
......@@ -148,9 +174,36 @@ static int Ivy_FraigMarkConeSetActivity_rec( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_
SeeAlso []
Ivy_Man_t * Ivy_FraigProve( Ivy_Man_t * pManAig, Ivy_FraigParams_t * pParams )
Ivy_FraigMan_t * p;
Ivy_Man_t * pManAigNew;
int clk;
clk = clock();
assert( Ivy_ManLatchNum(pManAig) == 0 );
p = Ivy_FraigStart( pManAig, pParams );
Ivy_FraigSimulate( p );
Ivy_FraigSweep( p );
pManAigNew = p->pManFraig;
p->timeTotal = clock() - clk;
Ivy_FraigStop( p );
return pManAigNew;
Synopsis [Performs fraiging of the initial AIG.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Ivy_Man_t * Ivy_FraigPerform( Ivy_Man_t * pManAig, Ivy_FraigParams_t * pParams )
Ivy_Fraig_t * p;
Ivy_FraigMan_t * p;
Ivy_Man_t * pManAigNew;
int clk;
clk = clock();
......@@ -175,11 +228,86 @@ p->timeTotal = clock() - clk;
SeeAlso []
Ivy_Man_t * Ivy_FraigMiter( Ivy_Man_t * pManAig, Ivy_FraigParams_t * pParams )
Ivy_FraigMan_t * p;
Ivy_Man_t * pManAigNew;
Ivy_Obj_t * pObj;
int i, clk;
clk = clock();
assert( Ivy_ManLatchNum(pManAig) == 0 );
p = Ivy_FraigStartSimple( pManAig, pParams );
// duplicate internal nodes
Ivy_ManForEachNode( p->pManAig, pObj, i )
pObj->pEquiv = Ivy_And( p->pManFraig, Ivy_ObjChild0Equiv(pObj), Ivy_ObjChild1Equiv(pObj) );
// try to prove each output of the miter
Ivy_FraigMiterProve( p );
// add the POs
Ivy_ManForEachPo( p->pManAig, pObj, i )
Ivy_ObjCreatePo( p->pManFraig, Ivy_ObjChild0Equiv(pObj) );
// clean the new manager
Ivy_ManForEachObj( p->pManFraig, pObj, i )
if ( Ivy_ObjFaninVec(pObj) )
Vec_PtrFree( Ivy_ObjFaninVec(pObj) );
pObj->pNextFan0 = pObj->pNextFan1 = NULL;
// remove dangling nodes
Ivy_ManCleanup( p->pManFraig );
pManAigNew = p->pManFraig;
p->timeTotal = clock() - clk;
Ivy_FraigStop( p );
return pManAigNew;
Synopsis [Performs fraiging of the initial AIG.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigParamsDefault( Ivy_FraigParams_t * pParams )
memset( pParams, 0, sizeof(Ivy_FraigParams_t) );
pParams->nSimWords = 32;
pParams->SimSatur = 0.005;
pParams->fPatScores = 0;
pParams->MaxScore = 25;
pParams->nBTLimitNode = 100; // conflict limit at a node
pParams->nBTLimitMiter = 500000; // conflict limit at an output
pParams->nBTLimitGlobal = 0; // conflict limit global
pParams->nInsLimitNode = 0; // inspection limit at a node
pParams->nInsLimitMiter = 0; // inspection limit at an output
pParams->nInsLimitGlobal = 0; // inspection limit global
Synopsis [Starts the fraiging manager.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Ivy_FraigMan_t * Ivy_FraigStartSimple( Ivy_Man_t * pManAig, Ivy_FraigParams_t * pParams )
Ivy_FraigMan_t * p;
// allocat the fraiging manager
p = ALLOC( Ivy_FraigMan_t, 1 );
memset( p, 0, sizeof(Ivy_FraigMan_t) );
p->pParams = pParams;
p->pManAig = pManAig;
p->pManFraig = Ivy_ManStartFrom( pManAig );
p->vPiVars = Vec_PtrAlloc( 100 );
return p;
......@@ -193,31 +321,57 @@ void Ivy_FraigParamsDefault( Ivy_FraigParams_t * pParams )
SeeAlso []
Ivy_Fraig_t * Ivy_FraigStart( Ivy_Man_t * pManAig, Ivy_FraigParams_t * pParams )
Ivy_FraigMan_t * Ivy_FraigStart( Ivy_Man_t * pManAig, Ivy_FraigParams_t * pParams )
Ivy_Fraig_t * p;
Ivy_FraigMan_t * p;
Ivy_FraigSim_t * pSims;
Ivy_Obj_t * pObj;
int i, k;
int i, k, EntrySize;
// clean the fanout representation
Ivy_ManForEachObj( pManAig, pObj, i )
// pObj->pEquiv = pObj->pFanout = pObj->pNextFan0 = pObj->pNextFan1 = pObj->pPrevFan0 = pObj->pPrevFan1 = NULL;
assert( !pObj->pEquiv && !pObj->pFanout );
// allocat the fraiging manager
p = ALLOC( Ivy_Fraig_t, 1 );
memset( p, 0, sizeof(Ivy_Fraig_t) );
p = ALLOC( Ivy_FraigMan_t, 1 );
memset( p, 0, sizeof(Ivy_FraigMan_t) );
p->pParams = pParams;
p->pManAig = pManAig;
p->pManFraig = Ivy_ManStartFrom( pManAig );
// allocate simulation info
p->nWords = pParams->nSimWords;
p->pWords = ALLOC( unsigned, Ivy_ManObjNum(pManAig) * p->nWords );
p->nSimWords = pParams->nSimWords;
// p->pSimWords = ALLOC( unsigned, Ivy_ManObjNum(pManAig) * p->nSimWords );
EntrySize = sizeof(Ivy_FraigSim_t) + sizeof(unsigned) * p->nSimWords;
p->pSimWords = (char *)malloc( Ivy_ManObjNum(pManAig) * EntrySize );
memset( p->pSimWords, 0, EntrySize );
k = 0;
Ivy_ManForEachObj( pManAig, pObj, i )
Ivy_ObjSetSim( pObj, p->pWords + p->nWords * k++ );
pSims = (Ivy_FraigSim_t *)(p->pSimWords + EntrySize * k++);
pSims->pNext = NULL;
if ( Ivy_ObjIsNode(pObj) )
if ( p->pSimStart == NULL )
p->pSimStart = pSims;
((Ivy_FraigSim_t *)(p->pSimWords + EntrySize * (k-2)))->pNext = pSims;
pSims->pFanin0 = Ivy_ObjSim( Ivy_ObjFanin0(pObj) );
pSims->pFanin1 = Ivy_ObjSim( Ivy_ObjFanin1(pObj) );
pSims->Type = (Ivy_ObjFaninPhase(Ivy_ObjChild0(pObj)) << 2) | (Ivy_ObjFaninPhase(Ivy_ObjChild1(pObj)) << 1) | pObj->fPhase;
pSims->pFanin0 = NULL;
pSims->pFanin1 = NULL;
pSims->Type = 0;
Ivy_ObjSetSim( pObj, pSims );
assert( k == Ivy_ManObjNum(pManAig) );
// allocate storage for sim pattern
p->nPatWords = Ivy_BitWordNum( Ivy_ManPiNum(pManAig) );
p->pPatWords = ALLOC( unsigned, p->nPatWords );
p->pPatScores = ALLOC( int, 32 * p->nSimWords );
p->vPiVars = Vec_PtrAlloc( 100 );
// set random number generator
srand( 0xABCABC );
return p;
......@@ -234,22 +388,27 @@ Ivy_Fraig_t * Ivy_FraigStart( Ivy_Man_t * pManAig, Ivy_FraigParams_t * pParams )
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigPrint( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
void Ivy_FraigPrint( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
double nMemory;
nMemory = (double)Ivy_ManObjNum(p->pManAig)*p->nWords*sizeof(unsigned)/(1<<20);
printf( "SimWords = %d. Rounds = %d. Mem = %0.2f Mb. ", p->nWords, p->nSimRounds, nMemory );
nMemory = (double)Ivy_ManObjNum(p->pManAig)*p->nSimWords*sizeof(unsigned)/(1<<20);
printf( "SimWords = %d. Rounds = %d. Mem = %0.2f Mb. ", p->nSimWords, p->nSimRounds, nMemory );
printf( "Classes: Beg = %d. End = %d.\n", p->nClassesBeg, p->nClassesEnd );
printf( "Limits: BTNode = %d. BTMiter = %d.\n", p->pParams->nBTLimitNode, p->pParams->nBTLimitMiter );
printf( "Proof = %d. Counter-example = %d. Fail = %d. FailReal = %d. Zero = %d.\n",
p->nSatProof, p->nSatCallsSat, p->nSatFails, p->nSatFailsReal, p->nClassesZero );
printf( "Nodes: Final = %d. Total = %d. Mux = %d. (Exor = %d.) SatVars = %d.\n",
Ivy_ManNodeNum(p->pManFraig), Ivy_ManNodeNum(p->pManAig), 0, 0, p->nSatVars );
printf( "Final = %d. Miter = %d. Total = %d. Mux = %d. (Exor = %d.) SatVars = %d.\n",
Ivy_ManNodeNum(p->pManFraig), p->nNodesMiter, Ivy_ManNodeNum(p->pManAig), 0, 0, p->nSatVars );
if ( p->pSat ) Sat_SolverPrintStats( stdout, p->pSat );
PRT( "AIG simulation ", p->timeSim );
PRT( "AIG traversal ", p->timeTrav );
PRT( "SAT solving ", p->timeSat );
PRT( " Unsat ", p->timeSatUnsat );
PRT( " Sat ", p->timeSatSat );
PRT( " Fail ", p->timeSatFail );
PRT( "Class refining ", p->timeRef );
PRT( "TOTAL RUNTIME ", p->timeTotal );
PRT( "time1 ", p->time1 );
......@@ -263,15 +422,19 @@ void Ivy_FraigPrint( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigStop( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
void Ivy_FraigStop( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
if ( p->pParams->fVerbose )
Ivy_FraigPrint( p );
if ( p->vPiVars ) Vec_PtrFree( p->vPiVars );
if ( p->pSat ) sat_solver_delete( p->pSat );
free( p->pPatWords );
free( p->pWords );
FREE( p->pPatScores );
FREE( p->pPatWords );
FREE( p->pSimWords );
free( p );
Synopsis [Simulates one node.]
