Commit 04be8af5 by Alan Mishchenko

Important bug fixes in standard-cell library handling and mapper &nf.

parent cb439f2e
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ static inline int Nf_ObjMapRefDec( Nf_Man_t * p, int i, int c )
static inline float Nf_ObjFlowRefs( Nf_Man_t * p, int i, int c ) { return Vec_FltEntry(&p->vFlowRefs, Abc_Var2Lit(i,c)); }
static inline float Nf_ObjRequired( Nf_Man_t * p, int i, int c ) { return Vec_FltEntry(&p->vRequired, Abc_Var2Lit(i,c)); }
static inline void Nf_ObjSetRequired(Nf_Man_t * p,int i, int c, float f) { Vec_FltWriteEntry(&p->vRequired, Abc_Var2Lit(i,c), f); }
static inline void Nf_ObjUpdateRequired(Nf_Man_t * p,int i, int c, float f) { if (Nf_ObjRequired(p, i, c) > f) Nf_ObjSetRequired(p, i, c, f); }
static inline void Nf_ObjUpdateRequired(Nf_Man_t * p,int i, int c, float f) { if (Nf_ObjRequired(p, i, c) > f + p->pPars->Epsilon) Nf_ObjSetRequired(p, i, c, f); }
static inline Nf_Mat_t * Nf_ObjMatchD( Nf_Man_t * p, int i, int c ) { return &Nf_ManObj(p, i)->M[c][0]; }
static inline Nf_Mat_t * Nf_ObjMatchA( Nf_Man_t * p, int i, int c ) { return &Nf_ManObj(p, i)->M[c][1]; }
......@@ -1093,11 +1093,11 @@ float Nf_MatchRef2Area( Nf_Man_t * p, int i, int c, Nf_Mat_t * pM )
SeeAlso []
void Nf_ManCutMatchPrint( Nf_Man_t * p, int iObj, int fCompl, Nf_Mat_t * pM )
void Nf_ManCutMatchPrint( Nf_Man_t * p, int iObj, char * pStr, Nf_Mat_t * pM )
Mio_Cell_t * pCell;
int i, * pCut;
printf( "%5d %d : ", iObj, fCompl );
printf( "%5d %s : ", iObj, pStr );
if ( pM->CutH == 0 )
printf( "Unassigned\n" );
......@@ -1105,29 +1105,29 @@ void Nf_ManCutMatchPrint( Nf_Man_t * p, int iObj, int fCompl, Nf_Mat_t * pM )
pCell = Nf_ManCell( p, pM->Gate );
pCut = Nf_CutFromHandle( Nf_ObjCutSet(p, iObj), pM->CutH );
printf( "D = %8.2f ", pM->D );
printf( "A = %8.2f ", pM->A );
printf( "D =%6.2f ", pM->D );
printf( "A =%6.2f ", pM->A );
printf( "C = %d ", pM->fCompl );
// printf( "B = %d ", pM->fBest );
printf( " " );
printf( "Cut = {" );
for ( i = 0; i < (int)pCell->nFanins; i++ )
printf( "%5d ", Nf_CutLeaves(pCut)[i] );
printf( "%4d ", Nf_CutLeaves(pCut)[i] );
for ( ; i < 6; i++ )
printf( " " );
printf( " " );
printf( "} " );
printf( "%12s ", pCell->pName );
printf( "%10s ", pCell->pName );
printf( "%d ", pCell->nFanins );
printf( "{" );
for ( i = 0; i < (int)pCell->nFanins; i++ )
printf( "%7.2f ", pCell->Delays[i] );
printf( "%6.2f ", pCell->Delays[i] );
for ( ; i < 6; i++ )
printf( " " );
printf( " } " );
printf( " " );
printf( " } " );
for ( i = 0; i < (int)pCell->nFanins; i++ )
printf( "%2d ", Nf_CutConfLit(pM->Conf, i) );
printf( "%d ", Nf_CutConfLit(pM->Conf, i) );
for ( ; i < 6; i++ )
printf( " " );
printf( " " );
Dau_DsdPrintFromTruth( &pCell->uTruth, pCell->nFanins );
void Nf_ManCutMatchOne( Nf_Man_t * p, int iObj, int * pCut, int * pCutSet )
......@@ -1190,13 +1190,18 @@ void Nf_ManCutMatchOne( Nf_Man_t * p, int iObj, int * pCut, int * pCutSet )
Nf_Mat_t * pA = &pBest->M[fCompl][1];
float Area = pC->Area, Delay = 0;
assert( nFans == (int)pC->nFanins );
//char * pInfo = Vec_StrEntryP( p->vMemStore, Offset );
// for ( k = 0; k < nFans; k++ )
// pInfo[k] = (char)Abc_Var2Lit( (Mat.Perm >> (3*k)) & 7, (Mat.Phase >> k) & 1 );
if ( p->Iter == 0 && iObj == 674 )
printf( "Gate = %s ", pC->pName );
