Commit a2ea6085 by Klin

feat: add Gen of ALL-cifar in GDFQ

parent 394c19ce
# GDFQ 说明
+ 思路源于论文 **Generative Low-bitwidth Data Free Quantization**,源代码可见
+ 论文核心思路:
+ 从预训练模型(全精度模型)捕获信息训练生成器
+ 分类信息匹配:从预训练模型最后一层提取分类特征,给定随机标签y和高斯噪声,经过生成器网络反向得到伪数据x,将伪数据x经过全精度模型的输出z和标签y一起计算loss_one_hot.
+ 数据分布信息匹配:从预训练模型BN层提取训练数据分布信息,计算生成数据分布和真实数据分布一起计算BNS_loss
+ 生成器网络根据loss_one_hot和BNS_loss进行反向更新。得到的生成器生成的数据可以很好贴合全精度模型分类边界,且生成数据分布匹配真实数据(训练集)分布。如论文中图所示:
+ 伪数据驱动的低位宽量化:
+ 论文代码功能取舍:
+ 由于我们的量化希望直接部署,而不经过fine-tune,也即不进行进一步的训练和调整,因此论文中的伪数据驱动可以被我们省略。
+ 论文中的生成器可以很好的模拟全精度模型的分类边界,符合我们最初对迁移安全性的定义,对经过边界附近的样本扰动下的耐受能力。因此生成器可以较好的应用于我们的框架当中
+ 实验改动:
+ 原论文直接从torchcv获取官方预训练的全精度模型,我们使用自己训练的全精度模型,这是因为安全性并不关注训练集的客观分类边界,而是关注对全精度模型的分类边界改变。
+ 生成器的效果:对之前ALL-cifar10中的所有9个模型训练了生成器。将含噪声的随机标签y经过生成器得到伪数据,将伪数据结果输入全精度模型,与y的差别作为acc标准。ResNet系列3个模型得到的生成器acc在60~70,其余模型均在99以上。说明生成器很好的拟合了分类边界,ResNet由于大量残差结构,可能分类边界较复杂,拟合效果稍差一些。
+ 运行方式:
python --conf_path=./cifar100_resnet20.hocon --id=01 --model_name=ResNet_18
+ 后续的安全性评估方式:
+ 进一步的实验改进:
参考论文**Qimera: Data-free Quantization with Synthetic Boundary Supporting Samples [NeurIPS 2021]**,进一步增强决策边界样本含量。
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# conv: 'C',''/'B'/'BRL'/'BRS',qi,in_ch,out_ch,kernel_size,stirde,padding,bias
# relu: 'RL'
# relu6: 'RS'
# inception: 'Inc'
# maxpool: 'MP',kernel_size,stride,padding
# adaptiveavgpool: 'AAP',output_size
# view: 'VW':
# dafault: x = x.view(x.size(0),-1)
# dropout: 'D'
# MakeLayer: 'ML','BBLK'/'BTNK'/'IRES', ml_idx, blocks
# softmax: 'SM'
# class 100
ResNet_18_cfg_table = [
ResNet_50_cfg_table = [
ResNet_152_cfg_table = [
MobileNetV2_cfg_table = [
AlexNet_cfg_table = [
AlexNet_BN_cfg_table = [
VGG_16_cfg_table = [
VGG_19_cfg_table = [
Inception_BN_cfg_table = [
model_cfg_table = {
'AlexNet' : AlexNet_cfg_table,
'AlexNet_BN' : AlexNet_BN_cfg_table,
'VGG_16' : VGG_16_cfg_table,
'VGG_19' : VGG_19_cfg_table,
'Inception_BN' : Inception_BN_cfg_table,
'ResNet_18' : ResNet_18_cfg_table,
'ResNet_50' : ResNet_50_cfg_table,
'ResNet_152' : ResNet_152_cfg_table,
'MobileNetV2' : MobileNetV2_cfg_table
[ 64, 64, 96,128, 16, 32, 32],#3a
[256,128,128,192, 32, 96, 64],#3b
[480,192, 96,208, 16, 48, 64],#4a
[512,160,112,224, 24, 64, 64],#4b
[512,128,128,256, 24, 64, 64],#4c
[512,112,144,288, 32, 64, 64],#4d
[528,256,160,320, 32,128,128],#4e
[832,256,160,320, 32,128,128],#5a
[832,384,192,384, 48,128,128] #5b
# br0,br1,br2,br3 <- br1x1,br3x3,br5x5,brM
# 每个子数组对应Inc结构中一个分支的结构,均默认含'BRL'参数,bias为False
# Conv层第2、3个参数是对应Inc结构(即ch_table中的一行)中的索引
# 由于每个Inc结构操作一致,只有权重不同,使用索引而非具体值,方便复用
# 各分支后还有Concat操作,由于只有唯一结构,未特殊说明
# conv: 'C', ('BRL' default), in_ch_idex, out_ch_idx, kernel_size, stride, padding, (bias: True default)
# maxpool: 'MP', kernel_size, stride, padding
# relu: 'RL'
inc_cfg_table = [
# ml_cfg_table = []
#value: downsample,inplanes,planes,planes*expansion,stride,1(dafault stride and group)
bblk_ch_table = [
[False, 16, 16, 16,1,1], #layer1,first
[False, 16, 16, 16,1,1], # other
[True, 16, 32, 32,2,1], #layer2
[False, 32, 32, 32,1,1],
[True, 32, 64, 64,2,1], #layer3
[False, 64, 64, 64,1,1],
[True, 64,128,128,2,1], #layer4
#conv: 'C','B'/'BRL'/'BRS', in_ch_idx, out_ch_idx, kernel_sz, stride_idx, padding, groups_idx (bias: True default)
#add: 'AD', unconditonal. unconditonal为true或flag为true时将outs中两元素相加
bblk_cfg_table = [
['C','B' ,2,2,3,5,1,5],
# downsample, 仅当downsample传入为True时使用
['C','B' ,1,3,1,4,0,5]
# 分支交汇后动作
#value: downsample,inplanes,planes,planes*expansion,stride,1(dafault stride and group)
btnk_ch_table = [
[True, 16, 16, 64,1,1], #layer1,first
[False, 64, 16, 64,1,1], # other
[True, 64, 32,128,2,1], #layer2
[False,128, 32,128,1,1],
[True, 128, 64,256,2,1], #layer3
[False,256, 64,256,1,1],
[True, 256,128,512,2,1], #layer4
#conv: 'C','B'/'BRL'/'BRS', in_ch_idx, out_ch_idx, kernel_sz, stride_idx, padding, groups_idx (bias: True default)
#add: 'AD', unconditonal. unconditonal为true或flag为true时将outs中两元素相加
btnk_cfg_table = [
['C','B' ,2,3,1,5,0,5]
# downsample, 仅当downsample传入为True时使用
['C','B' ,1,3,1,4,0,5]
# 分支交汇后动作
#value: identity_flag, in_ch, out_ch, in_ch*expand_ratio, stride, 1(dafault stride and group)
ires_ch_table = [
[False, 32, 16, 32,1,1], #layer1,first
[ True, 16, 16, 16,1,1], # other
[False, 16, 24, 96,2,1], #layer2
