Commit 4a3afd5a by haoyifan

haoyifan add code

parent af2d112a
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import os
import logging
import time
import random
import sys
from metrics import update_metric, update_speaker_prob, update_listener_prob, update_R_and_MIS
# hyperparameters
MAX_EP = 10000000 # maximum count of training data
A_LR = 0.002 # learning rate for actor
C_LR = 0.002 # learning rate for critic
CLIP = 0.2
SHAPE_NUM = 3 # M0
COLOR_NUM = 3 # M1
H_SIZE = 20 # agent capacity
log_file ='log_Shape' + str(SHAPE_NUM) + '_Color' + str(COLOR_NUM) + '_Symbol' + str(SYMBOL_DIM) + '_H' + str(H_SIZE)
np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True)
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = sys.argv[1]
logger = logging.getLogger('mylogger')
timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
fh = logging.FileHandler('./run_logs/' + log_file)
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s][%(levelname)s] %(message)s')
class Speaker(object):
def __init__(self, symbol_dim, shape_num, color_num):
self.buffer_t = []
self.buffer_symbol = []
self.buffer_reward = []
self.symbol_dim, self.shape_num, self.color_num = symbol_dim, shape_num, color_num
gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth = True)
config = tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options)
self.sess = tf.Session(config=config)
self.t = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.shape_num + self.color_num], 'shape_color')
self.symbol0_prob, self.symbol1_prob, speak_params = self.speak_net(self.t, 'speak_net', trainable = True)
self.old_symbol0_prob, self.old_symbol1_prob, old_speak_params = self.speak_net(self.t, 'old_speak_net', trainable = True)
self.update_prob = [oldp.assign(p) for p, oldp in zip(speak_params, old_speak_params)]
self.tf_symbol_out = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 2], 'symbol_out')
self.tf_symbol0_out, self.tf_symbol1_out = tf.split(self.tf_symbol_out, [1, 1], axis = -1)
self.tf_reward = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1], 'reward')
symbol0_dist = tf.distributions.Categorical(probs = self.symbol0_prob)
symbol1_dist = tf.distributions.Categorical(probs = self.symbol1_prob)
old_symbol0_dist = tf.distributions.Categorical(probs = self.old_symbol0_prob)
old_symbol1_dist = tf.distributions.Categorical(probs = self.old_symbol1_prob)
ratio0 = symbol0_dist.prob(self.tf_symbol0_out) / (old_symbol0_dist.prob(self.tf_symbol0_out) + 1e-5)
ratio1 = symbol1_dist.prob(self.tf_symbol1_out) / (old_symbol1_dist.prob(self.tf_symbol1_out) + 1e-5)
ratio = ratio0 * ratio1
surrogate = ratio * self.tf_reward
self.loss = -tf.reduce_mean(tf.minimum(surrogate, tf.clip_by_value(ratio, 1. - CLIP, 1. + CLIP) * self.tf_reward))
self.train = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(A_LR).minimize(self.loss, var_list = [speak_params])
def learn(self):
t = np.vstack(self.buffer_t)
symbol = np.vstack(self.buffer_symbol)
reward = np.vstack(self.buffer_reward)
rand_indices = np.arange(len(self.buffer_t))
for i in range(BATCH_SIZE):
indices = rand_indices[i]
batch_t = t[indices][np.newaxis, :]
batch_symbol = symbol[indices][np.newaxis, :]
batch_reward = reward[indices][np.newaxis, :]
# update actor and critic in a update loop
_, loss =[self.train, self.loss], feed_dict = {
self.t: batch_t,
self.tf_symbol_out: batch_symbol,