printf( "In = %d ", pC->nFanins );
printf( "C = %d ", fCompl );
printf( "Off = %10d ", Offset );
printf( "\n" );
for ( k = 0; k < nFans; k++ )
// iFanin = Abc_Lit2Var((int)pInfo[k]);
// fComplF = Abc_LitIsCompl((int)pInfo[k]);
iFanin = (Mat.Perm >> (3*k)) & 7;
fComplF = (Mat.Phase >> k) & 1;
ArrivalD = pBestF[k]->M[fComplF][0].D;
......@@ -1209,7 +1214,7 @@ void Nf_ManCutMatchOne( Nf_Man_t * p, int iObj, int * pCut, int * pCutSet )
// assert( ArrivalD + pC->Delays[iFanin] < Required + Epsilon );
if ( pD->D < NF_INFINITY && pA->D < NF_INFINITY && ArrivalD + pC->Delays[iFanin] >= Required + Epsilon )
if ( pD->D + Epsilon < NF_INFINITY && pA->D + Epsilon < NF_INFINITY && ArrivalD + pC->Delays[iFanin] >= Required + Epsilon )
Delay = Abc_MaxFloat( Delay, ArrivalD + pC->Delays[iFanin] );
Area += pBestF[k]->M[fComplF][0].A;
......@@ -1218,7 +1223,7 @@ void Nf_ManCutMatchOne( Nf_Man_t * p, int iObj, int * pCut, int * pCutSet )
if ( k < nFans )
// select best match
if ( pD->D > Delay )//+ Epsilon )
if ( pD->D > Delay + Epsilon )
pD->D = Delay;
pD->A = Area;
......@@ -1226,29 +1231,26 @@ void Nf_ManCutMatchOne( Nf_Man_t * p, int iObj, int * pCut, int * pCutSet )
pD->Gate = pC->Id;
pD->Conf = 0;
for ( k = 0; k < nFans; k++ )
// pD->Conf |= ((int)pInfo[k] << (k << 2));
// pD->Conf |= (Abc_Var2Lit(k, Abc_LitIsCompl((int)pInfo[k])) << (Abc_Lit2Var((int)pInfo[k]) << 2));
pD->Conf |= (Abc_Var2Lit(k, (Mat.Phase >> k) & 1) << (((Mat.Perm >> (3*k)) & 7) << 2));
if ( pA->A > Area )//+ Epsilon )
if ( pA->A > Area + Epsilon )
//if ( 674 == iObj && p->Iter == 0 && pA == &pBest->M[1][1] )
//printf( "Comparing %.10f and %.10f (%f)\n", pA->A, Area, Epsilon );
//if ( 674 == iObj && p->Iter == 0 && pA == &pBest->M[1][1] )
//printf( " Updating\n" );
pA->D = Delay;
pA->A = Area;
pA->CutH = Nf_CutHandle(pCutSet, pCut);
pA->Gate = pC->Id;
pA->Conf = 0;
for ( k = 0; k < nFans; k++ )
// pA->Conf |= ((int)pInfo[k] << (k << 2));
// pA->Conf |= (Abc_Var2Lit(k, Abc_LitIsCompl((int)pInfo[k])) << (Abc_Lit2Var((int)pInfo[k]) << 2));
pA->Conf |= (Abc_Var2Lit(k, (Mat.Phase >> k) & 1) << (((Mat.Perm >> (3*k)) & 7) << 2));
Nf_ManCutMatchPrint( p, iObj, 0, &pBest->M[0][0] );
Nf_ManCutMatchPrint( p, iObj, 0, &pBest->M[0][1] );
Nf_ManCutMatchPrint( p, iObj, 1, &pBest->M[1][0] );
Nf_ManCutMatchPrint( p, iObj, 1, &pBest->M[1][1] );
static inline void Nf_ObjPrepareCi( Nf_Man_t * p, int iObj, float Time )
......@@ -1304,9 +1306,9 @@ static inline float Nf_CutRequired( Nf_Man_t * p, Nf_Mat_t * pM, int * pCutSet )
int fCompl = Abc_LitIsCompl( iLit );
float Arr = Nf_ManObj(p, iFanin)->M[fCompl][0].D + pCell->Delays[i];
float Req = Nf_ObjRequired(p, iFanin, fCompl);
Arrival = Abc_MaxInt( Arrival, Arr );
Arrival = Abc_MaxFloat( Arrival, Arr );
if ( Req < NF_INFINITY )
Required = Abc_MaxInt( Required, Req + pCell->Delays[i] );
Required = Abc_MaxFloat( Required, Req + pCell->Delays[i] );
return Abc_MaxFloat( Required + 2*p->InvDelay, Arrival );
......@@ -1356,17 +1358,16 @@ void Nf_ManCutMatch( Nf_Man_t * p, int iObj )
if ( 18687 == iObj )
if ( 461 == iObj && p->Iter == 0 )
printf( "Obj %6d (%f %f):\n", iObj, Required[0], Required[1] );
Nf_ManCutMatchPrint( p, iObj, 0, &pBest->M[0][0] );
Nf_ManCutMatchPrint( p, iObj, 0, &pBest->M[0][1] );
Nf_ManCutMatchPrint( p, iObj, 1, &pBest->M[1][0] );