[ True, 24, 24, 144,1,1],
[False, 24, 32, 144,2,1], #layer3
[ True, 32, 32, 192,1,1],
[False, 32, 96, 192,1,1], #layer4
[ True, 96, 96, 576,1,1],
[False, 96,160, 576,2,1], #layer5
[ True,160,160, 960,1,1],
[False,160,320, 960,1,1], #layer6
[ True,320,320,1920,1,1]
#conv: 'C','B'/'BRL'/'BRS', in_ch_idx, out_ch_idx, kernel_sz, stride_idx, padding, groups_idx (bias: True default)
#add: 'AD', unconditonal. unconditonal为true或flag为true时将outs中两元素相加
ires_cfg_table = [
['C','B' ,3,2,1,5,0,5]
# identity_br empty
# 分支汇合后操作
['AD',False] #有条件的相加
\ No newline at end of file
# ------------ General options ----------------------------------------
save_path = "./log_cifar100_ResNet_epoch1600/"
dataPath = "/lustre/datasets/CIFAR100"
dataset = "cifar100" # options: imagenet | cifar100
nGPU = 1 # number of GPUs to use by default
GPU = 0 # default gpu to use, options: range(nGPU)
visible_devices = "0"
# ------------- Data options -------------------------------------------
nThreads = 8 # number of data loader threads
# ---------- Optimization options for S --------------------------------------
# nEpochs = 400 # number of total epochs to train 400
nEpochs = 1600
batchSize = 200 # batchsize
momentum = 0.9 # momentum 0.9
weightDecay = 1e-4 # weight decay 1e-4
opt_type = "SGD"
warmup_epochs = 4 # number of epochs for warmup
lr_S = 0.0001 # initial learning rate = 0.00001
lrPolicy_S = "multi_step" # options: multi_step | linear | exp | const | step
step_S = [100,200,300] # step for linear or exp learning rate policy default [100, 200, 300]
decayRate_S = 0.1 # lr decay rate
# ---------- Model options ---------------------------------------------
experimentID = "_cifar100_4bit_"
nClasses = 100 # number of classes in the dataset
# ---------- Quantization options ---------------------------------------------
qw = 4
qa = 4
# ----------KD options ---------------------------------------------
temperature = 20
alpha = 1
# ----------Generator options ---------------------------------------------
latent_dim = 100
img_size = 32
channels = 3
lr_G = 0.001 # default 0.001
lrPolicy_G = "multi_step" # options: multi_step | linear | exp | const | step
#step_G = [100,200,300] # step for linear or exp learning rate policy
step_G = [1000,1200,1400]
decayRate_G = 0.1 # lr decay rate
b1 = 0.5
b2 = 0.999
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.nn import init
# 在BN层基础上改动
class ConditionalBatchNorm2d(nn.BatchNorm2d):
"""Conditional Batch Normalization"""
def __init__(self, num_features, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1,
affine=False, track_running_stats=True):
super(ConditionalBatchNorm2d, self).__init__(
num_features, eps, momentum, affine, track_running_stats
def forward(self, input, weight, bias, **kwargs):
exponential_average_factor = 0.0
if and self.track_running_stats:
self.num_batches_tracked += 1
# 累计移动平均值
if self.momentum is None: # use cumulative moving average
exponential_average_factor = 1.0 / self.num_batches_tracked.item()
else: # use exponential moving average
exponential_average_factor = self.momentum
output = F.batch_norm(input, self.running_mean, self.running_var,
self.weight, self.bias, or not self.track_running_stats,
exponential_average_factor, self.eps)
if weight.dim() == 1:
weight = weight.unsqueeze(0)
if bias.dim() == 1:
bias = bias.unsqueeze(0)
size = output.size()
weight = weight.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1).expand(size)
bias = bias.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1).expand(size)
return weight * output + bias
class CategoricalConditionalBatchNorm2d(ConditionalBatchNorm2d):
def __init__(self, num_classes, num_features, eps=1e-5, momentum=0.1,
affine=False, track_running_stats=True):
super(CategoricalConditionalBatchNorm2d, self).__init__(
num_features, eps, momentum, affine, track_running_stats
self.weights = nn.Embedding(num_classes, num_features)
self.biases = nn.Embedding(num_classes, num_features)
def _initialize(self):
def forward(self, input, c, **kwargs):
weight = self.weights(c)
bias = self.biases(c)
return super(CategoricalConditionalBatchNorm2d, self).forward(input, weight, bias)
if __name__ == '__main__':
"""Forward computation check."""