......@@ -283,13 +446,13 @@ void Ivy_FraigStop( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_NodeAssignRandom( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj )
void Ivy_NodeAssignRandom( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj )
unsigned * pSims;
Ivy_FraigSim_t * pSims;
int i;
pSims = Ivy_ObjSim(pObj);
for ( i = 0; i < p->nWords; i++ )
pSims[i] = Ivy_ObjRandomSim();
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
pSims->pData[i] = Ivy_ObjRandomSim();
......@@ -303,13 +466,13 @@ void Ivy_NodeAssignRandom( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj )
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_NodeAssignConst( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, int fConst1 )
void Ivy_NodeAssignConst( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, int fConst1 )
unsigned * pSims;
Ivy_FraigSim_t * pSims;
int i;
pSims = Ivy_ObjSim(pObj);
for ( i = 0; i < p->nWords; i++ )
pSims[i] = fConst1? ~(unsigned)0 : 0;
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
pSims->pData[i] = fConst1? ~(unsigned)0 : 0;
......@@ -323,13 +486,13 @@ void Ivy_NodeAssignConst( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, int fConst1 )
SeeAlso []
int Ivy_NodeHasZeroSim( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj )
int Ivy_NodeHasZeroSim( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj )
unsigned * pSims;
Ivy_FraigSim_t * pSims;
int i;
pSims = Ivy_ObjSim(pObj);
for ( i = 0; i < p->nWords; i++ )
if ( pSims[i] )
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
if ( pSims->pData[i] )
return 0;
return 1;
......@@ -345,14 +508,14 @@ int Ivy_NodeHasZeroSim( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj )
SeeAlso []
int Ivy_NodeCompareSims( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj0, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj1 )
int Ivy_NodeCompareSims( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj0, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj1 )
unsigned * pSims0, * pSims1;
Ivy_FraigSim_t * pSims0, * pSims1;
int i;
pSims0 = Ivy_ObjSim(pObj0);
pSims1 = Ivy_ObjSim(pObj1);
for ( i = 0; i < p->nWords; i++ )
if ( pSims0[i] != pSims1[i] )
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
if ( pSims0->pData[i] != pSims1->pData[i] )
return 0;
return 1;
......@@ -368,9 +531,64 @@ int Ivy_NodeCompareSims( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj0, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj1 )
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_NodeSimulate( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj )
void Ivy_NodeSimulateSim( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_FraigSim_t * pSims )
unsigned * pData, * pData0, * pData1;
int i;
pData = pSims->pData;
pData0 = pSims->pFanin0->pData;
pData1 = pSims->pFanin1->pData;
switch( pSims->Type )
case 0:
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
pData[i] = (pData0[i] & pData1[i]);
case 1:
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
pData[i] = ~(pData0[i] & pData1[i]);
case 2:
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
pData[i] = (pData0[i] & ~pData1[i]);
case 3:
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
pData[i] = (~pData0[i] | pData1[i]);
case 4:
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
pData[i] = (~pData0[i] & pData1[i]);
case 5:
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
pData[i] = (pData0[i] | ~pData1[i]);
case 6:
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
pData[i] = ~(pData0[i] | pData1[i]);
case 7:
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
pData[i] = (pData0[i] | pData1[i]);
Synopsis [Simulates one node.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_NodeSimulate( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj )
unsigned * pSims, * pSims0, * pSims1;
Ivy_FraigSim_t * pSims, * pSims0, * pSims1;
int fCompl, fCompl0, fCompl1, i;
assert( !Ivy_IsComplement(pObj) );
// get hold of the simulation information
......@@ -385,38 +603,38 @@ void Ivy_NodeSimulate( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj )
if ( fCompl0 && fCompl1 )
if ( fCompl )
for ( i = 0; i < p->nWords; i++ )
pSims[i] = (pSims0[i] | pSims1[i]);
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
pSims->pData[i] = (pSims0->pData[i] | pSims1->pData[i]);
for ( i = 0; i < p->nWords; i++ )
pSims[i] = ~(pSims0[i] | pSims1[i]);
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
pSims->pData[i] = ~(pSims0->pData[i] | pSims1->pData[i]);
else if ( fCompl0 && !fCompl1 )
if ( fCompl )
for ( i = 0; i < p->nWords; i++ )
pSims[i] = (pSims0[i] | ~pSims1[i]);
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
pSims->pData[i] = (pSims0->pData[i] | ~pSims1->pData[i]);
for ( i = 0; i < p->nWords; i++ )
pSims[i] = (~pSims0[i] & pSims1[i]);
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
pSims->pData[i] = (~pSims0->pData[i] & pSims1->pData[i]);
else if ( !fCompl0 && fCompl1 )
if ( fCompl )
for ( i = 0; i < p->nWords; i++ )
pSims[i] = (~pSims0[i] | pSims1[i]);
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
pSims->pData[i] = (~pSims0->pData[i] | pSims1->pData[i]);
for ( i = 0; i < p->nWords; i++ )
pSims[i] = (pSims0[i] & ~pSims1[i]);
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
pSims->pData[i] = (pSims0->pData[i] & ~pSims1->pData[i]);
else // if ( !fCompl0 && !fCompl1 )
if ( fCompl )
for ( i = 0; i < p->nWords; i++ )
pSims[i] = ~(pSims0[i] & pSims1[i]);
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
pSims->pData[i] = ~(pSims0->pData[i] & pSims1->pData[i]);
for ( i = 0; i < p->nWords; i++ )
pSims[i] = (pSims0[i] & pSims1[i]);
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
pSims->pData[i] = (pSims0->pData[i] & pSims1->pData[i]);
......@@ -431,7 +649,7 @@ void Ivy_NodeSimulate( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj )
SeeAlso []
unsigned Ivy_NodeHash( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj )
unsigned Ivy_NodeHash( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj )
static int s_FPrimes[128] = {
1009, 1049, 1093, 1151, 1201, 1249, 1297, 1361, 1427, 1459,
......@@ -448,13 +666,14 @@ unsigned Ivy_NodeHash( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj )
7393, 7477, 7523, 7561, 7607, 7681, 7727, 7817, 7877, 7933,
8011, 8039, 8059, 8081, 8093, 8111, 8123, 8147
unsigned uHash, * pSims;
Ivy_FraigSim_t * pSims;
unsigned uHash;
int i;
assert( p->nWords <= 128 );
assert( p->nSimWords <= 128 );
uHash = 0;
pSims = Ivy_ObjSim(pObj);
for ( i = 0; i < p->nWords; i++ )
uHash ^= pSims[i] * s_FPrimes[i];
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSimWords; i++ )
uHash ^= pSims->pData[i] * s_FPrimes[i];
return uHash;
......@@ -469,7 +688,7 @@ unsigned Ivy_NodeHash( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj )
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigSimulateOne( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
void Ivy_FraigSimulateOne( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
Ivy_Obj_t * pObj;
int i, clk;
......@@ -501,7 +720,29 @@ p->nSimRounds++;
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigAssignRandom( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
void Ivy_FraigSimulateOneSim( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
Ivy_FraigSim_t * pSims;
int clk;
clk = clock();
for ( pSims = p->pSimStart; pSims; pSims = pSims->pNext )
Ivy_NodeSimulateSim( p, pSims );
p->timeSim += clock() - clk;
Synopsis [Simulates AIG manager.]
