Commit d28758bd by haoyifan

haoyifan add

parent 4a3afd5a
\bibcite{bogin2018emergence}{{2}{2018}{{Bogin, Geva, and Berant}}{{}}}
\bibcite{chaabouni2020compositionality}{{3}{2020}{{Chaabouni et~al.}}{{Chaabouni, Kharitonov, Bouchacourt, Dupoux, and Baroni}}}
\bibcite{chaabouni-etal-2019-word}{{4}{2019}{{Chaabouni et~al.}}{{Chaabouni, Kharitonov, Lazaric, Dupoux, and Baroni}}}
\bibcite{choi2018compositional}{{5}{2018}{{Choi, Lazaridou, and de~Freitas}}{{}}}
\bibcite{evtimova2018emergent}{{7}{2018}{{Evtimova et~al.}}{{Evtimova, Drozdov, Kiela, and Cho}}}
\bibcite{jaques2019social}{{8}{2019}{{Jaques et~al.}}{{Jaques, Lazaridou, Hughes, Gulcehre, Ortega, Strouse, Leibo, and De~Freitas}}}
\bibcite{kharitonov2019egg}{{9}{2019}{{Kharitonov et~al.}}{{Kharitonov, Chaabouni, Bouchacourt, and Baroni}}}
\bibcite{kirby2015compression}{{10}{2015}{{Kirby et~al.}}{{Kirby, Tamariz, Cornish, and Smith}}}
\bibcite{kottur-etal-2017-natural}{{11}{2017}{{Kottur et~al.}}{{Kottur, Moura, Lee, and Batra}}}
\bibcite{labash2020perspective}{{12}{2020}{{Labash et~al.}}{{Labash, Aru, Matiisen, Tampuu, and Vicente}}}
\bibcite{lazaridou2018emergence}{{13}{2018}{{Lazaridou et~al.}}{{Lazaridou, Hermann, Tuyls, and Clark}}}
\bibcite{li2019ease}{{14}{2019}{{Li and Bowling}}{{}}}
\bibcite{mordatch2017emergence}{{15}{2017}{{Mordatch and Abbeel}}{{}}}
\bibcite{mul2019mastering}{{16}{2019}{{Mul, Bouchacourt, and Bruni}}{{}}}
\providecommand{\urlprefix}{URL }
\expandafter\ifx\csname urlstyle\endcsname\relax
Andreas, J. 2018.
\newblock Measuring Compositionality in Representation Learning.
\newblock In \emph{International Conference on Learning Representations}.
\bibitem[{Bogin, Geva, and Berant(2018)}]{bogin2018emergence}
Bogin, B.; Geva, M.; and Berant, J. 2018.
\newblock Emergence of Communication in an Interactive World with Consistent
\newblock \emph{arXiv} arXiv--1809.
\bibitem[{Chaabouni et~al.(2020)Chaabouni, Kharitonov, Bouchacourt, Dupoux, and
Chaabouni, R.; Kharitonov, E.; Bouchacourt, D.; Dupoux, E.; and Baroni, M.
\newblock Compositionality and generalization in emergent languages.
\newblock \emph{arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.09124} .
\bibitem[{Chaabouni et~al.(2019)Chaabouni, Kharitonov, Lazaric, Dupoux, and
Chaabouni, R.; Kharitonov, E.; Lazaric, A.; Dupoux, E.; and Baroni, M. 2019.
\newblock Word-order Biases in Deep-agent Emergent Communication.
\newblock In \emph{Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association
for Computational Linguistics}, 5166--5175. Florence, Italy: Association for
Computational Linguistics.
\newblock \doi{10.18653/v1/P19-1509}.
\newblock \urlprefix\url{}.
\bibitem[{Choi, Lazaridou, and de~Freitas(2018)}]{choi2018compositional}
Choi, E.; Lazaridou, A.; and de~Freitas, N. 2018.
\newblock Compositional Obverter Communication Learning from Raw Visual Input.
\newblock In \emph{International Conference on Learning Representations}.
David, L. 1969.
\newblock Convention: a philosophical study.
\bibitem[{Evtimova et~al.(2018)Evtimova, Drozdov, Kiela, and
Evtimova, K.; Drozdov, A.; Kiela, D.; and Cho, K. 2018.
\newblock Emergent Communication in a Multi-Modal, Multi-Step Referential Game.
\newblock In \emph{International Conference on Learning Representations}.
\bibitem[{Jaques et~al.(2019)Jaques, Lazaridou, Hughes, Gulcehre, Ortega,
Strouse, Leibo, and De~Freitas}]{jaques2019social}
Jaques, N.; Lazaridou, A.; Hughes, E.; Gulcehre, C.; Ortega, P.; Strouse, D.;
Leibo, J.~Z.; and De~Freitas, N. 2019.
\newblock Social influence as intrinsic motivation for multi-agent deep
reinforcement learning.
\newblock In \emph{International Conference on Machine Learning}, 3040--3049.
\bibitem[{Kharitonov et~al.(2019)Kharitonov, Chaabouni, Bouchacourt, and
Kharitonov, E.; Chaabouni, R.; Bouchacourt, D.; and Baroni, M. 2019.
\newblock EGG: a toolkit for research on Emergence of lanGuage in Games.
\newblock In \emph{Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in
Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on
Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP): System Demonstrations}, 55--60.