Nf_ManCutMatchPrint( p, iObj, 1, &pBest->M[1][1] );
printf( "\nObj %6d (%.2f %.2f):\n", iObj, Required[0], Required[1] );
Nf_ManCutMatchPrint( p, iObj, "Dp", &pBest->M[0][0] );
Nf_ManCutMatchPrint( p, iObj, "Dn", &pBest->M[1][0] );
Nf_ManCutMatchPrint( p, iObj, "Ap", &pBest->M[0][1] );
Nf_ManCutMatchPrint( p, iObj, "An", &pBest->M[1][1] );
printf( "\n" );
// divide by ref count
pDp->A /= FlowRefP;
pAp->A /= FlowRefP;
......@@ -1445,9 +1446,6 @@ void Nf_ManCutMatch( Nf_Man_t * p, int iObj )
assert( pAp->A < NF_INFINITY );
assert( pAn->A < NF_INFINITY );
//printf( "%16f %16f %16f %16f\n", pDp->A, pDn->A, pAp->A, pAn->A );
// assert ( pDp->A < 1000 );
if ( p->fUseEla )
// set the first good cut
......@@ -1468,6 +1466,22 @@ void Nf_ManCutMatch( Nf_Man_t * p, int iObj )
// assert( ValueBeg[0] > ValueEnd[0] - Epsilon );
// assert( ValueBeg[1] > ValueEnd[1] - Epsilon );
if ( p->Iter && (pDp->D > Required[0] + 1 || pDn->D > Required[1] + 1) )
printf( "%5d : ", iObj );
printf( "Dp = %6.2f ", pDp->D );
printf( "Dn = %6.2f ", pDn->D );
printf( " " );
printf( "Ap = %6.2f ", pAp->D );
printf( "An = %6.2f ", pAn->D );
printf( " " );
printf( "Rp = %6.2f ", Required[0] );
printf( "Rn = %6.2f ", Required[1] );
printf( "\n" );
void Nf_ManComputeMapping( Nf_Man_t * p )
......@@ -1509,6 +1523,8 @@ void Nf_ManSetMapRefsGate( Nf_Man_t * p, int iObj, float Required, Nf_Mat_t * pM
// update status of the gate
assert( pM->fBest == 0 );
pM->fBest = 1;
//printf( "Setting node %d with gate %s.\n", iObj, pCell->pName );
int Nf_ManSetMapRefs( Nf_Man_t * p )
......@@ -1522,6 +1538,31 @@ int Nf_ManSetMapRefs( Nf_Man_t * p )
Nf_Mat_t * pDs[2], * pAs[2], * pMs[2];
Gia_Obj_t * pObj;
float Required = 0, Requireds[2];
if ( p->Iter == 0 )
Gia_ManForEachAnd( p->pGia, pObj, i )
Nf_Mat_t * pDp = Nf_ObjMatchD( p, i, 0 );
Nf_Mat_t * pAp = Nf_ObjMatchA( p, i, 0 );
Nf_Mat_t * pDn = Nf_ObjMatchD( p, i, 1 );
Nf_Mat_t * pAn = Nf_ObjMatchA( p, i, 1 );
printf( "%5d : ", i );
printf( "Dp = %6.2f ", pDp->D );
printf( "Dn = %6.2f ", pDn->D );
printf( " " );
printf( "Ap = %6.2f ", pAp->D );
printf( "An = %6.2f ", pAn->D );
printf( " " );
printf( "Dp = %8s ", Nf_ManCell(p, pDp->Gate)->pName );
printf( "Dn = %8s ", Nf_ManCell(p, pDn->Gate)->pName );
printf( "Ap = %8s ", Nf_ManCell(p, pAp->Gate)->pName );
printf( "An = %8s ", Nf_ManCell(p, pAn->Gate)->pName );
printf( "\n" );
// check references
assert( !p->fUseEla );
memset( pMapRefs, 0, sizeof(int) * nLits );
......@@ -1533,10 +1574,6 @@ int Nf_ManSetMapRefs( Nf_Man_t * p )
Gia_ManForEachCo( p->pGia, pObj, i )
Required = Nf_ObjMatchD( p, Gia_ObjFaninId0p(p->pGia, pObj), Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj) )->D;
if ( Required == NF_INFINITY )
Nf_ManCutMatchPrint( p, Gia_ObjFaninId0p(p->pGia, pObj), Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj), Nf_ObjMatchD( p, Gia_ObjFaninId0p(p->pGia, pObj), Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj) ) );
p->pPars->MapDelay = Abc_MaxFloat( p->pPars->MapDelay, Required );
// check delay target
......@@ -1555,7 +1592,7 @@ int Nf_ManSetMapRefs( Nf_Man_t * p )
Required = Nf_ObjMatchD( p, Gia_ObjFaninId0p(p->pGia, pObj), Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj) )->D;
