Commit d28758bd by haoyifan

haoyifan add

parent 4a3afd5a
\bibcite{bogin2018emergence}{{2}{2018}{{Bogin, Geva, and Berant}}{{}}}
\bibcite{chaabouni2020compositionality}{{3}{2020}{{Chaabouni et~al.}}{{Chaabouni, Kharitonov, Bouchacourt, Dupoux, and Baroni}}}
\bibcite{chaabouni-etal-2019-word}{{4}{2019}{{Chaabouni et~al.}}{{Chaabouni, Kharitonov, Lazaric, Dupoux, and Baroni}}}
\bibcite{choi2018compositional}{{5}{2018}{{Choi, Lazaridou, and de~Freitas}}{{}}}
\bibcite{evtimova2018emergent}{{7}{2018}{{Evtimova et~al.}}{{Evtimova, Drozdov, Kiela, and Cho}}}
\bibcite{jaques2019social}{{8}{2019}{{Jaques et~al.}}{{Jaques, Lazaridou, Hughes, Gulcehre, Ortega, Strouse, Leibo, and De~Freitas}}}
\bibcite{kharitonov2019egg}{{9}{2019}{{Kharitonov et~al.}}{{Kharitonov, Chaabouni, Bouchacourt, and Baroni}}}
\bibcite{kirby2015compression}{{10}{2015}{{Kirby et~al.}}{{Kirby, Tamariz, Cornish, and Smith}}}
\bibcite{kottur-etal-2017-natural}{{11}{2017}{{Kottur et~al.}}{{Kottur, Moura, Lee, and Batra}}}
\bibcite{labash2020perspective}{{12}{2020}{{Labash et~al.}}{{Labash, Aru, Matiisen, Tampuu, and Vicente}}}
\bibcite{lazaridou2018emergence}{{13}{2018}{{Lazaridou et~al.}}{{Lazaridou, Hermann, Tuyls, and Clark}}}
\bibcite{li2019ease}{{14}{2019}{{Li and Bowling}}{{}}}
\bibcite{mordatch2017emergence}{{15}{2017}{{Mordatch and Abbeel}}{{}}}
\bibcite{mul2019mastering}{{16}{2019}{{Mul, Bouchacourt, and Bruni}}{{}}}
\providecommand{\urlprefix}{URL }
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Andreas, J. 2018.
\newblock Measuring Compositionality in Representation Learning.
\newblock In \emph{International Conference on Learning Representations}.
\bibitem[{Bogin, Geva, and Berant(2018)}]{bogin2018emergence}
Bogin, B.; Geva, M.; and Berant, J. 2018.
\newblock Emergence of Communication in an Interactive World with Consistent
\newblock \emph{arXiv} arXiv--1809.
\bibitem[{Chaabouni et~al.(2020)Chaabouni, Kharitonov, Bouchacourt, Dupoux, and
Chaabouni, R.; Kharitonov, E.; Bouchacourt, D.; Dupoux, E.; and Baroni, M.
\newblock Compositionality and generalization in emergent languages.
\newblock \emph{arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.09124} .
\bibitem[{Chaabouni et~al.(2019)Chaabouni, Kharitonov, Lazaric, Dupoux, and
Chaabouni, R.; Kharitonov, E.; Lazaric, A.; Dupoux, E.; and Baroni, M. 2019.
\newblock Word-order Biases in Deep-agent Emergent Communication.
\newblock In \emph{Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association
for Computational Linguistics}, 5166--5175. Florence, Italy: Association for
Computational Linguistics.
\newblock \doi{10.18653/v1/P19-1509}.
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\bibitem[{Choi, Lazaridou, and de~Freitas(2018)}]{choi2018compositional}
Choi, E.; Lazaridou, A.; and de~Freitas, N. 2018.
\newblock Compositional Obverter Communication Learning from Raw Visual Input.
\newblock In \emph{International Conference on Learning Representations}.
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\newblock Convention: a philosophical study.
\bibitem[{Evtimova et~al.(2018)Evtimova, Drozdov, Kiela, and
Evtimova, K.; Drozdov, A.; Kiela, D.; and Cho, K. 2018.
\newblock Emergent Communication in a Multi-Modal, Multi-Step Referential Game.
\newblock In \emph{International Conference on Learning Representations}.
\bibitem[{Jaques et~al.(2019)Jaques, Lazaridou, Hughes, Gulcehre, Ortega,
Strouse, Leibo, and De~Freitas}]{jaques2019social}
Jaques, N.; Lazaridou, A.; Hughes, E.; Gulcehre, C.; Ortega, P.; Strouse, D.;
Leibo, J.~Z.; and De~Freitas, N. 2019.
\newblock Social influence as intrinsic motivation for multi-agent deep
reinforcement learning.
\newblock In \emph{International Conference on Machine Learning}, 3040--3049.
\bibitem[{Kharitonov et~al.(2019)Kharitonov, Chaabouni, Bouchacourt, and
Kharitonov, E.; Chaabouni, R.; Bouchacourt, D.; and Baroni, M. 2019.
\newblock EGG: a toolkit for research on Emergence of lanGuage in Games.
\newblock In \emph{Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in
Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on
Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP): System Demonstrations}, 55--60.
\bibitem[{Kirby et~al.(2015)Kirby, Tamariz, Cornish, and
Kirby, S.; Tamariz, M.; Cornish, H.; and Smith, K. 2015.
\newblock Compression and communication in the cultural evolution of linguistic
\newblock \emph{Cognition} 141: 87--102.
\bibitem[{Kottur et~al.(2017)Kottur, Moura, Lee, and
Kottur, S.; Moura, J.; Lee, S.; and Batra, D. 2017.
\newblock Natural Language Does Not Emerge {`}Naturally{'} in Multi-Agent
\newblock In \emph{Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in
Natural Language Processing}, 2962--2967. Copenhagen, Denmark: Association
for Computational Linguistics.
\newblock \doi{10.18653/v1/D17-1321}.
\newblock \urlprefix\url{}.
\bibitem[{Labash et~al.(2020)Labash, Aru, Matiisen, Tampuu, and
Labash, A.; Aru, J.; Matiisen, T.; Tampuu, A.; and Vicente, R. 2020.
\newblock Perspective taking in deep reinforcement learning agents.
\newblock \emph{Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience} 14.
\bibitem[{Lazaridou et~al.(2018)Lazaridou, Hermann, Tuyls, and
Lazaridou, A.; Hermann, K.~M.; Tuyls, K.; and Clark, S. 2018.
\newblock Emergence of Linguistic Communication from Referential Games with
Symbolic and Pixel Input.
\newblock In \emph{International Conference on Learning Representations}.
\bibitem[{Li and Bowling(2019)}]{li2019ease}
Li, F.; and Bowling, M. 2019.
\newblock Ease-of-teaching and language structure from emergent communication.
\newblock In \emph{Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
\bibitem[{Mordatch and Abbeel(2017)}]{mordatch2017emergence}
Mordatch, I.; and Abbeel, P. 2017.
\newblock Emergence of grounded compositional language in multi-agent
\newblock \emph{arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.04908} .
\bibitem[{Mul, Bouchacourt, and Bruni(2019)}]{mul2019mastering}
Mul, M.; Bouchacourt, D.; and Bruni, E. 2019.
\newblock Mastering emergent language: learning to guide in simulated
\newblock \emph{arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.05135} .
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This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
CHANGES for lineno bundle 2011/02/16:
1. new fnlineno.sty for numbering footnote lines + \linelabel,
described in fnlineno.pdf
2. new overview SRCFILEs.txt
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.41 2005/11/02:
1. Loadable after amsmath.
2. Removed some nonsense from documentation.
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.4 2005/10/27
[failed to be uploaded to CTAN, but distributed by mail]:
1. Proper effective line depth at end of paragraphs.
The spacing bug was quite obvious in two-column mode
when a paragraph end was at a column bottom.
2. Another bug concerning two-column mode that had been
introduced in v4.22 has been removed again.
3. Support for \addvspace introduced more and more bugs
in versions of v4.32 and v4.33. The reasons seem to
be clear now, and v4.4 should be stable.
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.32 2005/10/17:
1. Support for \addvspace
(a math display or a list meets a heading -- or a sub-heading
follows a heading -- or the like)
2. Clearly explained former option `displaymath' and its change
to a default.
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.31 2005/10/01:
1. \modulolinenumbers* and a package option `modulo*' for
printing first line number after interrupting editor's
text, regardless of the modulo.
2. Improved explanation of \firstlinenumber and package
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.3 2005/05/16:
1. Option `displaymath' (proper numbering at paragraphs
containing math displays) becomes default.
2. Compatibility with hyperref now indeed (at least much more).
3. Tidied up documentation: terrible confusion of \newcounter
vs. \stepcounter; sections on the same matter written at
different times; ...
4. Additional internal improvements that perhaps hardly are
observable (no more spurious linenumbers in math displays
from vertical mode; some compatibity with packages that use
\holdinginserts; \linelabel in headings etc.).
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.22 2005/05/09:
1. Restored "global" version of numbering lines of a \parbox or
minipage or ... (I had missed and disabled this in taking
over lineno.sty), explained in documentation (lineno.pdf/dvi
subsec. 7.2).
2. Enabled \flushbottom in two-column pagewise or switching
3. Re-implemented modulo mode -- disabling certain users' tricks
see lineno.pdf sec. 5.5, also for a still supported
substituting trick.
4. Tidied up setting the next line number globally vs. locally
(TeXbook p. 301).
5. Tidied up discussions (in documentation) of possible changes
in implementation.
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.21 2005/04/28:
Removed serious flaws with math display, + something ...
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.2 2005/04/26:
1. Re-enabled package option `displaymath' (needed rearrangement
after sec. 5).
2. New package option `addpageno' for adding page numbers to
line number references -- see sec. 6.1 of lineno.pdf.
3. Improved support for \includeonly (and improved sec. 5.3,
p. 27).
4. Improved compatibility with other packages that change \output
(tameflts.sty, e.g., for saving footnotes against \marginpar
and floats), added advice on this matter -- sec. 2.3,
pp. 7, 14f.
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.11 2005/03/08:
1. The `edtable' option now supports math environments like
`array'. This requires updating edtable.sty to v1.3. (The claim
in previous versions of edtable on this support simply was
wrong, sorry.) For how to make use of this support, we urge you
to read the usage instructions in edtable.sty (v1.3). These have
been extended very much, structured more clearly, and supplied
with examples.
2. \linelabel now complains when appearing outside line
numbering mode. This counters Stephan Boettcher's original
intention, but I generalize from my own experience that it is
helpful to be told when you have forgotten to switch into line
numbering mode and (e.g.) wonder why all the line number
references are 1 ... ednotes.sty users profit as well (at least
I expect and hope that anybody profits, which, to be sure, does
not mean that I hope that anybody forgets to switch ...).
3. The subsection on `edtable' in lineno.sty/tex/pdf was not
quite correct or complete -- corrected, improved.
4. The final list of user commands in lineno.sty/tex/pdf has not
been complete. This has not changed, but it is briefly explained
what is missing and where it can be found.
CHANGE 2005/01/20:
We have devised macros for indexing with line numbers,
yet we don't take the time to release them officially.
If you are interested, please ask via
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.1 2004/10/19:
Extension packages from the Ednotes bundle for enabling
\linelabel in math mode and tabular environments are now
handled through new package options `mathrefs', `edtable',
`longtable', and `nolongtablepatch'. Two of these extension
packages moved from the ednotes folder to the lineno folder.
lineno.tex/pdf has been updated accordingly.
CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.00 2004/09/03:
o incorporated earlier extension packages linenox0.sty,
linenox1.sty, lnopatch.sty (which belonged to the
Ednotes bundle before);
o adopted LaTeX Project Public License v1.3.
% lineno.sty
% The files in this directory are
% Copyright 1995--2003 Stephan I. B"ottcher <>;
% Copyright 2002--2005 Uwe L"uck,,
% for versions 4.x and code from former Ednotes
% bundle--author-maintained.
% Copyright 2011 Uwe L"uck,,
% for fnlineno.sty/tex/pdf
% The files can be redistributed and/or modified under
% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
% version 1.3a of the License, or any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
% ============================================================================
<- (UL) End of official declaration.
add. fnlineno 2011/02/16 ul
This file -> The files 2004/10/12 ul
$Id: COPYING,v 2004/09/13 20:15:47 stephan Exp $
LPPL v1.3a 2004/10/26
lineno.sty v4.41
fnlineno.sty v0.55
The LaTeX package lineno.sty provides line numbers on paragraphs.
After TeX has broken a paragraph into lines there will be line numbers
attached to them, with the possibility to make references through the
LaTeX \ref, \pageref cross reference mechanism.
% Copyright 1995--2003 Stephan I. B"ottcher <>;
% Copyright 2002--2005 Uwe L"uck,,
% for versions 4.x and code from former Ednotes
% Copyright 2011 Uwe L"uck as above, for fnlineno.sty/tex/pdf
% bundle--author-maintained.
% The files listed below can be redistributed and/or modified under
% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
% version 1.3a of the License, or any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
** [ UL: A few festive words on history and responsibility **
** are next preceding hard facts as to (see lower) **
** o `Files' and **
** o `Installation and usage'. ] **
2004-09-13 Uwe L"uck [(UL)] is new maintainer for lineno.sty.
lineno.sty served the purpose for which I wrote it years ago. Uwe
L"uck uses lineno.sty with his Ednotes package, which required quite a
few changes and fixes. His package depends on lineno, therefore
Uwe agreed to take over the maintenance of lineno.sty.
lineno.sty v4.0 includes most of the well tested changes that Uwe
needs for Ednotes. These changes blend well into the concepts of the
package, so I am happy to let it go.
From here on it is Uwe's, and he may proceed to mangle it as he likes.
Expect some radical changes. You may find him to be quite a bit
friendlier towards the poor souls who still use Windows :-).
Currently, you need some kind of Unix environment to extract the
source documentation from the sty file.
If some version 3 users run into difficulties with Uwe's newer
versions, but need a minor bug-fix in version 3, please do not
hesitate to ask me for help. But all requests for new features or
major changes shall go to Uwe.
[ Thanks! And please let me know as well should
compatibility problems arise! The announced radical
changes are postponed again this time (v4.1).
--Ednotes is in
Uwe ]
Changes: see CHANGEs.txt; earlier:
2004-10-19 UL: package options for tabular and math
2004-09-03 UL: merge Ednotes changes, taking over lineno.sty
2002 .. 2003 FMi, UL, SiB: bug fixes
2001-08-04 SiB: linenomath wrapping for \[ \]
2001-07-30 SiB: [hyperref] option obsolete.
2001-01-17 SiB: LaTeX class option [twocolumn] support
2001-01-04 SiB: LaTeX class option [fleqn] support
2000-12-18 SiB: longtable compatibility
2000-07-01 SiB: extra \newlabel items, [hyperref] option
2000-03-10 SiB: indirect call of \output, to work with multicol.
1999-08-28 SiB: fixed the footnote problem using \holdinginserts
1999-06-11 SiB: included the extensions into lineno.sty
1999-03-02 SIB: Added LPPL License
Files (cf. SRCFILEs.txt):
README.txt This file. (v4.1: UL)
CHANGEs.txt Differences to previous versions. (v4.1: UL)
COPYING.txt The LPPL header.
SCRFILEs.txt Source file infos (UL 2011)
lineno.sty The package itself, ready to use.
edtable.sty Module for tabular environments. (UL, v4.1)
ednmath0.sty Module for \linelabel in math mode. (UL, v4.1)
fnlineno.sty Add-on for footnote line numbers (UL, v0.55)
lineno.tex The source for the documentation (generated)
lineno.pdf PDF deriving from the former. (v4.1: UL)
lnosuppl.pdf PDF listing of present non-PDF files
ulineno.tex The pathetic attempt of a users' manual.
[Describes v3.1 currently.] (UL, v4.1)
ulineno.pdf PDF of former.
vplref.sty Conditionally include page number in
line number references (UL, v4.2)
As of version v3.00, the extension packages for lineno have all been
incorporated into lineno.sty itself. Except for itemrule.sty,
which was removed.
TDS version:
Uwe L"uck <>
Stephan I. B"ottcher <>
Compatibility with other packages:
wrapfig.sty works since v2.05
multicol.sty works partly since 3.02.
Do NOT use \linelabel. Do NOT put a multicol in
internal vertical mode {table}, {figure}, etc.
hyperref.sty \ref to a \linelabel works since v3.03.
longtable.sty broke with lineno.sty loaded, but not enabled.
This is fixed in v3.04.
amsmath.sty loadable, but not fully supported, with v4.41
Installation and usage (UL, v4.1):
For being able to use ALL the new lineno.sty options, the
following files must be "visible" to (La)TeX ("visible"
explained below for beginners):
lineno.sty, edtable.sty, ednmath0.sty, ltabptch.sty
as above ("Home", note that clicking on "entire directory"
longtable.sty -- from the standard LaTeX Tools bundle.
Usage always starts with loading lineno.sty by \usepackage.
The remaining .sty files are loaded automatically on the
lineno.sty options (and we recommend not to load them through
[the mandatory argument of] \usepackage).
For details, see lineno.tex/pdf and the .sty files mentioned
above--search especially for tabular and math mode.
(+ `print' below here).
"Visible to (LaTeX)": Some users don't understand this
"visibility" for a while, and indeed it may be somewhat
non-trivial. These users may find help in .
E.g., former users of lineno.sty may just put all the .sty
files into the folder (at their workplace) where they had
placed lineno.sty before. (/UL, /v4.1)
To print the documented source:
Take the style-file `lineno.sty', and feed it to a Un*x shell.
(Or download the extracted source documentation `lineno.tex'.)
csh> source ./lineno.sty
sh> . ./lineno.sty
[ I.e., type `sh lineno.sty' (e.g.) as a UNIX command line.
Problems with awk may arise. I therefore switched to nawk
in lineno.sty v4.00, but this may trouble you as well. (UL) ]
(Please ignore the error message at the beginning about the iffalse.)
Please have a look at a similar work of Michal Jaegermann and James
<- End of official README.txt (UL)
Changes Feb. 2011: numline obsolete,, fnlineno,
amsmath compatibility, CHANGEs.txt,
Changes for v4.1 (Oct. 2004): minor fixes (removed `supported/', e.g.);
bracketed text; lines with `(UL)'; redistribution with README only.
lineno.sty v4.0
$Id: README,v 2004/09/13 20:15:47 stephan Exp $
lineno.sty v4.41
fnlineno.sty v0.55
The LaTeX package lineno.sty provides line numbers on paragraphs.
After TeX has broken a paragraph into lines there will be line numbers
attached to them, with the possibility to make references through the
LaTeX \ref, \pageref cross reference mechanism.
% Copyright 1995--2003 Stephan I. B"ottcher <>;
% Copyright 2002--2005 Uwe L"uck,,
% for versions 4.x and code from former Ednotes
% Copyright 2011 Uwe L"uck as above, for fnlineno.sty/tex/pdf
% bundle--author-maintained.
% The files listed below can be redistributed and/or modified under
% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
% version 1.3a of the License, or any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
** [ UL: A few festive words on history and responsibility **
** are next preceding hard facts as to (see lower) **
** o `Files' and **
** o `Installation and usage'. ] **
2004-09-13 Uwe L"uck [(UL)] is new maintainer for lineno.sty.
lineno.sty served the purpose for which I wrote it years ago. Uwe
L"uck uses lineno.sty with his Ednotes package, which required quite a
few changes and fixes. His package depends on lineno, therefore
Uwe agreed to take over the maintenance of lineno.sty.
lineno.sty v4.0 includes most of the well tested changes that Uwe
needs for Ednotes. These changes blend well into the concepts of the
package, so I am happy to let it go.