\bibitem[{Kirby et~al.(2015)Kirby, Tamariz, Cornish, and
Kirby, S.; Tamariz, M.; Cornish, H.; and Smith, K. 2015.
\newblock Compression and communication in the cultural evolution of linguistic
\newblock \emph{Cognition} 141: 87--102.
\bibitem[{Kottur et~al.(2017)Kottur, Moura, Lee, and
Kottur, S.; Moura, J.; Lee, S.; and Batra, D. 2017.
\newblock Natural Language Does Not Emerge {`}Naturally{'} in Multi-Agent
\newblock In \emph{Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in
Natural Language Processing}, 2962--2967. Copenhagen, Denmark: Association
for Computational Linguistics.
\newblock \doi{10.18653/v1/D17-1321}.
\newblock \urlprefix\url{}.
\bibitem[{Labash et~al.(2020)Labash, Aru, Matiisen, Tampuu, and
Labash, A.; Aru, J.; Matiisen, T.; Tampuu, A.; and Vicente, R. 2020.
\newblock Perspective taking in deep reinforcement learning agents.
\newblock \emph{Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience} 14.
\bibitem[{Lazaridou et~al.(2018)Lazaridou, Hermann, Tuyls, and
Lazaridou, A.; Hermann, K.~M.; Tuyls, K.; and Clark, S. 2018.
\newblock Emergence of Linguistic Communication from Referential Games with
Symbolic and Pixel Input.
\newblock In \emph{International Conference on Learning Representations}.
\bibitem[{Li and Bowling(2019)}]{li2019ease}
Li, F.; and Bowling, M. 2019.
\newblock Ease-of-teaching and language structure from emergent communication.
\newblock In \emph{Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
\bibitem[{Mordatch and Abbeel(2017)}]{mordatch2017emergence}
Mordatch, I.; and Abbeel, P. 2017.
\newblock Emergence of grounded compositional language in multi-agent
\newblock \emph{arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.04908} .
\bibitem[{Mul, Bouchacourt, and Bruni(2019)}]{mul2019mastering}
Mul, M.; Bouchacourt, D.; and Bruni, E. 2019.
\newblock Mastering emergent language: learning to guide in simulated
\newblock \emph{arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.05135} .
This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2013)
Capacity: max_strings=35307, hash_size=35307, hash_prime=30011
The top-level auxiliary file: AAAI.aux
The style file: aaai21.bst
Database file #1: ref.bib.bib
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for ""
You've used 16 entries,
2951 wiz_defined-function locations,
681 strings with 8239 characters,
and the built_in function-call counts, 11790 in all, are:
= -- 939
> -- 615
< -- 0
+ -- 223
- -- 208
* -- 784
:= -- 1853
add.period$ -- 70
call.type$ -- 16$ -- 140$ -- 17
cite$ -- 16
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while$ -- 84
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write$ -- 217
(There was 1 warning)
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
CHANGES for lineno bundle 2011/02/16:
1. new fnlineno.sty for numbering footnote lines + \linelabel,
described in fnlineno.pdf
2. new overview SRCFILEs.txt
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.41 2005/11/02:
1. Loadable after amsmath.
2. Removed some nonsense from documentation.
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.4 2005/10/27
[failed to be uploaded to CTAN, but distributed by mail]:
1. Proper effective line depth at end of paragraphs.
The spacing bug was quite obvious in two-column mode
when a paragraph end was at a column bottom.
2. Another bug concerning two-column mode that had been
introduced in v4.22 has been removed again.
3. Support for \addvspace introduced more and more bugs
in versions of v4.32 and v4.33. The reasons seem to
be clear now, and v4.4 should be stable.
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.32 2005/10/17:
1. Support for \addvspace
(a math display or a list meets a heading -- or a sub-heading
follows a heading -- or the like)
2. Clearly explained former option `displaymath' and its change
to a default.
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.31 2005/10/01:
1. \modulolinenumbers* and a package option `modulo*' for
printing first line number after interrupting editor's
text, regardless of the modulo.
2. Improved explanation of \firstlinenumber and package
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.3 2005/05/16:
1. Option `displaymath' (proper numbering at paragraphs
containing math displays) becomes default.
2. Compatibility with hyperref now indeed (at least much more).
3. Tidied up documentation: terrible confusion of \newcounter
vs. \stepcounter; sections on the same matter written at
different times; ...
4. Additional internal improvements that perhaps hardly are
observable (no more spurious linenumbers in math displays
from vertical mode; some compatibity with packages that use
\holdinginserts; \linelabel in headings etc.).
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.22 2005/05/09:
1. Restored "global" version of numbering lines of a \parbox or
minipage or ... (I had missed and disabled this in taking
over lineno.sty), explained in documentation (lineno.pdf/dvi
subsec. 7.2).
2. Enabled \flushbottom in two-column pagewise or switching
3. Re-implemented modulo mode -- disabling certain users' tricks
see lineno.pdf sec. 5.5, also for a still supported
substituting trick.
4. Tidied up setting the next line number globally vs. locally
(TeXbook p. 301).
5. Tidied up discussions (in documentation) of possible changes
in implementation.
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.21 2005/04/28:
Removed serious flaws with math display, + something ...
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.2 2005/04/26:
1. Re-enabled package option `displaymath' (needed rearrangement
after sec. 5).