Description [Assumes that the PI simulation info is attached.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigAssignRandom( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
Ivy_Obj_t * pObj;
int i;
......@@ -520,15 +761,15 @@ void Ivy_FraigAssignRandom( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigAssignDist1( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, unsigned * pPat )
void Ivy_FraigAssignDist1( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, unsigned * pPat )
Ivy_Obj_t * pObj;
int i, Limit;
Ivy_ManForEachPi( p->pManAig, pObj, i )
Ivy_NodeAssignConst( p, pObj, Ivy_InfoHasBit(pPat, i) );
Limit = IVY_MIN( Ivy_ManPiNum(p->pManAig), p->nWords * 32 - 1 );
Limit = IVY_MIN( Ivy_ManPiNum(p->pManAig), p->nSimWords * 32 - 1 );
for ( i = 0; i < Limit; i++ )
Ivy_InfoXorBit( Ivy_ObjSim( Ivy_ManPi(p->pManAig,i) ), i+1 );
Ivy_InfoXorBit( Ivy_ObjSim( Ivy_ManPi(p->pManAig,i) )->pData, i+1 );
for ( i = 0; i < Limit; i++ )
Extra_PrintBinary( stdout, Ivy_ObjSim( Ivy_ManPi(p->pManAig,i) ), 30 ), printf( "\n" );
......@@ -568,23 +809,23 @@ void Ivy_NodeAddToClass( Ivy_Obj_t * pClass, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj )
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigAddClass( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pClass )
void Ivy_FraigAddClass( Ivy_FraigList_t * pList, Ivy_Obj_t * pClass )
if ( p->pClassesHead == NULL )
if ( pList->pHead == NULL )
p->pClassesHead = pClass;
p->pClassesTail = pClass;
pList->pHead = pClass;
pList->pTail = pClass;
Ivy_ObjSetEquivListPrev( pClass, NULL );
Ivy_ObjSetEquivListNext( pClass, NULL );
Ivy_ObjSetEquivListNext( p->pClassesTail, pClass );
Ivy_ObjSetEquivListPrev( pClass, p->pClassesTail );
Ivy_ObjSetEquivListNext( pList->pTail, pClass );
Ivy_ObjSetEquivListPrev( pClass, pList->pTail );
Ivy_ObjSetEquivListNext( pClass, NULL );
p->pClassesTail = pClass;
pList->pTail = pClass;
......@@ -598,16 +839,16 @@ void Ivy_FraigAddClass( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pClass )
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigInsertClass( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pBase, Ivy_Obj_t * pClass )
void Ivy_FraigInsertClass( Ivy_FraigList_t * pList, Ivy_Obj_t * pBase, Ivy_Obj_t * pClass )
Ivy_ObjSetEquivListPrev( pClass, pBase );
Ivy_ObjSetEquivListNext( pClass, Ivy_ObjEquivListNext(pBase) );
if ( Ivy_ObjEquivListNext(pBase) )
Ivy_ObjSetEquivListPrev( Ivy_ObjEquivListNext(pBase), pClass );
Ivy_ObjSetEquivListNext( pBase, pClass );
if ( p->pClassesTail == pBase )
p->pClassesTail = pClass;
if ( pList->pTail == pBase )
pList->pTail = pClass;
......@@ -621,19 +862,47 @@ void Ivy_FraigInsertClass( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pBase, Ivy_Obj_t * pClas
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigRemoveClass( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pClass )
void Ivy_FraigRemoveClass( Ivy_FraigList_t * pList, Ivy_Obj_t * pClass )
if ( p->pClassesHead == pClass )
p->pClassesHead = Ivy_ObjEquivListNext(pClass);
if ( p->pClassesTail == pClass )
p->pClassesTail = Ivy_ObjEquivListPrev(pClass);
if ( pList->pHead == pClass )
pList->pHead = Ivy_ObjEquivListNext(pClass);
if ( pList->pTail == pClass )
pList->pTail = Ivy_ObjEquivListPrev(pClass);
if ( Ivy_ObjEquivListPrev(pClass) )
Ivy_ObjSetEquivListNext( Ivy_ObjEquivListPrev(pClass), Ivy_ObjEquivListNext(pClass) );
if ( Ivy_ObjEquivListNext(pClass) )
Ivy_ObjSetEquivListPrev( Ivy_ObjEquivListNext(pClass), Ivy_ObjEquivListPrev(pClass) );
Ivy_ObjSetEquivListNext( pClass, NULL );
Ivy_ObjSetEquivListPrev( pClass, NULL );
pClass->fMarkA = 0;
Synopsis [Count the number of pairs.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Ivy_FraigCountPairsClasses( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
Ivy_Obj_t * pClass, * pNode;
int nPairs = 0, nNodes;
return nPairs;
Ivy_FraigForEachEquivClass( p->lClasses.pHead, pClass )
nNodes = 0;
Ivy_FraigForEachClassNode( pClass, pNode )
nPairs += nNodes * (nNodes - 1) / 2;
return nPairs;
......@@ -647,10 +916,10 @@ void Ivy_FraigRemoveClass( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pClass )
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigCreateClasses( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
void Ivy_FraigCreateClasses( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
Ivy_Obj_t ** pTable;
Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, * pConst1, * pBin, * pEntry, * pEntry2;
Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, * pConst1, * pBin, * pEntry;
int i, nTableSize;
unsigned Hash;
pConst1 = Ivy_ManConst1(p->pManAig);
......@@ -684,21 +953,24 @@ void Ivy_FraigCreateClasses( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
pTable[Hash % nTableSize] = pObj;
// collect non-trivial classes
assert( p->pClassesHead == NULL );
if ( Ivy_ObjClassNodeNext(pConst1) )
assert( p->lClasses.pHead == NULL );
Ivy_ManForEachObj( p->pManAig, pObj, i )
Ivy_FraigAddClass( p, pConst1 );
Ivy_ObjSetClassNodeLast( pConst1, NULL );
for ( i = 0; i < nTableSize; i++ )
Ivy_FraigForEachBinNodeSafe( pTable[i], pEntry, pEntry2 )
if ( Ivy_ObjClassNodeNext(pEntry) )
if ( !Ivy_ObjIsConst1(pObj) && !Ivy_ObjIsPi(pObj) && !Ivy_ObjIsNode(pObj) )
Ivy_ObjSetNodeHashNext( pObj, NULL );
if ( Ivy_ObjClassNodeRepr(pObj) == NULL )
Ivy_FraigAddClass( p, pEntry );
Ivy_ObjSetClassNodeLast( pEntry, NULL );
assert( Ivy_ObjClassNodeNext(pObj) == NULL );
// recognize the head of the class
if ( Ivy_ObjClassNodeNext( Ivy_ObjClassNodeRepr(pObj) ) != NULL )
// clean the class representative and add it to the list
Ivy_ObjSetClassNodeRepr( pObj, NULL );
Ivy_FraigAddClass( &p->lClasses, pObj );
Ivy_ObjSetNodeHashNext( pEntry, NULL );
// free the table
free( pTable );
......@@ -714,15 +986,20 @@ void Ivy_FraigCreateClasses( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
SeeAlso []
int Ivy_FraigRefineClass_rec( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pClass )
int Ivy_FraigRefineClass_rec( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pClass )
Ivy_Obj_t * pClassNew, * pListOld, * pListNew, * pNode;
int RetValue = 0;
// check if there is refinement
pListOld = pClass;
Ivy_FraigForEachClassNode( Ivy_ObjClassNodeNext(pClass), pClassNew )
if ( !Ivy_NodeCompareSims(p, pClass, pClassNew) )
if ( p->pParams->fPatScores )
Ivy_FraigAddToPatScores( p, pClass, pClassNew );
pListOld = pClassNew;
if ( pClassNew == NULL )
......@@ -749,16 +1026,16 @@ int Ivy_FraigRefineClass_rec( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pClass )
Ivy_ObjSetClassNodeNext( pListNew, NULL );
Ivy_ObjSetClassNodeNext( pListOld, NULL );
// update the list of classes
Ivy_FraigInsertClass( p, pClass, pClassNew );
Ivy_FraigInsertClass( &p->lClasses, pClass, pClassNew );
// if the old class is trivial, remove it
if ( Ivy_ObjClassNodeNext(pClass) == NULL )
Ivy_FraigRemoveClass( p, pClass );
Ivy_FraigRemoveClass( &p->lClasses, pClass );
// if the new class is trivial, remove it; otherwise, try to refine it
if ( Ivy_ObjClassNodeNext(pClassNew) == NULL )
Ivy_FraigRemoveClass( p, pClassNew );
Ivy_FraigRemoveClass( &p->lClasses, pClassNew );
Ivy_FraigRefineClass_rec( p, pClassNew );
return 1;
RetValue = Ivy_FraigRefineClass_rec( p, pClassNew );
return RetValue + 1;
......@@ -773,15 +1050,24 @@ int Ivy_FraigRefineClass_rec( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pClass )
SeeAlso []
int Ivy_FraigRefineClasses( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
int Ivy_FraigRefineClasses( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
Ivy_Obj_t * pClass, * pClass2;
int clk, RetValue = 0;
int clk, RetValue, Counter = 0;
clk = clock();
Ivy_FraigForEachEquivClassSafe( p->pClassesHead, pClass, pClass2 )
RetValue += Ivy_FraigRefineClass_rec( p, pClass );
Ivy_FraigForEachEquivClassSafe( p->lClasses.pHead, pClass, pClass2 )
if ( pClass->fMarkA )
RetValue = Ivy_FraigRefineClass_rec( p, pClass );
Counter += ( RetValue > 0 );
//if ( Ivy_ObjIsConst1(pClass) )
//printf( "%d ", RetValue );
if ( Ivy_ObjIsConst1(pClass) )
p->time1 += clock() - clk;
p->timeRef += clock() - clk;
return RetValue;
return Counter;
......@@ -835,18 +1121,20 @@ int Ivy_FraigCountClassNodes( Ivy_Obj_t * pClass )
SeeAlso []
int Ivy_FraigCountClasses( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
void Ivy_FraigPrintSimClasses( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
Ivy_Obj_t * pClass;
int Counter = 0;
Ivy_FraigForEachEquivClass( p->pClassesHead, pClass )
return Counter;
Ivy_FraigForEachEquivClass( p->lClasses.pHead, pClass )
// Ivy_FraigPrintClass( pClass );
printf( "%d ", Ivy_FraigCountClassNodes( pClass ) );
// printf( "\n" );
Synopsis [Stops the fraiging manager.]
Synopsis [Copy pattern from the solver into the internal storage.]
Description []
......@@ -855,21 +1143,14 @@ int Ivy_FraigCountClasses( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigPrintSimClasses( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
void Ivy_FraigSavePattern0( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
Ivy_Obj_t * pClass;
Ivy_FraigForEachEquivClass( p->pClassesHead, pClass )
// Ivy_FraigPrintClass( pClass );
printf( "%d ", Ivy_FraigCountClassNodes( pClass ) );
// printf( "\n" );
memset( p->pPatWords, 0, sizeof(unsigned) * p->nPatWords );
Synopsis [Stops the fraiging manager.]
Synopsis [Copy pattern from the solver into the internal storage.]
Description []
......@@ -878,26 +1159,14 @@ void Ivy_FraigPrintSimClasses( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigSimulate( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
void Ivy_FraigSavePattern1( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
int nChanges, nClasses;
Ivy_FraigAssignRandom( p );
Ivy_FraigSimulateOne( p );
Ivy_FraigCreateClasses( p );
//printf( "Starting classes = %5d.\n", p->nClasses );
do {
Ivy_FraigAssignRandom( p );
Ivy_FraigSimulateOne( p );
nClasses = p->nClasses;
nChanges = Ivy_FraigRefineClasses( p );
//printf( "Refined classes = %5d. Changes = %4d.\n", p->nClasses, nChanges );
} while ( (double)nChanges / nClasses > p->pParams->SimSatur );
// Ivy_FraigPrintSimClasses( p );
memset( p->pPatWords, 0xff, sizeof(unsigned) * p->nPatWords );
Synopsis [Stops the fraiging manager.]
Synopsis [Copy pattern from the solver into the internal storage.]
Description []
......@@ -906,20 +1175,21 @@ void Ivy_FraigSimulate( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigResimulate( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
void Ivy_FraigSavePattern( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
int nChanges;
Ivy_FraigAssignDist1( p, p->pPatWords );
Ivy_FraigSimulateOne( p );
nChanges = Ivy_FraigRefineClasses( p );
assert( nChanges >= 1 );
//printf( "Refined classes! = %5d. Changes = %4d.\n", p->nClasses, nChanges );
Ivy_Obj_t * pObj;
int i;
memset( p->pPatWords, 0, sizeof(unsigned) * p->nPatWords );
Ivy_ManForEachPi( p->pManFraig, pObj, i )
// Vec_PtrForEachEntry( p->vPiVars, pObj, i )
if ( p->pSat->model.ptr[Ivy_ObjSatNum(pObj)] == l_True )
Ivy_InfoSetBit( p->pPatWords, i );
// Ivy_InfoSetBit( p->pPatWords, pObj->Id - 1 );
Synopsis [Performs fraiging for the internal nodes.]