From here on it is Uwe's, and he may proceed to mangle it as he likes.
Expect some radical changes. You may find him to be quite a bit
friendlier towards the poor souls who still use Windows :-).
Currently, you need some kind of Unix environment to extract the
source documentation from the sty file.
If some version 3 users run into difficulties with Uwe's newer
versions, but need a minor bug-fix in version 3, please do not
hesitate to ask me for help. But all requests for new features or
major changes shall go to Uwe.
[ Thanks! And please let me know as well should
compatibility problems arise! The announced radical
changes are postponed again this time (v4.1).
--Ednotes is in
Uwe ]
Changes: see CHANGEs.txt; earlier:
2004-10-19 UL: package options for tabular and math
2004-09-03 UL: merge Ednotes changes, taking over lineno.sty
2002 .. 2003 FMi, UL, SiB: bug fixes
2001-08-04 SiB: linenomath wrapping for \[ \]
2001-07-30 SiB: [hyperref] option obsolete.
2001-01-17 SiB: LaTeX class option [twocolumn] support
2001-01-04 SiB: LaTeX class option [fleqn] support
2000-12-18 SiB: longtable compatibility
2000-07-01 SiB: extra \newlabel items, [hyperref] option
2000-03-10 SiB: indirect call of \output, to work with multicol.
1999-08-28 SiB: fixed the footnote problem using \holdinginserts
1999-06-11 SiB: included the extensions into lineno.sty
1999-03-02 SIB: Added LPPL License
Files (cf. SRCFILEs.txt):
README.txt This file. (v4.1: UL)
CHANGEs.txt Differences to previous versions. (v4.1: UL)
COPYING.txt The LPPL header.
SCRFILEs.txt Source file infos (UL 2011)
lineno.sty The package itself, ready to use.
edtable.sty Module for tabular environments. (UL, v4.1)
ednmath0.sty Module for \linelabel in math mode. (UL, v4.1)
fnlineno.sty Add-on for footnote line numbers (UL, v0.55)
lineno.tex The source for the documentation (generated)
lineno.pdf PDF deriving from the former. (v4.1: UL)
lnosuppl.pdf PDF listing of present non-PDF files
ulineno.tex The pathetic attempt of a users' manual.
[Describes v3.1 currently.] (UL, v4.1)
ulineno.pdf PDF of former.
vplref.sty Conditionally include page number in
line number references (UL, v4.2)
As of version v3.00, the extension packages for lineno have all been
incorporated into lineno.sty itself. Except for itemrule.sty,
which was removed.
TDS version:
Uwe L"uck <>
Stephan I. B"ottcher <>
Compatibility with other packages:
wrapfig.sty works since v2.05
multicol.sty works partly since 3.02.
Do NOT use \linelabel. Do NOT put a multicol in
internal vertical mode {table}, {figure}, etc.
hyperref.sty \ref to a \linelabel works since v3.03.
longtable.sty broke with lineno.sty loaded, but not enabled.
This is fixed in v3.04.
amsmath.sty loadable, but not fully supported, with v4.41
Installation and usage (UL, v4.1):
For being able to use ALL the new lineno.sty options, the
following files must be "visible" to (La)TeX ("visible"
explained below for beginners):
lineno.sty, edtable.sty, ednmath0.sty, ltabptch.sty
as above ("Home", note that clicking on "entire directory"
longtable.sty -- from the standard LaTeX Tools bundle.
Usage always starts with loading lineno.sty by \usepackage.
The remaining .sty files are loaded automatically on the
lineno.sty options (and we recommend not to load them through
[the mandatory argument of] \usepackage).
For details, see lineno.tex/pdf and the .sty files mentioned
above--search especially for tabular and math mode.
(+ `print' below here).
"Visible to (LaTeX)": Some users don't understand this
"visibility" for a while, and indeed it may be somewhat
non-trivial. These users may find help in .
E.g., former users of lineno.sty may just put all the .sty
files into the folder (at their workplace) where they had
placed lineno.sty before. (/UL, /v4.1)
To print the documented source:
Take the style-file `lineno.sty', and feed it to a Un*x shell.
(Or download the extracted source documentation `lineno.tex'.)
csh> source ./lineno.sty
sh> . ./lineno.sty
[ I.e., type `sh lineno.sty' (e.g.) as a UNIX command line.
Problems with awk may arise. I therefore switched to nawk
in lineno.sty v4.00, but this may trouble you as well. (UL) ]
(Please ignore the error message at the beginning about the iffalse.)
Please have a look at a similar work of Michal Jaegermann and James
<- End of official README.txt (UL)
Changes Feb. 2011: numline obsolete,, fnlineno,
amsmath compatibility, CHANGEs.txt,
Changes for v4.1 (Oct. 2004): minor fixes (removed `supported/', e.g.);
bracketed text; lines with `(UL)'; redistribution with README only.
lineno.sty v4.0
$Id: README,v 2004/09/13 20:15:47 stephan Exp $
*File List*
edtable.sty 2005/10/03 v1.3c arrays with lineno + ednotes (ul)
ednmath0.sty 2005/01/10 v0.2b math support for lineno/ednotes (ul)
fnlineno.sty 2011/01/07 v0.55 numbers to footnote lines (UL)
lineno.sty 2005/11/02 line numbers on paragraphs v4.41
vplref.sty 2005/04/25 v0.2a page-line cross-refs
fnlineno.tex 2011/02/14 documenting fnlineno.sty (UL)
lnosuppl.tex 2011/02/16 documenting supplementary files
ulineno.tex 2001/08/03 lineno.sty users manual
List made at 2011/02/16, 12:41
from script file srcfiles.tex
%% Macro package `ednmath0.sty' for LaTeX2e,
%% copyright (C) 2004 Uwe L\"uck,
%% --author-maintained;
%% math support for `lineno.sty' and `ednotes.sty'.
\def\fileversion{v0.2b} \def\filedate{2005/01/10}
%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the
%% terms of the LaTeX Project Public License distributed from
%% CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
%% version 1.3a of the License, or any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% There is NO WARRANTY.
%% This code is very EXPERIMENTAL!
%% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via
% lineno.sty's \linelabel and ednotes.sty's commands are enabled
% to work in math mode if it's "entered in outer mode"
% (including `displaymath' and `equation' environments).
% (lineno.sty is the package by Stephan Boettcher.)
% They will even work in tabular environments that are adjusted
% to notes by package `edtable.sty'.
% -- Does not work yet in environments like LaTeX's
% `eqnarray'. (This could probably repaired along the lines
% of Edtable.sty--we're short of time and will try later.)
% -- Useful error messages when (i) math mode is entered from
% inner mode or when (ii) a math display gets not line number
% are missing at present.
%% * USAGE: *
% * Most simple: *
% --If you are working with ednotes and want to use its
% commands in math mode, load ednotes.sty--version 0.8
% onwards--with its package option `mathnotes'.
% --If you don't work with ednotes, only with lineno, you
% get the main feature of making \linelabel work in math mode
% by loading lineno.sty--version 4.1 onwards--with its
% package option `mathrefs'.
% * Switch off and on: *
% To reduce danger resulting from missing error messages
% ("caveat" above), you may switch these new math facilities
% off by \NoNotesToMath where you don't expect to need them.
% You may switch them on again by \NotesToMath where you want
% to use them, being aware of the danger. Both commands work
% locally, so you can replace one of them by enclosing it in
% a group. E.g., even, after \NoNotesToMath you can use an
% environment as follows:
% \begin{NotesToMath}
% <text>
% \end{NotesToMath}
% (I am not quite sure that this is useful.)
% * Customize ellipsis: *
% ednotes' \lemmaellipsis is changed to expand to
% \mathlemmaellipsis when entering math, and this is preset
% to be LaTeX's \mathellipsis. (This is three dots as
% \mathinner.) You can change this by redefining
% \mathlemmaellipsis, e.g.:
% \renewcommand{\mathlemmaellipsis}{\cdots}
% If you need \cdots as the ellipsis at a single place only,
% you may, of course, use the `<...>' option of \<, e.g.:
% $ x = \Anote{a\<<\cdots>bcd\>e}{Indeed?} - y $
% * Customize note mode: *
% For variant readings, you may want that the note is
% usually set in math mode--so you may want that you
% needn't type the dollar signs in the note text.
% Note that you can do this by customizing \notefmt,
% and you can do this by customizing \Anotefmt (e.g.)
% to have this feature for \Anote only.
math support for lineno/ednotes (ul)]
%% User commands:
\@bsphack \@esphack
% For \begin{NotesToMath}
%% Core code for lineno.sty:
Bad lineno.sty version%
lineno.sty from 2004/08/16 or later
must be loaded earlier.%
%% Core code for ednotes.sty:
% v0.01 sent a warning in this case. Considered superfluous now.
% \expandafter \def \expandafter \@EN@lemmatag
% \expandafter {\expandafter $\expandafter
% \def \expandafter \lemmaellipsis \expandafter {%
% \expandafter \mathlemmaellipsis \expandafter }%
% \@EN@lemmatag $}%
% To be sure, \lemmaellipsis doesn't need to be changed when
% ednotes `\<...\>' feature is not used. Though I prefer to
% use one hook only in ednotes for both situations, with and
% without `\<...\>'.
% The final \unskip in ednotes' \@EN@lemmatag would undo a final
% \quad. That's OK: outside math the same happens.
% In v0.01, \NoNotesToMath undid ednotes changes for math mode.
% However, re-appearence of \linelabel error messages suffices.
% Now add lemma switch to the left of \[No]NotesToMath:
\let \noexpand\@EN@mathlemmatag \noexpand\@EN@themathlemmatag
% \typeout{\string\NotesToMath: \meaning\NotesToMath}
\let \noexpand\@EN@mathlemmatag \relax
% \typeout{\string\NoNotesToMath: \meaning\NoNotesToMath}
% We need no extra device for a choice for users whether the *note*
% should be set in math mode or in horizontal mode by default
% (which might depend on the kind ["layer"] of notes).
% This can be done already by customization of ednotes' \notefmt.
% However, we might change ednotes' default \notefmt to default
% \renewcommand*{\notefmt}[1]{$#1$}
%% TODO: Since when has LaTeX provided \mathellipsis?
%% -> \Needs...
% Default:
%% TODO: Without \linenumberdisplaymath, in displaymath,
%% an error should be shown. Use, e.g., that in a displaymath
%% \ifinner is false.
%% TODO: E.g., by changing \everymath, perhaps can be warned
%% that the math group is in a box already, so the vertical
%% items will get lost.
%% TODO: Adjust `eqnarray' (in Edtable?) as well.
v0.01 2004/08/16 First version, sent to Christian.
v0.02 2004/08/16 Considerably simplified for ednotes.
2004/08/19 Added ellipsis stuff, documentation, and
instructions. Uncapitalized package names.
Added \end[No]NotesToMath.
2004/08/20 Added \@bsphack and \@esphack; corrected
ednotes extension (too much deleted, completely
wrong), introducing \@EN@themathlemmatag.
v0.02b .../08/31 Rearranged preamble concerning maintenance.
v0.1 2004/09/20 Removed mentions of `linenox0.sty'.
v0.2 2004/10/07 Removed another mention of `linenox0.sty';
Instructions: `lineno' or `ednotes.sty' option.
v0.2a 2004/11/07 LPPL v1.3a.
v0.2b 2005/01/10 Contact via http.
%% `edtable.sty'---Uwe L"uck, direction Christian Tapp.
%% LaTeX package for tables with line numbers and
%% editorial notes.
%% Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Uwe L"uck--author-maintained.
\def\fileversion{1.3c} \def\filedate{2005/10/03}
%% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under
%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
%% version 1.3 of the License, or any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
%% Please send your comments via
%% * USAGE: *
% *Requirements/overview:*
% The package is made for the background of the LaTeX2e macro
% package and enhances functionality of the following packages:
% 1.) Stephan I. B"ottcher's `lineno.sty' for printing line
% numbers in the margin and a \label version \linelabel
% relating labels to line numbers;
% 2.) our `ednotes.sty' for indicating variant readings and
% other editorial remarks in separate footnote apparatuses;
% 3.) David Carlisle's `longtable.sty' for multi-page tables.
% %% TODO: supertabular etc.!?
% 4.) our `ltabptch.sty' for a patch of `longtable.sty'
% (i.e., optionally, see below).
% Actually, only the first package is necessary for using the
% present one. The present one needs your line numbering commands
% according to the first one and its documentation to which we
% refer here. We likewise refer to the remaining packages for the
% details of their functionality.
% `lineno.sty' version 4.1 and (in case it is used) `ednotes.sty'
% version 0.8 (onwards) are needed. For obtaining recent versions
% of required packages, see the CTAN folder
% /macros/latex/contrib/ednotes.
% *Install/load:*
% 1.) To be used, the present file must be put into a folder
% that (La)TeX searches. You should have obtained a file
% containing more detailed hints about this.
% 2.) We recommend loading this file *not* by
% \usepackage[<options>]{edtable} but by loading `lineno.sty'
% or `ednotes.sty' with package option `edtable'.
% 3.) To use the package options `longtable' and
% `nolongtablepatch' that are described below, enter them
% as options for `lineno.sty' or `ednotes.sty'.
% *User Commands:*
% 1. The package defines an environment `edtable' -- for its
% syntax we consider two cases:
% (a) Let <stdtable> be a tabular environment "like `tabular'".
% "Like" here means: (i) we have tested it with `tabular', but
% it should work with many more (e.g., from the `array' and
% `tabularx' packages) -- which share certain properties of
% implementation and requirements. Sorry, you must try, or we
% hope you will (and tell us). (For wizards: <stdtable> may
% probably be anything using a single \halign and \tabskip=0pt.)
% Definitively:
% (ii) LaTeX's standard `array' and other environments are *not*
% "like" `tabular'. Namely, environments that work only in math
% mode are not meant here. They are considered below in `b.'.
% (iii) `longtable' from the `longtable' package of the `tools'
% bundle neither is meant. An option of the present package
% deals with it as described below. Neither `supertabular' is
% meant.
% (iv) In general, usage with tabular environments that can
% break across pages as in (iii) is not recommended, at least
% when working with `ednotes.sty'. Even if some worked here, a
% shortcoming with `ednotes.sty' would be that the footnotes can
% appear on bad pages.
% -- Now the syntax is:
% \begin{edtable}{<stdtable>}<args><entries>\end{edtable}
% -- where <args> and <entries> are usual arguments and entries
% for <stdtable>. So an example is:
% \begin{edtable}{tabular}{cc}
% left upper & right upper \\ left lower & right lower
% \end{edtable}
% This produces just what <stdtable> does in an extra line,
% only adding line numbers in the margin and processing `ednotes'
% commands in the entries appropriately.
% (b) Let <stdarray> be an "array environment" like -- standard
% LaTeX's `array'! "Like" here means (i) ... analogously to
% <stdtable> above. (ii) "Text" ... oh, sorry, this is not clear
% to me at present, and I am in a hurry. %% TODO
% (iii) Nothing from the `amsmath' package seems to work here,
% sorry, I have tried a lot ... (iv) For standard LaTeX's
% `eqnarray', it is better to try the `linenomath' environment
% of `lineno.sty' [with package option `mathlines']. Its
% modifications in `amsmath' produce (at best) a spurious line
% number with the `linenomath' environment (up to now).
% -- Now the syntax is:
% \begin{edtable}[<$$$>]{<stdarray>}
% <args><entries>\end{edtable}
% -- where <args> and <entries> are usual arguments and entries
% for <stdarray>. <$$$> can be one of `$' or `$$'. Indeed, the
% <stdtable> syntax above (without [<$$$>]) *does not work*
% inside $...$ or $$...$$. -- An example:
% \begin{edtable}[$$]{array}{cc}
% a_{11} & a_{12} \\ a_{21} & a_{22}
% \end{edtable}
% Now, this produces just what <stdarray> does in an extra line
% etc. as with <stdtable>. However, \linelabel and `ednotes.sty'
% footnotes may need the `mathrefs' option of `lineno.sty'. For
% the difference between `[$]' and `[$$]', see below.
% 2. When working with `ednotes.sty', in
% \Anote{L1\<L2\>L3}{NOTE}
% L2 may contain &'s and \\'s, but L1, L3 must not! Analogously
% for \Bnote, etc., \Anotelabel...\donote..., etc. -- Well this
% holds for <stdtable>, hardly for <stdarray> ... %% TODO
% 3. On positioning: You may have wondered about `extra line'
% above. This means that `edtable' starts a new line at
% \begin{edtable} and at \end{edtable}. %% TODO: sure!?
% (a) It should be placed within a `center', `flushleft', or
% `flushright' environment for proper (vertical) spacing, but
% also works without. However, with <stdarray> and optional
% parameter `$$' of `edtable' (i.e., \begin{edtable}[$$]...),
% you can obtain the usual math display spacing *within a
% paragraph*; especially, the vertical space is less when the
% previous line is short ... and so on.
% (b) Horizontal positioning of line numbers (usually) needs a
% second run (after changing a table)! %% TODO: automatic warning.
% (For wizards: It may fail if some of \leftskip, \rightskip,
% \linewidth, and \@totalleftmargin are used in an unusual way.)
% A <dimen> register \ETextraoffset is provided whose value is
% 0pt by default and which additionally moves line numbers
% to the left (right) if given a positive (negative) value.
% %% TODO: any use?
% *Package options:*
% 1. Option `longtable' adjusts the `longtable' environment
% defined by David Carlisle's longtable.sty for use with
% `lineno.sty' and `ednotes.sty'. The option makes `longtable'
% environments appear with line numbers in the margin, according
% to `lineno.sty', and process `ednotes.sty' commands if line
% numbering is active according to `lineno.sty'.
% [We maintain an alternative package with just this function
% in a slightly different implementation.] %% -> ulnltab.sty.
% Lemmas may go across table entries as with `edtable' (see above).
% ---There might be options like `supertabular' for adjusting
% other tabular environments that cannot be handled by the
% `edtable' environment provided here---they have not been
% implemented yet! %% TODO
% 2. Option `nolongtablepatch' avoids loading/asking for
% `ltabptch.sty'. I.e.: according to LaTeX bugs database,
% tools/3180 and tools/3485, there have been problems with
% vertical spacing around `longtable' environments. By default
% the present package loads our `ltabptch.sty' or asks for it.
% Option `nolongtablepatch' overrides this. This is useful when
% you don't want to have the patch, especially when you use an
% "emergency stop" installation of TeX.
% *Wizard interface:*
% Macros \@ET@makeLineNumber, \@ET@use@outerhook,
% \@ET@execute@outerhook, \@ET@ampnotes \@ET@startlinewith,
% \@ET@trivialize@linelabel are provided as tools for adjusting
% tabular environments for use with `lineno.sty' and
% `ednotes.sty'. \@ET@step@linenumber is \let \stepLineNumber
% (from `lineno.sty'), but could be used as a hook for
% something different. See Environment `edtable' and Option
% `longtable' below for examples of application.
% %% TODO: specification here.