import torch
size = (3, 3, 12, 12)
batch_size, num_features = size[:2]
print('# Affirm embedding output')
naive_bn = nn.BatchNorm2d(3)
idx_input = torch.tensor([1, 2, 0], dtype=torch.long)
embedding = nn.Embedding(3, 3)
weights = embedding(idx_input)
print('# weights size', weights.size())
empty = torch.tensor((), dtype=torch.float)
running_mean = empty.new_zeros((3,))
running_var = empty.new_ones((3,))
naive_bn_W = naive_bn.weight
# print('# weights from embedding | type {}\n'.format(type(weights)), weights)
# print('# naive_bn_W | type {}\n'.format(type(naive_bn_W)), naive_bn_W)
input = torch.rand(*size, dtype=torch.float32)
print('input size', input.size())
print('input ndim ', input.dim())
_ = naive_bn(input)
print('# batch_norm with given weights')
with torch.no_grad():
output = F.batch_norm(input, running_mean, running_var,
weights, naive_bn.bias, False, 0.0, 1e-05)
except Exception as e:
print("\tFailed to use given weights")
print('# Error msg:', e)
print("Succeeded to use given weights")
print('\n# Batch norm before use given weights')
with torch.no_grad():
tmp_out = F.batch_norm(input, running_mean, running_var,
naive_bn_W, naive_bn.bias, False, .0, 1e-05)
weights_cast = weights.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1)
weights_cast = weights_cast.expand(tmp_out.size())
out = weights_cast * tmp_out
except Exception:
print('\t {}'.format(out.size()))
print('--- condBN and catCondBN ---')
catCondBN = CategoricalConditionalBatchNorm2d(3, 3)
output = catCondBN(input, idx_input)
assert tuple(output.size()) == size
condBN = ConditionalBatchNorm2d(3)
idx = torch.tensor([1], dtype=torch.long)
out = catCondBN(input, idx)
print('cat cond BN weights\n',
print('cat cond BN biases\n',
data loder for loading data
import os
import math
import torch
import as data
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import torchvision
import torchvision.datasets as dsets
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
import struct
__all__ = ["DataLoader", "PartDataLoader"]
class ImageLoader(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, dataset_dir, transform=None, target_transform=None):
class_list = os.listdir(dataset_dir)
datasets = []
for cla in class_list:
cla_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, cla)
files = os.listdir(cla_path)
for file_name in files:
file_path = os.path.join(cla_path, file_name)
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
# datasets.append((file_path, tuple([float(v) for v in int(cla)])))
datasets.append((file_path, [float(cla)]))
# print(datasets)
# assert False
self.dataset_dir = dataset_dir
self.datasets = datasets
self.transform = transform
self.target_transform = target_transform
def __getitem__(self, index):
frames = []
file_path, label = self.datasets[index]
noise = torch.load(file_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))
return noise, torch.Tensor(label)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.datasets)
class DataLoader(object):
data loader for CV data sets
def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size, n_threads=4,
ten_crop=False, data_path='/home/dataset/', logger=None):
create data loader for specific data set
:params n_treads: number of threads to load data, default: 4
:params ten_crop: use ten crop for testing, default: False
:params data_path: path to data set, default: /home/dataset/
self.dataset = dataset
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.n_threads = n_threads
self.ten_crop = ten_crop
self.data_path = data_path
self.logger = logger
self.dataset_root = data_path"|===>Creating data loader for " + self.dataset)
if self.dataset in ["cifar100"]:
self.train_loader, self.test_loader = self.cifar(
elif self.dataset in ["imagenet"]:
self.train_loader, self.test_loader = self.imagenet(
assert False, "invalid data set"
def getloader(self):
get train_loader and test_loader
return self.train_loader, self.test_loader
def imagenet(self, dataset="imagenet"):
traindir = os.path.join(self.data_path, "train")
testdir = os.path.join(self.data_path, "val")
normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
train_loader =
dsets.ImageFolder(traindir, transforms.Compose([
test_transform = transforms.Compose([
# transforms.Scale(256),
test_loader =
dsets.ImageFolder(testdir, test_transform),
return train_loader, test_loader
def cifar(self, dataset="cifar100"):
dataset: cifar
if dataset == "cifar10":
norm_mean = [0.49139968, 0.48215827, 0.44653124]
norm_std = [0.24703233, 0.24348505, 0.26158768]
elif dataset == "cifar100":
norm_mean = [0.50705882, 0.48666667, 0.44078431]
norm_std = [0.26745098, 0.25568627, 0.27607843]
# norm_mean = [0.4914, 0.4822, 0.4465]
# norm_std = [0.2023, 0.1994, 0.2010]
assert False, "Invalid cifar dataset"
test_data_root = self.dataset_root
test_transform = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Normalize(norm_mean, norm_std)])
if self.dataset == "cifar10":
test_dataset = dsets.CIFAR10(root=test_data_root,
elif self.dataset == "cifar100":
test_dataset = dsets.CIFAR100(root=test_data_root,
assert False, "invalid data set"
test_loader =,
# batch_size=128,
return None, test_loader
from torch.autograd import Function
class FakeQuantize(Function):
def forward(ctx, x, qparam):
x = qparam.quantize_tensor(x)
x = qparam.dequantize_tensor(x)
return x
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
return grad_output, None
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# 用于多个module之间共享全局变量
def _init(): # 初始化
global _global_dict
_global_dict = {}
def set_value(value,is_bias=False):
# 定义一个全局变量
if is_bias:
_global_dict[0] = value
_global_dict[1] = value
def get_value(is_bias=False): # 给bias独立于各变量外的精度
if is_bias:
return _global_dict[0]
return _global_dict[1]
# ------------ General options ----------------------------------------
save_path = "./save_ImageNet/"
dataPath = "/home/datasets/Datasets/imagenet"
dataset = "imagenet" # options: imagenet | cifar100
nGPU = 1 # number of GPUs to use by default
GPU = 0 # default gpu to use, options: range(nGPU)
visible_devices = "2"
# ------------- Data options -------------------------------------------
nThreads = 8 # number of data loader threads