Required = p->pPars->fDoAverage ? Required * (100.0 + p->pPars->nRelaxRatio) / 100.0 : p->pPars->MapDelay;
// if external required time can be achieved, use it
if ( p->pGia->vOutReqs && Vec_FltEntry(p->pGia->vOutReqs, i) > 0 && Required <= Vec_FltEntry(p->pGia->vOutReqs, i) )
if ( p->pGia->vOutReqs && Vec_FltEntry(p->pGia->vOutReqs, i) > 0 && Required + Epsilon <= Vec_FltEntry(p->pGia->vOutReqs, i) )
Required = Vec_FltEntry(p->pGia->vOutReqs, i);
// if external required cannot be achieved, set the earliest possible arrival time
// else if ( p->pGia->vOutReqs && Vec_FltEntry(p->pGia->vOutReqs, i) > 0 && Required > Vec_FltEntry(p->pGia->vOutReqs, i) )
......@@ -1587,14 +1624,7 @@ int Nf_ManSetMapRefs( Nf_Man_t * p )
// skip if this node is not used
for ( c = 0; c < 2; c++ )
nRefs[c] = Nf_ObjMapRefNum(p, i, c);
//if ( Nf_ObjMatchD( p, i, c )->fCompl )
// printf( "Match D of node %d has inv in phase %d.\n", i, c );
//if ( Nf_ObjMatchA( p, i, c )->fCompl )
// printf( "Match A of node %d has inv in phase %d.\n", i, c );
if ( !nRefs[0] && !nRefs[1] )
......@@ -1713,10 +1743,8 @@ int Nf_ManSetMapRefs( Nf_Man_t * p )
// blend references
for ( i = 0; i < nLits; i++ )
// pFlowRefs[i] = Abc_MaxFloat(1.0, pMapRefs[i]);
pFlowRefs[i] = Abc_MaxFloat(1.0, Coef * pFlowRefs[i] + (1.0 - Coef) * Abc_MaxFloat(1, pMapRefs[i]));
// pFlowRefs[i] = 0.2 * pFlowRefs[i] + 0.8 * Abc_MaxFloat(1, pMapRefs[i]);
// memset( pMapRefs, 0, sizeof(int) * nLits );
return p->pPars->Area;
Gia_Man_t * Nf_ManDeriveMapping( Nf_Man_t * p )
......@@ -1745,7 +1773,6 @@ Gia_Man_t * Nf_ManDeriveMapping( Nf_Man_t * p )
for ( c = 0; c < 2; c++ )
if ( Nf_ObjMapRefNum(p, i, c) )
// printf( "Using %d %d\n", i, c );
pM = Nf_ObjMatchBest( p, i, c );
// remember inverter
if ( pM->fCompl )
......@@ -1813,268 +1840,6 @@ void Nf_ManUpdateStats( Nf_Man_t * p )
SeeAlso []
static inline Nf_Mat_t * Nf_ObjMatchBestReq( Nf_Man_t * p, int i, int c, float r )
Nf_Mat_t * pD = Nf_ObjMatchD(p, i, c);
Nf_Mat_t * pA = Nf_ObjMatchA(p, i, c);
assert( !pD->fBest && !pA->fBest );
assert( Nf_ObjMapRefNum(p, i, c) == 0 );
if ( pA->D < r + p->pPars->Epsilon )
return pA;
return pD;
float Nf_MatchDeref_rec( Nf_Man_t * p, int i, int c, Nf_Mat_t * pM )
int k, iVar, fCompl, * pCut;
float Area = 0;
int Value = pM->fBest;
pM->fBest = 0;
if ( pM->fCompl )
assert( Nf_ObjMapRefNum(p, i, !c) > 0 );
if ( !Nf_ObjMapRefDec(p, i, !c) )
Area += Nf_MatchDeref_rec( p, i, !c, Nf_ObjMatchBest(p, i, !c) );
return Area + p->InvArea;
if ( Nf_ObjCutSetId(p, i) == 0 )
return 0;
assert( Value == 1 );
pCut = Nf_CutFromHandle( Nf_ObjCutSet(p, i), pM->CutH );
Nf_CutForEachVar( pCut, pM->Conf, iVar, fCompl, k )
assert( Nf_ObjMapRefNum(p, iVar, fCompl) > 0 );
if ( !Nf_ObjMapRefDec(p, iVar, fCompl) )
Area += Nf_MatchDeref_rec( p, iVar, fCompl, Nf_ObjMatchBest(p, iVar, fCompl) );
return Area + Nf_ManCell(p, pM->Gate)->Area;
float Nf_MatchRef_rec( Nf_Man_t * p, int i, int c, Nf_Mat_t * pM, float Required, Vec_Int_t * vBackup )
int k, iVar, fCompl, * pCut;
float ReqFanin, Area = 0;
assert( pM->fBest == 0 );
if ( vBackup == NULL )
pM->fBest = 1;
if ( pM->fCompl )
ReqFanin = Required - p->InvDelay;
if ( vBackup )
Vec_IntPush( vBackup, Abc_Var2Lit(i, !c) );
assert( Nf_ObjMapRefNum(p, i, !c) >= 0 );
if ( !Nf_ObjMapRefInc(p, i, !c) )