%% * Acknowledgements: *
% Stephan I. B"ottcher told us how to do it in extensive discussion
% and by providing some first code lines. We changed these essentially
% in some respects, but kept his general ideas and some parts of his
% macros, the latter even without knowing what we are doing.
% v1.3 is due to a request by Martin Brandenburg.
% * Now for internals: *
% 1994/12/01: \newenvironment* etc. %% TODO: more recent needed?
\ProvidesPackage{edtable}[\filedate\space v\fileversion\space
arrays with lineno + ednotes (ul)]
% Alternative ideas for implementation:
% 1. There is a German package `TABMAC' enhancing `EDMAC' (cf.
% documentation of `ednotes.sty'). We could have rewritten its
% macros so it would work with `lineno.sty' and `ednotes.sty'
% in place of `EDMAC'. [TODO: "tabmac.sty"]
% 2. We redefine `longtable' by Option `longtable' because
% there seems to be only one reasonable use of the `longtable'
% environment in the course of a critical edition. This may be
% different for environments like `array' and `tabular' which
% can be used within text lines. Therefore, these environments
% are not redefined.
% 3. One might use \everycr, however: (a) it is executed
% before the first row, (b) it is executed in fake lines that
% `longtable' uses.
% 4. As an alternative to \everycr, there is the approach of
% redefining \cr and \crcr for setting \noalign. This needs
% redefining \@tabularcr etc.---not nice. We use this approach
% here for `longtable' which uses a stretching \tabskip.
% For \tabskip=0pt, we attach line numbers by a template.
% \RequirePackage{lineno}[2004/10/06]
% Wanted to check lineno version--causes unknown option error.
% See LaTeX bug latex/3730.
% Options:
%% TODO: underful page with `longtable.sty'!?
\let\if@ET@longtable\iffalse % \newif\if@ET@longtable@
% Redefine \longtable if option:
% Stephan's direction for attaching a line number to each row
% is using \noalign in the course of \\.
% However, (1) the user should not worry about closing the table
% with \\ or without, and (2) the line number thing should not
% happen twice if \\ is the last token before \end{longtable}.
% Our solution: attach something to the beginning of \endlongtable
% which attaches line number unless an unsucceeded \\ has done it.
% This thing is activated by each row start and turned off by \\.
% Since the switch at row start may happen to be in a pbox,
% let it act globally on \endlongtable. (The \crcr at the beginning
% of \endlongtable must not be changed directly, since original
% \crcr may be required in table entries using \oalign etc.)
% \IfFileExists{longtable.sty}{\RequirePackage{longtable}}%
% {\RequirePackage{longtabl}}%
% For Atari problem, it suffices to rename `longtable.sty'
% into `longtabl.sty'.
% Patch for tools/3180 and tools/3485 of LaTeX bug database:
ltabptch.sty (for improving spacing around\MessageBreak
longtable) missing! Be sure to use it always\MessageBreak
or never!%
To omit ltabptch.sty *and* escape this error,\MessageBreak
use package option `nolongtablepatch'.%
\let\@ET@sw@cr\@ET@crcr % ... in \endlongtable.
% Since we have made it anyway, we use the method of redefining
% \halign for inserting the activating row start as well.
% However, redefinition must be repeated before every \LT@bchunk.
% \longtable and \LT@get@withs are good places for this.
% Admittedly, we could make it less of a hack by using @{...}
% ---we could then leave \LT@get@widths untouched.
% We are hacking a longtable version offering
% \def\LT@tabularcr{%
% \relax\iffalse{\fi\ifnum0=`}\fi
% \@ifstar
% {\def\crcr{\LT@crcr\noalign{\nobreak}}\let\cr\crcr
% \LT@t@bularcr}%
% {\LT@t@bularcr}}
% We need a redefinition of \cr which is not overridden by \@ifstar:
% So \crcr is affected by change of \@ET@sw@cr, cf. below.
% {\def\cr{\@ET@sw@cr\noalign{\nobreak}}\let\cr\crcr
% Why didn't this work? %% TODO: try shorter again.
% {\let\cr\@ET@sw@cr \let\crcr\cr
% \LT@t@bularcr}% This accompanied \def\cr... above.
% Attach \@ET@sw@cr to beginning of \endlongtable:
\def\@ET@cr@attach{% Actually attaching line numbers.
\@ET@crcr\noalign{% Basically Stephan's approach.
% If we were not careful, following box containing line number
% could fool interline glue after longtable, even if tools/3485
% is repaired in some way. This box should have same depth as
% the line composed previously.
\nobreak %% \@ET@ex... might cause page break. 2003/10/30.
\ht\z@-\prevdepth \dp\z@\prevdepth \box\z@
\global\let\@ET@sw@cr\@ET@crcr % ... if called by \\.
% This also resets the \crcr starting \LT@echunk following
% \@xargarraycr or \@yargarraycr in \LT@argtabularcr.
% \let...\relax seems to suffice at well, but in case ...
\@ET@execute@outerhook %% 2003/10/30.
% \@ET@execute@outerhook
\global\let\@ET@sw@nobreak\relax % Just to remind ...
% \def\@ET@step@linenumber{\global\advance\c@linenumber\@ne}
%% TODO: export to lineno.sty!?
% Special \halign:
% For `array' etc., we insert line numbers by a leftmost template.
% @{...} in the last argument of `array' etc. is difficult for this
% since `tabular*' has an additional argument. So we redefine
% \halign to put something to the right of the next \bgroup.
% Now, as a macro, \halign would break in an \edef or \xdef.
% Horribly, this danger has become quite real in longtable.sty's
% definition of \LT@bchunk. Only its latest version 4.10 has
% preceded \halign by a \noexpand (for mathtext.sty which
% redefines \halign as well). We need not rely on such a
% provision if we let \halign expand to \the<token register>
% for some token register. However, using \toks@ or \@temptokena
% is neither very safe---might be filled by macro ahead with
% something new. So reserve an own token register.
% v1.3: In 'AMSmath', there are \halign's followed by explicit
% left braces. Thus '\def\@ET@specialhalign#1\bgroup{%' broke.
%% TODO ...
\ifmeasuring@ \expandafter\@firstoftwo
% v1.3 2005/03/04, for `amsmath'.
\else \expandafter\@secondoftwo
{\let\halign\@ET@@halign \halign}%
%% TODO: change back, commenting out code above, report
%% error with `alignat'.
% \@ifnextchar\bgroup\@ET@replace@arg\@ET@sphalign@to}
% If `amsmath' not loaded (v1.3):
\def\@EN@tempa{#1}\def\@EN@tempb{\bgroup}% Corr. after v1.3b.
% This may be wrong, #1 might be `t' from `to' ...
\let\halign\@ET@@halign % Reset for nested arrays.
% \ifmeasuring@\else % For `amsmath', moved backwards.
\@ET@startline % [Wizard interface, via \@ET@starlinewith.]
% \fi
% Wizard interface:
\def\@ET@startlinewith{% Next token precedes preamble.
% \let\@ET@@halign\halign % Or \AtBeginDocument?
% ... indeed: bad loop with long longtable (\LT@get@widths!?)
% Or save it at start of environment only
% (don't repeat inside longtable).
% Outer hook for inserts: (wizard interface)
\def\@ET@execute@outerhook{% To be placed outside inner mode.
\@ET@outerhook \global\let\@ET@outerhook\@empty
\global\let\@ET@outerhook\@empty % Just to remind: global!
% \@EN@hookfn (ednotes) sends to outer hook:
\def\@ET@use@outerhook{% Wizard interface.
}%% TODO: move last line to `ednotes', \let\@ET@use...\@empty.
%% But this requires re-installing both packages
%% at the same time. See the `ampnotes' thing as well.
% Trivialize \linelabel: (wizard interface)
% Change ampersand at \Anote etc.: (wizard interface)
%% 2003/10/31.
% & is changed by \Anote etc. No \begin...\endgroup,
% next \\ or & after % note/donote command switches back.
% ---Global change seems to break table setup.
%% & would be undefined after \\ in lemma.
%% TODO: & and \\ in \@EN@lemmaexpands!?
% #1 $ or $$, #2 standard environment name.
%% TODO: star version!? cf. lineno.sty's `numquote'.
\ifhmode \ifnum\the\lastpenalty=-\@M\else
% \par must be executed for printing/stopping line numbers:
\@centercr\relax \noindent
\fi \fi
\ifvmode \noindent \fi % Otherwise linenumbers are indented
% -- however, not recommended.
\global\advance\c@linenumber\m@ne % Stepping correction.
% (Must come after closing previous paragraph.)
% Calculate offset:
% Saving/calling width of table (`longtable's algorithm).
% Test if there is \@flushglue on the left (center or flushleft):
% ... v1.3: fool this for "$$".
\in@{$$}{#1\@nil}% \in@{#1}{#2} searches #1 in #2#1 ...
% Assume \@ET@offset is 0pt else here.
\@ifundefined\@ET@arraywidth@csn % Shortened for v1.3.
\PackageWarningNoLine{edtab}{^^JLine numbers at
\@ET@currenvir\space need \jobname.aux}}%
% Test if \@flushglue on the right (center):
% ... v1.3: fool it again. Repeat \in@ in case ...
\ifx\@EN@tempa\@EN@tempb \divide\@ET@offset\tw@ \fi
\advance\@ET@offset\ETextraoffset % Offset ready.
% v1.3: `alignat' complains later when this is \vbox instead.
% \vbox\bgroup % Tried in vain.
\ifx\@ET@mode\@empty\else $\fi
\csname end\@ET@currenvir \endcsname
\ifx\@ET@mode\@empty\else $\fi
\@ET@step@linenumber % Stepping correction.
%% TODO: warning if changed!?
% No automatic line number at array line:
\@ET@mode\ensuremath{\vcenter{\box\@tempboxa}}\@ET@mode % v1.3.
\ifhmode \@centercr\relax \fi
% \par must be executed for proper restart of printing line numbers
% (think so).
\@endpetrue % Outside \@flushglue environment, avoid indent ahead.
%% TODO: slightly change for math mode around? Or give an error
%% in math mode.
%% TODO: make \edtable \outer!?
\llap{\@ET@makeLineNumber \hskip\@ET@offset}%
%% TODO: export to lineno.sty!?
%% TODO: .dtx
v0.22 2003/01/13 First version, named `edtab02.sty', sent around,
together with ednotes.sty.
v0.23 2003/01/22 Added version history.
v0.24 2003/01/27 Copyright notice.
%%% v0.3 2003/03/03 Requires linenox0.sty. %% RETREATED
%% TODO: reconsider, see `lineno[x].sty'.
v0.25 2003/03/05 Added <>.
v0.26 2003/03/23 Added \@ET@startlinewith to wizard command list;
moved redefinition \LT@get@widths from option code
into \@ET@longtable so this really happens in
line number mode only; moved \let\@ET@@halign\halign
from \@ET@startlinewith to \AtBeginDocument.
v0.27 2003/06/02 Added \ifvmode \noindent \fi to `edtable' definition;
2003/06/10 added `lemma cannot run' to instructions.
v0.28 2003/10/31 \@ET@cr@attach: moved \@ET@execu..., added \nobreak.
Added \@ET@ampnotes and documentation: now working
across entries.
v1.0 2004/05/13 `ednotes.sty' etc., updated copyright. Renamed as
`edtable.sty' for TUGboat article.
\RequirePackage{lineno}, changed doc. accordingly.
Removed `may be released under different name'.
v1.10 2004/07/27 Looking for `longtabl.sty' for my Atari!
2004/08/22 Added warning (screen/documentation) concerning
2004/08/23 Added suggestion of option `nolongtablepatch';
LPPL v1.3.
v1.2 2004/08/31 Rearranged preamble concerning maintenance,
removed `preliminary release'.
2004/10/06 \newif -> \let...; option `nolongtablepatch';
changed documentation accordingly and for
loading edtable.sty by lineno/ednotes option;
\let\@ET@step@linenumber\stepLineNumber; use
2004/10/07 Needed version numbers.
2004/10/08 ltabptch warning -> error!
2004/10/11 Disabled \RequirePackage{lineno}[...]; undid
the `longtabl.sty' thing from 2004/07/27.
2004/10/12 latex/3730.
v1.2a 2004/11/07 LPPL v1.3a.
v1.2b 2005/01/10 Contact via http.
v1.3b 2005/03/04 Support for environments like `array'
environment. The description of `edtable' was
wrong in this respect!
v1.3 2005/03/07 Adaptations in documentation, and extended usage
instructions very much, correcting some
errors as well. Acknowledgement to M. B.
v1.3a 2005/03/09 Corrected numbering in `usage'.
v1.3c 2005/03/15 \@centercr\relax, TODO on math mode.
2005/04/09 `editory' -> `editorial'.
\ProvidesPackage{fnlineno}[2011/01/07 v0.55
numbers to footnote lines (UL)]
%% Copyright (C) 2010 Uwe Lueck,
%% -- author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below --
%% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under
%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
%% version 1.3c of the License, or any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
%% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via
%% {\it This work has been supported
%% % and is owned %% wrong, owner is RUB -- 2011/02/09
%% by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG),
%% organized %% 2010/12/18 TODO!?
%% by Prof.~Dr.\ Dr.\ Christian Tapp
%% at Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum, Germany.}
%% %% 2010/12/18:
%% Christian also has constructed some critical tests.
%% === Installing and Calling ===
%% The file 'fnlineno.sty' is provided ready, installation only requires
%% putting it somewhere where \TeX\ finds it
%% (which may need updating the filename data
%% base).\footnote{\url{}}
%% As usually, 'fnlineno.sty' is loaded by
%% % \begin{verbatim}
%% `\usepackage{fnlineno}'
%% % \end{verbatim}
%% below the `\documentclass' line and before `\begin{document}'.
%% === Limitations ===
%% v0.55 %%% v0.5 %% 2011/02/09
%% should really work
%% the way users expect, %% 2011/02/09
%% but please consider:
%% % In the \strong{present version (v0.4)}, 'flnineno.sty' is just
%% % ``work in progress"---with at least the following issues:
%% \begin{enumerate}
%% % \item Lines are numbered in an order
%% % that you may not like, in the presence of
%% % footnotes.
%% % Overcoming this failure by automagic
%% % will be the major further work on the package!
%% % (v0.5!?)
%% %
%% % \item The package is not expected to work with 'manyfoot'
%% % (neither 'ednotes' ... future work!).
%% \item Nothing is known about compatibility with
%% packages (other than 'manyfoot' and 'bigfoot')
%% providing footnote features beyond standard \LaTeX.
%% \item `\lipsum[<opt-arg>]' in main text produces
%% a different number of paragraphs ...
%% %% 2010/12/18:
%% % \item `\pagebreak' (without optional argument, or
%% % `\pagebreak[4]') in footnotes prints footnote parts
%% % (splits) in wrong order.\footnote{TODO:
%% % (i)~extra case (using flag) in &\output
%% % with $&\outputpenalty=-10000$;
%% % \emph{or}
%% % (ii)~redefine &\pagebreak in footnotes ...}
%% %% 2010/12/19, "tried" "assumed" 2010/12/21:
%% \item v0.41 tried supporting `\pagebreak' in footnotes
%% for manual control of splitting footnotes.
%% %% 2010/12/20f.:
%% However, it wrongly assumed that `\pagebreak[4]'
%% forces a footnote split, cf. Section~\ref{sec:sw};
%% users better still don't use `\pagebreak'
%% in footnotes!
%% \item Much of the code is ``guessed" without complete
%% knowledge of \TeX\ internals and without having
%% tested many possible cases.
%% %% 2010/12/27:
%% \item \emph{Local} switching to ``pagewise" numbering
%% won't be possible for a while; we rather assume
%% that you \emph{always} want ``pagewise" numbering.
%% \item Nothing has been tried to offer choices about the
%% \emph{style} of numbering footnotes.
%% \end{enumerate}
%% \pagebreak %% 2011/02/09
%% == Implementation ==
%% === Terms ===
%% ``\strong{OTR}" is short for \textit{``output routine"},
%% ``\strong{MVL}" is short for \textit{``main vertical list"}.
%% %%% TODO "acro"
%% === Basic Strategy ===
%% \LaTeX's |\@footnotetext| writes the footnote text into the
%% insertion register. For numbering the footnote lines,
%% \emph{we here} do not execute this `\@footnotetext'
%% immediately after placing |\@footnotemark|,
%% but postpone its |\insert| a little so it
%% is executed only after the main text paragraph has been
%% broken into lines. Right below the line that contains the
%% footnote mark, a special new ``slot" of the \strong{OTR}
%% is called that interchanges ``the page so far" with the
%% footnote text. When the latter has been typeset,
%% another ``slot" of the OTR puts ``the page so far"
%% back to the MVL and immediately after that fills the footnote
%% text as just typeset on the MVL into the `\insert' register.
%% Passing footnotes from horizontal mode to vertical mode
%% resembles 'lineno''s `\PostponeVadjust', but a
%% different \strong{list} |\FNLN@list|
%% must store code
%% (\textit{a})~for the footnote \strong{mark} and
%% (\textit{b})~for the footnote \strong{text}.
%% %%% (TODO: move this paragraph)
%% === Package Options ===
%% A package option |[check-latex]| %% typo article 2010/12/31
%% for checking vital \LaTeX\ internals may once be offered
%% (TODO 2010/12/12) ...
%% === Footnote Commands ===
%% ==== Standard Footnotes ====
%% The following macro |\FNLN@ltx@fntext| %% more 2010/12/16
%% is a copy of \LaTeX's `\@footnotetext'
%% that we are varying. It may be used for a check
%% if the `\@footnotetext' that 'fnlineno.sty' encounters
%% is the one expected (TODO).
%% In line numbering mode, this code may never be needed
%% all at once, rather we will have to see which material
%% must be used at which point of our unusual way of
%% processeing footnotes.
\splitmaxdepth \dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty \@MM
\hsize\columnwidth \@parboxrestore
\csname p@footnote\endcsname\@thefnmark
%% ==== Modifying Footnote Commands ====
%% In order to number |\footnote| lines and make
%% `\linelabel' available in footnotes, it seems to suffice
%% (with standard \LaTeX) to \strong{redefine}
%% the internal |\@footnotetext|.
%% In line numbering mode, `\@footnotetext' will act as
%% |\FNLN@text|,
%% % \begin{itemize}
%% % \item[(i)]
%% (\textit{i})~%
%% placing a ``signal" \strong{output penalty}
%% below the current line via `\vadjust' and
%% % \item[(ii)]
%% (\textit{ii})~%
%% appending the footnote text to the
%% \strong{list} |\FNLN@list| of \strong{footnote texts}.
%% % \end{itemize}
%% |\FNLN@@text| stores the `\@footnotetext' found,
%% we might check if it is `\FNLN@ltx@fntext' ... %% TODO
\ifLineNumbers \expandafter \FNLN@text
\else \expandafter \FNLN@@text
\def \FNLN@text {% %% 2010/12/31 arg read later
%% Standard \LaTeX's `\@footnotetext' expands `\@thefnmark'
%% to produce the footnote mark at the page bottom,
%% right after it has been determined for the mark
%% in the main text. \emph{Here} the footnote text
%% will be typeset only when \emph{other} footnote marks
%% may have been formed for typesetting the main text
%% paragraph before.