# ---------- Optimization options --------------------------------------
nEpochs = 400 # number of total epochs to train 400
batchSize = 16 # batchsize
momentum = 0.9 # momentum 0.9
weightDecay = 1e-4 # weight decay 1e-4
opt_type = "SGD"
warmup_epochs = 50 # number of epochs for warmup
lr_S = 0.000001 # initial learning rate = 0.000001
lrPolicy_S = "multi_step" # options: multi_step | linear | exp | const | step
step_S = [100,200,300] # step for linear or exp learning rate policy default [200, 300, 400]
decayRate_S = 0.1 # lr decay rate
# ---------- Model options ---------------------------------------------
experimentID = "imganet_4bit_"
nClasses = 1000 # number of classes in the dataset
# ---------- Quantization options ---------------------------------------------
qw = 4
qa = 4
# ----------KD options ---------------------------------------------
temperature = 20
alpha = 1
# ----------Generator options ---------------------------------------------
latent_dim = 100
img_size = 224
channels = 3
lr_G = 0.001 # default 0.001
lrPolicy_G = "multi_step" # options: multi_step | linear | exp | const | step
step_G = [100,200,300] # step for linear or exp learning rate policy
decayRate_G = 0.1 # lr decay rate
b1 = 0.5
b2 = 0.999
\ No newline at end of file
import torch.nn as nn
from cfg import *
from module import *
from model_deployment import *
class Model(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,model_name):
super(Model, self).__init__()
self.cfg_table = model_cfg_table[model_name]
# # 参数初始化
# for m in self.modules():
# if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
# nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, mode='fan_out', nonlinearity='relu')
# elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d):
# nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1)
# nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)
# elif isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
# nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, mode='fan_out', nonlinearity='relu')
def forward(self,x):
x = model_forward(self,self.cfg_table,x)
return x
def quantize(self, quant_type, num_bits=8, e_bits=3):
def quantize_forward(self,x):
return model_utils(self,self.cfg_table,func='forward',x=x)
def freeze(self):
def quantize_inference(self,x):
return model_utils(self,self.cfg_table,func='inference',x=x)
def fakefreeze(self):
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# model = Inception_BN()
# model.quantize('INT',8,3)
# print(model.named_modules)
# print('-------')
# print(model.named_parameters)
# print(len(model.conv0.named_parameters()))
\ No newline at end of file
import os
import shutil
from pyhocon import ConfigFactory
from utils.opt_static import NetOption
class Option(NetOption):
def __init__(self, conf_path):
super(Option, self).__init__()
self.conf = ConfigFactory.parse_file(conf_path)
# ------------ General options ----------------------------------------
self.save_path = self.conf['save_path']
self.dataPath = self.conf['dataPath'] # path for loading data set
# 这里数据集只支持cifar100和imagenet?
self.dataset = self.conf['dataset'] # options: imagenet | cifar100
self.nGPU = self.conf['nGPU'] # number of GPUs to use by default
self.GPU = self.conf['GPU'] # default gpu to use, options: range(nGPU)
self.visible_devices = self.conf['visible_devices']
# ------------- Data options -------------------------------------------
self.nThreads = self.conf['nThreads'] # number of data loader threads
# ---------- Optimization options --------------------------------------
self.nEpochs = self.conf['nEpochs'] # number of total epochs to train
self.batchSize = self.conf['batchSize'] # mini-batch size
self.momentum = self.conf['momentum'] # momentum
self.weightDecay = float(self.conf['weightDecay']) # weight decay
# sgd adam之类的
self.opt_type = self.conf['opt_type']
self.warmup_epochs = self.conf['warmup_epochs'] # number of epochs for warmup
self.lr_S = self.conf['lr_S'] # initial learning rate
self.lrPolicy_S = self.conf['lrPolicy_S'] # options: multi_step | linear | exp | const | step
self.step_S = self.conf['step_S'] # step for linear or exp learning rate policy
self.decayRate_S = self.conf['decayRate_S'] # lr decay rate
# ---------- Model options ---------------------------------------------
self.experimentID = self.conf['experimentID']
self.nClasses = self.conf['nClasses'] # number of classes in the dataset
# ---------- Quantization options ---------------------------------------------
self.qw = self.conf['qw'] = self.conf['qa']
# ----------KD options ---------------------------------------------
self.temperature = self.conf['temperature']
self.alpha = self.conf['alpha']
# ----------Generator options ---------------------------------------------
self.latent_dim = self.conf['latent_dim']
self.img_size = self.conf['img_size']
self.channels = self.conf['channels']
self.lr_G = self.conf['lr_G']
self.lrPolicy_G = self.conf['lrPolicy_G'] # options: multi_step | linear | exp | const | step
self.step_G = self.conf['step_G'] # step for linear or exp learning rate policy
self.decayRate_G = self.conf['decayRate_G'] # lr decay rate
self.b1 = self.conf['b1']
self.b2 = self.conf['b2']
def set_save_path(self):
self.save_path = self.save_path + "{}_bs{:d}_lr{:.4f}_{}_epoch{}/".format(
self.batchSize,, self.opt_type,
if os.path.exists(self.save_path):
# print("{} file exist!".format(self.save_path))
# action = input("Select Action: d (delete) / q (quit):").lower().strip()
# act = action
# if act == 'd':
# shutil.rmtree(self.save_path)
# else:
# raise OSError("Directory {} exits!".format(self.save_path))
if not os.path.exists(self.save_path):
def paramscheck(self, logger):"|===>The used PyTorch version is {}".format(
if self.dataset in ["cifar10", "mnist"]:
self.nClasses = 10
elif self.dataset == "cifar100":
self.nClasses = 100
elif self.dataset == "imagenet" or "thi_imgnet":
self.nClasses = 1000
elif self.dataset == "imagenet100":
self.nClasses = 100
\ No newline at end of file
# *
# @file Different utility functions
# Copyright (c) Yaohui Cai, Zhewei Yao, Zhen Dong, Amir Gholami
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of ZeroQ repository.