Area += Nf_MatchRef_rec( p, i, !c, Nf_ObjMatchBestReq(p, i, !c, ReqFanin), ReqFanin, vBackup );
return Area + p->InvArea;
if ( Nf_ObjCutSetId(p, i) == 0 )
return 0;
pCut = Nf_CutFromHandle( Nf_ObjCutSet(p, i), pM->CutH );
Nf_CutForEachVar( pCut, pM->Conf, iVar, fCompl, k )
ReqFanin = Required - Nf_ManCell(p, pM->Gate)->Delays[k];
if ( vBackup )
Vec_IntPush( vBackup, Abc_Var2Lit(iVar, fCompl) );
assert( Nf_ObjMapRefNum(p, iVar, fCompl) >= 0 );
if ( !Nf_ObjMapRefInc(p, iVar, fCompl) )
Area += Nf_MatchRef_rec( p, iVar, fCompl, Nf_ObjMatchBestReq(p, iVar, fCompl, ReqFanin), ReqFanin, vBackup );
return Area + Nf_ManCell(p, pM->Gate)->Area;
float Nf_MatchRefArea( Nf_Man_t * p, int i, int c, Nf_Mat_t * pM, float Required )
float Area; int iLit, k;
Vec_IntClear( &p->vBackup );
Area = Nf_MatchRef_rec( p, i, c, pM, Required, &p->vBackup );
Vec_IntForEachEntry( &p->vBackup, iLit, k )
assert( Nf_ObjMapRefNum(p, Abc_Lit2Var(iLit), Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit)) > 0 );
Nf_ObjMapRefDec( p, Abc_Lit2Var(iLit), Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit) );
return Area;
void Nf_ManElaBestMatchOne( Nf_Man_t * p, int iObj, int c, int * pCut, int * pCutSet, Nf_Mat_t * pRes, float Required )
Nf_Mat_t Mb, * pMb = &Mb;
Nf_Obj_t * pBest = Nf_ManObj(p, iObj);
int * pFans = Nf_CutLeaves(pCut);
int nFans = Nf_CutSize(pCut);
int iFuncLit = Nf_CutFunc(pCut);
int fComplExt = Abc_LitIsCompl(iFuncLit);
float Epsilon = p->pPars->Epsilon;
Vec_Int_t * vArr = Vec_WecEntry( p->vTt2Match, Abc_Lit2Var(iFuncLit) );
int i, k, Info, Offset, iFanin, fComplF;
float ArrivalD, ArrivalA;
// assign fanins matches
Nf_Obj_t * pBestF[NF_LEAF_MAX];
for ( i = 0; i < nFans; i++ )
pBestF[i] = Nf_ManObj( p, pFans[i] );
// special cases
if ( nFans < 2 )
*pRes = *Nf_ObjMatchBestReq( p, iObj, c, Required );
// consider matches of this function
memset( pMb, 0, sizeof(Nf_Mat_t) );
pMb->D = pMb->A = NF_INFINITY;
Vec_IntForEachEntryDouble( vArr, Info, Offset, i )
Mio_Cell_t* pC = Nf_ManCell( p, Info >> 8 );
int Type = (Info >> 4) & 15;
int fCompl = (Info & 1) ^ fComplExt;
char * pInfo = Vec_StrEntryP( p->vMemStore, Offset );
Nf_Mat_t * pD = &pBest->M[fCompl][0];
Nf_Mat_t * pA = &pBest->M[fCompl][1];
assert( nFans == (int)pC->nFanins );
if ( fCompl != c )
if ( Type == NF_PRIME )
float Delay = 0;
for ( k = 0; k < nFans; k++ )
iFanin = Abc_Lit2Var((int)pInfo[k]);
fComplF = Abc_LitIsCompl((int)pInfo[k]);
ArrivalD = pBestF[k]->M[fComplF][0].D;
ArrivalA = pBestF[k]->M[fComplF][1].D;
if ( ArrivalA + pC->Delays[iFanin] < Required + Epsilon && Required != NF_INFINITY )
Delay = Abc_MaxFloat( Delay, ArrivalA + pC->Delays[iFanin] );
Delay = Abc_MaxFloat( Delay, ArrivalD + pC->Delays[iFanin] );
if ( Delay > Required + Epsilon )
if ( k < nFans )
// create match
pMb->D = Delay;
pMb->A = -1;
pMb->CutH = Nf_CutHandle(pCutSet, pCut);
pMb->Gate = pC->Id;
pMb->Conf = 0;
for ( k = 0; k < nFans; k++ )
// pD->Conf |= ((int)pInfo[k] << (k << 2));
pMb->Conf |= (Abc_Var2Lit(k, Abc_LitIsCompl((int)pInfo[k])) << (Abc_Lit2Var((int)pInfo[k]) << 2));
// compute area
pMb->A = Nf_MatchRefArea( p, iObj, c, pMb, Required );
// compare
if ( pRes->A > pMb->A + Epsilon || (pRes->A == pMb->A && pRes->D > pMb->D + Epsilon) )
*pRes = *pMb;
void Nf_ManElaBestMatch( Nf_Man_t * p, int iObj, int c, Nf_Mat_t * pRes, float Required )