2. New package option `addpageno' for adding page numbers to
line number references -- see sec. 6.1 of lineno.pdf.
3. Improved support for \includeonly (and improved sec. 5.3,
p. 27).
4. Improved compatibility with other packages that change \output
(tameflts.sty, e.g., for saving footnotes against \marginpar
and floats), added advice on this matter -- sec. 2.3,
pp. 7, 14f.
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.11 2005/03/08:
1. The `edtable' option now supports math environments like
`array'. This requires updating edtable.sty to v1.3. (The claim
in previous versions of edtable on this support simply was
wrong, sorry.) For how to make use of this support, we urge you
to read the usage instructions in edtable.sty (v1.3). These have
been extended very much, structured more clearly, and supplied
with examples.
2. \linelabel now complains when appearing outside line
numbering mode. This counters Stephan Boettcher's original
intention, but I generalize from my own experience that it is
helpful to be told when you have forgotten to switch into line
numbering mode and (e.g.) wonder why all the line number
references are 1 ... ednotes.sty users profit as well (at least
I expect and hope that anybody profits, which, to be sure, does
not mean that I hope that anybody forgets to switch ...).
3. The subsection on `edtable' in lineno.sty/tex/pdf was not
quite correct or complete -- corrected, improved.
4. The final list of user commands in lineno.sty/tex/pdf has not
been complete. This has not changed, but it is briefly explained
what is missing and where it can be found.
CHANGE 2005/01/20:
We have devised macros for indexing with line numbers,
yet we don't take the time to release them officially.
If you are interested, please ask via
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.1 2004/10/19:
Extension packages from the Ednotes bundle for enabling
\linelabel in math mode and tabular environments are now
handled through new package options `mathrefs', `edtable',
`longtable', and `nolongtablepatch'. Two of these extension
packages moved from the ednotes folder to the lineno folder.
lineno.tex/pdf has been updated accordingly.
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.00 2004/09/03:
o incorporated earlier extension packages linenox0.sty,
linenox1.sty, lnopatch.sty (which belonged to the
Ednotes bundle before);
o adopted LaTeX Project Public License v1.3.
% lineno.sty
% The files in this directory are
% Copyright 1995--2003 Stephan I. B"ottcher <>;
% Copyright 2002--2005 Uwe L"uck,,
% for versions 4.x and code from former Ednotes
% bundle--author-maintained.
% Copyright 2011 Uwe L"uck,,
% for fnlineno.sty/tex/pdf
% The files can be redistributed and/or modified under
% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
% version 1.3a of the License, or any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
% ============================================================================
<- (UL) End of official declaration.
add. fnlineno 2011/02/16 ul
This file -> The files 2004/10/12 ul
$Id: COPYING,v 2004/09/13 20:15:47 stephan Exp $
LPPL v1.3a 2004/10/26
lineno.sty v4.41
fnlineno.sty v0.55
The LaTeX package lineno.sty provides line numbers on paragraphs.
After TeX has broken a paragraph into lines there will be line numbers
attached to them, with the possibility to make references through the
LaTeX \ref, \pageref cross reference mechanism.
% Copyright 1995--2003 Stephan I. B"ottcher <>;
% Copyright 2002--2005 Uwe L"uck,,
% for versions 4.x and code from former Ednotes
% Copyright 2011 Uwe L"uck as above, for fnlineno.sty/tex/pdf
% bundle--author-maintained.
% The files listed below can be redistributed and/or modified under
% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
% version 1.3a of the License, or any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
** [ UL: A few festive words on history and responsibility **
** are next preceding hard facts as to (see lower) **
** o `Files' and **
** o `Installation and usage'. ] **
2004-09-13 Uwe L"uck [(UL)] is new maintainer for lineno.sty.
lineno.sty served the purpose for which I wrote it years ago. Uwe
L"uck uses lineno.sty with his Ednotes package, which required quite a
few changes and fixes. His package depends on lineno, therefore
Uwe agreed to take over the maintenance of lineno.sty.
lineno.sty v4.0 includes most of the well tested changes that Uwe
needs for Ednotes. These changes blend well into the concepts of the
package, so I am happy to let it go.
From here on it is Uwe's, and he may proceed to mangle it as he likes.
Expect some radical changes. You may find him to be quite a bit
friendlier towards the poor souls who still use Windows :-).
Currently, you need some kind of Unix environment to extract the
source documentation from the sty file.
If some version 3 users run into difficulties with Uwe's newer
versions, but need a minor bug-fix in version 3, please do not
hesitate to ask me for help. But all requests for new features or
major changes shall go to Uwe.
[ Thanks! And please let me know as well should
compatibility problems arise! The announced radical
changes are postponed again this time (v4.1).
--Ednotes is in
Uwe ]
Changes: see CHANGEs.txt; earlier:
2004-10-19 UL: package options for tabular and math
2004-09-03 UL: merge Ednotes changes, taking over lineno.sty
2002 .. 2003 FMi, UL, SiB: bug fixes
2001-08-04 SiB: linenomath wrapping for \[ \]
2001-07-30 SiB: [hyperref] option obsolete.
2001-01-17 SiB: LaTeX class option [twocolumn] support
2001-01-04 SiB: LaTeX class option [fleqn] support
2000-12-18 SiB: longtable compatibility
2000-07-01 SiB: extra \newlabel items, [hyperref] option
2000-03-10 SiB: indirect call of \output, to work with multicol.