# ZeroQ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ZeroQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with ZeroQ repository. If not, see <>.
# *
import torch
import time
import math
import numpy as np
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.nn import Module, Parameter
from .quant_utils import *
import sys
class QuantAct(Module):
Class to quantize given activations
def __init__(self,
activation_bit: bit-setting for activation
full_precision_flag: full precision or not
running_stat: determines whether the activation range is updated or froze
super(QuantAct, self).__init__()
self.activation_bit = activation_bit
self.full_precision_flag = full_precision_flag
self.running_stat = running_stat
self.register_buffer('x_min', torch.zeros(1))
self.register_buffer('x_max', torch.zeros(1))
self.register_buffer('beta', torch.Tensor([beta]))
self.register_buffer('beta_t', torch.ones(1))
self.act_function = AsymmetricQuantFunction.apply
def __repr__(self):
return "{0}(activation_bit={1}, full_precision_flag={2}, running_stat={3}, Act_min: {4:.2f}, Act_max: {5:.2f})".format(
self.__class__.__name__, self.activation_bit,
self.full_precision_flag, self.running_stat, self.x_min.item(),
def fix(self):
fix the activation range by setting running stat
self.running_stat = False
def unfix(self):
fix the activation range by setting running stat
self.running_stat = True
def forward(self, x):
quantize given activation x
if self.running_stat:
x_min =
x_max =
# in-place operation used on multi-gpus
# self.x_min += -self.x_min + min(self.x_min, x_min)
# self.x_max += -self.x_max + max(self.x_max, x_max)
self.beta_t = self.beta_t * self.beta
self.x_min = (self.x_min * self.beta + x_min * (1 - self.beta))/(1 - self.beta_t)
self.x_max = (self.x_max * self.beta + x_max * (1 - self.beta)) / (1 - self.beta_t)
if not self.full_precision_flag:
# 进行量化
quant_act = self.act_function(x, self.activation_bit, self.x_min,
return quant_act
return x
class Quant_Linear(Module):
Class to quantize given linear layer weights
def __init__(self, weight_bit, full_precision_flag=False):
weight: bit-setting for weight
full_precision_flag: full precision or not
running_stat: determines whether the activation range is updated or froze
super(Quant_Linear, self).__init__()
self.full_precision_flag = full_precision_flag
self.weight_bit = weight_bit
self.weight_function = AsymmetricQuantFunction.apply
def __repr__(self):
s = super(Quant_Linear, self).__repr__()
s = "(" + s + " weight_bit={}, full_precision_flag={})".format(
self.weight_bit, self.full_precision_flag)
return s
def set_param(self, linear):
self.in_features = linear.in_features
self.out_features = linear.out_features
self.weight = Parameter(
self.bias = Parameter(
except AttributeError:
self.bias = None
def forward(self, x):
using quantized weights to forward activation x
w = self.weight
x_transform =
w_min = x_transform.min(dim=1).values
w_max = x_transform.max(dim=1).values
if not self.full_precision_flag:
w = self.weight_function(self.weight, self.weight_bit, w_min,
w = self.weight
return F.linear(x, weight=w, bias=self.bias)
class Quant_Conv2d(Module):
Class to quantize given convolutional layer weights
def __init__(self, weight_bit, full_precision_flag=False):
super(Quant_Conv2d, self).__init__()
self.full_precision_flag = full_precision_flag
self.weight_bit = weight_bit
self.weight_function = AsymmetricQuantFunction.apply
def __repr__(self):
s = super(Quant_Conv2d, self).__repr__()
s = "(" + s + " weight_bit={}, full_precision_flag={})".format(
self.weight_bit, self.full_precision_flag)
return s
def set_param(self, conv):
self.in_channels = conv.in_channels
self.out_channels = conv.out_channels
self.kernel_size = conv.kernel_size
self.stride = conv.stride
self.padding = conv.padding
self.dilation = conv.dilation
self.groups = conv.groups
self.weight = Parameter(
self.bias = Parameter(
except AttributeError:
self.bias = None
def forward(self, x):
using quantized weights to forward activation x
w = self.weight
x_transform =, -1)
w_min = x_transform.min(dim=1).values
w_max = x_transform.max(dim=1).values
if not self.full_precision_flag:
w = self.weight_function(self.weight, self.weight_bit, w_min,
w = self.weight
return F.conv2d(x, w, self.bias, self.stride, self.padding,
self.dilation, self.groups)
# @file Different utility functions
# Copyright (c) Yaohui Cai, Zhewei Yao, Zhen Dong, Amir Gholami
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of ZeroQ repository.
# ZeroQ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ZeroQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with ZeroQ repository. If not, see <>.
import math
import numpy as np
from torch.autograd import Function, Variable
import torch
def clamp(input, min, max, inplace=False):
Clamp tensor input to (min, max).
input: input tensor to be clamped
if inplace:
input.clamp_(min, max)
return input
return torch.clamp(input, min, max)
def linear_quantize(input, scale, zero_point, inplace=False):
Quantize single-precision input tensor to integers with the given scaling factor and zeropoint.
input: single-precision input tensor to be quantized
scale: scaling factor for quantization
zero_pint: shift for quantization
# 根据input的shape确定,将所有信息集中于第一维
# reshape scale and zeropoint for convolutional weights and activation
if len(input.shape) == 4:
scale = scale.view(-1, 1, 1, 1)
zero_point = zero_point.view(-1, 1, 1, 1)
# reshape scale and zeropoint for linear weights
elif len(input.shape) == 2:
scale = scale.view(-1, 1)
zero_point = zero_point.view(-1, 1)
# mapping single-precision input to integer values with the given scale and zeropoint
if inplace:
# 这里就是量化行为
return input
return torch.round(scale * input - zero_point)
def linear_dequantize(input, scale, zero_point, inplace=False):
Map integer input tensor to fixed point float point with given scaling factor and zeropoint.