self.tf_reward: batch_reward
# copy speak_params to old_speak_params
# clear buffers
self.buffer_t, self.buffer_symbol, self.buffer_reward = [], [], []
return 0
def choose_symbol(self, t, train_flag = False):
symbol0_prob, symbol1_prob =[self.symbol0_prob, self.symbol1_prob], feed_dict = {self.t: t[np.newaxis, :]})
if train_flag:
U = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
if U <= 1 - EPSILON:
symbol0 = np.random.choice(range(symbol0_prob.shape[1]), p = symbol0_prob.ravel())
symbol1 = np.random.choice(range(symbol1_prob.shape[1]), p = symbol1_prob.ravel())
symbol0 = np.random.choice(range(symbol0_prob.shape[1]))
symbol1 = np.random.choice(range(symbol1_prob.shape[1]))
U = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
if U <= 1 - EPSILON:
symbol0 = np.argmax(np.squeeze(symbol0_prob))
symbol1 = np.argmax(np.squeeze(symbol1_prob))
symbol0 = np.random.choice(range(symbol0_prob.shape[1]))
symbol1 = np.random.choice(range(symbol1_prob.shape[1]))
return symbol0, symbol1, np.squeeze(symbol0_prob), np.squeeze(symbol1_prob)
def choice_symbol(self, symbol):
one_hot = np.zeros(self.symbol_dim)
one_hot[symbol] = 1
return one_hot
def debug_info(self, t):
t, symbol0_prob, symbol1_prob =[
], feed_dict = {self.t: t[np.newaxis, :]})
return t, symbol0_prob, symbol1_prob
def speak_net(self, data_in, name, trainable):
# (lock, key) ---> symbol_out
with tf.variable_scope(name):
h = tf.layers.dense(
inputs = data_in,
units = 2 * H_SIZE,
activation = tf.nn.tanh,
use_bias = False,
kernel_initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean = 0, stddev = 0.3)
h0, h1 = tf.split(h, [H_SIZE, H_SIZE], axis = -1)
o0 = tf.layers.dense(
inputs = h0,
units = self.symbol_dim,
activation = None,
use_bias = False,
kernel_initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean = 0, stddev = 0.3)
data_out0 = tf.nn.softmax(o0)
o1 = tf.layers.dense(
inputs = h1,
units = self.symbol_dim,
activation = None,
use_bias = False,
kernel_initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean = 0, stddev = 0.3)
data_out1 = tf.nn.softmax(o1)
params = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope = name)
return data_out0, data_out1, params
def store_transition(self, t, symbol, reward):
class Listener(object):
def __init__(self, symbol_dim, shape_num, color_num):
self.buffer_symbol = []
self.buffer_t_hat = []
self.buffer_reward = []
self.symbol_dim, self.shape_num, self.color_num = symbol_dim, shape_num, color_num
gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth = True)
self.sess = tf.Session(config=config)
self.symbol = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 2 * self.symbol_dim], 'symbol0_symbol1')
self.symbol0_in, self.symbol1_in = tf.split(self.symbol, [self.symbol_dim, self.symbol_dim], axis = -1)
self.t_hat_prob, listen_params = self.listen_net(self.symbol0_in, self.symbol1_in, 'listen_net', trainable = True)
self.old_t_hat_prob, old_listen_params = self.listen_net(self.symbol0_in, self.symbol1_in, 'old_listen_net', trainable = True)
self.update_prob = [oldp.assign(p) for p, oldp in zip(listen_params, old_listen_params)]
self.tf_t_hat = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1], 't_hat')
self.tf_reward = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1], 'reward')
t_hat_dist = tf.distributions.Categorical(probs = self.t_hat_prob)
