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% For /Author, add all authors within the parentheses, separated by commas. No accents or commands.
% For /Title, add Title in Mixed Case. No accents or commands. Retain the parentheses.
/Title (Characterization Capacity of Agents and Compositionality from Naturally Emergent Communication)
/Author (AAAI Press Staff, Pater Patel Schneider, Sunil Issar, J. Scott Penberthy, George Ferguson, Hans Guesgen, Francisco Cruz, Marc Pujol-Gonzalez)
/TemplateVersion (2021.1)
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% Put your actual complete title (no codes, scripts, shortcuts, or LaTeX commands) within the parentheses in mixed case
% Leave the space between \Title and the beginning parenthesis alone
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% Each author should be only by a comma. If the name contains accents, remove them. If there are any LaTeX commands,
% remove them.

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% Title

% Your title must be in mixed case, not sentence case.
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% nouns, adverbs, adjectives should be capitalized, including both words in hyphenated terms, while
% articles, conjunctions, and prepositions are lower case unless they
% directly follow a colon or long dash

\title{Enabling the Emergence of Symbolic Language without Handcrafted Inductions}
    % All authors must be in the same font size and format.
    %Written by AAAI Press Staff\textsuperscript{\rm 1}\thanks{With help from the AAAI Publications Committee.}\\
    %AAAI Style Contributions by Pater Patel Schneider,
    %Sunil Issar,  \\
    %J. Scott Penberthy,
    %George Ferguson,
    %Hans Guesgen,
    %Francisco Cruz,
    %Marc Pujol-Gonzalez

    %\textsuperscript{\rm 1}Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence\\
    %If you have multiple authors and multiple affiliations
    % use superscripts in text and roman font to identify them.
    %For example,

    % Sunil Issar, \textsuperscript{\rm 2}
    % J. Scott Penberthy, \textsuperscript{\rm 3}
    % George Ferguson,\textsuperscript{\rm 4}
    % Hans Guesgen, \textsuperscript{\rm 5}.
    % Note that the comma should be placed BEFORE the superscript for optimum readability

    %2275 East Bayshore Road, Suite 160\\
    %Palo Alto, California 94303\\
    %% email address must be in roman text type, not monospace or sans serif

    % See more examples next
%Example, Single Author, ->> remove \iffalse,\fi and place them surrounding AAAI title to use it
\title{My Publication Title --- Single Author}
\author {
    % Author
    Author Name \\

    Affiliation \\
    Affiliation Line 2 \\

%Example, Multiple Authors, ->> remove \iffalse,\fi and place them surrounding AAAI title to use it
\title{My Publication Title --- Multiple Authors}
\author {
    % Authors

        First Author Name,\textsuperscript{\rm 1}
        Second Author Name, \textsuperscript{\rm 2}
        Third Author Name \textsuperscript{\rm 1} \\
\affiliations {
    % Affiliations
    \textsuperscript{\rm 1} Affiliation 1 \\
    \textsuperscript{\rm 2} Affiliation 2 \\
    firstAuthor@affiliation1.com, secondAuthor@affilation2.com, thirdAuthor@affiliation1.com




 The emergence of symbolic languages with high compositionality has
  attracted extensive attention from a broad range of communities. Existing
  studies achieve high compositionality through \emph{deliberately handcrafted}
  inductions (e.g., small vocabulary sizes, addtional rewards, constructed 
  loss functions and ease-of-teaching) in multi-agent learning, which are unnatural. 
  Yet, few studies investigate the emergence of symbolic language with high
  compositionality \emph{naturally}, i.e., without deliberately handcrafted
  In this paper, \note{we are the first to successfully achieve high compositional
  symbolic language} in a \emph{natural} manner without handcrafted inductions.
  Initially, by investigating the compositionality of emerged symbolic
  language after removing the \emph{deliberately handcrafted}
  inductions, we observe that the agent capacity plays a key role in
  compositionality. We further reveal and characterize the \note{quantitative relationship}
  between the agent capacity and the compositionality of symbolic language, with
  a novel mutual information-based metric for the compositionality. 
  % both theoretically and experimentally.
  %The theoretical analysis is built on the MSC
  %(Markov Series Channel) model for the language transmission process and a
  %novel mutual information-based metric for the compositionality.
  %experiments are conducted on a listener-speaker referential game framework
  %with eliminated external environment factors.
  %With a novel mutual information-based metric for the compositionality, 
  The experimental results lead to a counter-intuitive conclusion that lower agent
  capacity facilitates the emergence of symbolic language with higher
  compositionality. \note{Based on our conclusion, we can generate higher
  compositional symbolic language with a higher probability.}

%  The natural emergence of symbolic languages with high compositionality has
%  attracted extensive attentions from a broad range of communities. Existing
%  studies only investigated the impacts of \emph{deliberately designed} external
%  environmental factors (e.g., small vocabulary sizes, carefully constructed
%  distractors, and ease-of-teaching), which may be too ideal to exist in the
%  real world, without considering the importance of internal capacity of agents.
%  In this paper, we first reveal and characterize the quantitative relationship
%  between the agent capacity and the compositionality of symbolic language both
%  theoretically and experimentally. The theoretical analysis is built on the MSC
%  (Markov Series Channel) model for the language transmission process and a
%  novel mutual information-based metric for the compositionality. The
%  experiments are conducted on a listener-speaker referential game framework
%  with eliminated external environment factors. Both theoretical analysis and
%  experimental results lead to a counter-intuitive conclusion that lower agent
%  capacity facilitates the emergence of symbolic language with higher
%  compositionality.