input: integer input tensor to be mapped
scale: scaling factor for quantization
zero_pint: shift for quantization
# reshape scale and zeropoint for convolutional weights and activation
if len(input.shape) == 4:
scale = scale.view(-1, 1, 1, 1)
zero_point = zero_point.view(-1, 1, 1, 1)
# reshape scale and zeropoint for linear weights
elif len(input.shape) == 2:
scale = scale.view(-1, 1)
zero_point = zero_point.view(-1, 1)
# mapping integer input to fixed point float point value with given scaling factor and zeropoint
if inplace:
return input
return (input + zero_point) / scale
# 非对称线性量化
def asymmetric_linear_quantization_params(num_bits,
Compute the scaling factor and zeropoint with the given quantization range.
saturation_min: lower bound for quantization range
saturation_max: upper bound for quantization range
n = 2**num_bits - 1
# 统计操作与我们的框架相反
scale = n / torch.clamp((saturation_max - saturation_min), min=1e-8)
zero_point = scale * saturation_min
if integral_zero_point:
if isinstance(zero_point, torch.Tensor):
zero_point = zero_point.round()
zero_point = float(round(zero_point))
if signed:
zero_point += 2**(num_bits - 1)
return scale, zero_point
class AsymmetricQuantFunction(Function):
Class to quantize the given floating-point values with given range and bit-setting.
Currently only support inference, but not support back-propagation.
def forward(ctx, x, k, x_min=None, x_max=None):
x: single-precision value to be quantized
k: bit-setting for x
x_min: lower bound for quantization range
# if x_min is None or x_max is None or (sum(x_min == x_max) == 1
# and x_min.numel() == 1):
# x_min, x_max = x.min(), x.max()
scale, zero_point = asymmetric_linear_quantization_params(
k, x_min, x_max)
new_quant_x = linear_quantize(x, scale, zero_point, inplace=False)
n = 2**(k - 1)
new_quant_x = torch.clamp(new_quant_x, -n, n - 1)
quant_x = linear_dequantize(new_quant_x,
return torch.autograd.Variable(quant_x)
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
return grad_output, None, None, None
# numpy==1.16.4
# requests==2.21.0
# torchvision==0.4.0
# torch==1.2.0+cu92
# Pillow==7.2.0
from utils.lr_policy import *
from utils.compute import *
from utils.log_print import *
from utils.model_transform import *
# from utils.ifeige import *
\ No newline at end of file
import numpy as np
import math
import torch
__all__ = ["compute_tencrop", "compute_singlecrop", "AverageMeter"]
def compute_tencrop(outputs, labels):
output_size = outputs.size()
outputs = outputs.view(output_size[0] / 10, 10, output_size[1])
outputs = outputs.sum(1).squeeze(1)
# compute top1
_, pred = outputs.topk(1, 1, True, True)
pred = pred.t()
top1_count = pred.eq(
1, -1).expand_as(pred)).view(-1).float().sum(0)
top1_error = 100.0 - 100.0 * top1_count / labels.size(0)
top1_error = float(top1_error.cpu().numpy())
# compute top5
_, pred = outputs.topk(5, 1, True, True)
pred = pred.t()
top5_count = pred.eq(
1, -1).expand_as(pred)).view(-1).float().sum(0)
top5_error = 100.0 - 100.0 * top5_count / labels.size(0)
top5_error = float(top5_error.cpu().numpy())
return top1_error, 0, top5_error
def compute_singlecrop(outputs, labels, loss, top5_flag=False, mean_flag=False):
with torch.no_grad():
if isinstance(outputs, list):
top1_loss = []
top1_error = []
top5_error = []
for i in range(len(outputs)):
top1_accuracy, top5_accuracy = accuracy(outputs[i], labels, topk=(1, 5))
top1_error.append(100 - top1_accuracy)
top5_error.append(100 - top5_accuracy)
top1_accuracy, top5_accuracy = accuracy(outputs, labels, topk=(1,5))
top1_error = 100 - top1_accuracy
top5_error = 100 - top5_accuracy
top1_loss = loss.item()
if top5_flag:
return top1_error, top1_loss, top5_error
return top1_error, top1_loss
# 统计精确度acc
def accuracy(output, target, topk=(1,)):
"""Computes the precision@k for the specified values of k"""
with torch.no_grad():
maxk = max(topk)
batch_size = target.size(0)
_, pred = output.topk(maxk, 1, True, True)
pred = pred.t()
correct = pred.eq(target.view(1, -1).expand_as(pred))
res = []
for k in topk:
correct_k = correct[:k].reshape(-1).float().sum(0, keepdim=True)
res.append(correct_k.mul_(100.0 / batch_size).item())
return res
class AverageMeter(object):
"""Computes and stores the average and current value"""
# 统计某个间隔内的平均值
def __init__(self):
def reset(self):
reset all parameters
self.val = 0
self.avg = 0
self.sum = 0
self.count = 0
def update(self, val, n=1):
update parameters
self.val = val
self.sum += val * n