int k, * pCut, * pCutSet = Nf_ObjCutSet( p, iObj );
memset( pRes, 0, sizeof(Nf_Mat_t) );
pRes->D = pRes->A = NF_INFINITY;
Nf_SetForEachCut( pCutSet, pCut, k )
if ( Abc_Lit2Var(Nf_CutFunc(pCut)) >= Vec_WecSize(p->vTt2Match) )
Nf_ManElaBestMatchOne( p, iObj, c, pCut, pCutSet, pRes, Required );
// the best match is stored in pA provided that it satisfies pA->D < req
// area is never compared
void Nf_ManComputeMappingEla( Nf_Man_t * p )
Gia_Obj_t * pObj;
Mio_Cell_t * pCell;
Nf_Mat_t Mb, * pMb = &Mb, * pM;
float Epsilon = p->pPars->Epsilon;
float AreaBef, AreaAft, Required, MapArea;
int nLits = 2*Gia_ManObjNum(p->pGia);
int i, c, iVar, Id, fCompl, k, * pCut;
Vec_FltFill( &p->vRequired, nLits, NF_INFINITY );
// compute delay
p->pPars->MapDelay = 0;
Gia_ManForEachCo( p->pGia, pObj, i )
Required = Nf_ObjMatchD( p, Gia_ObjFaninId0p(p->pGia, pObj), Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj) )->D;
p->pPars->MapDelay = Abc_MaxFloat( p->pPars->MapDelay, Required );
// check delay target
if ( p->pPars->MapDelayTarget == -1 && p->pPars->nRelaxRatio )
p->pPars->MapDelayTarget = (int)((float)p->pPars->MapDelay * (100.0 + p->pPars->nRelaxRatio) / 100.0);
if ( p->pPars->MapDelayTarget != -1 )
if ( p->pPars->MapDelay < p->pPars->MapDelayTarget + Epsilon )
p->pPars->MapDelay = p->pPars->MapDelayTarget;
else if ( p->pPars->nRelaxRatio == 0 )
Abc_Print( 0, "Relaxing user-specified delay target from %.2f to %.2f.\n", p->pPars->MapDelayTarget, p->pPars->MapDelay );
// set required times
Gia_ManForEachCo( p->pGia, pObj, i )
Required = Nf_ObjMatchD( p, Gia_ObjFaninId0p(p->pGia, pObj), Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj) )->D;
Required = p->pPars->fDoAverage ? Required * (100.0 + p->pPars->nRelaxRatio) / 100.0 : p->pPars->MapDelay;
Nf_ObjUpdateRequired( p, Gia_ObjFaninId0p(p->pGia, pObj), Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj), Required );
Nf_ObjMapRefInc( p, Gia_ObjFaninId0p(p->pGia, pObj), Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj));
// compute area and edges
MapArea = p->pPars->MapArea;
p->pPars->MapArea = 0;
p->pPars->Area = p->pPars->Edge = 0;
Gia_ManForEachAndReverseId( p->pGia, i )
for ( c = 0; c < 2; c++ )
if ( Nf_ObjMapRefNum(p, i, c) )
pM = Nf_ObjMatchBest( p, i, c );
Required = Nf_ObjRequired( p, i, c );
assert( pM->D < Required + Epsilon );
// try different cuts at this node and find best match
Vec_IntClear( &p->vBackup2 );
AreaBef = Nf_MatchDeref_rec( p, i, c, pM );
Nf_ManElaBestMatch( p, i, c, pMb, Required );
AreaAft = Nf_MatchRef_rec( p, i, c, pMb, Required, NULL );
assert( pMb->A == AreaAft );
assert( AreaBef + Epsilon > AreaAft );
MapArea += AreaAft - AreaBef;
// printf( "%8.2f %8.2f\n", AreaBef, AreaAft );
// set match
assert( pMb->D < Required + Epsilon );
assert( pMb->fBest == 0 );
*Nf_ObjMatchA(p, i, c) = *pMb;
assert( Nf_ObjMatchA(p, i, c) == Nf_ObjMatchBest( p, i, c ) );
// count status
pCell = Nf_ManCell( p, pMb->Gate );
pCut = Nf_CutFromHandle( Nf_ObjCutSet(p, i), pMb->CutH );
Nf_CutForEachVar( pCut, pMb->Conf, iVar, fCompl, k )
Nf_ObjUpdateRequired( p, iVar, fCompl, Required - pCell->Delays[k] );
p->pPars->MapArea += pCell->Area;
p->pPars->Edge += Nf_CutSize(pCut);
Gia_ManForEachCiId( p->pGia, Id, i )
if ( Nf_ObjMapRefNum(p, Id, 1) )