1999-08-28 SiB: fixed the footnote problem using \holdinginserts
1999-06-11 SiB: included the extensions into lineno.sty
1999-03-02 SIB: Added LPPL License
Files (cf. SRCFILEs.txt):
README.txt This file. (v4.1: UL)
CHANGEs.txt Differences to previous versions. (v4.1: UL)
COPYING.txt The LPPL header.
SCRFILEs.txt Source file infos (UL 2011)
lineno.sty The package itself, ready to use.
edtable.sty Module for tabular environments. (UL, v4.1)
ednmath0.sty Module for \linelabel in math mode. (UL, v4.1)
fnlineno.sty Add-on for footnote line numbers (UL, v0.55)
lineno.tex The source for the documentation (generated)
lineno.pdf PDF deriving from the former. (v4.1: UL)
lnosuppl.pdf PDF listing of present non-PDF files
ulineno.tex The pathetic attempt of a users' manual.
[Describes v3.1 currently.] (UL, v4.1)
ulineno.pdf PDF of former.
vplref.sty Conditionally include page number in
line number references (UL, v4.2)
As of version v3.00, the extension packages for lineno have all been
incorporated into lineno.sty itself. Except for itemrule.sty,
which was removed.
TDS version:
Uwe L"uck <>
Stephan I. B"ottcher <>
Compatibility with other packages:
wrapfig.sty works since v2.05
multicol.sty works partly since 3.02.
Do NOT use \linelabel. Do NOT put a multicol in
internal vertical mode {table}, {figure}, etc.
hyperref.sty \ref to a \linelabel works since v3.03.
longtable.sty broke with lineno.sty loaded, but not enabled.
This is fixed in v3.04.
amsmath.sty loadable, but not fully supported, with v4.41
Installation and usage (UL, v4.1):
For being able to use ALL the new lineno.sty options, the
following files must be "visible" to (La)TeX ("visible"
explained below for beginners):
lineno.sty, edtable.sty, ednmath0.sty, ltabptch.sty
as above ("Home", note that clicking on "entire directory"
longtable.sty -- from the standard LaTeX Tools bundle.
Usage always starts with loading lineno.sty by \usepackage.
The remaining .sty files are loaded automatically on the
lineno.sty options (and we recommend not to load them through
[the mandatory argument of] \usepackage).
For details, see lineno.tex/pdf and the .sty files mentioned
above--search especially for tabular and math mode.
(+ `print' below here).
"Visible to (LaTeX)": Some users don't understand this
"visibility" for a while, and indeed it may be somewhat
non-trivial. These users may find help in .
E.g., former users of lineno.sty may just put all the .sty
files into the folder (at their workplace) where they had
placed lineno.sty before. (/UL, /v4.1)
To print the documented source:
Take the style-file `lineno.sty', and feed it to a Un*x shell.
(Or download the extracted source documentation `lineno.tex'.)
csh> source ./lineno.sty
sh> . ./lineno.sty
[ I.e., type `sh lineno.sty' (e.g.) as a UNIX command line.
Problems with awk may arise. I therefore switched to nawk
in lineno.sty v4.00, but this may trouble you as well. (UL) ]
(Please ignore the error message at the beginning about the iffalse.)
Please have a look at a similar work of Michal Jaegermann and James
<- End of official README.txt (UL)
Changes Feb. 2011: numline obsolete,, fnlineno,
amsmath compatibility, CHANGEs.txt,
Changes for v4.1 (Oct. 2004): minor fixes (removed `supported/', e.g.);
bracketed text; lines with `(UL)'; redistribution with README only.
lineno.sty v4.0
$Id: README,v 2004/09/13 20:15:47 stephan Exp $
lineno.sty v4.41
fnlineno.sty v0.55
The LaTeX package lineno.sty provides line numbers on paragraphs.
After TeX has broken a paragraph into lines there will be line numbers
attached to them, with the possibility to make references through the
LaTeX \ref, \pageref cross reference mechanism.
% Copyright 1995--2003 Stephan I. B"ottcher <>;
% Copyright 2002--2005 Uwe L"uck,,
% for versions 4.x and code from former Ednotes
% Copyright 2011 Uwe L"uck as above, for fnlineno.sty/tex/pdf
% bundle--author-maintained.
% The files listed below can be redistributed and/or modified under
% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
% version 1.3a of the License, or any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
** [ UL: A few festive words on history and responsibility **
** are next preceding hard facts as to (see lower) **
** o `Files' and **
** o `Installation and usage'. ] **
2004-09-13 Uwe L"uck [(UL)] is new maintainer for lineno.sty.
lineno.sty served the purpose for which I wrote it years ago. Uwe
L"uck uses lineno.sty with his Ednotes package, which required quite a
few changes and fixes. His package depends on lineno, therefore
Uwe agreed to take over the maintenance of lineno.sty.
lineno.sty v4.0 includes most of the well tested changes that Uwe
needs for Ednotes. These changes blend well into the concepts of the
package, so I am happy to let it go.
From here on it is Uwe's, and he may proceed to mangle it as he likes.
Expect some radical changes. You may find him to be quite a bit
friendlier towards the poor souls who still use Windows :-).