old_t_hat_dist = tf.distributions.Categorical(probs = self.old_t_hat_prob)
ratio = t_hat_dist.prob(self.tf_t_hat) / (old_t_hat_dist.prob(self.tf_t_hat) + 1e-5)
surrogate = ratio * self.tf_reward
self.loss = -tf.reduce_mean(tf.minimum(surrogate, tf.clip_by_value(ratio, 1. - CLIP, 1. + CLIP) * self.tf_reward))
self.train = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(A_LR).minimize(self.loss, var_list = [listen_params])
def learn(self):
symbol = np.vstack(self.buffer_symbol)
t_hat = np.vstack(self.buffer_t_hat)
reward = np.vstack(self.buffer_reward)
rand_indices = np.arange(len(self.buffer_symbol))
for i in range(BATCH_SIZE):
indices = rand_indices[i]
batch_symbol = symbol[indices][np.newaxis, :]
batch_t_hat = t_hat[indices][np.newaxis, :]
batch_reward = reward[indices][np.newaxis, :]
# update actor and critic in a update loop
_, loss =[self.train, self.loss], feed_dict = {
self.symbol: batch_symbol,
self.tf_t_hat: batch_t_hat,
self.tf_reward: batch_reward,
# copy speak_params to old_speak_params
# clear buffers
self.buffer_symbol, self.buffer_t_hat, self.buffer_reward = [], [], []
return 0
def choose_concept(self, symbol, train_flag = False):
t_hat_prob =, feed_dict = {self.symbol: symbol[np.newaxis, :]})
if train_flag:
U = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
if U <= 1 - EPSILON:
t_hat = np.random.choice(range(t_hat_prob.shape[1]), p = t_hat_prob.ravel())
t_hat = np.random.choice(range(t_hat_prob.shape[1]))
U = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
if U <= 1 - EPSILON:
t_hat = np.argmax(np.squeeze(t_hat_prob))
t_hat = np.random.choice(range(t_hat_prob.shape[1]))
return t_hat, np.squeeze(t_hat_prob)
def debug_info(self, symbol):
symbol0_in, symbol1_in, t_hat_prob =[
], feed_dict = {self.symbol: symbol[np.newaxis, :]})
return symbol0_in, symbol1_in, t_hat_prob
def listen_net(self, data_in0, data_in1, name, trainable):
with tf.variable_scope(name):
h0 = tf.layers.dense(
inputs = data_in0,
units = H_SIZE,
activation = tf.nn.tanh,
use_bias = False,
kernel_initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean = 0, stddev = 0.3)
h1 = tf.layers.dense(
inputs = data_in1,
units = H_SIZE,
activation = tf.nn.tanh,
use_bias = False,
kernel_initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean = 0, stddev = 0.3)
h = tf.concat([h0, h1], axis = -1)
o = tf.layers.dense(
inputs = h,
units = self.shape_num * self.color_num,
activation = None,
use_bias = False,
kernel_initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean = 0, stddev = 0.3)
data_out = tf.nn.softmax(o)
params = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope = name)
return data_out, params
def store_transition(self, symbol, t_hat, reward):
if __name__ == '__main__':
shape_num = SHAPE_NUM
color_num = COLOR_NUM
symbol_dim = SYMBOL_DIM
# define agent
G0 = tf.Graph()
G1 = tf.Graph()
with G0.as_default():
agent0 = Speaker(symbol_dim, shape_num, color_num)
with G1.as_default():
agent1 = Listener(symbol_dim, shape_num, color_num)
M, MIS, speaker_language, listener_language,\
P_speaker_symbol0_t, P_speaker_symbol1_t, P_listener_t_hat_symbol\
= update_metric(agent0, agent1, shape_num, color_num, symbol_dim)
speaker_buffer_cnt = 0
listener_buffer_cnt = 0
learned_episode = 0
# train speaker first
train_speaker_flag = 1
train_listener_flag = 0
for i in range(MAX_EP):
rand_shape_id = np.random.randint(shape_num)