%% %%% (TODO clearer wording)
%% In the \strong{footnote list}
%% macro |\FNLN@list|, the (\dqtd{`&\protect'ed})
%% \emph{current} expansion <mark> of `\@thefnmark'
%% is stored as an item preceding the footnote text
%% <text>. One footnote entry in `\FNLN@list'
%% thus has the form \lq`<mark>\@lt<text>\@lt'\rq.
%% \LaTeX's internal `\g@addto@macro' is used to \emph{append}
%% an entry to the list (at the right). The OTR will later
%% take the entries from the left of the list.
%% The argument of the auxiliary/temporary `\@tempa'
%% will contain the footnote text and thus must be able to
%% carry `\par' tokens. We therefore need a `\long' version of
%% `\protected@edef':
\long \edef \@tempa ##1{%
\noexpand\g@addto@macro \noexpand\FNLN@list {%
\@thefnmark \noexpand\@lt ##1\noexpand \@lt}}%
%% ... issuing
%% \lq`\g@addto@macro\FNLN@list{<mark>\elt<text>\@lt}'\rq\ ...
\@tempa %% reads arg
%% Here we initialize |\FNLN@list|:
%% === Output Routines ===
%% ==== 'lineno''s Output Routine ====
%% The following is a copy of 'lineno''s OTR
%% that we are varying. It may be used for a check
%% if the OTR that 'fnlineno.sty' encounters
%% is the one expected (TODO).
\def\FNLN@lno@output {%
%% The ``signal penalties" used here are
%% Their names should mean ```\linelabel' code penalty" and
%% ```\PostponeVadjust' code penalty."
%% |\TheLineNoLaTeXOutput|:
%% It turns out to be inconvenient here
%% that 'lineno' sacrifices access
%% to the \emph{primitive} `\output' (```\@tempa'";
%% TODO: auxiliary package before loading 'lineno'!?;
%% later change 'lineno.sty' indeed).
%% So to change the OTR we use `\LineNoLaTeXOutput' as a hook
%% for adding additional cases of `\outputpenalt'ies.
%% We take a copy of `\LineNoLaTeXOutput' here.
%% ==== Tools for Temporary Parameter Changes ====
%% |\GStoreReg{<register>}|\quad
%% (or\quad |\GStoreReg<register>|\\[\smallskipamount]
%% when <register> is a single token---\lq`\count0'\rq\
%% being a counterexample ...)\quad
%% stores the current content of <register>
%% (\emph{globally}) as an internal macro so that it can be
%% restored later by\\[\smallskipamount]
%% |\RestoreReg{<register>}|\quad
%% \mbox{(or\quad }|\RestoreReg<register>|)\\[\smallskipamount]
%% or \emph{globally} by\\[\smallskipamount]
%% |\GRestoreReg{<register>}|\quad (|\GRestoreReg<register>|)
%% \\[\smallskipamount]
%% (The OTR runs in a local group!---Recall that assignments
%% to ``special dimens"---\TeX book p.\,271---are
%% automatically global.)
%% <register> is something that can be prefixed by `\the'
%% to read its content and to which you can assign a value
%% <value> by \lq<register><value>\rq.
%% (TODO: could also be some `\catcode'!)
%% %% and TODO allow changing name space!
\expandafter \xdef \csname GS\string#1\endcsname {\the #1}}
\newcommand*{\RestoreReg}[1]{#1\csname GS\string#1\endcsname \relax}
%% |\GStoreSetReg{<register>}{<value>}| assigns %%% the new value
%% <value> to <register> (locally) after executing `\GStoreSet',
%% |\GStoreGSetReg| does the same \emph{globally}
%% (and still argument braces aren't needed when a single
%% token refers to the register).
\newcommand*{\GStoreSetReg} {\g@storesetreg\relax}
%% (These preliminaries might go into an own new package, TODO!
%% + loop on list of <register>s ...) %% 2010/12/19
%% ==== The basic hook ====
%% \label{sec:sw}
%% We use two more penalties triggering the ``MVL swaps:"
\mathchardef\FNLN@M@swap@codepen =11113
%% v0.41 deals with |\pagebreak| in footnote texts,
%% using a flag |\if@FNLN@sw@| that must be set globally.
%% %% 2011/01/07:
%% It turned out not to work properly; however, the new
%% switch has served a different purpose for ``continuous
%% line numbering," cf. section~\ref{sec:cont}.
\newif\if@FNLN@sw@ \global\@FNLN@sw@false %% v0.41
%% When a `\pagebreak' triggers the OTR while typesetting
%% the footnote text, the page content is collected
%% in a box |\FNLN@holdft|:
\newsavebox\FNLN@holdft %% v0.41
%% Using |\LineNoLaTeXOutput| for hooking into the OTR:
\if@FNLN@sw@ %% v0.41
% \showthe\outputpenalty %% 2010/12/20
\global\setbox \FNLN@holdft \vbox{%
%% %% moved here, clarified 2010/12/21:
%% TODO from v0.41: `\pagebreak[4]' does not seem to force (reliably)
%% splitting a footnote; if the footnote is not split here,
%% at present the `\baselineskip' is lost,
%% see the footnote paragraph starting
%% with \qtd{C} in `edfndemo.pdf' as of 2010/12/21.
%% We would need some measuring ... `\pagebreak'
%% might be redefined ... resembling \LaTeX's `\@specialoutput'!
%% TODO same problem here, see the footnote paragraph starting
%% with \qtd{D} in `edfndemo.pdf' as of 2010/12/21.
%% TODO reset page book-keeping!? %% v0.41
\TheLineNoLaTeXOutput %% "the real \LineNoLaTeXOuput"
%% \strong{An idea:}\quad Instead of so many `\ifnum', use
%% \[`\csname<chars>\the\outputpenalty\endcsname'\]
%% ... in 'lineno.sty', when you really have a broad
%% range of `\outputpenalties' useful to be
%% described by `\ifnum' range checks ...
%% ==== Typesetting the Footnote Text ====
%% |\SwapFootnoteMain| is the slot of the OTR that our
%% modified `\@footnotetext' calls with
%% $`\outputpenalty'=-`\FNLN@M@swap@codepen'$.
%% The ``column so far" is stored in a new box register
%% |\FLNL@holdcol|.
\global \setbox\FNLN@holdcol \vbox{\unvbox\@cclv}%
%% (... cf. `\@holdpg' in \LaTeX.)
%% The entire text of a footnote is typeset on top of
%% the MVL. `\vsize' is maximized temporarily to avoid
%% that the footnote text is broken across pages.
%% However, the user may want to use `\pagebreak'
%% in a footnote in order to control manually where
%% a ``long" footnote is split. v0.41 tries to support
%% this:
\global\@FNLN@sw@true %% v0.41
%% ... cf. Section~\ref{sec:sw}.
%% There shouldn't be any `\topskip', the space
%% on top of a footnote is controlled by `\footnotesep'
%% entirely:
%% (`\nointerlineskip' as well as setting `\topskip'
%% locally instead fails ... according to `\showlists' ...)
%% Resetting |\pagegoal|
%% (why doesn't it switch to $`\vsize'=`\maxdimen'$ automatically?),
%% |\pagetotal|, and the other ``special dimens"
%% (\TeX book p.\,271; rather experimental ...
%% I think it is important to restore them later ...)
\GStoreSetReg\pagegoal \vsize
%% We must choose certain settings from `\@footnotetext'
%% such as font:
%% \LaTeX's `split' things here are relevant at
%% `\insert\footins' only: (TODO!?)
% \splittopskip\footnotesep
% \splitmaxdepth \dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty \@MM
\hsize\columnwidth \@parboxrestore
%% The previous lines were from \LaTeX's `\@footnotetext'.
%% Now we need to restore the `\@thefnmark' that belongs
%% to the current footnote text. We use a macro that
%% tears two items from |\FNLN@list| and executes the
%% rest of \LaTeX's `\@footnotetext':
\expandafter \FNLN@typeset \FNLN@list \@@
% \showthe\vsize
%% ... so a `\vsize' assignment without `\global'
%% is noted here, and an analogous `\topskip' assignment
%% is not!? TODO ...
%% |\FNLN@typeset| first removes something %% reworded 2010/12/26
%% from the list of footnotes, similarly to \LaTeX's |\@xnext|
%% and 'lineno''s `\@LN@xnext', then executes a
%% remaining portion of \LaTeX's `\@footnotetext'.
%% The footnote text may contain `\par' tokens,
%% so the definition must be `\long':
\long\def \FNLN@typeset #1\@lt #2\@lt #3\@@{%
%% This was our own, and next \LaTeX\ continues:
\csname p@footnote\endcsname\@thefnmark
%% We insert starting the 'lineno' settings ...
\setfootnotelinenumbers %% 2010/12/25
%% ... \LaTeX\ again (v0.41 exports dealing with
%% closing `\par' to `finstrut.sty'):
%% We replace `#1' by `#2\par' (`\linenumberpar'),
%% so we really need `finstrut.sty':
%% Now we trigger the ``swap back slot" of the OTR:
%% ==== &\insert\ the Footnote Text ====
%% |\InsertFootnote| is the slot of the OTR that executes
%% `\insert\footins' with the numbered footnote text.
%% The ``column so far" stored in `\FNLN@holdcol'
%% is put onto the top of the MVL, and then parts of
%% \LaTeX's `\@footnotetext' are performed that haven't
%% been done earlier, applied to the footnote text
%% that the OTR should have found in `\box255'.
%% Before however, the previous `\topskip', `\vsize', and the
%% `\page'... book-keeping parameters are restored:
\GRestoreReg\topskip \GRestoreReg\vsize
%% (... \emph{global} restoring of `\vsize' proved vital with
%% 'edfndemo' 2010/12/17 ...)
\RestoreReg \pagegoal \RestoreReg\pagetotal
\RestoreReg \pagestretch
\RestoreReg \pagefilstretch
\RestoreReg \pagefillstretch
\RestoreReg \pagefilllstretch
\RestoreReg \pageshrink \RestoreReg\pagedepth
\splitmaxdepth \dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty \@MM
%% Support of `\pagebreak' with v0.41:
\unvbox\FNLN@holdft %% v0.41
\global\@FNLN@sw@false %% v0.41
%% With v0.5, global settings for ``pagewise" numbering
%% must be restored: %% 2010/12/26
%% === ``Continuous'' Numbering ===
%% \label{sec:cont}
%% ==== Goal ====
%% With v0.5, for the first time we try to get a
%% ``pagewise" numbering such that, if a main text line
%% has a footnote,
%% (\textit{i})~its printed number is just the natural
%% successor of the printed number of the previous main
%% text line
%% (instead of continuing previous numbering with the
%% lines of the footnote first),
%% and (\textit{ii})~the printed numbers of footnote lines
%% just continue the printed numbers of the main text lines.
%% This ``obvious'' desirement is not easy to achieve;
%% already pagewise numbering of main text lines,
%% without numbering footnote lines, has been somewhat
%% ingenious.
%% ==== How to Number Lines Pagewise ====
%% The basic idea of 'lineno''s pagewise numbering is:
%% \begin{enumerate}
%% \item Each numbered line of the document is identified
%% by a unique counter value, an ``absolute" number.
%% \item For each page (and column), the range of absolute
%% line numbers occurring on them is recorded
%% (or actually: the first and the last number).
%% \item The ``public," ``human-readable" (``pagewise")
%% format of a given absolute line number $l$ is generated by
%% (\textit{i})~finding the page (and column) with
%% first number $n$ and last number $k$ such that
%% $n\leq l\leq k$,
%% (\textit{ii}) ``printing" $l-n+1$ in ``columnwise"
%% mode, otherwise $l-m+1$ where $m$ is the first
%% absolute line number in the left-hand column of the
%% same page.
%% \end{enumerate}
%% \strong{Generating} the ``pagewise" representation for a
%% given absolute line number $l$ thus may be summarized as
%% \emph{finding the corresponding \emph{\strong{offset}} value}
%% to be subtracted ($n$, $n+1$, $m$, or $m+1$ ...).
%% When \emph{footnote} lines are to be numbered as well,
%% a little problem is the order in which main text and
%% footnote lines increment the absolute counter.
%% 'lineno''s mechanism for this is started immediately
%% after a paragraph has been broken into lines.
%% Each line of the paragraph then calls a macro
%% generating the line number. 'fnlineno' now interrupts
%% numbering of main text lines at a line issuing a footnote.
%% The footnote text is typeset, including numbering its
%% lines at each end of a footnote paragraph. When the
%% footnote text has been sent into the `\insert' register,
%% numbering of main text lines is resumed.
%% Up to v0.4 (a development version), we used the \emph{same}
%% absolute counter for main text and footnote lines.
%% When a page $p$ has more than one main text line and the first
%% one has a long footnote continued on the next page~$p+1$,
%% there is no ``range" of absolute line numbers
%% characterizing page~$p$ any more,
%% because the greatest absolute line number of page~$p$
%% exceeds the absolute line numbers of the footnote continued
%% on page~$p+1$.
%% 'lineno''s procedure can be revived by numbering
%% main text lines and footnote lines independently
%% from each other. We use \emph{two} absolute counters,
%% one is incremented with main text lines only,
%% the other with footnote lines only.
%% Numbering of main text lines just will not be affected
%% by numbering of the footnote lines.
%% Almost the same will hold for footnote lines.
%% Each page (and column) will have a characteristic
%% ``range" of absolute footnote line numbers $\{n,\dots,k\}$.
%% The only notable difference will be that for footnote line~$l$
%% we print $(l-n+1)+(K-N+1) = (K+l)-(N+n)+2$ instead of
%% $l-n+1$---where $\{N,\dots,K\}$ is the range of \emph{main text}
%% line numbers of the page (and column).
%% The previous discussion of \strong{generating} the printed
%% line number from its absolute version
%% has assumed that corresponding \strong{offset} values
%% have been given somehow, or that the ``line number ranges"
%% for pages are known from somewhere.
%% In fact, these ranges are \strong{computed} at the
%% \strong{start} of a \LaTeX\ run \emph{before} typesetting,
%% when reading the `.aux' file for the first
%% time. They are used in the entire document.
%% While typesetting, each numbered line of main text leaves
%% a record of its absolute number and page number in the new
%% version of the `.aux' file that the run creates,
%% a two-parameter macro `\@LN'. With 'fnlineno.sty',
%% there will be new `\@FLN' entries of the same type.
%% These `.aux' entries are used for building
%% the page range data for the next run.
%% When the document source has been changed, at least
%% \emph{two runs} will usually be required
%% to get correct line numbers in page margins,
%% and \emph{another} run will be needed so references
%% to line numbers by `\ref' and `\linelabel' are correct.
%% ==== Summary of Changes ====
%% Variants of 'lineno.sty''s code for ``pagewise"
%% numbering are following. Sometimes we generalize
%% `pagewise' stuff from 'lineno' and re-implement pagewise
%% numbering of main text lines as a special case,
%% the other special case being numbering of footnote lines.
%% Five things need modifications:
%% \begin{description}
%% \item[Building page info macros:]
%% Processing `\@LN' and `\@FLN' `.aux' entries will
%% use shared building macros, the difference is
%% obtained by switching \strong{name spaces}.
%% (It may be notable that a page may get one
%% info macro for main text and another for
%% footnote text, if it contains footnote text.)
%% \item[Logging:]
%% While typesetting, the shared logging macro
%% is switched to write either `\@LN' or `\@FLN'
%% to the `.aux' file. Also, `\c@linenumber'
%% may refer to either the main text or to the
%% footnote text counter.
%% \item[Generating ``pagewise" format:]
%% The choice of `\c@linenumber' also determines
%% which counter is incremented, and again
%% name spaces for page info macros are switched.
%% For footnote lines,
%% a tail macro for adding the number of main text lines
%% will be activated.
%% \item[Referencing:]
%% The `.aux' file may have entries from `\linelabel'
%% containing large numbers from an ``absolute" counter.
%% In generating the ``human-readable" number,
%% it must be known whether it is a main text or a
%% footnote line number.
%% %% 2010/12/28:
%% An additional complication is referring to a
%% main text line from a footnote and vice versa---thinking
%% of global changes in generating the number.
%% Or even think of the case referring from unnumbered text
%% to numbered text!
%% (I have wondered before if the entry couldn't be
%% the ready human-readable number, TODO!)
%% %% 2010/12/27:
%% \item[Lists of ``vertical tasks":]
%% 'lineno.sty' (v4) has introduced two lists of
%% tasks that were issued in horizontal mode
%% but only can be completed after breaking a paragraph
%% into lines: one for `\linelabel's and one for `\vadjust'
%% items that must wait until the line number has been
%% attached. It is essential that the tasks are processed
%% in the same order in vertical mode as they were
%% issued in horizontal mode. As we are now interrupting
%% processing of main text paragraphs for processing
%% footnotes, tasks for footnote text must be lined up
%% in separate lists than tasks for main text.
%% This is indeed essential for the previous issue
%% of getting `\linelabel' work in footnotes as well
%% as in main text.
%% \end{description}
%% ==== Info Building ====
%% % These macros
%% |\@LN|, |\@FLN|, and |\@FNLN|
%% are processed at reading the `.aux' file before typesetting only.
%% The \strong{interface} to \strong{generating}
%% ``pagewise" and footnote line numbers just are |\LN@Pfirst|
%% and |\FLN@Pfirst|, eventually pointing to the first page/column
%% with numbered main text lines or footnote lines, resp.
\def \FLN@Pfirst {\nextLN\relax}
%% This initialization of `\FLN@Pfirst' is just the same
%% as the one of `\LN@Pfirst' in 'lineno.sty';
%% their expansions are changed as soon
%% as such a page is found, replacing the `\relax' by the
%% corresponding page info macro.
%% `\LN@Pfirst' and `\FLN@Pfirst' are passed to
%% |\testFirstNumberedPage| via the hook |\FNLN@first@numbered|
%% that by default is the same as `\LN@first':
\def \FNLN@first@numbered {\LN@Pfirst}
%% (oh, it must be `\def' here to recognize the change ...).
%% This must be changed by `\setfootnotelinenumbers'
%% (`\let' then, as when called the change will have happened).
%% Moreover, they are passed to |\NumberedPageCache|
%% (the page info macro where a search starts,
%% ``current" page/column) as its initialization;
%% the ``generating" macros then change the
%% latter macro following `\nextLN' in the page info macros.
%% In this sense, no other ``name space switching" is needed
%% for communication with other functions.
%% 'lineno.sty' has changed |\LastNumberedPage| globally ...
%% the last page with numbered \emph{footnote} lines
%% may well be another one than the last page with
%% numbered \emph{main} text lines ...
%% But fortunately, also `\LastNumberedPage'
%% is needed in reading the `.aux' before typesetting only
%% (`\@onlypreamble' is \LaTeX's disabling command):
%% In 'lineno.sty', we have `\def\LastNumberedPage{first}'.
%% We need the same for the footnote variant |\FNLN@last@numbered|
%% (to be handled globally!):
\global \let \FNLN@last@numbered \LastNumberedPage
\@onlypreamble \FNLN@last@numbered
%% |\@FNLN{<names>}<last-numbered>{<line>}{<page>}|
%% \\[\smallskipamount]
%% generalizes 'lineno.sty''s `\@LN{<line>}{<page>}'
%% to re-implement it.
%% There is an additional parameter argument <names>
%% for choosing name spaces
%% and a parameter <last-numbered> for choosing the macro
%% storing the ``last numbered page."
%% (An argument without braces expects a macro name.)