Currently, you need some kind of Unix environment to extract the
source documentation from the sty file.
If some version 3 users run into difficulties with Uwe's newer
versions, but need a minor bug-fix in version 3, please do not
hesitate to ask me for help. But all requests for new features or
major changes shall go to Uwe.
[ Thanks! And please let me know as well should
compatibility problems arise! The announced radical
changes are postponed again this time (v4.1).
--Ednotes is in
Uwe ]
Changes: see CHANGEs.txt; earlier:
2004-10-19 UL: package options for tabular and math
2004-09-03 UL: merge Ednotes changes, taking over lineno.sty
2002 .. 2003 FMi, UL, SiB: bug fixes
2001-08-04 SiB: linenomath wrapping for \[ \]
2001-07-30 SiB: [hyperref] option obsolete.
2001-01-17 SiB: LaTeX class option [twocolumn] support
2001-01-04 SiB: LaTeX class option [fleqn] support
2000-12-18 SiB: longtable compatibility
2000-07-01 SiB: extra \newlabel items, [hyperref] option
2000-03-10 SiB: indirect call of \output, to work with multicol.
1999-08-28 SiB: fixed the footnote problem using \holdinginserts
1999-06-11 SiB: included the extensions into lineno.sty
1999-03-02 SIB: Added LPPL License
Files (cf. SRCFILEs.txt):
README.txt This file. (v4.1: UL)
CHANGEs.txt Differences to previous versions. (v4.1: UL)
COPYING.txt The LPPL header.
SCRFILEs.txt Source file infos (UL 2011)
lineno.sty The package itself, ready to use.
edtable.sty Module for tabular environments. (UL, v4.1)
ednmath0.sty Module for \linelabel in math mode. (UL, v4.1)
fnlineno.sty Add-on for footnote line numbers (UL, v0.55)
lineno.tex The source for the documentation (generated)
lineno.pdf PDF deriving from the former. (v4.1: UL)
lnosuppl.pdf PDF listing of present non-PDF files
ulineno.tex The pathetic attempt of a users' manual.
[Describes v3.1 currently.] (UL, v4.1)
ulineno.pdf PDF of former.
vplref.sty Conditionally include page number in
line number references (UL, v4.2)
As of version v3.00, the extension packages for lineno have all been
incorporated into lineno.sty itself. Except for itemrule.sty,
which was removed.
TDS version:
Uwe L"uck <>
Stephan I. B"ottcher <>
Compatibility with other packages:
wrapfig.sty works since v2.05
multicol.sty works partly since 3.02.
Do NOT use \linelabel. Do NOT put a multicol in
internal vertical mode {table}, {figure}, etc.
hyperref.sty \ref to a \linelabel works since v3.03.
longtable.sty broke with lineno.sty loaded, but not enabled.
This is fixed in v3.04.
amsmath.sty loadable, but not fully supported, with v4.41
Installation and usage (UL, v4.1):
For being able to use ALL the new lineno.sty options, the
following files must be "visible" to (La)TeX ("visible"
explained below for beginners):
lineno.sty, edtable.sty, ednmath0.sty, ltabptch.sty
as above ("Home", note that clicking on "entire directory"
longtable.sty -- from the standard LaTeX Tools bundle.
Usage always starts with loading lineno.sty by \usepackage.
The remaining .sty files are loaded automatically on the
lineno.sty options (and we recommend not to load them through
[the mandatory argument of] \usepackage).
For details, see lineno.tex/pdf and the .sty files mentioned
above--search especially for tabular and math mode.
(+ `print' below here).
"Visible to (LaTeX)": Some users don't understand this
"visibility" for a while, and indeed it may be somewhat
non-trivial. These users may find help in .
E.g., former users of lineno.sty may just put all the .sty
files into the folder (at their workplace) where they had
placed lineno.sty before. (/UL, /v4.1)
To print the documented source:
Take the style-file `lineno.sty', and feed it to a Un*x shell.
(Or download the extracted source documentation `lineno.tex'.)
csh> source ./lineno.sty
sh> . ./lineno.sty
[ I.e., type `sh lineno.sty' (e.g.) as a UNIX command line.
Problems with awk may arise. I therefore switched to nawk
in lineno.sty v4.00, but this may trouble you as well. (UL) ]
(Please ignore the error message at the beginning about the iffalse.)
Please have a look at a similar work of Michal Jaegermann and James
<- End of official README.txt (UL)
Changes Feb. 2011: numline obsolete,, fnlineno,
amsmath compatibility, CHANGEs.txt,
Changes for v4.1 (Oct. 2004): minor fixes (removed `supported/', e.g.);
bracketed text; lines with `(UL)'; redistribution with README only.
lineno.sty v4.0
$Id: README,v 2004/09/13 20:15:47 stephan Exp $
*File List*
edtable.sty 2005/10/03 v1.3c arrays with lineno + ednotes (ul)
ednmath0.sty 2005/01/10 v0.2b math support for lineno/ednotes (ul)
fnlineno.sty 2011/01/07 v0.55 numbers to footnote lines (UL)
lineno.sty 2005/11/02 line numbers on paragraphs v4.41
vplref.sty 2005/04/25 v0.2a page-line cross-refs
fnlineno.tex 2011/02/14 documenting fnlineno.sty (UL)
lnosuppl.tex 2011/02/16 documenting supplementary files
ulineno.tex 2001/08/03 lineno.sty users manual
List made at 2011/02/16, 12:41
from script file srcfiles.tex
%% Macro package `ednmath0.sty' for LaTeX2e,
%% copyright (C) 2004 Uwe L\"uck,
%% --author-maintained;
%% math support for `lineno.sty' and `ednotes.sty'.