rand_color_id = np.random.randint(color_num)
t_shape = np.zeros(shape_num)
t_color = np.zeros(color_num)
t_shape[rand_shape_id] = 1
t_color[rand_color_id] = 1
t = np.concatenate((t_shape, t_color))
# agent0's step
symbol0_out_scalar, symbol1_out_scalar, _, _ = agent0.choose_symbol(t, train_speaker_flag)
symbol0_out = agent0.choice_symbol(symbol0_out_scalar)
symbol1_out = agent0.choice_symbol(symbol1_out_scalar)
# collect symbol
symbol = np.concatenate((symbol0_out, symbol1_out))
symbol_scalar = np.array([symbol0_out_scalar, symbol1_out_scalar])
# agent1's step
t_hat_scalar, _ = agent1.choose_concept(symbol, train_listener_flag)
# debug information
t, symbol0_prob, symbol1_prob = agent0.debug_info(t)
symbol0_in, symbol1_in, t_hat_prob = agent1.debug_info(symbol)
# get reward
reward_n = 0
if (t_hat_scalar == (rand_shape_id * color_num + rand_color_id)):
reward_n = 1.0
reward_n = -1.0
# collect t, t_hat, symbol, reward in one iteration
if train_speaker_flag:
agent0.store_transition(t, symbol_scalar, reward_n)
speaker_buffer_cnt += 1
if train_listener_flag:
agent1.store_transition(symbol, t_hat_scalar, reward_n)
listener_buffer_cnt += 1
if(speaker_buffer_cnt == BATCH_SIZE):'--------------------- train speaker ------------------------')
speaker_buffer_cnt = 0
M, MIS, speaker_language, listener_language,\
P_speaker_symbol0_t, P_speaker_symbol1_t, P_listener_t_hat_symbol\
= update_metric(agent0, agent1, shape_num, color_num, symbol_dim)
train_speaker_flag = 0
train_listener_flag = 1
if(listener_buffer_cnt == BATCH_SIZE):'--------------------- train listener -----------------------')
listener_buffer_cnt = 0
M, MIS, speaker_language, listener_language,\
P_speaker_symbol0_t, P_speaker_symbol1_t, P_listener_t_hat_symbol\
= update_metric(agent0, agent1, shape_num, color_num, symbol_dim)
train_speaker_flag = 1
train_listener_flag = 0
if (speaker_buffer_cnt == 0 and listener_buffer_cnt == 0):
# print debug information in some timesteps'rand_shape_id: ' + str(rand_shape_id))'rand_color_id: ' + str(rand_color_id))'')'speaker t: ' + str(t))'speaker symbol: ' + str(symbol))'speaker symbol_scalar: ' + str(symbol_scalar))'speaker symbol0_prob: ' + str(symbol0_prob))'speaker symbol1_prob: ' + str(symbol1_prob))'speaker reward: ' + str(reward_n))'')'listener symbol0_in: ' + str(symbol0_in))'listener symbol1_in: ' + str(symbol1_in))'listener t_hat_scalar: ' + str(t_hat_scalar))'listener t_hat_prob: ' + str(t_hat_prob))'listener reward: ' + str(reward_n))'')
for k0 in range(shape_num):
for k1 in range(color_num):'P(Speaker: symbol0 | t: shape = %d, color = %d) = %s' % (k0, k1, str(P_speaker_symbol0_t[k0][k1])))'')
for k0 in range(shape_num):
for k1 in range(color_num):'P(Speaker: symbol1 | t: shape = %d, color = %d) = %s' % (k0, k1, str(P_speaker_symbol1_t[k0][k1])))'')
for k0 in range(symbol_dim):
for k1 in range(symbol_dim):'P(Listener: t_hat | s: symbol0 = %d, symbol1 = %d) =\n%d %s' % (k0, k1, np.argmax(P_listener_t_hat_symbol[k0][k1]), str(P_listener_t_hat_symbol[k0][k1])))'')'M = ')' ' + str(M[0]))' ' + str(M[1]))'MIS = ' + str(MIS))'')
# test accuracy
right_count = 0
for k in range(shape_num):
for l in range(color_num):
shape = np.zeros(shape_num)
color = np.zeros(color_num)
shape[k] = 1
color[l] = 1
t = np.concatenate((shape, color))
_, _, symbol0_test_prob, symbol1_test_prob = agent0.choose_symbol(t)