\newcommand* \@FNLN [4]{{%
\csname #1#4C\@LN@column \expandafter\endcsname
\csname #1O#4\endcsname
%% As in 'lineno.sty' `\@LN' calls `\@@LN', a new variant
%% of `\@@LN' is called by `\@FLN' here, but it gets one
%% additional parameter for passing <names>
%% and another for passing <last-numbered> from `\@FLN'.
%% So the new syntax is\\[\smallskipamount]
%% |\@@LN<info><first-page-line>{<line>}{<page>}{<names>}<last-numbered>|:
\renewcommand* \@@LN [6]{%
\expandafter\@@@LN\csname #5#6\endcsname#1%
%% 'lineno.sty''s |\@@@LN| does not need any adjustment.
%% 'lineno.sty''s |\@LN{<line>}{<page>}| is reimplemented as
\def \@LN {\@FNLN{LN@P}\LastNumberedPage}
%% ---so `\@LN' really does the same as before, including name spaces.
%% |\@FLN{<line>}{<page>}| is the other special case of the
%% new `\@FNLN'---an `F' precedes the earlier names, and
%% |\FNLN@last@numbered| is the storing macro initialized above:
\def \@FLN {\@FNLN{FLN@P}\FNLN@last@numbered}
%% For logging, we make both unexpandable: %% 2010/12/27
% \AtBeginDocument{\let\@LN\relax \let\@FLN\relax}
%% ... but this way nothing appears in the file!? TODO ...
\@onlypreamble\@LN \@onlypreamble\@FLN
%% For reading the `.aux' finally, we do what
%% 'lineno' does with `\@LN':
%% ==== Tool for Reusing Global Operations with Macros ====
%% %% 2010/12/28
%% 'lineno.sty' v4 provides list handling (changing lists globally)
%% and global changes of `\NumberedPageCache'.
%% We want to use them in ``main text" mode
%% as well as in ``footnote" mode.
%% To use such an operation on <ln-macro> for <fln-macro>,
%% we `\global\let<ln-macro><fln-macro>', apply the operations,
%% and finally `\global\let<fln-macro><ln-macro>'.
%% However, we are not only interested in how <fln-macro>
%% is changed this way, rather <ln-macro> also is used as input
%% for some operations, and we can choose which <fln-macro>
%% should be used as input. To switch from working on/with
%% <fln-1> to <fln-2> using <ln-macro> with an option
%% to use <fln-1> later again, a tool
%% |\GStoreUse<ln-macro><fln-1><fln-2>| is provided
%% (should render later switchings much better readable):
\newcommand* \GStoreUse [3]{\global\let#2#1\global\let#1#3}
%% I.e., current content of #1 is stored in #2, then
%% #1 attains the content of #3.
%% ==== General Settings for Typesetting Stage ====
%% % %% 2011/01/01: %% 2011/01/02: wrong!
%% % With 'ednotes', it turns out that the heading is not quite
%% % correct, 'ednotes'' special `\newlabel' mechanism evaluates
%% % `\getpagewiselinelabel' already for building its note
%% % info macros at the first reading of the `.aux' file.
%% %% 2010/12/27:
%% Oh my dear, it seems that all the switching
%% for the footnote variant of `pagewise' must be global
%% (I can't find something useful using `\aftergroup' quickly).
%% Therefore, I render 'lineno''s |\setpagewisenumbers|
%% acting globally:
\global\let \theLineNumber \thePagewiseLineNumber
\global\let \c@linenumber \c@pagewiselinenumber
\global\let \makeLineNumber \makePagewiseLineNumber
%% I just force this, hehe ...
%% As a counterpart to `\c@pagelinenumber',
%% |\c@footnotelinenumber| is reserved for the
%% absolute footnote line numbers:
%% %% 2011/01/01 severe-bug fix, why didn't show up?:
%% |\FNLN@@cache| stores `\NumberedPageCache'
%% as from ``main" mode:
\let \FNLN@@cache \NumberedPageCache
%% |\FNLN@cache| stores `\NumberedPageCache'
%% as from ``footnote" mode; its initial content is the
%% counterpart or analogue to `\LN@Pfirst':
\def \FNLN@cache {\FLN@Pfirst}
%% %% 2010/12/28:
%% |\FNLN@foot@cache| and |\FNLN@main@cache|
%% switch |\NumberedPageCache|:
\def \FNLN@foot@cache {%
\GStoreUse \NumberedPageCache \FNLN@@cache \FNLN@cache}
\def \FNLN@main@cache {%
\GStoreUse \NumberedPageCache \FNLN@cache \FNLN@@cache}
%% |\FNLN@labels| will be the counterpart to
%% 'lineno.sty''s `\@LN@labellist':
\global\let \FNLN@labels \@empty
%% |\FNLN@vadjusts| will be the counterpart to
%% 'lineno''s `\@LN@vadjustlist':
\global\let \FNLN@vadjusts \@empty
%% %% separation for referencing 2010/12/28:
%% Settings for footnote line numbers first resemble
%% `\setpagewiselinenumbers'; but more changes
%% are needed, and results from main text numbering
%% must be stored.
%% Some of the settings are needed \emph{locally} for
%% generating numbers for labels, collected in
%% |\setgetfootnotelinenumbers|; for this purpose
%% nothing must be stored explicitly:
\newcommand* \setgetfootnotelinenumbers {%
%% Change of `\theLineNumber' is omitted as we are \emph{reading},
%% not writing a label.
% \let\makeLineNumber\makeFootnoteLineNumber
%% But in fact, |\makeFootnoteLineNumber| and
%% |\makePagewiseLineNumber| will be the same.
%% The difference is made by the choice of
%% |\FNLN@first@numbered| and |\NumberedPageCache|
%% for the line range searches.
\let \FNLN@first@numbered \FLN@Pfirst
\let \FNLN@finish \FNLN@add
%% |\setfootnotelinenumbers| performs all the settings
%% for typesetting footnotes in line numbering mode
%% \emph{globally},
%% including storing results from typesetting main text:
\newcommand* \setfootnotelinenumbers {%
%% The previous line also renders `\setgetfootnotelinenumbers' global:
%% |\theLineNumber| is used for `\linelabel' entries.
%% `\thePagewiseLineNumber' is replaced by
%% |\theFootnoteLineNumber|:
%% Logging to `.aux':
\def \FNLN@log {\string\@FLN}%
%% %% 2010/12/28:
%% Starting range search: |\NumberedPageCache|
%% Reusing 'lineno''s task list operations:
\GStoreUse \@LN@labellist \FNLN@@labels \FNLN@labels
\GStoreUse \@LN@vadjustlist \FNLN@@vadjusts \FNLN@vadjusts
%% For switching back to ``main text mode,"
%% again some settings may need a local variant---for
%% processing line references from footnotes to main text!
%% This is the purpose of |\setgetpagewiselinenumbers|:
\newcommand* \setgetpagewiselinenumbers {%
\let \FNLN@first@numbered \LN@Pfirst
\let \FNLN@finish \@gobbletwo
%% |\unsetfootnotelinenumbers| stores the ``current"
%% page with footnote lines and loads the ``most recent"
%% page with main text lines---and more ...:
\newcommand* \unsetfootnotelinenumbers {%
\gdef \FNLN@log {\string\@LN}%
%% Task lists: %% 2010/12/28
\GStoreUse \@LN@labellist \FNLN@labels \FNLN@@labels
\GStoreUse \@LN@vadjustlist \FNLN@vadjusts \FNLN@@vadjusts
\globaldefs\@ne \setgetpagewiselinenumbers \globaldefs\z@ %% v0.53
%% |\makeFootnoteLineNumber| actually only copies
%% |\makePagewiseLineNumber|, different results are obtained
%% be changing hooks. The command first calls
%% logging---|\logtheLineNumber|,
%% then generating the ``public" line number---|\getLineNumber|
%% (which in turn only is a copy of |\testNumberedPage|
%% in 'lineno.sty').
{\let \makeFootnoteLineNumber \makePagewiseLineNumber}
%% ==== Logging ====
%% |\logtheLineNumber| is redefined to log both
%% main text and footnote line numbers.
\def \logtheLineNumber {%
%% |\FNLN@log| is the hook for the difference,
%% its default expansion |\@LN| is made for
%% \emph{main text} line numbers:
\gdef \FNLN@log {\string\@LN}
%% ==== ``Public" Line Numbers ====
%% Fortunately, these commands don't need to know much about
%% name spaces. The interfaces to them are
%% |\NumberedPageCache|---changing globally---and
%% |\FNLN@first@numbered|. Our
%% |\FNLN@cache| is initialized
%% by analogy to its counterpart `\NumberedPageCache'
%% (a minute name space change):
\def \FNLN@cache {\FLN@Pfirst}
%% |\testFirstNumberedPage{<integer>}| from 'lineno.sty'
%% is modified by replacing `\LN@Pfirst' only:
\renewcommand* \testFirstNumberedPage [1]{%
%% |\testNumberedPage| and |\testNextNumberedPage| from 'lineno'
%% don't need any modification. |\testLastNumberedPage|
%% is modified in 'edfnotes.sty'. %% 2011/01/07
%% |\gotNumberedPage| just needs a closing hook
%% `\FNLN@finish' to allow for footnote lines.
\renewcommand* \gotNumberedPage [4]{%
\ifodd \if@twocolumn #3\else #2\fi\relax\oddNumberedPagetrue\fi
% \show\FNLN@finish
%% |\FNLN@finish{<page>}{<column>}| gobbles both
%% arguments with \emph{main} text lines,
%% but will add the number of main text lines to
%% \emph{footnote} line numbers:
\global\let \FNLN@finish \@gobbletwo
%% Then it will act as |\FNLN@add|. We run the page info macro
%% for the same page (column; if defined).
\newcommand* \FNLN@add [2]{%
\expandafter \let\expandafter \@tempa\csname LN@P#1C#2\endcsname
%% ... rather assuming `\realpagewiselinenumbers'.
%% ... TODO all needed?
%% ==== Referencing ====
%% Now that we are using two separate counters for main text lines
%% and footnote lines (v0.5), correct references to footnote lines
%% using |\linelabel| and `\ref' need further adjustments.
%% %
%% 'lineno.sty''s `\thePagewiseLineNumber'
%% and `\getpagewiselinenumber{<integer>}'
%% are generalized and re-implemented
%% % by |\theWiseLineNumber| and |\getwiselinenumber|
%% by macros that then serve to implement
%% referring to footnote line numbers.
%% |\theWiseLineNumber{<trans>}| leaves a `\protect'ed call
%% to a one-parameter macro <trans> in the `.aux' file:
\newcommand* \theWiseLineNumber [1]{\protect #1{\the\c@linenumber}}
%% |\getwiselinenumber{<choice>}{<integer>}| executes <choice>
%% before applying `\testNumberedPage' to <integer>---within
%% a local group:
\newcommand* \getwiselinenumber [2]{{%
%% Some wisdom is needed to take account of the current
%% ``numbering state" from which `\ref' was called.
%% \begin{description}
%% \item[Referring to main text line:]\leavevmode
%% \begin{itemize}
%% \item Unless called from numbered footnote,
%% no extra care is needed.
%% \item If called from numbered footnote,
%% `\setgetpagewiselinenumbers'
%% and temporary switching of `\NumberedPageCache'
%% is needed.
%% \end{itemize}
%% \item[Referring to footnote line:]\leavevmode
%% \begin{itemize}
%% \item If called from numbered footnote,
%% no extra care is needed.
%% \item Otherwise, `\setgetfootnotelinenumbers'
%% and temporary switching of `\NumberedPageCache'
%% is needed.
%% \end{itemize}
%% \end{description}
\ifx#1\relax %% to main text
\if@FNLN@sw@ %% from footnote
\let \FNLN@restore@cache \FNLN@foot@cache
\else %% to footnote
\if@FNLN@sw@ \else %% from elsewhere
\let \FNLN@restore@cache \FNLN@main@cache
\c@linenumber #2\relax\testNumberedPage
\let \FNLN@restore@cache \relax
%% |\getpagewiselinenumber| doesn't need any <choice>---we
%% assume that the label was written in the default `pagewise'
%% mode (but it is difficult, though, `\relax' is essential!):
% \renewcommand* \getpagewiselinenumber {\getwiselinenumber\relax} %!!
%% 2010/12/31, a compatibility problem with 'ednotes'' `\newlabel'
%% mechanism shows up. 'ednotes' ``undefines" `\getpagewiselinenumber'
%% and restores it only `\AtBeginDocument'. We must ensure that
%% 'ednotes' will not override our new version of
%% `\getpagewiselinenumber'.
%% (TODO in my view another motivation to write ``ready" numbers
%% without `\getpagewiselinenumbers' directly.)
%% We might assume that 'ednotes' (if at all) is loaded directly
%% and loads 'lineno.sty'
%% (that is the usual and recommended way of using 'ednotes')
%% and that this will happen before 'fnlineno.sty' is loaded.
%% But now that we have spent some time understanding the
%% situation, we can deal with the case as well that 'lineno.sty'
%% is loaded first, then 'fnlineno.sty' is loaded, and then 'ednotes'.
%% (I have assumed earlier that 'fnlineno.sty' is loaded after
%% 'lineno.sty' ...)
\def \getpagewiselinenumber {\getwiselinenumber\relax}% sic!
\let \@EN@getpagewiselno \getpagewiselinenumber}
%% For |\thePagewiseLineNumber|, <trans> is `\getpagewiselinenumber':
\renewcommand* \thePagewiseLineNumber {%
%% |\getfootnotelinenumber{<integer>}| considers <integer>
%% the absolute number of a \emph{footnote} line. The <choice>
%% therefore is `\setgetfootnotelinenumbers':
\newcommand* \getfootnotelinenumber {%
%% Finally, |\theFootnoteLineNumber| is how `\linelabel'
%% refers to a \emph{footnote} line. `\theWiseLineNumber'
%% is called with <trans> being `\getfootnotelinenumber':
\newcommand* \theFootnoteLineNumber {%
%% === Leaving the Package File ===
%% == Acknowledgements ==
%% %% 2010/12/19
%% On the 'texhax' mailing list, Boris Veytsman recommended
%% using Victor \mbox{Eijk}\-hout's \textit{\TeX\ by Topic} to me,
%% and Andrej Lapshin pointed me to David Salomon's work
%% on output routines
%% (TUGboat 1990 and 1994, also available as a book,
%% as Ulrich Dirr tells me).
%% It helped me a lot to read about output routines
%% in these works, beyond the \TeX book.
%% The abbreviations \lq OTR\rq\ and \lq MVL\rq\ are
%% Salomon's.---And %% added 2010/12/27
%% recall Christian's work and support
%% by the DFG named at the start of the package file.---And
%% ... the ideas of how to implement
%% (\textit i)~attaching line numbers,
%% (\textit{ii})~`\linelabel', and
%% (\textit{iii})~numbering lines ``pagewise"---so flexibly,
%% compatibly with many other \LaTeX\ packages, still
%% are Stephan's ...
v0.1 2010/12/08 very first, \linelabel works in footnote
SENT TO Christian, problems with "long" footnotes
v0.2 2010/12/08 corr. "manifoot"
2010/12/09 moving doc. from .tex to here,
different doc. sectioning;
\@footnotetext modified (user feature!);
\@doclearpage NOT modified!; \if@FNLN@placing@
2010/12/10 ignore dummy footnote split;
\FNLNpar, \AutoPars, \ExplicitPars,
more on limitations
2010/12/11 more trying, almost anew ...
v0.3 2010/12/12 new approach, removed much before proceeding
2010/12/13 -- this was putting \box\footins onto MVL,
bad with those penalties
v0.4 2010/12/14 another new approach:
typeset footnote on MVL immediately --
described strategy
2010/12/15 ... continued, choice of hooking into \output
2010/12/16 ... continued; rearranged sections ...
\FNLN@@fntext vs. ...ltx...
2010/12/17 success with \pagegoal ...; \GStoreReg etc.;
...@fntext shortened
2010/12/18 another two limitations: \pagebreak in fn.,
guessed/tested; another note to <register>;
ack. Christian; directed -> organized!?
SENT TO Christian/Stephan
v0.41 2010/12/19 support of \pagebreak with \if@FNLN@sw@ etc.;
TODO on lists of <register>s
2010/12/20 debugging: \if...true; \setbox...ft;
\@finalstrut in vmode exported to finstrut.sty;
notes on how v0.41 still fails with \pagebreak
2010/12/21 additional notes on *two* \pagebreak's
v0.5 2010/12/21 restructuring doc., check@latex@ -> check@,
own account of lineno's pagewise mode
2010/12/22 ... continued ...
2010/12/23 ... continued ...
2010/12/24 ... continued ...
2010/12/25 moved this to pwlineno, replaced ...
more on \FNLN@typeset, + \setfootnotelinenumbers
2010/12/26 new summary of implementation,
rearranged code sections; logging settled
v0.51 2010/12/27 "build" settled, typesetting, logging reformated;
ack.s: "recall"; all settings global,
"public" works
\linelabel in footnote broken
v0.52 2010/12/28 own label and vadjust lists for footnotes;
local settings for referencing,
tool and care for global changes (...Cache)
(TODO write ready in .aux? needs another run)
v0.53 2010/12/28 debugging; OK; minor doc. modifications;
less "limitations"; \\[\smallskipamount]
TO CHRISTIAN 2010-12-29
v0.54 2010/12/31 typo options; \FNLN@text without arg,
\getpagewiselinenumber with ednotes
2011/01/01 \FNLN@cache, \FNLN@@cache initialized;
doc. "Typesetting Stage" qualification
2011/01/02 that qualification was wrong
2011/01/03 samepage@hook
v0.55 2011/01/04 samepage@hook emptied here as well;
2011/01/06 edited version history
2011/01/07 note on \if@FNLN@sw@ with v0.5;
finally without support for samepage@hook!
note on \testLastNumberedPage
PART OF EDFN RELEASE r0.5 (together with edfnotes v0.2)
v0.55a 2011/02/09 corr. owner; "Limitations" updated; \pagebreak
\ProvidesFile{fnlineno.tex}[2011/02/14 documenting fnlineno.sty (UL)]
\title{\textsf{fnlineno.sty}\\---\\Numbering Footnote Lines\thanks{This
document %%% manual %% 2010/12/28
describes version
of \textsf{fnlineno.sty} as of \UseDateOf{fnlineno.sty}.}}
% \listfiles %% 2010/12/22
{ \RequirePackage{makedoc}[2010/12/20] \ProcessLineMessage{}
\MakeJobDoc{19}{\SectionLevelThreeParseInput} %% 2010/12/16
\documentclass{article}%% TODO paper dimensions!?
\input{makedoc.cfg} %% shared formatting settings
\newcommand*{\lt}{<} \newcommand*{\gt}{>} %% 2010/12/22
\providecommand*{\strong}{\textbf} %% 2010/12/15
% \hypersetup{bookmarksopen} %% rm. 2010/12/21, cf. .cfg
%% 2010/12/21: %% 2010/12/26 not sure, splits code
% \makeatletter \@beginparpenalty\@highpenalty \makeatother
%% 2010/12/27:
\makeatletter \@beginparpenalty\@lowpenalty \makeatother
'fnlineno.sty' extends
% Stephan~I. B\"ottcher's
(created by Stephan~I. B\"ottcher)
such that even
`\footnote' %% `\' 2010/12/09
lines are numbered and can be referred to
using `\linelabel', `\ref', etc.