self.count += n
self.avg = self.sum / self.count
\ No newline at end of file
from termcolor import colored
import numpy as np
import datetime
__all__ = ["compute_remain_time", "print_result", "print_weight", "print_grad"]
single_train_time = 0
single_test_time = 0
single_train_iters = 0
single_test_iters = 0
def compute_remain_time(epoch, nEpochs, count, iters, data_time, iter_time, mode="Train"):
global single_train_time, single_test_time
global single_train_iters, single_test_iters
# compute cost time
if mode == "Train":
single_train_time = single_train_time * \
0.95 + 0.05 * (data_time + iter_time)
# single_train_time = data_time + iter_time
single_train_iters = iters
train_left_iter = single_train_iters - count + \
(nEpochs - epoch - 1) * single_train_iters
# print "train_left_iters", train_left_iter
test_left_iter = (nEpochs - epoch) * single_test_iters
single_test_time = single_test_time * \
0.95 + 0.05 * (data_time + iter_time)
# single_test_time = data_time+iter_time
single_test_iters = iters
train_left_iter = (nEpochs - epoch - 1) * single_train_iters
test_left_iter = single_test_iters - count + \
(nEpochs - epoch - 1) * single_test_iters
left_time = single_train_time * train_left_iter + \
single_test_time * test_left_iter
total_time = (single_train_time * single_train_iters +
single_test_time * single_test_iters) * nEpochs
time_str = "TTime: {}, RTime: {}".format(datetime.timedelta(seconds=total_time),
return time_str, total_time, left_time
def print_result(epoch, nEpochs, count, iters, lr, data_time, iter_time, error, loss, top5error=None,
mode="Train", logger=None):
log_str = ">>> {}: [{:0>3d}|{:0>3d}], Iter: [{:0>3d}|{:0>3d}], LR: {:.6f}, DataTime: {:.4f}, IterTime: {:.4f}, ".format(
mode, epoch + 1, nEpochs, count, iters, lr, data_time, iter_time)
if isinstance(error, list) or isinstance(error, np.ndarray):
for i in range(len(error)):
log_str += "Error_{:d}: {:.4f}, Loss_{:d}: {:.4f}, ".format(i, error[i], i, loss[i])
log_str += "Error: {:.4f}, Loss: {:.4f}, ".format(error, loss)
if top5error is not None:
if isinstance(top5error, list) or isinstance(top5error, np.ndarray):
for i in range(len(top5error)):
log_str += " Top5_Error_{:d}: {:.4f}, ".format(i, top5error[i])
log_str += " Top5_Error: {:.4f}, ".format(top5error)
time_str, total_time, left_time = compute_remain_time(epoch, nEpochs, count, iters, data_time, iter_time, mode) + time_str)
return total_time, left_time
def print_weight(layers, logger):
if isinstance(layers, MD.qConv2d):
elif isinstance(layers, MD.qLinear):"------------------------------------")
def print_grad(m, logger):
if isinstance(m, MD.qLinear):
class LRPolicy
import math
__all__ = ["LRPolicy"]
class LRPolicy:
learning rate policy
def __init__(self, lr, n_epochs, lr_policy="multi_step"):
self.lr_policy = lr_policy
self.params_dict = {}
self.n_epochs = n_epochs
self.base_lr = lr = lr
def set_params(self, params_dict=None):
set parameters of lr policy
if self.lr_policy == "multi_step":
params: decay_rate, step
self.params_dict['decay_rate'] = params_dict['decay_rate']
self.params_dict['step'] = sorted(params_dict['step'])
if max(self.params_dict['step']) <= 1:
new_step_list = []
for ratio in self.params_dict['step']:
new_step_list.append(int(self.n_epochs * ratio))
self.params_dict['step'] = new_step_list
elif self.lr_policy == "step":
params: end_lr, step
step: lr = base_lr*gamma^(floor(iter/step))
self.params_dict['end_lr'] = params_dict['end_lr']
self.params_dict['step'] = params_dict['step']
max_iter = math.floor((self.n_epochs - 1.0) /
if self.params_dict['end_lr'] == -1:
self.params_dict['gamma'] = params_dict['decay_rate']
self.params_dict['gamma'] = math.pow(
self.params_dict['end_lr'] / self.base_lr, 1. / max_iter)
elif self.lr_policy == "linear":
params: end_lr, step
self.params_dict['end_lr'] = params_dict['end_lr']
self.params_dict['step'] = params_dict['step']
elif self.lr_policy == "exp":
params: end_lr
exp: lr = base_lr*gamma^iter
self.params_dict['end_lr'] = params_dict['end_lr']
self.params_dict['gamma'] = math.pow(
self.params_dict['end_lr'] / self.base_lr, 1. / (self.n_epochs - 1))
elif self.lr_policy == "inv":
params: end_lr
inv: lr = base_lr*(1+gamma*iter)^(-power)
self.params_dict['end_lr'] = params_dict['end_lr']
self.params_dict['power'] = params_dict['power']
self.params_dict['gamma'] = (math.pow(
self.base_lr / self.params_dict['end_lr'],
1. / self.params_dict['power']) - 1.) / (self.n_epochs - 1.)