Synopsis [Copy pattern from the solver into the internal storage.]
Description []
......@@ -928,56 +1198,430 @@ void Ivy_FraigResimulate( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigSweep( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
void Ivy_FraigSavePattern2( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
Ivy_Obj_t * pObj;
int i;
p->nClassesZero = Ivy_ObjIsConst1(p->pClassesHead) ? Ivy_FraigCountClassNodes(p->pClassesHead) : 0;
p->nClassesBeg = Ivy_FraigCountClasses(p);
// duplicate internal nodes
Ivy_ManForEachNode( p->pManAig, pObj, i )
pObj->pEquiv = Ivy_FraigAnd( p, pObj );
p->nClassesEnd = Ivy_FraigCountClasses(p);
// add the POs
Ivy_ManForEachPo( p->pManAig, pObj, i )
Ivy_ObjCreatePo( p->pManFraig, Ivy_ObjChild0Equiv(pObj) );
// clean the old manager
Ivy_ManForEachObj( p->pManAig, pObj, i )
pObj->pFanout = pObj->pNextFan0 = pObj->pNextFan1 = pObj->pPrevFan0 = pObj->pPrevFan1 = NULL;
// clean the new manager
Ivy_ManForEachObj( p->pManFraig, pObj, i )
if ( Ivy_ObjFaninVec(pObj) )
Vec_PtrFree( Ivy_ObjFaninVec(pObj) );
pObj->pNextFan0 = pObj->pNextFan1 = NULL;
// remove dangling nodes
Ivy_ManCleanup( p->pManFraig );
memset( p->pPatWords, 0, sizeof(unsigned) * p->nPatWords );
// Ivy_ManForEachPi( p->pManFraig, pObj, i )
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( p->vPiVars, pObj, i )
if ( p->pSat->model.ptr[Ivy_ObjSatNum(pObj)] == l_True )
// Ivy_InfoSetBit( p->pPatWords, i );
Ivy_InfoSetBit( p->pPatWords, pObj->Id - 1 );
Synopsis [Performs fraiging for one node.]
Synopsis [Copy pattern from the solver into the internal storage.]
Description [Returns the fraiged node.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Ivy_Obj_t * Ivy_FraigAnd( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObjOld )
void Ivy_FraigSavePattern3( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
Ivy_Obj_t * pObjNew, * pFanin0New, * pFanin1New, * pObjReprNew;
int RetValue;
// get the fraiged fanins
pFanin0New = Ivy_ObjChild0Equiv(pObjOld);
pFanin1New = Ivy_ObjChild1Equiv(pObjOld);
// get the candidate fraig node
pObjNew = Ivy_And( p->pManFraig, pFanin0New, pFanin1New );
// get representative of this class
if ( Ivy_ObjClassNodeRepr(pObjOld) == NULL ) // this is a unique node
Ivy_Obj_t * pObj;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < p->nPatWords; i++ )
p->pPatWords[i] = Ivy_ObjRandomSim();
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( p->vPiVars, pObj, i )
if ( Ivy_InfoHasBit( p->pPatWords, pObj->Id - 1 ) ^ (p->pSat->model.ptr[Ivy_ObjSatNum(pObj)] == l_True) )
Ivy_InfoXorBit( p->pPatWords, pObj->Id - 1 );
Synopsis [Returns 1 if the one of the output is already non-constant 0.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Ivy_FraigCheckOutputSims( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
Ivy_Obj_t * pObj;
int i;
Ivy_ManForEachPo( p->pManAig, pObj, i )
if ( !Ivy_NodeHasZeroSim( p, Ivy_ObjFanin0(pObj) ) )
return 1;
return 0;
Synopsis [Stops the fraiging manager.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigSimulate( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
int nChanges, nClasses;
// start the classes
Ivy_FraigAssignRandom( p );
Ivy_FraigSimulateOne( p );
Ivy_FraigCreateClasses( p );
//printf( "Starting classes = %5d. Pairs = %6d.\n", p->lClasses.nItems, Ivy_FraigCountPairsClasses(p) );
// refine classes by walking 0/1 patterns
Ivy_FraigSavePattern0( p );
Ivy_FraigAssignDist1( p, p->pPatWords );
Ivy_FraigSimulateOne( p );
nChanges = Ivy_FraigRefineClasses( p );
//printf( "Refined classes = %5d. Changes = %4d. Pairs = %6d.\n", p->lClasses.nItems, nChanges, Ivy_FraigCountPairsClasses(p) );
Ivy_FraigSavePattern1( p );
Ivy_FraigAssignDist1( p, p->pPatWords );
Ivy_FraigSimulateOne( p );
nChanges = Ivy_FraigRefineClasses( p );
//printf( "Refined classes = %5d. Changes = %4d. Pairs = %6d.\n", p->lClasses.nItems, nChanges, Ivy_FraigCountPairsClasses(p) );
// refine classes by random simulation
do {
Ivy_FraigAssignRandom( p );
Ivy_FraigSimulateOne( p );
nClasses = p->lClasses.nItems;
nChanges = Ivy_FraigRefineClasses( p );
//printf( "Refined classes = %5d. Changes = %4d. Pairs = %6d.\n", p->lClasses.nItems, nChanges, Ivy_FraigCountPairsClasses(p) );
} while ( (double)nChanges / nClasses > p->pParams->SimSatur );
// Ivy_FraigPrintSimClasses( p );
// check if some outputs already became non-constant
if ( Ivy_FraigCheckOutputSims(p) )
printf( "Special case: One of the POs is already non-const zero.\n" );
Synopsis [Cleans pattern scores.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigCleanPatScores( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
int i, nLimit = p->nSimWords * 32;
for ( i = 0; i < nLimit; i++ )
p->pPatScores[i] = 0;
Synopsis [Adds to pattern scores.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigAddToPatScores( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pClass, Ivy_Obj_t * pClassNew )
Ivy_FraigSim_t * pSims0, * pSims1;
unsigned uDiff;
int i, w;
// get hold of the simulation information
pSims0 = Ivy_ObjSim(pClass);
pSims1 = Ivy_ObjSim(pClassNew);
// iterate through the differences and record the score
for ( w = 0; w < p->nSimWords; w++ )
uDiff = pSims0->pData[w] ^ pSims1->pData[w];
if ( uDiff == 0 )
for ( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
if ( uDiff & ( 1 << i ) )
Synopsis [Selects the best pattern.]
Description [Returns 1 if such pattern is found.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Ivy_FraigSelectBestPat( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
Ivy_FraigSim_t * pSims;
Ivy_Obj_t * pObj;
int i, nLimit = p->nSimWords * 32, MaxScore = 0, BestPat = -1;
for ( i = 1; i < nLimit; i++ )
if ( MaxScore < p->pPatScores[i] )
MaxScore = p->pPatScores[i];
BestPat = i;
if ( MaxScore == 0 )
return 0;
// if ( MaxScore > p->pParams->MaxScore )
// printf( "Max score is %3d. ", MaxScore );
// copy the best pattern into the selected pattern
memset( p->pPatWords, 0, sizeof(unsigned) * p->nPatWords );
Ivy_ManForEachPi( p->pManAig, pObj, i )
pSims = Ivy_ObjSim(pObj);
if ( Ivy_InfoHasBit(pSims->pData, BestPat) )
Ivy_InfoSetBit(p->pPatWords, i);
return MaxScore;
Synopsis [Stops the fraiging manager.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigResimulate( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
int nChanges;
Ivy_FraigAssignDist1( p, p->pPatWords );
Ivy_FraigSimulateOne( p );
if ( p->pParams->fPatScores )
Ivy_FraigCleanPatScores( p );
nChanges = Ivy_FraigRefineClasses( p );
if ( nChanges < 1 )
printf( "Error: A counter-example did not refine classes!\n" );
assert( nChanges >= 1 );
//printf( "Refined classes! = %5d. Changes = %4d.\n", p->lClasses.nItems, nChanges );
if ( !p->pParams->fPatScores )
// perform additional simulation using dist1 patterns derived from successful patterns
while ( Ivy_FraigSelectBestPat(p) > p->pParams->MaxScore )
Ivy_FraigAssignDist1( p, p->pPatWords );
Ivy_FraigSimulateOne( p );
Ivy_FraigCleanPatScores( p );
nChanges = Ivy_FraigRefineClasses( p );
//printf( "Refined class!!! = %5d. Changes = %4d. Pairs = %6d.\n", p->lClasses.nItems, nChanges, Ivy_FraigCountPairsClasses(p) );
if ( nChanges == 0 )
Synopsis [Reports the status of the miter.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Ivy_FraigMiterStatus( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, * pObjNew;
int i, CountConst0 = 0, CountNonConst0 = 0, CountUndecided = 0;
Ivy_ManForEachPo( p->pManAig, pObj, i )
pObjNew = Ivy_ObjChild0Equiv(pObj);
// check if the output is constant 1
if ( pObjNew == p->pManFraig->pConst1 )
// check if the output is constant 0
if ( pObjNew == Ivy_Not(p->pManFraig->pConst1) )
// check if the output can be constant 0
if ( Ivy_Regular(pObjNew)->fPhase != (unsigned)Ivy_IsComplement(pObjNew) )
if ( p->pParams->fVerbose )
printf( "Miter has %d outputs. ", Ivy_ManPoNum(p->pManAig) );
printf( "Const0 = %d. ", CountConst0 );
printf( "NonConst0 = %d. ", CountNonConst0 );
printf( "Undecided = %d. ", CountUndecided );
printf( "\n" );
return 1;
Synopsis [Works on the miter.]