%% rm. 2011/02/09:
% Version v0.5 aims at working as a user expects
% (just cf.~``Limitations"), otherwise please complain!
Making the package was motivated as support for
\emph{critical editions}
% of scientific work from an age when footnotes
% were a standard in publishing in print,
%% <- 2011/02/09 ->
of \emph{printed works with footnotes}
as opposed to scholarly critical editions of \emph{manuscripts.}
For this purpose, an extension 'edfnotes' of the \ctanpkgref{ednotes}
package for critical editions, building on 'fnlineno', is provided
by the \textit{ednotes} bundle.\urlfoot{CtanPkgRef}{ednotes}
'lineno.sty' has also been used for the revision process
of \emph{submissions.}
With 'fnlineno.sty', reference to footnotes
in the submitted work may become possible.
%% rm. 2011/02/09:
% Another standalone package 'finstrut' is described.
As to \emph{implementation:} %% 2011/02/14
1.~Some included tools for
\emph{storing and restoring global settings}
may be ``exported" as standalone packages later.
2.~The method of typesetting footnotes on the main vertical list
may later lead to applying the line numbering method to
several \emph{parallel} texts (with footnotes) and to
`inner' material such as table cells.
%% <- 2011/02/14 ->
% \dots
%% new 2011/02/09:
\strong{Keywords:}\quad line numbers; footnotes, pagewise,
critical editions, revision
% \newpage %% rm. 2011/02/09
\section{Usage and Features}
\subsection{Package File Header (Legalize)}
2010/12/08 for v0.1 very first
2010/12/09 for v0.2 moved much to .sty
2010/12/15 for v0.4 \strong
2010/12/16 \SectionLevelThree...
2010/12/22ff. beginparpenalty varied
2010/12/28 for v0.5 abstract extended
2011/02/09 removing `finstrut'; mention `edfnotes'
2011/02/10 using \urlpkgfoot etc.
2011/02/14 abstract modified
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
%% LNoSuppl.tex -- U.L.
[2011/02/16 documenting supplementary files]
\title{\LARGE \bf Supplementary files belonging \\
to the \textit{lineno.sty} distribution \\[1ex]
\normalfont \Large
Lazy \texttt{ASCII}\,$\to$\,\texttt{PDF} listings}
\author{Uwe L\"uck}
%% hyperref settings from makedoc.cfg 2011/02/14:
% bookmarks=false, %% 2010/12/22
% bookmarksnumbered,
bookmarksopen, %% 2011/01/24!?
bookmarksopenlevel=2, %% 2011/01/23
% pdfpagemode=UseNone,
% pdfstartpage=10,
% pdfstartview=FitH,
citebordercolor={ .6 1 .6},
filebordercolor={1 .6 1},
linkbordercolor={1 .9 .7},
urlbordercolor={ .7 1 1}, %% playing 2011/01/24
\newcommand*{\lcurl}[2][]{%% `mirror', \url #2 2011/02/14
\newcommand*{\Verbatiminput}[1]{%% 2011/02/14
\ifx\protect\@typeset@protect #1%
\texttt{lineno.sty} is a macro package made by
Stephan~I.~B\"ottcher for attaching line numbers to
\LaTeX\ documents. Some people have used it for revising
submittings in collaboration with referees or co-authors.
Documentations are nowadays preferred to be in
Adobe's \texttt{PDF}---so \texttt{lineno.sty}'s
documentation is \lcurl[lineno/]{lineno.pdf}.
\texttt{ednotes.sty} uses \texttt{lineno.sty} for critical
editions, combining it with Alexander~I.~Rozhenko's
\texttt{manyfoot.sty}---this was Christian Tapp's idea,
who then hired me for adding the \TeX nical details.
In doing this, I had to change some internals of
\texttt{lineno.sty}, so Stephan transferred maintenance
to me; then some of my macro files that I originally had
made for \texttt{ednotes.sty} wandered into the
\texttt{lineno} directory of CTAN---because they turned
out not to need \texttt{ednotes.sty},
just to work as extensions of \texttt{lineno.sty}\,.
Now, I haven't had the time for making \texttt{.dtx} versions
of the \texttt{.sty} files for \texttt{ednotes}.
Therefore, ordinary \texttt{.pdf} documentation for
the remaining \texttt{.sty} files of \texttt{lineno}
is missing.
What you see here is nothing but a somewhat structured listing
of the additional \texttt{.txt} and \texttt{.sty} files in
\texttt{PDF}, deriving from the \texttt{verbatim} package and
its \cs{verbatiminput} command. I hope the high quality
(scalable) output is worth it.
By contrast, the new package \texttt{fnlineno.sty} added in 2011 for
footnote line numbers is documented in \lcurl[lineno/]{fnlineno.pdf}
in high quality, using the \lcurl{nicetext} bundle.
\leavevmode\hfill \textit{U.\,L.}
\section{The \texttt{.txt} files}
\subsection{Summary: \texttt{README.txt}}
\subsection{Licenses/Copyright: \texttt{COPYING.txt}}
\subsection{Update summaries: \texttt{CHANGEs.txt}}
%% rm. 2011/02/16:
% \subsection{Files and subdirectories: \texttt{FILEs.txt}}
% \verbatiminput{FILEs.txt}
\subsection{Source file infos: \texttt{SRCFILEs.txt}}
\section{Tabular and array environments}
\texttt{lineno.sty}'s package options \texttt{edtable},
\texttt{longtable}, and \texttt{nolongtablepatch}
redefine \LaTeX\ tabular and array environments
such that \texttt{lineno} and \texttt{ednotes} commands
can be used inside. The code for these options resides
in separate files at present. We are listing them here.
\section{\cs{linelabel} and notes from \textit{math} mode:
\notinaux{\\} \texttt{ednmath0.sty}}
\section{Extended line number references: \texttt{vplref.sty}}
\texttt{vplref.sty} is input through the \texttt{lineno}
package option \texttt{addpageno}. This adds page numbers
to line number references to distant sides---using the
\texttt{varioref} package from the \LaTeX\ distribution.
end of LNoSuppl.tex
% Copyright 1995--1999 Stephan I. B"ottcher <>
% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
% version 1 of the License, or any later version.
% $Id: ulineno.tex,v 3.1 2001/08/03 03:29:19 stephan Exp $
% 1999-06-11 SiB: updated for lineno.sty v3.00
\ProvidesFile{ulineno.tex}[2001/08/03 lineno.sty users manual]
%% <- UL 2011/02/13 for readprov.sty
\date{\def\$##1: ##2 ##3${##2}%$
\$Revision: 3.1 $,
\$Date: 2001/08/03 03:29:19 $
\def\lineno.sty{\texttt{\itshape lineno.sty}}
\title{ \lineno.sty
\\ Users Manual
\author{ Stephan I. B\"ottcher
\section{When to use \lineno.sty}
The primary use of \lineno.sty is to get line numbers in your LaTeX
document. \lineno.sty directly supports line numbers in various
modes, and if you have any wishes that are not directly supported,
chances are good that \lineno.sty can be adapted to do it. And if it
turns out to be difficult with \lineno.sty, then it will be even more
difficult without.
There is one class of cases however, where \lineno.sty is not the most
appropriate tool. When your text already comes in lines, like source
listings, tables, poetry, then \lineno.sty will propably do the job,
but other tools could do it much more efficiently.
\lineno.sty can only number lines in the main text. Lines in any kind
of boxes cannot be numbered. But see section \ref{sec:ilineno} below.
\lineno.sty is especially useful when the text is broken into lines by
\TeX\ itself. In this case, the task to attach line numbers is not
easy, and a tool like \lineno.sty has good chances to break when used
together with other packages.
On the other hand, \lineno.sty proved to be quite stable, and I did
not get any reports of complete failure yet.
With \lineno.sty, you can refer to the line numbers via \LaTeX s
~\ref~ and ~\pageref~ macros.
There are other applications, not directly related to line numbering.
Whenever you want to attach something to your text, after a paragraph
was broken into lines, across pagebreaks, lineno may do the job.
Say, you need a frame around some text, but the text should be able
to break across pages, \lineno.sty can be used to draw rules on both
margins, which can be completed at the top and bottom by some
special environment, see section\,\,\ref{sec:bframe}.
There may be cases, where other packages do a better job, e.g.,
\section{Where to get \lineno.sty}
\lineno.sty is available on the \emph{Comprehensive TeX Archive
Network} (CTAN), e.g, \url{ftp:// tex-archive/
macros/ latex/ contrib/ supported/ lineno/ lineno.sty}.
The home of \lineno.sty is \url{http://
~stephan/ tex/ #lineno}. Here you can get the latest version.
\section{How to use \lineno.sty}
As any other \LaTeXe\ package, you need to load it with
\subsection{Package options}
The available <options> are:
\item[\texttt{[left]}:] Put the line numbers into the left margin
\item[\texttt{[right]}:] Put the line numbers into the right margin.
\item[\texttt{[switch]}:] Put the line numbers into the outer margin
(left on even numbered pager, right on odd numbered pages).
\item[\texttt{[switch*]}:] Put the line numbers into the inner
\item[\texttt{[pagewise]}:] Number the lines from 1 on each page.
\item[\texttt{[running]}:] Continuously number the lines (default).
\item[\texttt{[modulo]}:] Print line numbers only if they are
multiples of five.
\item[\texttt{[mathlines]}:] When using the ~{linenomath}~
environment for display math, put line numbers also on the lines of
the display.
\item[\texttt{[displaymath]}:] Automatically wrap the standard LaTeX
display math environments in ~{linenomath}~.
Change from v2 to v3: ~[mathlines]~ was called ~[displaymath]~
before, and ~[displaymath]~ was ~\usepacke{mlineno}~.
All effects of these option can also be obtained by calling certain
macros later in the document, except for ~[displaymath]~.
\subsection{How to turn on line numbering}
The line numbering is not activated by default. If you want line
numbers, you have to turn it on. The simplest way is to say
This will turn on line numbers within the current group, according to
the currently selected mode. If you do it right at the beginning, the
whole document will be numbered.
~\linenumbers~ takes effect only when a paragraph is finished. This
is important if you use ~\linenumbers~ for a single paragraph only.
This will \emph{not} work:
Text of your paragraph.
because the ~\endgroup~ terminates the effect of ~\linenumbers~ before
the paragraph is finished. The solution is to insert an empty line,
or an explicit ~\par~ before the ~\endgroup~.
The prefered solution is to use an enviroment:
Text of your paragraph.
~\end{linenumbers}~ terminates the paragraph for you. It will also
make sure that the next paragraph is not indented, if there is no
empty line in between.
This form will not finish any preceeding paragraph. If you do not
leave an empty line before ~\begin{linenumbers}~, the previous
paragraph may also get line numbers (this is not true after a list
A quite esoteric form to number a single paragraph is:
Text of your paragraph.
Here, the ~\linenumbers~ is turned on in a group that just executes
the ~\par~ to terminate the previous paragraph. Only this paragraph
will have line numbers. (~\par~ is exactly equivalent to an empty
\subsection{How to turn off line numbering}
You do not usualy turn of line numbering explicitly, but rather
restrict line numbering to a group or an environment. However, you
can turn it off with the command
This macro can also be used as an environment. The same restrictions
apply as for ~\linenumbers~.
\section{Numbering modes}
Attaching line numbers after \TeX\ has broken the paragraph into lines
is already quite a difficult job for \TeX. Why? Because \TeX\ does
not normally give you any control after line breaking. \lineno.sty
does it by pretending that the current page ends after each and every
line. This keeps \TeX\ quite busy, but works.
Often, you want the line numbers to depend on the page they finally end
up. E.g., you want the numbers to start with~ ~1 one each new page,
or you want them to appear on the outer margins in twoside mode. This
is an almost impossible demand, but \lineno.sty can do it, at some
cost, in terms of computing time, memory, and disk space. \lineno.sty
needs to write a note into the auxiliary file for each line in the
numbered part of the text, and \TeX\ keeps some memory for each page,
and all that takes some computation time to figure out on which page
the line was in the last \LaTeX\ run.
Thus, there are two basic numbering modes
\item \emph{Running} line numbers. The numbers run continuously along
the document, without considering page breaks.
The line numbers can be reset, or preset at any point in the
document (except within a paragraph). Margin switching (or any
other dependence on the page breaks) is not possible.
\item \emph{Pagewise} line numbers. The lines on each page are
numbered from one. Automatic margin switching is possible.
\emph{Running} mode can be simulated in pagewise mode, to get
automatic margin switching with continuous line numbers, but without
the ability to reset/preset the line numbers anywhere in the
Any feature that depends on the page breaks must use this mode.
\subsection{\emph{Running} line numbers}
This is the default mode of operation. The lines of your text are
numbered continuously across page breaks.
You cannot get automatic margin switching in this mode, because at the
time when the line numbers are attached, it is not yet decided on
which page the line will end up. However, you can simulate continuous
line numbers in \emph{pagewise} mode (see below), where margin
switching becomes possible.
You get this mode by
\item \emph{not} specifying any of the package options
\item specifying the package option ~[running]~,
\item give the command ~\setrunninglinenumbers~ in the document, or
\item turn on line numbering with ~\runninglinenumbers~ or
\subsubsection{Reseting or setting the line number}
You can reset the line number with
where the default is to reset the line number to one.
Alternatively, you can give the line number in an optional argument to
any command that turns on the line numbering in this mode:
or reset the line number to 1 with any of the following:
This section of the manual is enclosed in
\subsection{\emph{Pagewise} line numbers}
Basically, this mode prints line numbers starting with 1 on top of
each page, counting only lines where this mode is active. If you
turn on this mode in the middle of a page, the numbers start with 1
at that point.
The \emph{pagewise} mode of operation is quite a bit more work for
\TeX. When the line numbers are printed, \TeX\ does not know on which
page the current line will go. To get \emph{pagewise} mode working,
\LaTeX\ has to remember on which page the line went in a previous run.
This information is written into the ~.aux~ file, and like a table of
contents, you will not see the numbers until you run \LaTeX\ at least
twice on the document. Sometimes the information in the ~.aux~ file
becomes invalid in a way that causes \lineno.sty to hang. In such a
case you'll have to delete all ~.aux~ files of the document to get it
going again.
You get this mode by
\item specifying the package option
~[pagewise]~, but not ~[running]~,
\item give the command ~\setpagewiselinenumbers~ in the document, or
\item turn on line numbering with ~\pagewiselinenumbers~ or
You cannot reset or preset the line numbers in \emph{pagewise} mode.
This mode uses a different counter than \emph{running} mode. You can
switch between the mode, and the \emph{running} numbers will continue
where they left of, unless you reset the counter.
\subsubsection{Margin switching}
As a side effect of all the business to find out on which page the lines
end up, margin switching becomes possible. It is now possible to
print the line number differently on odd and even pages. The command
will cause the line numbers to be printed on the outer margins, on the
right side for odd pages, and on the left side for even numbered
pages. If you add a star, the numbers go on the inner margins
You can achieve the same effect by specifying the package
option ~[switch]~ or ~[switch*]~ together with ~[pagewise]~.
Margin switching is independent of any ~[twoside]~ option of the
document class.
\subsubsection{\emph{Running} mode with margin switching}
Margin switching is not possible in \emph{running} mode, but you can
abuse the pagewise mode to produce continuous line numbers. This mode
is activated with the command
It is not possible to reset the line number counter for this mode, the
lines will be numbered starting from one at the beginning of the
document, and continue. You can switch back to real pagewise mode with
but when you resume \emph{running-pagewise}, the numbers will not
continue where they left off, but jump by the number of lines that
were numbered \emph{real-pagewise}.
The package options ~[switch]~ and ~[switch*]~ will turn on
\emph{running pagewise} mode with margin switching, unless you also
specify ~[pagewise]~.
Finally, if you give these options together with ~[running]~, like
the mode is set to plain \emph{running} line numbers, but later in
your document, if you say ~\pagewiselinenumbers~, the setings of the
~[switch]~ and ~[pagewise]~ options will take effect.
\subsubsection{Page numbers}
Any pages that contain \emph{pagewise} numbered lines must have a
different page number. This may cause trouble with titlepages or
simmilar fudging with the page number counter in the document. (I am
talking about ~\c@page~ or ~\count 0~ here, not ~\thepage~).
If you get strange errors, like \emph{``the use of} ~\nextLN~
\emph{does not match its definition''}, you should first delete all
~.aux~ files, and rerun \LaTeX\ several times. If the error does not
reappear, fine, else check your page numbers, including those that are
not printed. You may use \emph{running} line numbers on your
titlepages, since the page boundaries are predefined, usually.
\subsection{Margin selection}
In any mode you can select a fixed margin on which the numbers shall
be printed. You can either give a package option ~[left]~ or
~[right]~, or change the margin within the document with
Neither of these commands actually turns on line numbering. The
margin setting is changed for the currently selected mode
\emph{running} or \emph{pagewise}. If you want to set the margin for
both modes, append a star
The default is ~\leftlinenumbers*~.
\subsection{Summary of mode selection commands}
The following commands change the major line numbering mode.
\item [|\setrunninglinenumbers]
\item [|\setpagewiselinenumbers] \leavevmode\\
set the current mode, without activating or deactivating line
\item [|\runninglinenumbers\texttt{*[\NL}]
\item [|\pagewiselinenumbers] \leavevmode\\
set the current mode and activate line numbering, optionally reset
(~*~), or set the line number for \emph{running} mode.
The following commands do not change the major mode, but modify the
the behaviour of \emph{pagewise} mode
\item [|\realpagewiselinenumbers]
\item [|\runningpagewiselinenumbers] \leavevmode\\
select if \emph{pagewise} mode should number continuously, or really
\subsection{Summary of margin selection commands}
The following command select into which margin the numbers should be
\item [|\leftlinenumbers\texttt*]
\item [|\rightlinenumbers\texttt*] \leavevmode\\
put the line numbers in the left/right margin in both modes.
\item [|\leftlinenumbers]
\item [|\rightlinenumbers] \leavevmode\\
put the line number into the left/right margin in the currently
selected mode.
\item [|\switchlinenumbers] \leavevmode\\
put the line numbers into the outer margin, when using
\emph{pagewise} mode.
\item [|\switchlinenumbers\texttt*] \leavevmode\\
put the line numbers into the inner margin, when using
\emph{pagewise} mode.
\subsection{Numbering only one in five lines}
You can ask lineno to print the line numbers only if they devide by
<n>, by saying
If you omit the optional argument, it will be every fifth line, or
whatever you used last (the current value of the counter
~linenumbermodulo~). You get the same effect by giving the package
option ~[modulo]~.
If you set <n> to 1, the modulo value is not changed, but modulo
numbering is turned off.
Changing the counter ~linenumbermodulo~ does not turn on modulo
numbering, it just changes the modulo, if it is turned on without the
optional argument.
This section of the manual is enclosed in
~\begin{linenumbers*}~ \\
\subsection{How the line numbers look like}
This section of the manual is enclosed in
~\begin{pagewiselinenumbers}~ \\
By default, the line numbers are set in
right justified to 10\,pt left of the nominal left edge of the text.
If the number is to appear on the right margin, it is right justified
to 20\,pt right of the nominal right edge of the text.
You can easily change that, of course. The font is defined by the
You can redefine it to make the numbers appear in a differnt font
(with ~\renewcommand~). I'll say right here in this manual
The distance on the left margin can be changed with
The distance on the right margin is ~\linenumbersep~ plus
~\linenumberwidth~, both are set to 10\,pt by default.
