The emergence of human language has always been an important and controversial
issue. This problem attracts attentions from a broad range of communities,
including philology~\cite{}, biology~\cite{}, and computer
@@ -27,11 +26,6 @@ compostionality). In this example, each shape is represented by a unique value
of symbol $s_0$ and each color is represented by symbol $s_1$. Figure1(b) shows a
language with low compostionality. Colors and shapes are ambiguous if only we
extract information from a single symbol.
The emergence of human language has always been an important and controversial issue. This problem attracts attentions from a broad range of communities, including philology, biology and computer science. In computer science, researchers induce and analyze the emergent language in multi-agent systems by setting up communication scenarios, such as referential games and communication-action policies.
Compositionality is a widely used metric to evaluate the emergent language. It is a concept in the philosophy of language [1], which describes and quantifies how complex expressions can be assembled out of simpler parts [2]. For example, Figure1(a) shows a perfect compositional language (with maximum compostionality). In this example, each shape is represented by a unique value of symbol s_0 and each color is represented by symbol s_1. Figure1(b) shows a language with low compostionality. Colors and shapes are ambiguous if only we extract information from a single symbol.