symbol0_test = agent0.choice_symbol(np.argmax(symbol0_test_prob))
symbol1_test = agent0.choice_symbol(np.argmax(symbol1_test_prob))
symbol = np.concatenate((symbol0_test, symbol1_test))
_, t_hat_test_prob = agent1.choose_concept(symbol)
target = np.argmax(t_hat_test_prob)
if target == k * color_num + l:
right_count += 1
accuracy = right_count / (shape_num * color_num)'Training data count: %d, accuracy: %f' % (i, accuracy))
if accuracy == 1:'LEARNED! ' + str(learned_episode))
learned_episode += 1
learned_episode = 0'')
# Finish: 10 times in a row, test accuracy = 1
if learned_episode > 10:
metric_file = 'result_logs/' + log_file
with open(metric_file, 'a+') as f:
f.write('M = \n' + str(M) + '\n')
f.write('MIS = ' + str(MIS) + '\n')
f.write('\n')'speaker_language: ')
line = ''
for kk in range(color_num):
if kk == 0:
line += ' color' + str(kk)
line += ' color' + str(kk)
for kk in range(shape_num):'shape' + str(kk) + ' ' + str(speaker_language[kk]))'')'listener_language: ')
alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
line = ''
for kk in range(symbol_dim):
if kk == 0:
line += ' s1:' + alphabet[kk]
line += ' s1:' + alphabet[kk]
for kk in range(symbol_dim):'s0:' + alphabet[kk] + ' ' + str(listener_language[kk]))'')'Finished!' + '\n')
# Environment
A speaker-listener referential game based on reinforcement learning algorithm
# Agents (Listener and Speaker)
Stochastic Policy Gradient agents without parameter sharing or network connecting
# Code structure
'': contains code for the whole referential game framework
1). class Speaker(): algorithm and structure of the speaker
2). class Listener(): algorithm and structure of the listener
3). main(): the top function of all code, including settings, running process and evaluation of the referential game
'': contrains code for getting the probability distribution about symbols and concepts, and for computing the MIS, which is a metric to measure compositionality in our paper
1). update_speaker_prob(): getting policy and probability distribution of the speaker
2). update_listener_prob(): getting policy and probability distribution of the listener
3). update_R_and_MIS(): getting the metric MIS
4). update_metric(): the top function of ''
# Run
python GPU_ID
for example, if you want use GPU 0,1,2, you can run like: python Agent_algorithm 0,1,2
# Logs
run_logs/log_XXX: contains policies of agents during the training process and the emergent language after trainig
result_logs/log_XXX: contains mutual information matrix M and the metric MIS
import numpy as np
def update_metric(agent0, agent1, shape_num, color_num, symbol_dim):
P_speaker_symbol0_shape, P_speaker_symbol0_color,\
P_speaker_symbol1_shape, P_speaker_symbol1_color,\
speaker_language, P_speaker_symbol, P_speaker_symbol0_t, P_speaker_symbol1_t \
= update_speaker_prob(agent0, shape_num, color_num, symbol_dim)
P_listener_shape_symbol0, P_listener_color_symbol0,\
P_listener_shape_symbol1, P_listener_color_symbol1,\
listener_language, P_listener_t_hat_symbol \
= update_listener_prob(agent1, P_speaker_symbol, shape_num, color_num, symbol_dim)
M, MIS = update_R_and_MIS(
shape_num, color_num, symbol_dim,
P_listener_shape_symbol0, P_speaker_symbol0_shape,
P_listener_shape_symbol1, P_speaker_symbol1_shape,
P_listener_color_symbol0, P_speaker_symbol0_color,
P_listener_color_symbol1, P_speaker_symbol1_color