Description [Tries to prove each output until encountering a sat output.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigMiterProve( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, * pObjNew;
int i, RetValue, clk = clock();
int fVerbose = p->pParams->fVerbose;
Ivy_ManForEachPo( p->pManAig, pObj, i )
if ( i && fVerbose )
PRT( "Time", clock() -clk );
pObjNew = Ivy_ObjChild0Equiv(pObj);
// check if the output is constant 1
if ( pObjNew == p->pManFraig->pConst1 )
if ( fVerbose )
printf( "Output %2d (out of %2d) is constant 1. ", i, Ivy_ManPoNum(p->pManAig) );
// check if the output is constant 0
if ( pObjNew == Ivy_Not(p->pManFraig->pConst1) )
if ( fVerbose )
printf( "Output %2d (out of %2d) is already constant 0. ", i, Ivy_ManPoNum(p->pManAig) );
// check if the output can be constant 0
if ( Ivy_Regular(pObjNew)->fPhase != (unsigned)Ivy_IsComplement(pObjNew) )
if ( fVerbose )
printf( "Output %2d (out of %2d) cannot be constant 0. ", i, Ivy_ManPoNum(p->pManAig) );
// try to prove the output constant 0
RetValue = Ivy_FraigNodeIsConst( p, Ivy_Regular(pObjNew) );
if ( RetValue == 1 ) // proved equivalent
if ( fVerbose )
printf( "Output %2d (out of %2d) was proved constant 0. ", i, Ivy_ManPoNum(p->pManAig) );
// set the constant miter
Ivy_ObjFanin0(pObj)->pEquiv = Ivy_NotCond( p->pManFraig->pConst1, !Ivy_IsComplement(pObj) );
if ( RetValue == -1 ) // failed
if ( fVerbose )
printf( "Output %2d (out of %2d) has timed out at %d backtracks. ", i, Ivy_ManPoNum(p->pManAig), p->pParams->nBTLimitMiter );
// proved satisfiable
if ( fVerbose )
printf( "Output %2d (out of %2d) was proved NOT a constant 0. ", i, Ivy_ManPoNum(p->pManAig) );
if ( fVerbose )
PRT( "Time", clock() -clk );
Synopsis [Performs fraiging for the internal nodes.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigSweep( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
Ivy_Obj_t * pObj;
int i, k = 0;
p->nClassesZero = Ivy_ObjIsConst1(p->lClasses.pHead) ? Ivy_FraigCountClassNodes(p->lClasses.pHead) : 0;
p->nClassesBeg = p->lClasses.nItems;
// duplicate internal nodes
p->pProgress = Extra_ProgressBarStart( stdout, Ivy_ManNodeNum(p->pManAig) );
Ivy_ManForEachNode( p->pManAig, pObj, i )
Extra_ProgressBarUpdate( p->pProgress, k++, NULL );
pObj->pEquiv = Ivy_FraigAnd( p, pObj );
Extra_ProgressBarStop( p->pProgress );
p->nClassesEnd = p->lClasses.nItems;
// try to prove the outputs of the miter
p->nNodesMiter = Ivy_ManNodeNum(p->pManFraig);
Ivy_FraigMiterStatus( p );
Ivy_FraigMiterProve( p );
// add the POs
Ivy_ManForEachPo( p->pManAig, pObj, i )
Ivy_ObjCreatePo( p->pManFraig, Ivy_ObjChild0Equiv(pObj) );
// clean the old manager
Ivy_ManForEachObj( p->pManAig, pObj, i )
pObj->pFanout = pObj->pNextFan0 = pObj->pNextFan1 = pObj->pPrevFan0 = pObj->pPrevFan1 = NULL;
// clean the new manager
Ivy_ManForEachObj( p->pManFraig, pObj, i )
if ( Ivy_ObjFaninVec(pObj) )
Vec_PtrFree( Ivy_ObjFaninVec(pObj) );
pObj->pNextFan0 = pObj->pNextFan1 = NULL;
// remove dangling nodes
Ivy_ManCleanup( p->pManFraig );
// clean up the class marks
Ivy_FraigForEachEquivClass( p->lClasses.pHead, pObj )
pObj->fMarkA = 0;
Synopsis [Performs fraiging for one node.]
Description [Returns the fraiged node.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Ivy_Obj_t * Ivy_FraigAnd( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObjOld )
Ivy_Obj_t * pObjNew, * pFanin0New, * pFanin1New, * pObjReprNew;
int RetValue;
// get the fraiged fanins
pFanin0New = Ivy_ObjChild0Equiv(pObjOld);
pFanin1New = Ivy_ObjChild1Equiv(pObjOld);
// get the candidate fraig node
pObjNew = Ivy_And( p->pManFraig, pFanin0New, pFanin1New );
// get representative of this class
if ( Ivy_ObjClassNodeRepr(pObjOld) == NULL ) // this is a unique node
assert( Ivy_Regular(pFanin0New) != Ivy_Regular(pFanin1New) );
assert( pObjNew != Ivy_Regular(pFanin0New) );
assert( pObjNew != Ivy_Regular(pFanin1New) );
......@@ -988,10 +1632,16 @@ Ivy_Obj_t * Ivy_FraigAnd( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObjOld )
// if the fraiged nodes are the same return
if ( Ivy_Regular(pObjNew) == Ivy_Regular(pObjReprNew) )
return pObjNew;
assert( Ivy_Regular(pObjNew) != Ivy_ManConst1(p->pManFraig) );
// they are different (the counter-example is in p->pPatWords)
RetValue = Ivy_FraigNodesAreEquiv( p, Ivy_Regular(pObjReprNew), Ivy_Regular(pObjNew), 1000 );
RetValue = Ivy_FraigNodesAreEquiv( p, Ivy_Regular(pObjReprNew), Ivy_Regular(pObjNew) );
if ( RetValue == 1 ) // proved equivalent
// mark the class as proved
if ( Ivy_ObjClassNodeNext(pObjOld) == NULL )
Ivy_ObjClassNodeRepr(pObjOld)->fMarkA = 1;
return Ivy_NotCond( pObjReprNew, pObjOld->fPhase ^ Ivy_ObjClassNodeRepr(pObjOld)->fPhase );
if ( RetValue == -1 ) // failed
return pObjNew;
// simulate the counter-example and return the new node
......@@ -1001,29 +1651,25 @@ Ivy_Obj_t * Ivy_FraigAnd( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObjOld )
Synopsis [Copy pattern from the solver into the internal storage.]
Synopsis [Performs fraiging for one node.]
Description []
Description [Returns the fraiged node.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigSavePattern( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
void Ivy_FraigCleanActivity( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
Ivy_Obj_t * pObj;
double * pActivity;
int i;
memset( p->pPatWords, 0, sizeof(unsigned) * p->nPatWords );
Ivy_ManForEachPi( p->pManFraig, pObj, i )
if ( p->pSat->model.ptr[Ivy_ObjSatNum(pObj)] == l_True )
Ivy_InfoSetBit( p->pPatWords, i );
// print sat variables
pActivity = sat_solver_activity(p->pSat);
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSatVars; i++ )
printf( "%d=%d ", i, p->pSat->model.ptr[i] );
printf( "\n" );
pActivity[i] = 0.0;
sat_solver_order_update( p->pSat, i );
......@@ -1037,11 +1683,30 @@ void Ivy_FraigSavePattern( Ivy_Fraig_t * p )
SeeAlso []
int Ivy_FraigNodesAreEquiv( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pOld, Ivy_Obj_t * pNew, int nBTLimit )
void Ivy_FraigPrintActivity( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p )
int pLits[4], RetValue, RetValue1, clk, Counter;
double * pActivity;
int i;
pActivity = sat_solver_activity(p->pSat);
for ( i = 0; i < p->nSatVars; i++ )
printf( "%d %.3f ", i, pActivity[i] );
printf( "\n" );
// printf( "Trying to prove nodes %d and %d\n", pOld->Id, pNew->Id );
Synopsis [Performs fraiging for one node.]
Description [Returns the fraiged node.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Ivy_FraigNodesAreEquiv( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pOld, Ivy_Obj_t * pNew )
int pLits[4], RetValue, RetValue1, nBTLimit, clk;
// make sure the nodes are not complemented
assert( !Ivy_IsComplement(pNew) );
......@@ -1051,9 +1716,13 @@ int Ivy_FraigNodesAreEquiv( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pOld, Ivy_Obj_t * pNew,
// if at least one of the nodes is a failed node, perform adjustments:
// if the backtrack limit is small, simply skip this node
// if the backtrack limit is > 10, take the quare root of the limit
nBTLimit = p->pParams->nBTLimitNode;
if ( nBTLimit > 0 && (pOld->fFailTfo || pNew->fFailTfo) )
// fail immediately
return -1;
if ( nBTLimit <= 10 )
return -1;
nBTLimit = (int)sqrt(nBTLimit);
......@@ -1071,25 +1740,19 @@ int Ivy_FraigNodesAreEquiv( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pOld, Ivy_Obj_t * pNew,
// if the nodes do not have SAT variables, allocate them
Ivy_FraigNodeAddToSolver( p, pOld, pNew );
// prepare variable activity
clk = clock();
Ivy_ManIncrementTravId( p->pManFraig );
Counter = Ivy_FraigMarkConeSetActivity_rec( p, pOld, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 );
Counter += Ivy_FraigMarkConeSetActivity_rec( p, pNew, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 );
// printf( "%d ", Counter );
p->timeTrav += clock() - clk;
// solve under assumptions
// A = 1; B = 0 OR A = 1; B = 1
clk = clock();
pLits[0] = toLitCond( Ivy_ObjSatNum(pOld), 0 );
pLits[1] = toLitCond( Ivy_ObjSatNum(pNew), pOld->fPhase == pNew->fPhase );
//Sat_SolverWriteDimacs( p->pSat, "temp.cnf", pLits, pLits + 2, 1 );
RetValue1 = sat_solver_solve( p->pSat, pLits, pLits + 2 );
RetValue1 = sat_solver_solve( p->pSat, pLits, pLits + 2,
nBTLimit, p->pParams->nInsLimitNode,
p->pParams->nBTLimitGlobal, p->pParams->nInsLimitGlobal );
p->timeSat += clock() - clk;
if ( RetValue1 == l_False )
p->timeSatUnsat += clock() - clk;
pLits[0] = lit_neg( pLits[0] );
pLits[1] = lit_neg( pLits[1] );
RetValue = sat_solver_addclause( p->pSat, pLits, pLits + 2 );
......@@ -1099,12 +1762,14 @@ p->timeSat += clock() - clk;
else if ( RetValue1 == l_True )
p->timeSatSat += clock() - clk;
Ivy_FraigSavePattern( p );
return 0;
else // if ( RetValue1 == l_Undef )
p->timeSatFail += clock() - clk;
// mark the node as the failed node
if ( pOld != p->pManFraig->pConst1 )
pOld->fFailTfo = 1;
......@@ -1125,10 +1790,13 @@ p->timeSat += clock() - clk;
clk = clock();
pLits[0] = toLitCond( Ivy_ObjSatNum(pOld), 1 );
pLits[1] = toLitCond( Ivy_ObjSatNum(pNew), pOld->fPhase ^ pNew->fPhase );
RetValue1 = sat_solver_solve( p->pSat, pLits, pLits + 2 );
RetValue1 = sat_solver_solve( p->pSat, pLits, pLits + 2,
nBTLimit, p->pParams->nInsLimitNode,
p->pParams->nBTLimitGlobal, p->pParams->nInsLimitGlobal );
p->timeSat += clock() - clk;
if ( RetValue1 == l_False )
p->timeSatUnsat += clock() - clk;
pLits[0] = lit_neg( pLits[0] );
pLits[1] = lit_neg( pLits[1] );
RetValue = sat_solver_addclause( p->pSat, pLits, pLits + 2 );
......@@ -1137,12 +1805,14 @@ p->timeSat += clock() - clk;
else if ( RetValue1 == l_True )
p->timeSatSat += clock() - clk;
Ivy_FraigSavePattern( p );
return 0;
else // if ( RetValue1 == l_Undef )
p->timeSatFail += clock() - clk;
// mark the node as the failed node
pOld->fFailTfo = 1;
pNew->fFailTfo = 1;
......@@ -1157,6 +1827,77 @@ p->timeSat += clock() - clk;
Synopsis [Performs fraiging for one node.]