Let's do right here
I put the command at the end of the paragraph, but it effects the
whole paragraph, because that is where everything happens: at the end
of the paragraphs.
The line numbers are printed as arabic numerals, as defined in the
for the \LaTeX\ counter ~{linenumber}~. You can redefine that, as
for any other \LaTeX\ counter. E.g.,
(For heavy duty line numbering, you should use \LaTeX s internal
format, e.g., ~\@roman\c@linenumber~.)
\subsubsection{Deeper customization}
The line number is attached to the line by the macro
which is expanded inside a zero width ~\hbox~ alligned to the
origin of the current line (left edge, baselines alligned). You can
do anything in this macro. Let's assume you do not want line numbers
at all, but just attach something else to each line of text: this is
the macro to modify. You can refer to the line number by the macro
~\LineNumber~, which prints the current value of the counter
~{linenumber}~, or nothing if \emph{modulo} mode is active, and the
number does not divide by ~{linenumbermodulo}~. You should not modify
this macro when using any form of \emph{pagewise} mode. At the end of
this paragraph I put the following
{\hss$\rightarrow$\ \rlap{\hskip\textwidth\ $\leftarrow$}}
~ {\hss$\rightarrow$\ \rlap{\hskip\textwidth\ $\leftarrow$}}~\\
Redefining ~\makeLineNumber~ cuts deep into the linenumber mode
setting. If you still want to use the basic modes \emph{running} and
\emph{pagewise} you should go one level up and modify one of the
following macros, which are called by (or assigned to)
~\makeLineNumber~ depending on the current mode, and with the counter
~{linenumber}~ allready adjusted for the current page when using
\emph{pagewise} mode.
The first is used in \emph{running} mode, the other two in
\emph{pagewise} mode. If you modify those, you cut into the
margin selection mechanism as advertised above. You will have to call
a mode selection command after changing these macros, to make them take
effect (at least for ~\makeLineNumberRunning~).
You can go up one more step. The margin selection commands redefine
the above macros by making them equivalent (~\let~) to one of the
following macros
You may redefine these, and afterwards issue a margin selection
command followed by a mode selection command. The default definitions
~ {\hss\linenumberfont\LineNumber\hskip\linenumbersep}~
~ {\linenumberfont\hskip\linenumbersep\hskip\textwidth~\\
~ \hbox to\linenumberwidth{\hss\LineNumber}\hss}~
Whatever you do, use ~\LineNumber~ to print the digits. This ensures
that the modulo mode setting is acknowledged. If you want to
customize that as well, this is the macro to change. ~\LineNumber~
eventually refers to ~\thelinenumber~, which is the place to customize
the numerals themselves. At the end of this paragraph I said
\renewcommand\LineNumber{\ifodd\value{linenumber} \thelinenumber)\fi}
~ {\ifodd\value{linenumber} \thelinenumber)\fi}~
Line number references are not affected by ~\LineNumber~, but you
should keep track of ~\thelinenumber~. Look at the following
The setion title of the next section is on page \pageref{ll1}, line
There is a mismatch in the definition of ~\thelinenumber~, from the
point of the refered line to the reference here.
\section[Line number references]
{Line number references\linelabel{ll1}}
\lineno.sty allows to refer to a line number with ~\ref{~<label>~}~.
The label is set by ~\linelabel{~<label>~}~, anywhere in a paragraph
that gets line numbers. If you put a ~\linelabel~ somewhere else, the
line number it refers to is pretty meaningless, but no error message
is issued. (This section begins on line \ref{ll1}, page
\pageref{ll1} and ends on line \ref{ll2}, page \pageref{ll2}.)
References work both in \emph{running} and \emph{pagewise} modes.
However, you have to be very careful when using both \emph{real
pagewise} mode and \emph{running pagewise} mode: The mode setting
must be the same during reference as during labeling.
The restrictions on placing a ~\linelabel~ are the same as for a
~\marginpar~. (In fact, they are implemented as fake ~\marginpar~s.)
E.g., the linelabel on the section header of this chapter could not be
placed in the straight forward way, because it would cause an error in
the table of contents. (It should be disabled during \emph{toc}
processing.) Instead, I typed
~\section[Line number references]~\\
~ {Line number references\linelabel{ll1}}~
This works fine, with the standard \LaTeX\ ~{article}~ document
style. If more generic markup is required, you should avoid things
like this (you should avoid \lineno.sty altogether, in that case).
~\linelabel~ does not work in display math. (Why, you do not use
equation numbers?)
The ~\linelabel~ command starts a new paragraph if it is issued after
an empty line. It will properly ignore further whitespace before the
first word of text. Thus you can easily get a label to the first line
of a paragraph.
Furthermore, ~\linelabel~ uses \LaTeX s standart tricks to avoid
unnecessary spaces if you place is between two words with spaces
around, but you should not do that anyway, if you want to make sure
that the label applies to a certain word in the text. You should
attach the line label to the word in question without intervening
spaces, either before of after the word. If you leave spaces both
before and after the ~\linelabel~ command, the current implemenation
attaches the line label to the following word (by ignoring the
trailing space).
Special care should be taken at the end of a paragraph. You better
put the line label without intervening spaces behind the period, like
~This is the end of this section.%~\\
This is the end of this section.%
\section{Known incompatibilities}
This section will expand whenever somebody discovers problems when
using \lineno.sty together with other \LaTeX\ packages.
\lineno.sty used to have problems with \texttt{wrapfig.sty}, but this
is solved but \lineno.sty, version 2.05.
\section{Extension packages}
The extension packages were abolished with version v3.00 of
\lineno.sty. One package, ~itemrule.sty~, was dropped, the others
were put directly into the the main \lineno.sty package file.
\subsection{Display math, \texttt{\itshape mlineno}}
\lineno.sty does not work well with display math. The parts of a
paragraph preceeding a display math will not get line numbers. The
reason is that the paragraph is not finished, but the part above the
display is broken into lines anyway.
Let me demonstrate the effect. This paragraph contains a
~{displaymath}~ environment. The part before the Formula does not get
line numbers. Here comes the Formula
\mathrm{6\,H_2O + 6\,CO_2 \ \rightarrow\ C_6H_{12}O_6 + 6\,O_2}
which makes the line numbers disappear. The trailing part of the
paragraph does get line numbers.
There are several means to solve the problem, but none of them is
fully satisfactory. \lineno.sty defines a ~{linenomath}~ environment,
which can be wrapped around a display math to make the line numbering
work. This will work with any kind of display math, even if you use
explicit ~$$~ pairs. There is a ~*~-form ~{linenomath*}~ which also
numbers the lines of the display itself, as good as it can. Here
comes an example use of ~{linenomath*}~
b_1 &=& a_{11}x_1 + a_{12}x_2 \\
b_2 &=& a_{21}x_1 + a_{22}x_2
wrapping an ~{egnarray*}~ like this
~ \begin{eqnarray*}~\\
~ b_1 &=& a_{11}x_1 + a_{12}x_2 \\~\\
~ b_2 &=& a_{21}x_1 + a_{22}x_2~\\
~ \end{eqnarray*}~\\
Specifying the package option ~[mathlines]~, causes the
~{linenomath}~ environment to switch its function with its *-form.
This allows you to later decide if you want the numbers on the formulas
or not, without putting in stars everywhere (as long as you have been
The ~{linenomath}~ wrapper does nothing if line numbering is not
activated. You do not need to remove them if you decide to omit the
line numbering later (although you still have to load \lineno.sty).
The \texttt{\itshape mlineno} extension redefines the standard \LaTeX\
display math environments to wrap themselves automatically into
~\[~ ~\]~
As of version 3.00 you can activate this by the package option
~[displaymath]~. You can keep existing explicit ~{linenomath}~
wrappers without harm.
This will probably not work with AMSmath.
Other solutions to make \lineno.sty work with display math are either
ugly or less stable. The ugly possibility is to precede every display
math with an empty line, or better with
but this gains you nothing compared to using the ~{linenomath}~
environment, since you still have to modify your document.
\subsection{\texttt{\itshape rlineno}}
It is currently not possible to put a ~\linelabel~ into math mode.
This should not impose problems with inline math, since you can attach
the label just outside the math shift, like\linelabel{rll1}
~... \linelabel{~<label>~}$x=f(y)$ ...~
but to refer to a line in display math, you cannot label it directly.
The extension \texttt{\itshape rlineno} offers a solution,
allowing to refer to a line number with an offset.
This extension is now available with plain \lineno.sty v3.00.
You put the ~\linelabel~ at the end of the preceeding line, and refer
to that number, plus 1 or, in case of multiline displays, by any other
~...\linelabel{~<label>~}~ \\
~\begin{equation}~ \\
~ y=f'(x)~ \\
~\end{equation}~ \\
~... the formula in line \lineref[+1]{~<label>~}~
The offset calculation is different for pagewise or running line
numbers, and you will have to make sure the right method is used.
The macro ~\lineref[~<offset>~]{~<label>~}~ uses the method of the
currently selected mode (line numbering need not be activated). To
specify the mode explicitly, use ~\linerefr~ or ~\linerefp~ for
running or pagewise mode respectively.
For example, the manual sets a ~\linelabel{rll1}~ at the end of the
line preceeding the single line quote environment at
line\,\linerefr[+1]{rll1} in the first paragraph of this chapter, and
refered to it via
and another one preceeding the quote environment in the second
paragraph of this chapter, with the central line
numbered\,\linerefp[+3]{rll2}, which I just refered to via
If the correct mode is selected (e.g., ~\setrunninglinenumbers~),
you can use ~\lineref[+1]{rll1}~ to refer to
\subsection{\texttt{\itshape numquote}}
This extension defines two environments, each of them with a *-form or
alternatively an optional argument.
is like ~{quote}~,
is like ~{quotation}~, but with the lines numbered. Numbering
restarts with 1 each time it is used, except you use the *-form, or
specify the line number to start with in an optional argument.
The line numbers set to the left of the text, indented by the same
amount as the quote or quotation. This works as expected even if the
quote appears in a nested list.
To customize the distance from the text or the shape of the
numbers, you can modify the macros ~\quotelinenumbersep~ and
~\quotelinenumberfont~ respectively.
As of version 3.00, this is available directly with \lineno.sty.
\subsection{\texttt{\itshape ilineno}}
\internallinenumbers \resetlinenumber[13]
Sometimes you need line numbers within a |\parbox\ or figure. This
extension can do that, if the text is simple enough. It works by
drawing a ladder of numbers next to the paragraph, each number
vertically separated by |\baselineskip\ from the other. This
obviously dose not work nicely with anything but straight text.
Extra high lines (like this: $\displaystyle x=\frac AB$) will
disturb the alignment. The power of \lineno.sty is not necessary to
achieve this, but you may need both in one document with a somewhat
coherent interface, and some of the necessary infrastructure from
\lineno.sty is actually useful.
% Why is the v-spacing wrong here?
The preceding paragraph was set like this:
~\begin{center}\fbox{\parbox{0.8\textwidth}{~ \\
~\internallinenumbers~ \\
~\resetlinenumber[13]~ \\
~ ~ Sometimes you need \dots \\
\subsection{\texttt{\itshape itemrule.sty}}
Somebody asked me if he can get a rule next to an itemized item, from
the bullet downwards. This style did that. It was unstable and of
little interest, so it is gone from the \lineno.sty distribution.
\subsection{\texttt{\itshape bframe}}
\lineno.sty can be used for unexpected purposes. The environment
draws boxes around some text, even across page breaks. At a page
break, the box is open (it is difficult to fix that). There are two
\item [|\bframesep] \leavevmode\\
defines the separation of the box from the text.
\item [|\bframerule] \leavevmode\\
defines the thickness of the lines around the text.
It works by asking \lineno.sty to draw small rules left and right to
the lines. The total height of the rules is ~\baselineskip~ plus
~\bframesep~. This leaves some extra space for extra high lines.
The current version is very preliminary. In a future version there
may be a possibility to move the vertical lines inwards for indented
text. The box may optionally be closed at page breaks. It will not
likely be possible to have a colored background in the box, at least
not with a graphics driver that cannot put a background behind
existing foreground (Postscript cannot, I've been told). Tell me how
to make a gray background, like block dots on transparent, and I can
do shaded boxes.
\section{How to print the documented source}
\lineno.sty is written in three programming languages: \TeX, sh,
and awk.
The file can be loaded as a \LaTeXe\ package as it is. However, if
you feed it into a Unix shell, like
~csh> source ./lineno.sty~
it will produce the files ~lineno.tex~ and ~lineno.dvi~, which is the
documented source of \lineno.sty. If you want to learn how it works,
or you need to adapt \lineno.sty for some special requirements, you
should read that document.
%% `vplref.sty'
%% -- extended line number referencing with lineno.sty.
\def\filedate{2005/04/25} \def\fileversion{0.2a}
%% Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Uwe Lueck,
%% --author-maintained
%% -- support of lineno.sty for varioref.sty.
%% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under
%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
%% version 1.3 of the License, or any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
% \vpagelineref{<label>} expands to
% a) \ref{<label>}
% -- if on same page as \linelabel{<label>}
% b) \LineWithPage{<label>} -- otherwise.
% \LineWithPage{<label>} expands -- by default -- to
% \pageref{<label>}.\ref{<label>}
% This can be customized by editing
% \renewcommand*{\LineWithPage}[1]{\pageref{#1}.\ref{#1}}
% in your document preamble, after vplref.sty has been loaded
% (which may have happened through lineno.sty with option
% `addpageno').
\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01] %% \Declare...*
\ProvidesPackage{vplref}[\filedate\space v\fileversion \space
page-line cross-refs] %% UL 2011/02/13
%% Anderer Ansatz: GPNo (\FirstOnPage)
% \def\reftextcurrent{\lineref{#1}}%% First vpageref arg.
%% <- Looks somewhat stupid, but varioref.sty has its merits
%% as compared with the mechanism in ednotes.sty.
\vpageref[\ref{#1}][]{#1}%% The robust alternative.
%% Here and with \LineWithPage, \lineref seems more appropriate
%% than \ref, but it produces errors when labels have not been
%% defined. This seems to be an incompatibility with lineno.sty.
%% Customizable format for different page:
v0.1 2004/10/19 First, sent to Sergei Mariev.
v0.11 2004/10/19 Fit to recent varioref version;
sent to Sergei.
v0.2 2005/04/25 \Require... \AtBeginDocument.