return M, MIS, speaker_language, listener_language, P_speaker_symbol0_t, P_speaker_symbol1_t, P_listener_t_hat_symbol
def update_speaker_prob(agent0, shape_num, color_num, symbol_dim):
# P_speaker_symbol0_t[i][j][] = P(symbol0 | shape = i, color = j)
# P_speaker_symbol1_t[i][j][] = P(symbol1 | shape = i, color = j)
# P_speaker_symbol_t[i][j][] = P(symbol0, symbol1 | shape = i, color = j)
P_speaker_symbol0_t = np.zeros((shape_num, color_num, symbol_dim))
P_speaker_symbol1_t = np.zeros((shape_num, color_num, symbol_dim))
P_speaker_symbol_t = np.zeros((shape_num, color_num, symbol_dim * symbol_dim))
alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
speaker_language = []
for i in range(shape_num):
speaker_language_shape_i = []
for j in range(color_num):
shape = np.zeros(shape_num)
color = np.zeros(color_num)
shape[i] = 1
color[j] = 1
t = np.concatenate((shape, color))
_, _, P_speaker_symbol0_t[i][j], P_speaker_symbol1_t[i][j] = agent0.choose_symbol(t)
s0 = alphabet[np.argmax(P_speaker_symbol0_t[i][j])]
s1 = alphabet[np.argmax(P_speaker_symbol1_t[i][j])]
speaker_language_shape_i.append(s0 + s1)
for k in range(symbol_dim):
for l in range(symbol_dim):
# symbol0 = k, symbol1 = l
P_speaker_symbol_t[i][j][k * symbol_dim + l] = P_speaker_symbol0_t[i][j][k] * P_speaker_symbol1_t[i][j][l]
# P_speaker_symbol0_shape[i][] = P(symbol0 | shape = i)
# P_speaker_symbol0_color[i][] = P(symbol0 | color = i)
# P_speaker_symbol1_shape[i][] = P(symbol1 | shape = i)
# P_speaker_symbol1_color[i][] = P(symbol1 | color = i)
P_speaker_symbol0_shape = np.zeros((shape_num, symbol_dim))
P_speaker_symbol0_color = np.zeros((color_num, symbol_dim))
P_speaker_symbol1_shape = np.zeros((shape_num, symbol_dim))
P_speaker_symbol1_color = np.zeros((color_num, symbol_dim))
for i in range(shape_num):
for j in range(color_num):
for k in range(symbol_dim):
P_speaker_symbol0_shape[i][k] += P_speaker_symbol0_t[i][j][k] / color_num
P_speaker_symbol0_color[j][k] += P_speaker_symbol0_t[i][j][k] / shape_num
P_speaker_symbol1_shape[i][k] += P_speaker_symbol1_t[i][j][k] / color_num
P_speaker_symbol1_color[j][k] += P_speaker_symbol1_t[i][j][k] / shape_num
# P_speaker_symbol[k][l] = P(Speaker: symbol0 = k, symbol1 = l)
P_speaker_symbol = np.zeros((symbol_dim, symbol_dim))
for k in range(symbol_dim):
for l in range(symbol_dim):
for i in range(shape_num):
for j in range(color_num):
P_speaker_symbol[k][l] += P_speaker_symbol_t[i][j][k * symbol_dim + l] / (shape_num * color_num)
return P_speaker_symbol0_shape, P_speaker_symbol0_color, P_speaker_symbol1_shape, P_speaker_symbol1_color, speaker_language, P_speaker_symbol, P_speaker_symbol0_t, P_speaker_symbol1_t
def update_listener_prob(agent1, P_speaker_symbol, shape_num, color_num, symbol_dim):
# P_listener_t_hat_symbol[i][j][] = P(shape_hat, color_hat | symbol0 = i, symbol1 = j)
P_listener_t_hat_symbol = np.zeros((symbol_dim, symbol_dim, shape_num * color_num))
shape_list = []
for i in range(shape_num):
shape_list.append('shape' + str(i))
color_list = []
for i in range(color_num):
color_list.append('color' + str(i))
listener_language = []
for i in range(symbol_dim):
listener_language_s0_i = []
for j in range(symbol_dim):
symbol0 = np.zeros(symbol_dim)
symbol1 = np.zeros(symbol_dim)
symbol0[i] = 1
symbol1[j] = 1
tmp = np.concatenate((symbol0, symbol1))
_, P_listener_t_hat_symbol[i][j] = agent1.choose_concept(tmp)