Description [Returns the fraiged node.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Ivy_FraigNodeIsConst( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pNew )
int pLits[2], RetValue1, RetValue, clk;
// make sure the nodes are not complemented
assert( !Ivy_IsComplement(pNew) );
assert( pNew != p->pManFraig->pConst1 );
// make sure the solver is allocated and has enough variables
if ( p->pSat == NULL )
p->pSat = sat_solver_new();
p->nSatVars = 1;
sat_solver_setnvars( p->pSat, 1000 );
// if the nodes do not have SAT variables, allocate them
Ivy_FraigNodeAddToSolver( p, NULL, pNew );
// prepare variable activity
Ivy_FraigMarkConeSetActivity( p, NULL, pNew );
// solve under assumptions
clk = clock();
pLits[0] = toLitCond( Ivy_ObjSatNum(pNew), pNew->fPhase );
RetValue1 = sat_solver_solve( p->pSat, pLits, pLits + 1,
p->pParams->nBTLimitMiter, p->pParams->nInsLimitMiter,
p->pParams->nBTLimitGlobal, p->pParams->nInsLimitGlobal );
p->timeSat += clock() - clk;
if ( RetValue1 == l_False )
p->timeSatUnsat += clock() - clk;
pLits[0] = lit_neg( pLits[0] );
RetValue = sat_solver_addclause( p->pSat, pLits, pLits + 1 );
assert( RetValue );
// continue solving the other implication
else if ( RetValue1 == l_True )
p->timeSatSat += clock() - clk;
Ivy_FraigSavePattern( p );
return 0;
else // if ( RetValue1 == l_Undef )
p->timeSatFail += clock() - clk;
// mark the node as the failed node
pNew->fFailTfo = 1;
return -1;
// return SAT proof
return 1;
Synopsis [Addes clauses to the solver.]
Description []
......@@ -1166,7 +1907,7 @@ p->timeSat += clock() - clk;
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigAddClausesMux( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pNode )
void Ivy_FraigAddClausesMux( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pNode )
Ivy_Obj_t * pNodeI, * pNodeT, * pNodeE;
int pLits[4], RetValue, VarF, VarI, VarT, VarE, fCompT, fCompE;
......@@ -1249,7 +1990,7 @@ void Ivy_FraigAddClausesMux( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pNode )
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigAddClausesSuper( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pNode, Vec_Ptr_t * vSuper )
void Ivy_FraigAddClausesSuper( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pNode, Vec_Ptr_t * vSuper )
Ivy_Obj_t * pFanin;
int * pLits, nLits, RetValue, i;
......@@ -1333,7 +2074,7 @@ Vec_Ptr_t * Ivy_FraigCollectSuper( Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, int fUseMuxes )
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigObjAddToFrontier( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, Vec_Ptr_t * vFrontier )
void Ivy_FraigObjAddToFrontier( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, Vec_Ptr_t * vFrontier )
assert( !Ivy_IsComplement(pObj) );
if ( Ivy_ObjSatNum(pObj) )
......@@ -1359,18 +2100,19 @@ void Ivy_FraigObjAddToFrontier( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, Vec_Ptr_t * v
SeeAlso []
void Ivy_FraigNodeAddToSolver( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pOld, Ivy_Obj_t * pNew )
void Ivy_FraigNodeAddToSolver( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pOld, Ivy_Obj_t * pNew )
Vec_Ptr_t * vFrontier, * vFanins;
Ivy_Obj_t * pNode, * pFanin;
int i, k, fUseMuxes = 1;
assert( pOld || pNew );
// quit if CNF is ready
if ( Ivy_ObjFaninVec(pOld) && Ivy_ObjFaninVec(pNew) )
if ( (!pOld || Ivy_ObjFaninVec(pOld)) && (!pNew || Ivy_ObjFaninVec(pNew)) )
// start the frontier
vFrontier = Vec_PtrAlloc( 100 );
Ivy_FraigObjAddToFrontier( p, pOld, vFrontier );
Ivy_FraigObjAddToFrontier( p, pNew, vFrontier );
if ( pOld ) Ivy_FraigObjAddToFrontier( p, pOld, vFrontier );
if ( pNew ) Ivy_FraigObjAddToFrontier( p, pNew, vFrontier );
// explore nodes in the frontier
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( vFrontier, pNode, i )
......@@ -1412,7 +2154,7 @@ void Ivy_FraigNodeAddToSolver( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pOld, Ivy_Obj_t * pN
SeeAlso []
int Ivy_FraigMarkConeSetActivity_rec( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, int * pTravIds, int TravId, double * pFactors, int LevelMax )
int Ivy_FraigMarkConeSetActivity_rec( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, double * pActivity, int LevelMax, Vec_Ptr_t * vPiVars )
Vec_Ptr_t * vFanins;
Ivy_Obj_t * pFanin;
......@@ -1421,21 +2163,74 @@ int Ivy_FraigMarkConeSetActivity_rec( Ivy_Fraig_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pObj, int * p
if ( Ivy_ObjIsConst1(pObj) )
return 0;
assert( Ivy_ObjSatNum(pObj) );
// if ( pTravIds[Ivy_ObjSatNum(pObj)] == TravId )
// return;
// pTravIds[Ivy_ObjSatNum(pObj)] = TravId;
// pFactors[Ivy_ObjSatNum(pObj)] = pow( 0.97, LevelMax - pObj->Level );
if ( Ivy_ObjIsTravIdCurrent(p->pManFraig, pObj) )
return 0;
Ivy_ObjSetTravIdCurrent(p->pManFraig, pObj);
// add this variable to the decision
assert( Ivy_ObjSatNum(pObj) > 0 );
// pActivity[Ivy_ObjSatNum(pObj)] = 3.0 * pow( 0.97, LevelMax - pObj->Level );
// sat_solver_order_unassigned( p->pSat, Ivy_ObjSatNum(pObj) );
// pActivity[Ivy_ObjSatNum(pObj)] += 3.0 * pObj->Level / LevelMax;
// sat_solver_order_update( p->pSat, Ivy_ObjSatNum(pObj) );
if ( LevelMax > 150 && (int)pObj->Level > LevelMax - 100 )
sat_solver_act_var_bump_factor( p->pSat, Ivy_ObjSatNum(pObj), 1.0 + 10.0 * (pObj->Level - (LevelMax - 100)) / 100 );
// add the PI to the list
if ( Ivy_ObjIsPi(pObj) )
Vec_PtrPush( vPiVars, pObj );
return 0;
// explore the fanins
vFanins = Ivy_ObjFaninVec( pObj );
Counter = 1;
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( vFanins, pFanin, i )
Counter += Ivy_FraigMarkConeSetActivity_rec( p, Ivy_Regular(pFanin), pTravIds, TravId, pFactors, LevelMax );
Counter += Ivy_FraigMarkConeSetActivity_rec( p, Ivy_Regular(pFanin), pActivity, LevelMax, vPiVars );
return Counter;
// Counter = Ivy_FraigMarkConeSetActivity_rec( p, Ivy_ObjFanin0(pObj), pActivity, LevelMax, vPiVars );
// Counter += Ivy_FraigMarkConeSetActivity_rec( p, Ivy_ObjFanin1(pObj), pActivity, LevelMax, vPiVars );
// return Counter;
Synopsis [Performs fraiging for one node.]
Description [Returns the fraiged node.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Ivy_FraigMarkConeSetActivity( Ivy_FraigMan_t * p, Ivy_Obj_t * pOld, Ivy_Obj_t * pNew )
int clk, LevelMax, Counter;
assert( pOld || pNew );
clk = clock();
Vec_PtrClear( p->vPiVars );
Ivy_ManIncrementTravId( p->pManFraig );
// Ivy_FraigCleanActivity( p );
// sat_solver_order_clean( p->pSat );
//printf( "\n" );
//printf( "Adding\n" );
LevelMax = IVY_MAX( pNew ? pNew->Level : 0, pOld ? pOld->Level : 0 );
Counter = 0;
if ( pOld )
Counter += Ivy_FraigMarkConeSetActivity_rec( p, pOld, sat_solver_activity(p->pSat), LevelMax, p->vPiVars );
if ( pNew )
Counter += Ivy_FraigMarkConeSetActivity_rec( p, pNew, sat_solver_activity(p->pSat), LevelMax, p->vPiVars );
//Ivy_FraigPrintActivity( p );
//printf( "\n" );
//printf( "Solving\n" );
// printf( "%d ", Vec_PtrSize(p->vPiVars) );
p->timeTrav += clock() - clk;
return 1;
FileName [satMem.c]
PackageName [SAT solver.]
Synopsis [Memory management.]
Author [Alan Mishchenko <>]
Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - January 1, 2004.]