\def\fileversion{v0.2b} \def\filedate{2005/01/10}
%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the
%% terms of the LaTeX Project Public License distributed from
%% CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
%% version 1.3a of the License, or any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% There is NO WARRANTY.
%% This code is very EXPERIMENTAL!
%% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via
% lineno.sty's \linelabel and ednotes.sty's commands are enabled
% to work in math mode if it's "entered in outer mode"
% (including `displaymath' and `equation' environments).
% (lineno.sty is the package by Stephan Boettcher.)
% They will even work in tabular environments that are adjusted
% to notes by package `edtable.sty'.
% -- Does not work yet in environments like LaTeX's
% `eqnarray'. (This could probably repaired along the lines
% of Edtable.sty--we're short of time and will try later.)
% -- Useful error messages when (i) math mode is entered from
% inner mode or when (ii) a math display gets not line number
% are missing at present.
%% * USAGE: *
% * Most simple: *
% --If you are working with ednotes and want to use its
% commands in math mode, load ednotes.sty--version 0.8
% onwards--with its package option `mathnotes'.
% --If you don't work with ednotes, only with lineno, you
% get the main feature of making \linelabel work in math mode
% by loading lineno.sty--version 4.1 onwards--with its
% package option `mathrefs'.
% * Switch off and on: *
% To reduce danger resulting from missing error messages
% ("caveat" above), you may switch these new math facilities
% off by \NoNotesToMath where you don't expect to need them.
% You may switch them on again by \NotesToMath where you want
% to use them, being aware of the danger. Both commands work
% locally, so you can replace one of them by enclosing it in
% a group. E.g., even, after \NoNotesToMath you can use an
% environment as follows:
% \begin{NotesToMath}
% <text>
% \end{NotesToMath}
% (I am not quite sure that this is useful.)
% * Customize ellipsis: *
% ednotes' \lemmaellipsis is changed to expand to
% \mathlemmaellipsis when entering math, and this is preset
% to be LaTeX's \mathellipsis. (This is three dots as
% \mathinner.) You can change this by redefining
% \mathlemmaellipsis, e.g.:
% \renewcommand{\mathlemmaellipsis}{\cdots}
% If you need \cdots as the ellipsis at a single place only,
% you may, of course, use the `<...>' option of \<, e.g.:
% $ x = \Anote{a\<<\cdots>bcd\>e}{Indeed?} - y $
% * Customize note mode: *
% For variant readings, you may want that the note is
% usually set in math mode--so you may want that you
% needn't type the dollar signs in the note text.
% Note that you can do this by customizing \notefmt,
% and you can do this by customizing \Anotefmt (e.g.)
% to have this feature for \Anote only.
math support for lineno/ednotes (ul)]
%% User commands:
\@bsphack \@esphack
% For \begin{NotesToMath}
%% Core code for lineno.sty:
Bad lineno.sty version%
lineno.sty from 2004/08/16 or later
must be loaded earlier.%
%% Core code for ednotes.sty:
% v0.01 sent a warning in this case. Considered superfluous now.
% \expandafter \def \expandafter \@EN@lemmatag
% \expandafter {\expandafter $\expandafter
% \def \expandafter \lemmaellipsis \expandafter {%
% \expandafter \mathlemmaellipsis \expandafter }%
% \@EN@lemmatag $}%
% To be sure, \lemmaellipsis doesn't need to be changed when
% ednotes `\<...\>' feature is not used. Though I prefer to
% use one hook only in ednotes for both situations, with and
% without `\<...\>'.
% The final \unskip in ednotes' \@EN@lemmatag would undo a final
% \quad. That's OK: outside math the same happens.
% In v0.01, \NoNotesToMath undid ednotes changes for math mode.
% However, re-appearence of \linelabel error messages suffices.
% Now add lemma switch to the left of \[No]NotesToMath:
\let \noexpand\@EN@mathlemmatag \noexpand\@EN@themathlemmatag
% \typeout{\string\NotesToMath: \meaning\NotesToMath}
\let \noexpand\@EN@mathlemmatag \relax
% \typeout{\string\NoNotesToMath: \meaning\NoNotesToMath}
% We need no extra device for a choice for users whether the *note*
% should be set in math mode or in horizontal mode by default
% (which might depend on the kind ["layer"] of notes).
% This can be done already by customization of ednotes' \notefmt.
% However, we might change ednotes' default \notefmt to default
% \renewcommand*{\notefmt}[1]{$#1$}
%% TODO: Since when has LaTeX provided \mathellipsis?
%% -> \Needs...
% Default:
%% TODO: Without \linenumberdisplaymath, in displaymath,
%% an error should be shown. Use, e.g., that in a displaymath
%% \ifinner is false.
%% TODO: E.g., by changing \everymath, perhaps can be warned
%% that the math group is in a box already, so the vertical
%% items will get lost.