Nf_ObjMapRefInc( p, Id, 0 );
Nf_ObjUpdateRequired( p, Id, 0, Required - p->InvDelay );
p->pPars->MapArea += p->InvArea;
// Nf_ManUpdateStats( p );
if ( !(MapArea < p->pPars->MapArea + Epsilon && MapArea + Epsilon > p->pPars->MapArea) )
printf( "Mismatch: Estimated = %.2f Real = %.2f\n", MapArea, p->pPars->MapArea );
// assert( MapArea < p->pPars->MapArea + Epsilon && MapArea + Epsilon > p->pPars->MapArea );
Nf_ManPrintStats( p, "Ela " );
Synopsis [Technology mappping.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Nf_ManSetDefaultPars( Jf_Par_t * pPars )
memset( pPars, 0, sizeof(Jf_Par_t) );
......@@ -2100,7 +1865,15 @@ void Nf_ManSetDefaultPars( Jf_Par_t * pPars )
pPars->nLutSizeMax = NF_LEAF_MAX;
pPars->nCutNumMax = NF_CUT_MAX;
pPars->MapDelayTarget = -1;
pPars->Epsilon = (float)0.01;
//pPars->Epsilon = (float)0.01;
pPars->Epsilon = (float)0.0094636;
// It was found that the value of Epsilon should be "non-trivial" for the mapper to work correctly.
// The reason for this is a weird behavior of floating-point operations and comparisons in general,
// and in particular, in the release and debug version of the code on Windows...
// Somehow, it ended up happening that two floating point numbers differed in very small fractional values
// and these values caused in one place one selection to be made, and another place another selection.
// When Epsilon was set to, say, 0.0100000, the difference between two delays or areas (say, 1.34 and 1.35)
// ended up producing weird mismatches, which causes the mapper to degrade quality in the middle of mapping
Gia_Man_t * Nf_ManPerformMapping( Gia_Man_t * pGia, Jf_Par_t * pPars )
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Hop_Obj_t * Amap_ParseFormulaOper( Hop_Man_t * pMan, Vec_Ptr_t * pStackFn, int O
SeeAlso []
Hop_Obj_t * Amap_ParseFormula( FILE * pOutput, char * pFormInit, Vec_Ptr_t * vVarNames, Hop_Man_t * pMan )
Hop_Obj_t * Amap_ParseFormula( FILE * pOutput, char * pFormInit, Vec_Ptr_t * vVarNames, Hop_Man_t * pMan, char * pGateName )
char * pFormula;
Vec_Ptr_t * pStackFn;
......@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ Hop_Obj_t * Amap_ParseFormula( FILE * pOutput, char * pFormInit, Vec_Ptr_t * vVa
if ( !fFound )
fprintf( pOutput, "Amap_ParseFormula(): The parser cannot find var \"%s\" in the input var list.\n", pTemp );
fprintf( pOutput, "Amap_ParseFormula(): The parser cannot find var \"%s\" in the input var list of gate \"%s\".\n", pTemp, pGateName );
......@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ int Amap_LibParseEquations( Amap_Lib_t * p, int fVerbose )
Vec_PtrClear( vNames );
Amap_GateForEachPin( pGate, pPin )
Vec_PtrPush( vNames, pPin->pName );
pObj = Amap_ParseFormula( stdout, pGate->pForm, vNames, pMan );
pObj = Amap_ParseFormula( stdout, pGate->pForm, vNames, pMan, pGate->pName );
if ( pObj == NULL )
pTruth = Hop_ManConvertAigToTruth( pMan, pObj, pGate->nPins, vTruth, 0 );
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START
// these symbols (and no other) can appear in the formulas
#define AMAP_SYMB_AND '*'
#define AMAP_SYMB_AND2 '&'
#define AMAP_SYMB_OR1 '+'
#define AMAP_SYMB_OR2 '|'
#define AMAP_SYMB_XOR '^'
......@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ int Amap_GateCollectNames( Aig_MmFlex_t * pMem, char * pForm, char * pPinNames[]