Revision [$Id: satMem.c,v 1.0 2004/01/01 1:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
#include "satMem.h"
#include "extra.h"
struct Sat_MmFixed_t_
// information about individual entries
int nEntrySize; // the size of one entry
int nEntriesAlloc; // the total number of entries allocated
int nEntriesUsed; // the number of entries in use
int nEntriesMax; // the max number of entries in use
char * pEntriesFree; // the linked list of free entries
// this is where the memory is stored
int nChunkSize; // the size of one chunk
int nChunksAlloc; // the maximum number of memory chunks
int nChunks; // the current number of memory chunks
char ** pChunks; // the allocated memory
// statistics
int nMemoryUsed; // memory used in the allocated entries
int nMemoryAlloc; // memory allocated
struct Sat_MmFlex_t_
// information about individual entries
int nEntriesUsed; // the number of entries allocated
char * pCurrent; // the current pointer to free memory
char * pEnd; // the first entry outside the free memory
// this is where the memory is stored
int nChunkSize; // the size of one chunk
int nChunksAlloc; // the maximum number of memory chunks
int nChunks; // the current number of memory chunks
char ** pChunks; // the allocated memory
// statistics
int nMemoryUsed; // memory used in the allocated entries
int nMemoryAlloc; // memory allocated
struct Sat_MmStep_t_
int nMems; // the number of fixed memory managers employed
Sat_MmFixed_t ** pMems; // memory managers: 2^1 words, 2^2 words, etc
int nMapSize; // the size of the memory array
Sat_MmFixed_t ** pMap; // maps the number of bytes into its memory manager
Synopsis [Allocates memory pieces of fixed size.]
Description [The size of the chunk is computed as the minimum of
1024 entries and 64K. Can only work with entry size at least 4 byte long.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Sat_MmFixed_t * Sat_MmFixedStart( int nEntrySize )
Sat_MmFixed_t * p;
p = ALLOC( Sat_MmFixed_t, 1 );
memset( p, 0, sizeof(Sat_MmFixed_t) );
p->nEntrySize = nEntrySize;
p->nEntriesAlloc = 0;
p->nEntriesUsed = 0;
p->pEntriesFree = NULL;
if ( nEntrySize * (1 << 10) < (1<<16) )
p->nChunkSize = (1 << 10);
p->nChunkSize = (1<<16) / nEntrySize;
if ( p->nChunkSize < 8 )
p->nChunkSize = 8;
p->nChunksAlloc = 64;
p->nChunks = 0;
p->pChunks = ALLOC( char *, p->nChunksAlloc );
p->nMemoryUsed = 0;
p->nMemoryAlloc = 0;
return p;
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Sat_MmFixedStop( Sat_MmFixed_t * p, int fVerbose )
int i;
if ( p == NULL )
if ( fVerbose )
printf( "Fixed memory manager: Entry = %5d. Chunk = %5d. Chunks used = %5d.\n",
p->nEntrySize, p->nChunkSize, p->nChunks );
printf( " Entries used = %8d. Entries peak = %8d. Memory used = %8d. Memory alloc = %8d.\n",
p->nEntriesUsed, p->nEntriesMax, p->nEntrySize * p->nEntriesUsed, p->nMemoryAlloc );
for ( i = 0; i < p->nChunks; i++ )
free( p->pChunks[i] );
free( p->pChunks );
free( p );
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
char * Sat_MmFixedEntryFetch( Sat_MmFixed_t * p )
char * pTemp;
int i;
// check if there are still free entries
if ( p->nEntriesUsed == p->nEntriesAlloc )
{ // need to allocate more entries
assert( p->pEntriesFree == NULL );
if ( p->nChunks == p->nChunksAlloc )
p->nChunksAlloc *= 2;
p->pChunks = REALLOC( char *, p->pChunks, p->nChunksAlloc );
p->pEntriesFree = ALLOC( char, p->nEntrySize * p->nChunkSize );
p->nMemoryAlloc += p->nEntrySize * p->nChunkSize;
// transform these entries into a linked list
pTemp = p->pEntriesFree;
for ( i = 1; i < p->nChunkSize; i++ )
*((char **)pTemp) = pTemp + p->nEntrySize;
pTemp += p->nEntrySize;
// set the last link
*((char **)pTemp) = NULL;
// add the chunk to the chunk storage
p->pChunks[ p->nChunks++ ] = p->pEntriesFree;
// add to the number of entries allocated
p->nEntriesAlloc += p->nChunkSize;
// incrememt the counter of used entries
if ( p->nEntriesMax < p->nEntriesUsed )
p->nEntriesMax = p->nEntriesUsed;
// return the first entry in the free entry list
pTemp = p->pEntriesFree;
p->pEntriesFree = *((char **)pTemp);
return pTemp;
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Sat_MmFixedEntryRecycle( Sat_MmFixed_t * p, char * pEntry )
// decrement the counter of used entries
// add the entry to the linked list of free entries
*((char **)pEntry) = p->pEntriesFree;
p->pEntriesFree = pEntry;
Synopsis []
Description [Relocates all the memory except the first chunk.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Sat_MmFixedRestart( Sat_MmFixed_t * p )
int i;
char * pTemp;
// deallocate all chunks except the first one
for ( i = 1; i < p->nChunks; i++ )
free( p->pChunks[i] );
p->nChunks = 1;
// transform these entries into a linked list
pTemp = p->pChunks[0];
for ( i = 1; i < p->nChunkSize; i++ )
*((char **)pTemp) = pTemp + p->nEntrySize;
pTemp += p->nEntrySize;
// set the last link
*((char **)pTemp) = NULL;
// set the free entry list
p->pEntriesFree = p->pChunks[0];
// set the correct statistics
p->nMemoryAlloc = p->nEntrySize * p->nChunkSize;
p->nMemoryUsed = 0;
p->nEntriesAlloc = p->nChunkSize;
p->nEntriesUsed = 0;
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Sat_MmFixedReadMemUsage( Sat_MmFixed_t * p )
return p->nMemoryAlloc;
Synopsis [Allocates entries of flexible size.]
Description [Can only work with entry size at least 4 byte long.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Sat_MmFlex_t * Sat_MmFlexStart()
Sat_MmFlex_t * p;
p = ALLOC( Sat_MmFlex_t, 1 );
memset( p, 0, sizeof(Sat_MmFlex_t) );
p->nEntriesUsed = 0;
p->pCurrent = NULL;
p->pEnd = NULL;
p->nChunkSize = (1 << 12);
p->nChunksAlloc = 64;
p->nChunks = 0;
p->pChunks = ALLOC( char *, p->nChunksAlloc );
p->nMemoryUsed = 0;
p->nMemoryAlloc = 0;
return p;
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Sat_MmFlexStop( Sat_MmFlex_t * p, int fVerbose )
int i;
if ( p == NULL )
if ( fVerbose )
printf( "Flexible memory manager: Chunk size = %d. Chunks used = %d.\n",
p->nChunkSize, p->nChunks );
printf( " Entries used = %d. Memory used = %d. Memory alloc = %d.\n",
p->nEntriesUsed, p->nMemoryUsed, p->nMemoryAlloc );
for ( i = 0; i < p->nChunks; i++ )
free( p->pChunks[i] );
free( p->pChunks );
free( p );
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
char * Sat_MmFlexEntryFetch( Sat_MmFlex_t * p, int nBytes )
char * pTemp;
// check if there are still free entries
if ( p->pCurrent == NULL || p->pCurrent + nBytes > p->pEnd )
{ // need to allocate more entries
if ( p->nChunks == p->nChunksAlloc )
p->nChunksAlloc *= 2;
p->pChunks = REALLOC( char *, p->pChunks, p->nChunksAlloc );
if ( nBytes > p->nChunkSize )
// resize the chunk size if more memory is requested than it can give
// (ideally, this should never happen)
p->nChunkSize = 2 * nBytes;
p->pCurrent = ALLOC( char, p->nChunkSize );
p->pEnd = p->pCurrent + p->nChunkSize;
p->nMemoryAlloc += p->nChunkSize;
// add the chunk to the chunk storage
p->pChunks[ p->nChunks++ ] = p->pCurrent;
assert( p->pCurrent + nBytes <= p->pEnd );
// increment the counter of used entries
// keep track of the memory used
p->nMemoryUsed += nBytes;
// return the next entry
pTemp = p->pCurrent;
p->pCurrent += nBytes;
return pTemp;
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Sat_MmFlexReadMemUsage( Sat_MmFlex_t * p )
return p->nMemoryAlloc;
Synopsis [Starts the hierarchical memory manager.]
Description [This manager can allocate entries of any size.
Iternally they are mapped into the entries with the number of bytes
equal to the power of 2. The smallest entry size is 8 bytes. The
next one is 16 bytes etc. So, if the user requests 6 bytes, he gets
8 byte entry. If we asks for 25 bytes, he gets 32 byte entry etc.
The input parameters "nSteps" says how many fixed memory managers
are employed internally. Calling this procedure with nSteps equal
to 10 results in 10 hierarchically arranged internal memory managers,
which can allocate up to 4096 (1Kb) entries. Requests for larger
entries are handed over to malloc() and then free()ed.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Sat_MmStep_t * Sat_MmStepStart( int nSteps )
Sat_MmStep_t * p;
int i, k;
p = ALLOC( Sat_MmStep_t, 1 );
p->nMems = nSteps;
// start the fixed memory managers
p->pMems = ALLOC( Sat_MmFixed_t *, p->nMems );
for ( i = 0; i < p->nMems; i++ )
p->pMems[i] = Sat_MmFixedStart( (8<<i) );
// set up the mapping of the required memory size into the corresponding manager
p->nMapSize = (4<<p->nMems);
p->pMap = ALLOC( Sat_MmFixed_t *, p->nMapSize+1 );
p->pMap[0] = NULL;
for ( k = 1; k <= 4; k++ )
p->pMap[k] = p->pMems[0];
for ( i = 0; i < p->nMems; i++ )
for ( k = (4<<i)+1; k <= (8<<i); k++ )
p->pMap[k] = p->pMems[i];
//for ( i = 1; i < 100; i ++ )
//printf( "%10d: size = %10d\n", i, p->pMap[i]->nEntrySize );
return p;
Synopsis [Stops the memory manager.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Sat_MmStepStop( Sat_MmStep_t * p, int fVerbose )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < p->nMems; i++ )
Sat_MmFixedStop( p->pMems[i], fVerbose );
free( p->pMems );
free( p->pMap );
free( p );
Synopsis [Creates the entry.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
char * Sat_MmStepEntryFetch( Sat_MmStep_t * p, int nBytes )
if ( nBytes == 0 )
return NULL;
if ( nBytes > p->nMapSize )
// printf( "Allocating %d bytes.\n", nBytes );
return ALLOC( char, nBytes );
return Sat_MmFixedEntryFetch( p->pMap[nBytes] );
Synopsis [Recycles the entry.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Sat_MmStepEntryRecycle( Sat_MmStep_t * p, char * pEntry, int nBytes )
if ( nBytes == 0 )
if ( nBytes > p->nMapSize )
free( pEntry );
Sat_MmFixedEntryRecycle( p->pMap[nBytes], pEntry );
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Sat_MmStepReadMemUsage( Sat_MmStep_t * p )
int i, nMemTotal = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < p->nMems; i++ )
nMemTotal += p->pMems[i]->nMemoryAlloc;
return nMemTotal;
FileName [satMem.h]
PackageName [SAT solver.]