c0 = shape_list[int(np.argmax(P_listener_t_hat_symbol[i][j]) / color_num)]
c1 = color_list[int(np.argmax(P_listener_t_hat_symbol[i][j]) % color_num)]
listener_language_s0_i.append(c0 + ',' + c1)
# P_speaker_symbol0[i] = P(symbol0)
# P_speaker_symbol1[i] = P(symbol1)
P_speaker_symbol0 = np.zeros(symbol_dim)
P_speaker_symbol1 = np.zeros(symbol_dim)
for i in range(symbol_dim):
for j in range(symbol_dim):
P_speaker_symbol0[i] += P_speaker_symbol[i][j]
P_speaker_symbol1[j] += P_speaker_symbol[i][j]
# P_listener_t_hat_symbol0[i][] = P(shape_hat, color_hat | symbol0 = i)
# P_listener_t_hat_symbol1[j][] = P(shape_hat, color_hat | symbol1 = j)
P_listener_t_hat_symbol0 = np.zeros((symbol_dim, shape_num * color_num))
P_listener_t_hat_symbol1 = np.zeros((symbol_dim, shape_num * color_num))
for i in range(symbol_dim):
for j in range(symbol_dim):
for k in range(shape_num * color_num):
P_listener_t_hat_symbol0[i][k] += P_listener_t_hat_symbol[i][j][k] * P_speaker_symbol1[j]
P_listener_t_hat_symbol1[j][k] += P_listener_t_hat_symbol[i][j][k] * P_speaker_symbol0[i]
# P_listener_shape_symbol0[i][] = P(shape_hat | symbol0 = i)
# P_listener_color_symbol0[i][] = P(color_hat | symbol0 = i)
# P_listener_shape_symbol1[i][] = P(shape_hat | symbol1 = i)
# P_listener_color_symbol1[i][] = P(color_hat | symbol1 = i)
P_listener_shape_symbol0 = np.zeros((symbol_dim, shape_num))
P_listener_color_symbol0 = np.zeros((symbol_dim, color_num))
P_listener_shape_symbol1 = np.zeros((symbol_dim, shape_num))
P_listener_color_symbol1 = np.zeros((symbol_dim, color_num))
for i in range(symbol_dim):
for k0 in range(shape_num):
for k1 in range(color_num):
P_listener_shape_symbol0[i][k0] += P_listener_t_hat_symbol0[i][k0 * color_num + k1]
P_listener_color_symbol0[i][k1] += P_listener_t_hat_symbol0[i][k0 * color_num + k1]
P_listener_shape_symbol1[i][k0] += P_listener_t_hat_symbol1[i][k0 * color_num + k1]
P_listener_color_symbol1[i][k1] += P_listener_t_hat_symbol1[i][k0 * color_num + k1]
return P_listener_shape_symbol0, P_listener_color_symbol0, P_listener_shape_symbol1, P_listener_color_symbol1, listener_language, P_listener_t_hat_symbol
def update_R_and_MIS(
shape_num, color_num, symbol_dim,
P_listener_shape_symbol0, P_speaker_symbol0_shape,
P_listener_shape_symbol1, P_speaker_symbol1_shape,
P_listener_color_symbol0, P_speaker_symbol0_color,
P_listener_color_symbol1, P_speaker_symbol1_color
# information entropy of shape
H_shape = 0
for i in range(shape_num):
P = 1. / shape_num
H_shape += P * np.log(1/P)
# information entropy of color
H_color = 0
for i in range(color_num):
P = 1. / color_num
H_color += P * np.log(1/P)
# R(shape, symbol0) = I(shape, shape_hat | symbol0 = s_c) / H(shape)
R_shape_symbol0 = 0
for i in range(shape_num):
for j in range(shape_num):
# get s_c = argmax P_listener_shape_symbol0[s][shape_hat = j] * P_speaker_symbol0_shape[shape = i][s]
P_max = 0
s_c = 0
for k in range(symbol_dim):
if P_max < P_listener_shape_symbol0[k][j] * P_speaker_symbol0_shape[i][k]:
P_max = P_listener_shape_symbol0[k][j] * P_speaker_symbol0_shape[i][k]
s_c = k
# get I(shape, shape_hat | symbol0 = s_c)
P0 = P_listener_shape_symbol0[s_c][j] * P_speaker_symbol0_shape[i][s_c] / shape_num
P1 = 0
for k in range(shape_num):
P1 += P_listener_shape_symbol0[s_c][j] * P_speaker_symbol0_shape[k][s_c] / shape_num
P1 = P1 / shape_num