for ( pTemp = Buffer; *pTemp; pTemp++ )
if ( *pTemp == AMAP_SYMB_AND || *pTemp == AMAP_SYMB_OR1 || *pTemp == AMAP_SYMB_OR2
|| *pTemp == AMAP_SYMB_XOR || *pTemp == AMAP_SYMB_NOT || *pTemp == AMAP_SYMB_OPEN
|| *pTemp == AMAP_SYMB_CLOSE || *pTemp == AMAP_SYMB_AFTNOT )
|| *pTemp == AMAP_SYMB_CLOSE || *pTemp == AMAP_SYMB_AFTNOT || *pTemp == AMAP_SYMB_AND2 )
*pTemp = ' ';
// save the names
nPins = 0;
......@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ void Map_TimePropagateRequired( Map_Man_t * p )
if ( pNode->pCutBest[1] && pNode->tRequired[1].Worst < MAP_FLOAT_LARGE )
Map_TimePropagateRequiredPhase( p, pNode, 1 );
// in the end, we verify the required times
// for this, we compute the arrival times of the outputs of each phase
// of the supergates using the fanins' required times as the fanins' arrival times
......@@ -377,6 +377,7 @@ void Map_TimePropagateRequired( Map_Man_t * p )
// assert( ptReqOutTest->Fall < pNode->tRequired[1].Fall + p->fEpsilon );
void Map_TimeComputeRequiredGlobal( Map_Man_t * p )
......@@ -280,22 +280,40 @@ void Mio_WriteLibrary( FILE * pFile, Mio_Library_t * pLib, int fPrintSops )
int Mio_DelayCompare( Mio_Gate_t ** ppG1, Mio_Gate_t ** ppG2 )
if ( (*ppG1)->dDelayMax < (*ppG2)->dDelayMax )
int Comp;
float Eps = (float)0.0094636;
if ( (*ppG1)->dDelayMax < (*ppG2)->dDelayMax - Eps )
return -1;
if ( (*ppG1)->dDelayMax > (*ppG2)->dDelayMax )
if ( (*ppG1)->dDelayMax > (*ppG2)->dDelayMax + Eps )
return 1;
// compare names
Comp = strcmp( (*ppG1)->pName, (*ppG2)->pName );
if ( Comp < 0 )
return -1;
if ( Comp > 0 )
return 1;
assert( 0 );
return 0;
int Mio_AreaCompare( Mio_Cell_t * pG1, Mio_Cell_t * pG2 )
if ( (pG1)->nFanins < (pG2)->nFanins )
int Comp;
float Eps = (float)0.0094636;
if ( pG1->nFanins < pG2->nFanins )
return -1;
if ( (pG1)->nFanins > (pG2)->nFanins )
if ( pG1->nFanins > pG2->nFanins )
return 1;
if ( (pG1)->Area < (pG2)->Area )
if ( pG1->Area < pG2->Area - Eps )
return -1;
if ( (pG1)->Area > (pG2)->Area )
if ( pG1->Area > pG2->Area + Eps )
return 1;
// compare names
Comp = strcmp( pG1->pName, pG2->pName );
if ( Comp < 0 )
return -1;
if ( Comp > 0 )
return 1;
assert( 0 );
return 0;
......@@ -333,7 +351,7 @@ static inline float Mio_GateDelayAve( Mio_Gate_t * pGate )
static inline int Mio_CompareTwoGates( Mio_Gate_t * pCell, Mio_Gate_t * pGate )
int Comp;
float Eps = (float)0.01;
float Eps = (float)0.0094636;
float CellDelay, GateDelay;
// compare areas
if ( pCell->dArea > (float)pGate->dArea + Eps )
......@@ -424,7 +442,7 @@ Mio_Gate_t ** Mio_CollectRoots( Mio_Library_t * pLib, int nInputs, float tDelay,
static inline int Mio_CompareTwo( Mio_Cell_t * pCell, Mio_Gate_t * pGate )
int Comp;
float Eps = (float)0.01;
float Eps = (float)0.0094636;
float CellDelay, GateDelay;
// compare areas
if ( pCell->Area > (float)pGate->dArea + Eps )
......@@ -541,7 +559,7 @@ Mio_Cell_t * Mio_CollectRootsNew( Mio_Library_t * pLib, int nInputs, int * pnGat
if ( pCell->pName == NULL )
printf( "None\n" );
printf( "%-20s In = %d N = %3d A = %7.2f D = %7.2f\n",
printf( "%-20s In = %d N = %3d A = %12.6f D = %12.6f\n",
pCell->pName, pCell->nFanins, pCounts[i], pCell->Area, Mio_CellDelayAve(pCell) );
ABC_FREE( pCounts );
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