elif self.lr_policy == "const":
no params
const: lr = base_lr
self.params_dict = None
assert False, "invalid lr_policy" + self.lr_policy
def get_lr(self, epoch):
get current learning rate
if self.lr_policy == "multi_step":
gamma = 0
for step in self.params_dict['step']:
if epoch + 1.0 > step:
gamma += 1
lr = self.base_lr * math.pow(self.params_dict['decay_rate'], gamma)
elif self.lr_policy == "step":
lr = self.base_lr * \
math.pow(self.params_dict['gamma'], math.floor(
epoch * 1.0 / self.params_dict['step']))
elif self.lr_policy == "linear":
k = (self.params_dict['end_lr'] - self.base_lr) / \
math.ceil(self.n_epochs / self.params_dict['step'])
lr = k * math.ceil((epoch + 1) /
self.params_dict['step']) + self.base_lr
elif self.lr_policy == "inv":
lr = self.base_lr * \
1 + self.params_dict['gamma'] * epoch, -self.params_dict['power'])
elif self.lr_policy == "exp":
# power = math.floor((epoch + 1) / self.params_dict['step'])
# lr = self.base_lr * math.pow(self.params_dict['gamma'], power)
lr = self.base_lr * math.pow(self.params_dict['gamma'], epoch)
elif self.lr_policy == "const":
lr = self.base_lr
assert False, "invalid lr_policy: " + self.lr_policy = lr
return lr
import torch.nn as nn
import torch
import numpy as np
__all__ = ["data_parallel", "model2list",
"list2sequential", "model2state_dict"]
def data_parallel(model, ngpus, gpu0=0):
assign model to multi-gpu mode
:params model: target model
:params ngpus: number of gpus to use
:params gpu0: id of the master gpu
:return: model, type is Module or Sequantial or DataParallel
if ngpus == 0:
assert False, "only support gpu mode"
gpu_list = list(range(gpu0, gpu0 + ngpus))
assert torch.cuda.device_count() >= gpu0 + ngpus, "Invalid Number of GPUs"
if isinstance(model, list):
for i in range(len(model)):
if ngpus >= 2:
if not isinstance(model[i], nn.DataParallel):
model[i] = torch.nn.DataParallel(model[i], gpu_list).cuda()
model[i] = model[i].cuda()
if ngpus >= 2:
if not isinstance(model, nn.DataParallel):
model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model, gpu_list).cuda()
model = model.cuda()
return model
def model2list(model):
convert model to list type
:param model: should be type of list or nn.DataParallel or nn.Sequential
:return: no return params
if isinstance(model, nn.DataParallel):
model = list(model.module)
elif isinstance(model, nn.Sequential):
model = list(model)
return model
def list2sequential(model):
if isinstance(model, list):
model = nn.Sequential(*model)
return model
def model2state_dict(file_path):
model = torch.load(file_path)
if model['model'] is not None:
model_state_dict = model['model'].state_dict(), file_path.replace(
'.pth', 'state_dict.pth'))
TODO: add doc for module
import torch
__all__ = ["NetOption"]
You can run your script with CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=5,6 python
or set the environment variable in the script by os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '5,6'
to map GPU 5, 6 to device_ids 0, 1, respectively.
class NetOption(object):
def __init__(self):
# ------------ General options ----------------------------------------
self.save_path = "" # log path
self.dataPath = "/home/dataset/" # path for loading data set
self.dataset = "cifar10" # options: imagenet | cifar10 | cifar100 | imagenet100 | mnist
self.manualSeed = 1 # manually set RNG seed
self.nGPU = 1 # number of GPUs to use by default
self.GPU = 0 # default gpu to use, options: range(nGPU)
# ------------- Data options -------------------------------------------
self.nThreads = 4 # number of data loader threads
# ------------- Training options ---------------------------------------
self.testOnly = False # run on validation set only
self.tenCrop = False # Ten-crop testing
# ---------- Optimization options --------------------------------------
self.nEpochs = 200 # number of total epochs to train
self.batchSize = 128 # mini-batch size
self.momentum = 0.9 # momentum
self.weightDecay = 1e-4 # weight decay 1e-4
self.opt_type = "SGD" = 0.1 # initial learning rate
self.lrPolicy = "multi_step" # options: multi_step | linear | exp | fixed
self.power = 1 # power for learning rate policy (inv)
self.step = [0.6, 0.8] # step for linear or exp learning rate policy
self.endlr = 0.001 # final learning rate, oly for "linear lrpolicy"
self.decayRate = 0.1 # lr decay rate
# ---------- Model options ---------------------------------------------
self.netType = "PreResNet" # options: ResNet | PreResNet | GreedyNet | NIN | LeNet5
self.experimentID = "refator-test-01"
self.depth = 20 # resnet depth: (n-2)%6==0
self.nClasses = 10 # number of classes in the dataset
self.wideFactor = 1 # wide factor for wide-resnet
# ---------- Resume or Retrain options ---------------------------------------------
self.retrain = None # path to model to retrain with, load model state_dict only
self.resume = None # path to directory containing checkpoint, load state_dicts of model and optimizer, as well as training epoch
# ---------- Visualization options -------------------------------------
self.drawNetwork = True
self.drawInterval = 30
self.torch_version = torch.__version__
torch_version_split = self.torch_version.split("_")
self.torch_version = torch_version_split[0]
# check parameters
# self.paramscheck()
def paramscheck(self):
if self.torch_version != "0.2.0":
self.drawNetwork = False
print("|===>DrawNetwork is supported by PyTorch with version: 0.2.0. The used version is ", self.torch_version)
if self.netType in ["PreResNet", "ResNet"]:
self.save_path = "log_%s%d_%s_bs%d_lr%0.3f_%s/" % (
self.netType, self.depth, self.dataset,
self.batchSize,, self.experimentID)
self.save_path = "log_%s_%s_bs%d_lr%0.3f_%s/" % (
self.netType, self.dataset,
self.batchSize,, self.experimentID)
if self.dataset in ["cifar10", "mnist"]:
self.nClasses = 10
elif self.dataset == "cifar100":
self.nClasses = 100
elif self.dataset == "imagenet" or "thi_imgnet":
self.nClasses = 1000
elif self.dataset == "imagenet100":
self.nClasses = 100
if self.depth >= 100:
self.drawNetwork = False
print("|===>draw network with depth over 100 layers, skip this step")
from torchlearning.mio import MIO
train_dataset = MIO("/home/datasets/imagenet_mio/train/")
test_dataset = MIO("/home/datasets/imagenet_mio/val/")
for i in range(train_dataset.size):
for i in range(test_dataset.size):
\ No newline at end of file
# 改动说明 # 改动说明
## update: 2023/05/29
+ GDFQ:结合之前框架,训练了所有模型的生成器。后续将进一步引入评估和决策边界样本增强。
## update2: 2023/05/26 ## update2: 2023/05/26
+ 添加了cifar100数据集支持,详见ALL-cifar100。原先ALL文件夹重命名为ALL-cifar10 + 添加了cifar100数据集支持,详见ALL-cifar100。原先ALL文件夹重命名为ALL-cifar10
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