v0.2a 2011/02/13 add. caption to \ProvidesPackage
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Date: Thu Sep 10 09:25:26 2020 +0000
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Date: Thu Sep 10 08:25:38 2020 +0000
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Date: Thu Sep 10 08:25:28 2020 +0000
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Date: Thu Sep 10 15:26:25 2020 +0800
commit 7c486653682e26f971f88b707069b1dca2ef5513
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 15:22:14 2020 +0800
commit 458544adf418e33f47aededf112d442158531d10
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 15:19:10 2020 +0800
commit 4302acd809b330ae809ead6be3121b353b8a4972
Merge: 3a7a4d8 8de2e15
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 15:13:39 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit 3a7a4d8742acbdd0e5479d8d8e61a53467ed021e
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 15:13:37 2020 +0800
commit 8de2e1560be2d53f525b7c29b1cd2d7970118082
Author: Ruizhi Chen <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 07:11:36 2020 +0000
Update relatedwork.tex
commit 3ee685bd2958416e656e1c7c0cc5992cd308e256
Merge: 45f901a 3303310
Author: Aeanderine <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 15:10:19 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit 45f901a70ee6fbbe94348ee273de8e7b0d4a5e82
Author: Aeanderine <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 15:10:14 2020 +0800
commit 3303310dbbbd891f59e7a69dc75e94d32c061bfd
Author: Ruizhi Chen <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 07:10:11 2020 +0000
Update relatedwork.tex
commit 6a433eac9004f615836dbe279cef9d0d16ac80ad
Author: Ruizhi Chen <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 07:09:21 2020 +0000
Update relatedwork.tex
commit 38e10a3b8ee62ffe33af3e511645c6540ec36037
Merge: 37549f1 4cdf914
Author: Aeanderine <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 15:07:00 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit 37549f10ca4d5214f54947e39d3f481911c4a423
Author: Aeanderine <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 15:06:55 2020 +0800
commit 4cdf9147f2df6f66d5db8851435ff1845d817c65
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 14:52:21 2020 +0800
commit 9160a492e5d47fdad5ba031ccecf60da97a04f01
Merge: 228f696 11b5be2
Author: Aeanderine <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 14:32:26 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit 228f6965b3d19f4fb2f63040dc69a207ffd41666
Merge: c794092 013236e
Author: Aeanderine <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 14:31:37 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit 11b5be2c4125a12c62221e1b324fed854181cb1b
Merge: 73fff66 013236e
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 14:31:14 2020 +0800
commit 73fff6662ceb873d161b96953b0a5925eae80abd
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 14:30:41 2020 +0800
commit c7940929170709fbb498a582a3f82edf6d1fa852
Author: Aeanderine <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 14:30:39 2020 +0800
commit 013236e0637a916d76a342113079f93be73ec3a7
Author: Ruizhi Chen <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 06:28:14 2020 +0000
Update relatedwork.tex
commit 8b694c7a513be79187fa3f1447e699f20da772fd
Merge: db11311 153da1e
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 14:26:53 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit db11311babe98f80a9e1ba58335b976d31f230ec
Merge: a4844a7 56daeae
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 14:26:41 2020 +0800
commit 153da1e258dc3f3f45c46e5cec5a6b0d0150ac14
Author: Xing <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 06:22:01 2020 +0000
Update theory.tex
commit a4844a72d82bcb29413f00b1dd20c5b84fcc7beb
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 14:21:37 2020 +0800
commit 56daeae57ad479976d6601d3d6fdf7f331777113
Author: Aeanderine <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 14:19:14 2020 +0800
commit 15ceebed2227764e653f7742074f5b3d2158985b
Merge: f4b2c3a ec4ea38
Author: Aeanderine <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 14:17:43 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit ec4ea380b8916d430b7a468c10c7a258c95c1944
Author: Xing <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 06:17:40 2020 +0000
Update theory.tex
commit f4b2c3ae27eaeed01a264febe9e4927c96933386
Author: Aeanderine <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 14:17:30 2020 +0800
commit 66b6f484b04793715308d62961487aa9aa0e37ee
Author: Xing <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 06:15:13 2020 +0000
Update theory.tex
commit bf1172ac4af643bcec72747d262f2d185f02fe30
Author: Ruizhi Chen <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 06:12:38 2020 +0000
Update ref.bib
commit 5d21559807efd8fe45273e67215e8c01b73b540d
Author: Xing <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 06:10:51 2020 +0000
Update theory.tex
commit 85fe2d5a8a30e83ccfb33fcf37e4a9ff583bb0e8
Author: Xing <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 06:09:52 2020 +0000
Update introduction.tex
commit 541b3ee9545d1c5a858e53bd286b0091f8c5b3aa
Author: Xing <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 06:09:16 2020 +0000
Update introduction.tex
commit f85c840eedf2c21956a2cb5ef33533656f0e858d
Author: Ruizhi Chen <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 06:05:54 2020 +0000
Update relatedwork.tex
commit 510bec15700db55054cfa2d083ecb95ee2f54975
Author: Aeanderine <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 13:55:11 2020 +0800
commit 44b88f723d2177c31f799c623026b46b69fd61c9
Author: Aeanderine <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 13:53:58 2020 +0800
commit a6c27cd83d60d5bedb021d7095f64c4660f7207a
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 05:10:50 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit d81b28872238ed298cb2b4079e7423a5e5a4e83c
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 12:55:04 2020 +0800
haoyifan modify figure1
commit ba05b03d3968c97fb6652e94ac46eb9865196a46
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 04:35:32 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit 29c80ee061824827e2b1668dfe136e99622c4d1f
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 04:32:42 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit 1967fd606edae51487727ee0cd63cbcce96f1c63
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 04:32:20 2020 +0000
Delete Figure9_p_value.pdf
commit b325172b92b92f23b0d3ceb2ad6e18db765407fa
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 04:31:54 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit 5c7d4c133796794face444b27952e113a238d956
Merge: 5b9890a 9417cbe
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 11:53:27 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit 5b9890a801b7537a3955d83e10a24e3b8198df7a
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 11:53:17 2020 +0800
commit 9417cbed2aa13b2b5ffd62473dceb644ba6a7000
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 03:41:13 2020 +0000
Replace Figure5_An_emergent_language.pdf
commit db6a7d8530578f54da5b3dfbb31b2fa193db02f9
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 03:39:03 2020 +0000
Replace Figure3_The_architecture_of_agents.pdf
commit 2596a1527a77f7cf3db4e9c1922a2d385d3c654e
Merge: 9543688 1fedd72
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 11:28:43 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit 95436887f9fe1ab714e3a3aa1cb4cf7deaa51ef3
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 11:28:24 2020 +0800
commit 1fedd729c1f85642f3194e6ecd834d007420ed2b
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 03:28:02 2020 +0000
Replace Figure2_The_referential_game_environment.pdf
commit a97f594d7f3ffe09b84be982f6688e383177d9c7
Merge: 86eb1a7 477bbc9
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 11:13:32 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit 86eb1a7eb19ce315162d8b5aee61d8b1464d4cf0
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 11:13:19 2020 +0800
commit 477bbc9bcd27d0ce3df1a64b5d5d1228a28bb69e
Author: Ruizhi Chen <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 03:10:25 2020 +0000
添加related work中的表格
commit 53d427eca333213c88187e9e97b59c514712bf17
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 03:06:48 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit 5135dca794198ca6a41a049be84f8b02832241af
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 03:06:32 2020 +0000
Delete Figure1. motivation.pdf
commit 2711a5aeac3d8d46c3841a3602d169e67a73cf17
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 03:06:12 2020 +0000
Replace Figure1. motivation.pdf
commit bfc96b16d021a354158d25436a553527135c8f31
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 10:44:24 2020 +0800
commit e2e2956770d51d0ba45704ab079c99b847551b0d
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 10:39:39 2020 +0800
commit 6c62c59c64ae7c37472f90d5268aa132d164c78d
Merge: fa918e0 ea17219
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 10:38:46 2020 +0800
commit fa918e0df54aa76844692a29d97c42b6c3625069
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 10:38:09 2020 +0800
commit ea172193997fc5aa562d410ba8d7dfa90276246d
Author: Ruizhi Chen <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 01:56:18 2020 +0000
修改related work的一个拼写错误
commit f93684180adec2c6cbdacf03ab6f3200c1e13d0f
Merge: 0750d10 37c67ee
Author: Qi Guo <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 09:47:04 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit 0750d107995653bbda87d60f36c631d84009aead
Author: Qi Guo <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 09:47:00 2020 +0800
commit 37c67ee2931c1ee6eaa283656009d381ebb450cd
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 09:46:00 2020 +0800
commit f4d9d9fa40f233a84a4faee2f030c1de629ebf70
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 09:44:08 2020 +0800
commit ec8324db394a3f6f184895b7d5090758d06df022
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 01:39:38 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit 9b50b663853879a71aba883227078f3aec3c581d
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 09:34:30 2020 +0800
commit abf3b623702d4da0fb000c9a2b7d46f459cc5360
Merge: 4237e78 8636f4d
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 09:29:07 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit 4237e78fbd4367259dc6d4f299aeac11b8938be9
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 09:28:55 2020 +0800
commit 8636f4dd71c9af8899c555b6779046088462b7b7
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 01:12:34 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit 28788039e9416fe53a7dc395c3786b8e52723ba3
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 08:37:18 2020 +0800
commit ab4e2afaa571463e77f7e55a4edd615367aead43
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 00:06:52 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit 8f3dc0377b67c47681c1d84b5b77284280ef46be
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 00:06:40 2020 +0000
Delete Figure3_The architecture_of_agents.pdf
commit d36b03ace91731cc86509feda7955f2370e23ac5
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 00:04:24 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit c160dcbeef0b2743212e99ff0d39a6290ed88b4f
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 00:04:19 2020 +0000
Delete Figure3 The architecture of agents.pdf
commit fd1adbd3ecacf273173b635b9618a5d33424430d
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 00:03:54 2020 +0000
Replace Figure3 The architecture of agents.pdf
commit c499806fc9f697d97baf50db4ef1882d632ffbea
Merge: a63f1ec b20789e
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 07:55:59 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit a63f1eceab0cb47579a18d41bca243c415c9a9a7
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 07:55:41 2020 +0800
commit b20789e1932928d19226446c647c32c7e0a0a757
Author: Ruizhi Chen <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 23:53:45 2020 +0000
Update relatedwork.tex
commit 81346ce91d4bc0e8f386562f9d8f3b8b2ddc89fa
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 07:51:50 2020 +0800
haoyifan add notes
commit ea724cc3181ca9e35837e4db5de272ffde4426db
Merge: 856687b b008ddb
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 07:35:43 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit b008ddb527115317de236c4db5375c92fcd5cba3
Author: Ruizhi Chen <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 23:34:38 2020 +0000
Update ref.bib
commit 856687b454f73b056bb83ee6758caf4287af75f9
Merge: ec1857d 3bf62ab
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 07:32:56 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit ec1857d1f622ce22db3f7b4eee17e968a5b7f6a4
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 07:32:48 2020 +0800
commit 3bf62ab3a79cc6aff813acbd43ed02c7201f1d98
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 23:29:34 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit 7d5c55cf926683fa8228ba6ba4bee60d98714db8
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 23:29:24 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit 2b305f8ab94437893562f3ad0df52544b2b5b4d8
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 23:29:15 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit e97c3d3d86c8a8878408032fec22e60bc569472d
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 23:28:32 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit 2db53812576148136d2f779ccac3047b0114ab6a
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 23:16:36 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit 62803d2ddfaad5a78a7fe871d8a7f914cae3a75c
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 23:14:22 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit 70d167ffb03164d3feea6d09bca336303817b5e1
Merge: 8a88c3c 52e7460
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 07:12:57 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit 8a88c3cc45de6849af140452947c97838f7e37e2
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 07:12:53 2020 +0800
commit 52e746020cc35282b82eb3041fa54647f1203252
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 23:05:38 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit 041b1cffbd50818fb15967083537e46b6f2d255c
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 07:04:04 2020 +0800
commit 8da7dc00edb40361590f8b9f700ead7979d0406e
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 22:34:34 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit 9cc028f583c97c512d21bf6ef45d2edd20afa671
Merge: 103e85a 50748ab
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 06:26:32 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit 103e85ae2981fdf742c6d9dee07de133705e6a9e
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 06:26:20 2020 +0800
commit 50748ab5daf6014b19a1afbd4d2d7d7887187913
Author: Ruizhi Chen <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 22:16:21 2020 +0000
commit ef75968eaff7cda3727d47365e6766606b2c1f54
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 06:11:06 2020 +0800
commit 751b9c338d1123ce33125b650f03af3189ec748c
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 05:49:14 2020 +0800
commit f2359c95f4ba240d975e4daa47bfd8d138b1adbb
Merge: 28b78e1 fa9c30d
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 05:42:07 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit 28b78e168773b5aa88f6fc367da0e1a719a2456f
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 05:42:05 2020 +0800
commit fa9c30d781f29e5b2b052663c2df933b50637b18
Author: Aeanderine <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 03:18:47 2020 +0800
commit 0b35369a0636a16f857f1a6a0401a8c2eac81593
Author: Aeanderine <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 02:53:08 2020 +0800
commit b6d9c5a9706241c900f659abbdeaa5110796abc2
Merge: cf704bf 8a40dae
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 02:17:48 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit cf704bfabe64ebe9d1275e8d160d1f947b3df854
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 02:17:43 2020 +0800
commit 8a40dae5102194820ca4c0695543e77fc2d378ce
Author: Aeanderine <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 02:00:05 2020 +0800
commit f40a1f4e29bbdbae0023886aae9db786b41a4738
Merge: 179ff57 57dfb31
Author: Aeanderine <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 01:43:41 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit 179ff574f49079e089b911732db9e4f8da372414
Author: Aeanderine <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 01:43:16 2020 +0800
commit 767edf9c1f3d72c185e8be5cf80f2a1a3222e1a6
Merge: 5c350fe 57dfb31
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 00:30:17 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit 5c350fe97753fb12156d891e83c2f8b9f900b8f9
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 00:30:12 2020 +0800
commit 57dfb313ffa7fbe4d335ba35fe70ebf3365ee41a
Author: Qi Guo <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 23:50:01 2020 +0800
commit b5d699dd97a8d96c263966959f4f4f0b181dde2c
Author: Qi Guo <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 23:46:11 2020 +0800
commit 8a9bd6bd3282e919edf3fa6f8721888ad995e2e6
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 15:27:54 2020 +0000
Replace 模型表征能力与语言组合程度的关系.docx
commit 4993b75af27f1d6a1e56a0d783495cf0fb38adc0
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 21:08:51 2020 +0800
commit 8792085fa64dc25ac222b5fc9a5232bd22e2afff
Merge: 9324ac4 2c6fc77
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 21:06:55 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit 9324ac4d0739cb05b05b9b9bef09feac3693aac9
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 21:06:31 2020 +0800
commit 2c6fc771c2961a4fdfefed02920c8df70342e799
Author: Ruizhi Chen <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 12:31:59 2020 +0000
Update ref.bib
commit 54e7e963211b572d456d12ea1a3b4a5d867f373d
Author: Ruizhi Chen <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 12:31:04 2020 +0000
Update relatedwork.tex
commit 5401c11a70ec9001d9ef50339a25793683929c8c
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 18:25:46 2020 +0800
commit 04e22e6630b8b23d8c2f533e8dd7369392db9fbc
Author: Qi Guo <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 18:01:43 2020 +0800
commit ed44e246e3e26adb0dc04d62c5306bb7f667105a
Author: Qi Guo <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 17:52:00 2020 +0800
commit a5fa4be2fa1a1957d55858af89067dcf18d15c1c
Author: Qi Guo <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 17:25:55 2020 +0800
commit 76bf3bb1e7c68ab24c119070c0b9b4f4abc23c4d
Merge: 26ccb66 65d6269
Author: Qi Guo <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 17:22:04 2020 +0800
commit 26ccb66057f98d20183fb1e47618f40a91809a7e
Author: Qi Guo <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 17:21:36 2020 +0800
commit 65d6269911adf7729e1964b9c3faa0211fce0f3b
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 17:04:25 2020 +0800
commit 4e45bed34d1e4ca14a9f36083d1b429ae68055bf
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 06:59:54 2020 +0000
Replace 模型表征能力与语言组合程度的关系.docx
commit e1ef3584340b9ce15ac214b386b4ceff27243fba
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 04:13:30 2020 +0000
Replace 模型表征能力与语言组合程度的关系.docx
commit 71abd7fb2ca0d4ce5c353ae846eb7aede46550c1
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 04:12:39 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit 8d738f52e9a51cb3e9f5b537dcac70fbb7b04e1a
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 11:38:12 2020 +0800
commit c26556f4b6ec3c18b2dba942b5752ec94b144aba
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 01:12:21 2020 +0800
commit 52ace7e5a41a0a142ab66c30a1cfc5aaf45c85f0
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Wed Sep 9 00:58:09 2020 +0800
commit 239786c85342b9e170016ef25266c6a3f91a7f42
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 23:02:00 2020 +0800
commit f38a07bbd4d53940adc36e5060a47f8ce1956460
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 18:13:29 2020 +0800
commit bb169072cde807f7a0c91535d7d90884b1f12222
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 18:11:29 2020 +0800
commit 97377a5fdc35a5253541337102265ae46e457e83
Merge: c9e87e6 4ed7826
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 18:10:43 2020 +0800
commit c9e87e67541faf5f992a44508883d8f3c036cb9f
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 18:10:18 2020 +0800
commit 4ed7826846e80d0c69ee5244e0e20fc563300e19
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 10:09:28 2020 +0000
Replace introduction.tex
commit f25a3adfa874ce5f390f359875626a49b6eb3d3f
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 10:08:11 2020 +0000
Replace 模型表征能力与语言组合程度的关系.docx
commit aa3838c8d733932a057e1a6cf5ca3f8223d7b650
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 17:45:49 2020 +0800
commit d88bfadb1ee0827cf4d88da1428667b6d412bd5b
Merge: aee4d50 e019c58
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 17:45:36 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit aee4d501114bcbe51b5cf651de8eb61ef2053ee1
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 17:44:32 2020 +0800
add Makefile
commit e019c58d1fae593380493b854d87b9ed26c83d4a
Author: Ruizhi Chen <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 09:17:51 2020 +0000
使用package algorithm,将算法伪代码添加到paper.tex中。
commit 6b1f7234a5763f1ffdd324d6e434c6b2a5f25981
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 16:57:44 2020 +0800
add Makefile
commit 8fcb176fcc5b06fd401c37edeee83384c6c56729
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 08:26:06 2020 +0000
Replace 模型表征能力与语言组合程度的关系.docx
commit 4fdb225e7b1b47f73a85980981a91a1365a88df2
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 16:14:12 2020 +0800
related work
commit 40e00454340a625fba36d93682c6f014511a14ba
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 16:11:17 2020 +0800
related work
commit 4131d4c095026e3425d3f755f1509fb6690383e5
Merge: 74e3af0 5061c89
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 12:11:09 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit 74e3af09d1161f4eb0dbcc51b9c860092e932129
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 12:10:10 2020 +0800
commit 5061c8928fbccf990a2fba1b1bf0bbd0b77d1f3b
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 04:03:54 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit 264bb84ebb4803c816e4b5da0857bc6a5d9a7638
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 11:50:04 2020 +0800
add title and abstract
commit 2f9d51799ad4bc7c11e4b43abf9a2e180d6d3402
Merge: df58450 12094d2
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 11:25:57 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit 12094d2e43892a713dad369f1354c771e4aa361c
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 03:25:37 2020 +0000
commit df584507865b9a39b21f2e6b44c652543d273c66
Merge: c9f1b78 980b72f
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 11:25:26 2020 +0800
Merge branch 'master' of
commit 980b72fe6f1a568052b909940f4cd4901466f391
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 03:24:20 2020 +0000
Replace 模型表征能力与语言组合程度的关系.docx
commit ff9acbe7fbcba4c493e3f9c1473f6c38f6b560f1
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 03:16:30 2020 +0000
Upload New File
commit ed7cc17ff9e76c01c418d28b88cbe32e25d8118c
Author: haoyifan <>
Date: Tue Sep 8 03:15:50 2020 +0000
Add new file
commit c9f1b78e8d16855925318fb5343403634a70c8eb
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Sat Sep 5 17:57:25 2020 +0800
AAAI 2021
commit fe3a50fb68ec1110d973e47118bb20fa9d603d8a
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Sat Sep 5 17:54:00 2020 +0800
AAAI 2021
commit 99ca37cf3ced1f9c6700ab2fefbcad90ab8df634
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Fri Sep 4 23:46:10 2020 +0800
AAAI 2021
commit 9820be00948a0af872c63ddbbfc96c9bac9bd01c
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Fri Sep 4 23:08:49 2020 +0800
AAAI 2020
commit 5c41e3f30dd3726bb177a196207b578161db6f9e
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Fri Sep 4 23:02:53 2020 +0800
commit 242b10edf1b9ba2720ff8b7329431cc82177e9a6
Author: haoyifanustc <>
Date: Fri Sep 4 22:56:12 2020 +0800
Add files via upload
commit 8aad07618b5f085f750c191a71b59fcce78a2ab4
Author: haoyifanustc <>
Date: Fri Sep 4 22:55:44 2020 +0800
Add files via upload
commit 73528fc271eba6b2d9d53d26c08c50ff8426f6d0
Author: haoyifanustc <>
Date: Fri Sep 4 22:55:15 2020 +0800
Add files via upload
commit f73276fd85dd2a5194f1beaca5bb2e28e6487c1c
Author: haoyifanustc <>
Date: Fri Sep 4 22:54:48 2020 +0800
Add files via upload
commit 702276c38b71e5514993c674f8dd0bb37d835577
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Mon Jun 1 18:46:45 2020 +0800
commit cd4cc5da07145b7c16a61c24b563b9c4d3777f66
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Sun May 31 08:54:17 2020 +0800
commit bda1d7a12e767ec9787d3ad8ad889eb861a1772e
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Sat May 30 22:42:20 2020 +0800
commit 30e616416328c18a9b4301ac61dc7d9556d8e623
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Sat May 30 17:09:48 2020 +0800
commit 6225c8f6752645839f0f780aa01f08d749f0f568
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Fri May 29 20:52:06 2020 +0800
commit 0673ccbbdf659160a681da8391c87f56f6980ac9
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Fri May 29 17:11:57 2020 +0800
commit 7a3fbf89ecdd5981694d151ef3dd59c011b7e867
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Fri May 29 15:41:58 2020 +0800
commit 75a40a38bf3d8f8d12539abc469a4741eb849c4b
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Fri May 29 08:00:14 2020 +0800
commit f5fb00bddfad278344fe632bec7117ffd14bbc9c
Author: haoyifanustc <>
Date: Wed May 27 01:21:28 2020 +0800
update main.tex
commit 0a550663252aebb00e1e388fc85292f9dbe82378
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Wed May 20 00:13:55 2020 +0800
commit 24facde9a3e6ec1f6e93927c184e8eb21ff07755
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Tue May 19 21:41:52 2020 +0800
commit 415392c70ab6a6a3f97f6986bfe164ffc5aad60b
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Wed May 13 21:00:50 2020 +0800
commit a5357829851ab9cb3baee8784949f3b4f3080984
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Wed May 13 16:56:52 2020 +0800
commit 325271099214db7e020e50779e405eb4ebe08d7c
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Wed May 13 16:55:03 2020 +0800
commit 8fcc8ad9c7bc6171d593d54b7195f04b405f463b
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Fri May 8 14:52:16 2020 +0800
commit 4ec5b20e4fc4b975c3437469940c60d87320b486
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu May 7 19:12:13 2020 +0800
preparing article
commit f576f3c2f083716c186dcaa19f6ebf2e8ac84a30
Author: Zidong-HuaweiLaptop <>
Date: Thu May 7 19:07:19 2020 +0800
first commit
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
We exploit the relationship between agent capacity and the compositionality of
symbolic language that emerged in our natural referential game.
For various configuration of
vocabulary size, we train the speaker-listener agents to emerge symbolic
vocabulary size, we fix $|M_0|=|M_1|=3$ and train the speaker-listener agents to emerge symbolic
language when varying the agent capacities, i.e., hidden layer size
($h_{size}$), from 6 to 100.
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