%% TODO: Adjust `eqnarray' (in Edtable?) as well.
v0.01 2004/08/16 First version, sent to Christian.
v0.02 2004/08/16 Considerably simplified for ednotes.
2004/08/19 Added ellipsis stuff, documentation, and
instructions. Uncapitalized package names.
Added \end[No]NotesToMath.
2004/08/20 Added \@bsphack and \@esphack; corrected
ednotes extension (too much deleted, completely
wrong), introducing \@EN@themathlemmatag.
v0.02b .../08/31 Rearranged preamble concerning maintenance.
v0.1 2004/09/20 Removed mentions of `linenox0.sty'.
v0.2 2004/10/07 Removed another mention of `linenox0.sty';
Instructions: `lineno' or `ednotes.sty' option.
v0.2a 2004/11/07 LPPL v1.3a.
v0.2b 2005/01/10 Contact via http.
\ProvidesFile{fnlineno.tex}[2011/02/14 documenting fnlineno.sty (UL)]
\title{\textsf{fnlineno.sty}\\---\\Numbering Footnote Lines\thanks{This
document %%% manual %% 2010/12/28
describes version
of \textsf{fnlineno.sty} as of \UseDateOf{fnlineno.sty}.}}
% \listfiles %% 2010/12/22
{ \RequirePackage{makedoc}[2010/12/20] \ProcessLineMessage{}
\MakeJobDoc{19}{\SectionLevelThreeParseInput} %% 2010/12/16
\documentclass{article}%% TODO paper dimensions!?
\input{makedoc.cfg} %% shared formatting settings
\newcommand*{\lt}{<} \newcommand*{\gt}{>} %% 2010/12/22
\providecommand*{\strong}{\textbf} %% 2010/12/15
% \hypersetup{bookmarksopen} %% rm. 2010/12/21, cf. .cfg
%% 2010/12/21: %% 2010/12/26 not sure, splits code
% \makeatletter \@beginparpenalty\@highpenalty \makeatother
%% 2010/12/27:
\makeatletter \@beginparpenalty\@lowpenalty \makeatother
'fnlineno.sty' extends
% Stephan~I. B\"ottcher's
(created by Stephan~I. B\"ottcher)
such that even
`\footnote' %% `\' 2010/12/09
lines are numbered and can be referred to
using `\linelabel', `\ref', etc.
%% rm. 2011/02/09:
% Version v0.5 aims at working as a user expects
% (just cf.~``Limitations"), otherwise please complain!
Making the package was motivated as support for
\emph{critical editions}
% of scientific work from an age when footnotes
% were a standard in publishing in print,
%% <- 2011/02/09 ->
of \emph{printed works with footnotes}
as opposed to scholarly critical editions of \emph{manuscripts.}
For this purpose, an extension 'edfnotes' of the \ctanpkgref{ednotes}
package for critical editions, building on 'fnlineno', is provided
by the \textit{ednotes} bundle.\urlfoot{CtanPkgRef}{ednotes}
'lineno.sty' has also been used for the revision process
of \emph{submissions.}
With 'fnlineno.sty', reference to footnotes
in the submitted work may become possible.
%% rm. 2011/02/09:
% Another standalone package 'finstrut' is described.
As to \emph{implementation:} %% 2011/02/14
1.~Some included tools for
\emph{storing and restoring global settings}
may be ``exported" as standalone packages later.
2.~The method of typesetting footnotes on the main vertical list
may later lead to applying the line numbering method to
several \emph{parallel} texts (with footnotes) and to
`inner' material such as table cells.
%% <- 2011/02/14 ->
% \dots
%% new 2011/02/09:
\strong{Keywords:}\quad line numbers; footnotes, pagewise,
critical editions, revision
% \newpage %% rm. 2011/02/09
\section{Usage and Features}
\subsection{Package File Header (Legalize)}
2010/12/08 for v0.1 very first
2010/12/09 for v0.2 moved much to .sty
2010/12/15 for v0.4 \strong
2010/12/16 \SectionLevelThree...
2010/12/22ff. beginparpenalty varied
2010/12/28 for v0.5 abstract extended
2011/02/09 removing `finstrut'; mention `edfnotes'
2011/02/10 using \urlpkgfoot etc.
2011/02/14 abstract modified
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
%% LNoSuppl.tex -- U.L.
[2011/02/16 documenting supplementary files]
\title{\LARGE \bf Supplementary files belonging \\
to the \textit{lineno.sty} distribution \\[1ex]
\normalfont \Large
Lazy \texttt{ASCII}\,$\to$\,\texttt{PDF} listings}
\author{Uwe L\"uck}
%% hyperref settings from makedoc.cfg 2011/02/14:
% bookmarks=false, %% 2010/12/22
% bookmarksnumbered,
bookmarksopen, %% 2011/01/24!?
bookmarksopenlevel=2, %% 2011/01/23
% pdfpagemode=UseNone,
% pdfstartpage=10,
% pdfstartview=FitH,
citebordercolor={ .6 1 .6},
filebordercolor={1 .6 1},
linkbordercolor={1 .9 .7},
urlbordercolor={ .7 1 1}, %% playing 2011/01/24
\newcommand*{\lcurl}[2][]{%% `mirror', \url #2 2011/02/14
\newcommand*{\Verbatiminput}[1]{%% 2011/02/14
\ifx\protect\@typeset@protect #1%
\texttt{lineno.sty} is a macro package made by
Stephan~I.~B\"ottcher for attaching line numbers to
\LaTeX\ documents. Some people have used it for revising
submittings in collaboration with referees or co-authors.