Synopsis [Memory management.]
Author [Alan Mishchenko <>]
Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - January 1, 2004.]
Revision [$Id: satMem.h,v 1.0 2004/01/01 1:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
#ifndef __SAT_MEM_H__
#define __SAT_MEM_H__
/// INCLUDES ///
//#include "leaks.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct Sat_MmFixed_t_ Sat_MmFixed_t;
typedef struct Sat_MmFlex_t_ Sat_MmFlex_t;
typedef struct Sat_MmStep_t_ Sat_MmStep_t;
// fixed-size-block memory manager
extern Sat_MmFixed_t * Sat_MmFixedStart( int nEntrySize );
extern void Sat_MmFixedStop( Sat_MmFixed_t * p, int fVerbose );
extern char * Sat_MmFixedEntryFetch( Sat_MmFixed_t * p );
extern void Sat_MmFixedEntryRecycle( Sat_MmFixed_t * p, char * pEntry );
extern void Sat_MmFixedRestart( Sat_MmFixed_t * p );
extern int Sat_MmFixedReadMemUsage( Sat_MmFixed_t * p );
// flexible-size-block memory manager
extern Sat_MmFlex_t * Sat_MmFlexStart();
extern void Sat_MmFlexStop( Sat_MmFlex_t * p, int fVerbose );
extern char * Sat_MmFlexEntryFetch( Sat_MmFlex_t * p, int nBytes );
extern int Sat_MmFlexReadMemUsage( Sat_MmFlex_t * p );
// hierarchical memory manager
extern Sat_MmStep_t * Sat_MmStepStart( int nSteps );
extern void Sat_MmStepStop( Sat_MmStep_t * p, int fVerbose );
extern char * Sat_MmStepEntryFetch( Sat_MmStep_t * p, int nBytes );
extern void Sat_MmStepEntryRecycle( Sat_MmStep_t * p, char * pEntry, int nBytes );
extern int Sat_MmStepReadMemUsage( Sat_MmStep_t * p );
/// END OF FILE ///
#include "satSolver.h"
// Debug:
......@@ -142,6 +144,7 @@ static inline void order_unassigned(sat_solver* s, int v) // undoorder
orderpos[v] = veci_size(&s->order);
//printf( "+%d ", v );
......@@ -202,6 +205,7 @@ static int order_select(sat_solver* s, float random_var_freq) // selectvar
orderpos[heap[i]] = i;
//printf( "-%d ", next );
if (values[next] == l_Undef)
return next;
......@@ -209,6 +213,21 @@ static int order_select(sat_solver* s, float random_var_freq) // selectvar
return var_Undef;
void sat_solver_order_clean(sat_solver* s) // removes all variables from the queue
while ( order_select(s, 0.0) != var_Undef );
void sat_solver_order_unassigned(sat_solver* s, int v) // undoorder
order_unassigned(s, v);
void sat_solver_order_update(sat_solver* s, int v) // updateorder
order_update(s, v);
// Activity functions:
......@@ -232,6 +251,18 @@ static inline void act_var_bump(sat_solver* s, int v) {
void sat_solver_act_var_bump_factor(sat_solver* s, int v, double factor) {
double* activity = s->activity;
if ((activity[v] += s->var_inc * factor) > 1e100)
//printf("bump %d %f\n", v-1, activity[v]);
if (s->orderpos[v] != -1)
static inline void act_var_decay(sat_solver* s) { s->var_inc *= s->var_decay; }
static inline void act_clause_rescale(sat_solver* s) {
......@@ -253,6 +284,7 @@ static inline void act_clause_bump(sat_solver* s, clause *c) {
static inline void act_clause_decay(sat_solver* s) { s->cla_inc *= s->cla_decay; }
double* sat_solver_activity(sat_solver* s) { return s->activity; }
// Clause functions:
......@@ -268,7 +300,13 @@ static clause* clause_new(sat_solver* s, lit* begin, lit* end, int learnt)
assert(end - begin > 1);
assert(learnt >= 0 && learnt < 2);
size = end - begin;
// c = (clause*)malloc(sizeof(clause) + sizeof(lit) * size + learnt * sizeof(float));
c = (clause*)malloc(sizeof(clause) + sizeof(lit) * size + learnt * sizeof(float));
c = (clause*)Sat_MmStepEntryFetch( s->pMem, sizeof(clause) + sizeof(lit) * size + learnt * sizeof(float) );
c->size_learnt = (size << 1) | learnt;
assert(((unsigned int)c & 1) == 0);
......@@ -317,7 +355,11 @@ static void clause_remove(sat_solver* s, clause* c)
s->stats.clauses_literals -= clause_size(c);
Sat_MmStepEntryRecycle( s->pMem, (char *)c, sizeof(clause) + sizeof(lit) * clause_size(c) + clause_learnt(c) * sizeof(float) );
......@@ -833,6 +875,16 @@ static lbool sat_solver_search(sat_solver* s, int nof_conflicts, int nof_learnts
return l_Undef; }
if ( s->nConfLimit && s->stats.conflicts > s->nConfLimit ||
s->nInsLimit && s->stats.inspects > s->nInsLimit )
// Reached bound on number of conflicts:
s->progress_estimate = sat_solver_progress(s);
return l_Undef;
if (sat_solver_dlevel(s) == 0)
// Simplify the set of problem clauses:
......@@ -931,18 +983,27 @@ sat_solver* sat_solver_new(void)
s->stats.max_literals = 0;
s->stats.tot_literals = 0;
s->pMem = NULL;
s->pMem = Sat_MmStepStart( 10 );
return s;
void sat_solver_delete(sat_solver* s)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < vecp_size(&s->clauses); i++)
for (i = 0; i < vecp_size(&s->learnts); i++)
Sat_MmStepStop( s->pMem, 0 );
// delete vectors
......@@ -1065,7 +1126,7 @@ bool sat_solver_simplify(sat_solver* s)
int sat_solver_solve(sat_solver* s, lit* begin, lit* end)
int sat_solver_solve(sat_solver* s, lit* begin, lit* end, sint64 nConfLimit, sint64 nInsLimit, sint64 nConfLimitGlobal, sint64 nInsLimitGlobal)
double nof_conflicts = 100;
double nof_learnts = sat_solver_nclauses(s) / 3;
......@@ -1073,6 +1134,18 @@ int sat_solver_solve(sat_solver* s, lit* begin, lit* end)
lbool* values = s->assigns;
lit* i;
// set the external limits
s->nConfLimit = 0;
s->nInsLimit = 0;
if ( nConfLimit )
s->nConfLimit = s->stats.conflicts + nConfLimit;
if ( nInsLimit )
s->nInsLimit = s->stats.inspects + nInsLimit;
if ( nConfLimitGlobal && s->nConfLimit > nConfLimitGlobal )
s->nConfLimit = nConfLimitGlobal;
if ( nInsLimitGlobal && s->nInsLimit > nInsLimitGlobal )
s->nInsLimit = nInsLimitGlobal;
//printf("solve: "); printlits(begin, end); printf("\n");
for (i = begin; i < end; i++){
switch (lit_sign(*i) ? -values[lit_var(*i)] : values[lit_var(*i)]){
......@@ -1117,6 +1190,18 @@ int sat_solver_solve(sat_solver* s, lit* begin, lit* end)
status = sat_solver_search(s,(int)nof_conflicts, (int)nof_learnts);
nof_conflicts *= 1.5;
nof_learnts *= 1.1;
// quit the loop if reached an external limit
if ( s->nConfLimit && s->stats.conflicts > s->nConfLimit )
// printf( "Reached the limit on the number of conflicts (%d).\n", s->nConfLimit );
if ( s->nInsLimit && s->stats.inspects > s->nInsLimit )
// printf( "Reached the limit on the number of implications (%d).\n", s->nInsLimit );
if (s->verbosity >= 1)
#include "satVec.h"
#include "satMem.h"
// Simple types:
......@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ extern void sat_solver_delete(sat_solver* s);
extern bool sat_solver_addclause(sat_solver* s, lit* begin, lit* end);
extern bool sat_solver_simplify(sat_solver* s);
extern int sat_solver_solve(sat_solver* s, lit* begin, lit* end);
extern int sat_solver_solve(sat_solver* s, lit* begin, lit* end, sint64 nConfLimit, sint64 nInsLimit, sint64 nConfLimitGlobal, sint64 nInsLimitGlobal);
extern int sat_solver_nvars(sat_solver* s);
extern int sat_solver_nclauses(sat_solver* s);
......@@ -78,6 +79,13 @@ extern int sat_solver_nconflicts(sat_solver* s);
extern void sat_solver_setnvars(sat_solver* s,int n);
extern void sat_solver_order_clean(sat_solver* s);
extern void sat_solver_order_unassigned(sat_solver* s, int v);
extern void sat_solver_order_update(sat_solver* s, int v);
extern double* sat_solver_activity(sat_solver* s);
extern void sat_solver_act_var_bump_factor(sat_solver* s, int v, double factor);
struct stats_t
sint64 starts, decisions, propagations, inspects, conflicts;
......@@ -136,6 +144,11 @@ struct sat_solver_t
int verbosity; // Verbosity level. 0=silent, 1=some progress report, 2=everything
stats stats;
sint64 nConfLimit; // external limit on the number of conflicts
sint64 nInsLimit; // external limit on the number of implications
Sat_MmStep_t * pMem;
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