Commit c9e87e67 by Zidong Du


parent aa3838c8
\section{Introduction} \section{Introduction}
\label{sec:introduction} \label{sec:introduction}
The emergence of human language has always been an important and controversial The emergence of human language has always been an important and controversial
issue. This problem attracts attentions from a broad range of communities, issue. This problem attracts attentions from a broad range of communities,
including philology, biology and computer science. In computer science, including philology~\cite{}, biology~\cite{}, and computer
researchers induce and analyze the emergent language in multi-agent systems by science~\cite{}. Especially in computer science, efforts in recent years try to explore
setting up communication scenarios, such as referential games and the emergence of symbolic language in virtual environments, where agents are trained
communication-action policies. to communicate with neural network based method, i.e, deep reinforcement
learning~\cite{}. For example, \note{XXXX}
%Such works can be roughly classified into two categories,
%referential game~\cite{} and multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL)~\cite{}, based on
%the environment setting.
To evaluate the emerged symbolic language, compositionality is widely used and
taken as an important metric.
Compositionality is a widely used metric to evaluate the emergent language. It It
is a concept in the philosophy of language [1], which describes and quantifies is a concept in the philosophy of language [1], which describes and quantifies
how complex expressions can be assembled out of simpler parts [2]. For example, how complex expressions can be assembled out of simpler parts [2]. For example,
Figure1(a) shows a perfect compositional language (with maximum Figure1(a) shows a perfect compositional language (with maximum
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