Documentations are nowadays preferred to be in
Adobe's \texttt{PDF}---so \texttt{lineno.sty}'s
documentation is \lcurl[lineno/]{lineno.pdf}.
\texttt{ednotes.sty} uses \texttt{lineno.sty} for critical
editions, combining it with Alexander~I.~Rozhenko's
\texttt{manyfoot.sty}---this was Christian Tapp's idea,
who then hired me for adding the \TeX nical details.
In doing this, I had to change some internals of
\texttt{lineno.sty}, so Stephan transferred maintenance
to me; then some of my macro files that I originally had
made for \texttt{ednotes.sty} wandered into the
\texttt{lineno} directory of CTAN---because they turned
out not to need \texttt{ednotes.sty},
just to work as extensions of \texttt{lineno.sty}\,.
Now, I haven't had the time for making \texttt{.dtx} versions
of the \texttt{.sty} files for \texttt{ednotes}.
Therefore, ordinary \texttt{.pdf} documentation for
the remaining \texttt{.sty} files of \texttt{lineno}
is missing.
What you see here is nothing but a somewhat structured listing
of the additional \texttt{.txt} and \texttt{.sty} files in
\texttt{PDF}, deriving from the \texttt{verbatim} package and
its \cs{verbatiminput} command. I hope the high quality
(scalable) output is worth it.
By contrast, the new package \texttt{fnlineno.sty} added in 2011 for
footnote line numbers is documented in \lcurl[lineno/]{fnlineno.pdf}
in high quality, using the \lcurl{nicetext} bundle.
\leavevmode\hfill \textit{U.\,L.}
\section{The \texttt{.txt} files}
\subsection{Summary: \texttt{README.txt}}
\subsection{Licenses/Copyright: \texttt{COPYING.txt}}
\subsection{Update summaries: \texttt{CHANGEs.txt}}
%% rm. 2011/02/16:
% \subsection{Files and subdirectories: \texttt{FILEs.txt}}
% \verbatiminput{FILEs.txt}
\subsection{Source file infos: \texttt{SRCFILEs.txt}}
\section{Tabular and array environments}
\texttt{lineno.sty}'s package options \texttt{edtable},
\texttt{longtable}, and \texttt{nolongtablepatch}
redefine \LaTeX\ tabular and array environments
such that \texttt{lineno} and \texttt{ednotes} commands
can be used inside. The code for these options resides
in separate files at present. We are listing them here.
\section{\cs{linelabel} and notes from \textit{math} mode:
\notinaux{\\} \texttt{ednmath0.sty}}
\section{Extended line number references: \texttt{vplref.sty}}
\texttt{vplref.sty} is input through the \texttt{lineno}
package option \texttt{addpageno}. This adds page numbers
to line number references to distant sides---using the
\texttt{varioref} package from the \LaTeX\ distribution.
end of LNoSuppl.tex
%% `vplref.sty'
%% -- extended line number referencing with lineno.sty.
\def\filedate{2005/04/25} \def\fileversion{0.2a}
%% Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Uwe Lueck,
%% --author-maintained
%% -- support of lineno.sty for varioref.sty.
%% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under
%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
%% version 1.3 of the License, or any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
% \vpagelineref{<label>} expands to
% a) \ref{<label>}
% -- if on same page as \linelabel{<label>}
% b) \LineWithPage{<label>} -- otherwise.
% \LineWithPage{<label>} expands -- by default -- to
% \pageref{<label>}.\ref{<label>}
% This can be customized by editing
% \renewcommand*{\LineWithPage}[1]{\pageref{#1}.\ref{#1}}
% in your document preamble, after vplref.sty has been loaded
% (which may have happened through lineno.sty with option
% `addpageno').
\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01] %% \Declare...*
\ProvidesPackage{vplref}[\filedate\space v\fileversion \space
page-line cross-refs] %% UL 2011/02/13
%% Anderer Ansatz: GPNo (\FirstOnPage)
% \def\reftextcurrent{\lineref{#1}}%% First vpageref arg.
%% <- Looks somewhat stupid, but varioref.sty has its merits
%% as compared with the mechanism in ednotes.sty.
\vpageref[\ref{#1}][]{#1}%% The robust alternative.
%% Here and with \LineWithPage, \lineref seems more appropriate
%% than \ref, but it produces errors when labels have not been
%% defined. This seems to be an incompatibility with lineno.sty.
%% Customizable format for different page:
v0.1 2004/10/19 First, sent to Sergei Mariev.
v0.11 2004/10/19 Fit to recent varioref version;
sent to Sergei.
v0.2 2005/04/25 \Require... \AtBeginDocument.
v0.2a 2011/02/13 add. caption to \ProvidesPackage
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
We exploit the relationship between agent capacity and the compositionality of
symbolic language that emerged in our natural referential game.
For various configuration of
vocabulary size, we train the speaker-listener agents to emerge symbolic
vocabulary size, we fix $|M_0|=|M_1|=3$ and train the speaker-listener agents to emerge symbolic
language when varying the agent capacities, i.e., hidden layer size
($h_{size}$), from 6 to 100.
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