R_shape_symbol0 += P0 * np.log(P0 / P1)
R_shape_symbol0 /= H_shape
# R(shape, symbol1) = I(shape, shape_hat | symbol1 = s_c) / H(shape)
R_shape_symbol1 = 0
for i in range(shape_num):
for j in range(shape_num):
# get s_c = argmax P_listener_shape_symbol1[s][shape_hat = j] * P_speaker_symbol1_shape[shape = i][s]
P_max = 0
s_c = 0
for k in range(symbol_dim):
if P_max < P_listener_shape_symbol1[k][j] * P_speaker_symbol1_shape[i][k]:
P_max = P_listener_shape_symbol1[k][j] * P_speaker_symbol1_shape[i][k]
s_c = k
# get I(shape, shape_hat | symbol1 = s_c)
P0 = P_listener_shape_symbol1[s_c][j] * P_speaker_symbol1_shape[i][s_c] / shape_num
P1 = 0
for k in range(shape_num):
P1 += P_listener_shape_symbol1[s_c][j] * P_speaker_symbol1_shape[k][s_c] / shape_num
P1 = P1 / shape_num
R_shape_symbol1 += P0 * np.log(P0 / P1)
R_shape_symbol1 /= H_shape
# R(color, symbol0) = I(color, color_hat | symbol0 = s_c) / H(color)
R_color_symbol0 = 0
for i in range(color_num):
for j in range(color_num):
# get s_c = argmax P_listener_color_symbol0[s][color_hat = j] * P_speaker_symbol0_color[color = i][s]
P_max = 0
s_c = 0
for k in range(symbol_dim):
if P_max < P_listener_color_symbol0[k][j] * P_speaker_symbol0_color[i][k]:
P_max = P_listener_color_symbol0[k][j] * P_speaker_symbol0_color[i][k]
s_c = k
# get I(color, color_hat | symbol0 = s_c)
P0 = P_listener_color_symbol0[s_c][j] * P_speaker_symbol0_color[i][s_c] / color_num
P1 = 0
for k in range(color_num):
P1 += P_listener_color_symbol0[s_c][j] * P_speaker_symbol0_color[k][s_c] / color_num
P1 = P1 / color_num
R_color_symbol0 += P0 * np.log(P0 / P1)
R_color_symbol0 /= H_color
# R(color, symbol1) = I(color, color_hat | symbol1 = s_c) / H(color)
R_color_symbol1 = 0
for i in range(color_num):
for j in range(color_num):
# get s_c = argmax P_listener_color_symbol1[s][color_hat = j] * P_speaker_symbol1_color[color = i][s]
P_max = 0
s_c = 0
for k in range(symbol_dim):
if P_max < P_listener_color_symbol1[k][j] * P_speaker_symbol1_color[i][k]:
P_max = P_listener_color_symbol1[k][j] * P_speaker_symbol1_color[i][k]
s_c = k
# get I(color, color_hat | symbol1 = s_c)
P0 = P_listener_color_symbol1[s_c][j] * P_speaker_symbol1_color[i][s_c] / color_num
P1 = 0
for k in range(color_num):
P1 += P_listener_color_symbol1[s_c][j] * P_speaker_symbol1_color[k][s_c] / color_num
P1 = P1 / color_num
R_color_symbol1 += P0 * np.log(P0 / P1)
R_color_symbol1 /= H_color
# get normalized mutual information matrix M
M = np.zeros((2,2))
M[0,0] = R_shape_symbol0
M[1,0] = R_color_symbol0
M[0,1] = R_shape_symbol1
M[1,1] = R_color_symbol1
# get our metric MIS
MIS = get_MIS(R_shape_symbol0, R_color_symbol0, R_shape_symbol1, R_color_symbol1)
return M, MIS
def get_MIS(R_shape_symbol0, R_color_symbol0, R_shape_symbol1, R_color_symbol1):
# cosine simularity between (R_shape_symbol0, R_color_symbol0) and a 2-dim one-hot vector
cos_symbol0 = np.max([R_shape_symbol0, R_color_symbol0]) / (1e-5 + np.sqrt(np.square(R_shape_symbol0) + np.square(R_color_symbol0)))
# cosine simularity between (R_shape_symbol1, R_color_symbol1) and a 2-dim one-hot vector
cos_symbol1 = np.max([R_shape_symbol1, R_color_symbol1]) / (1e-5 + np.sqrt(np.square(R_shape_symbol1) + np.square(R_color_symbol1)))
# average simularity
MIS0 = (cos_symbol0 + cos_symbol1) / 2
# normalization
MIS = 2*(MIS0 - 1/2)
return MIS
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