Commit 264bb84e by Zidong Du

add title and abstract

parent 2f9d5179
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% articles, conjunctions, and prepositions are lower case unless they
% directly follow a colon or long dash
\title{Characterization Capacity of Agents and Compositionality from Naturally Emergent Communication}
\title{Revisiting the Natural Emergence of Symbolic Language with Agent Capacity}
% All authors must be in the same font size and format.
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Recent advances on symbolic language in neural network based multi-agent systems
have made great progress in compositionality, which is taken as a key
feature distinguishing human language from animal language. However, these efforts
only explored environmental pressures, without realizing the importance of
characterization capacity of agents.
In this work, we explore the relationship between the characterization capacity
of agents and the compositionality of symbolic languages. By proving with
mutual information theory and verifying with extensive experiments, we made the
counter-intuitive conclusion that symbolic languages with higher
compositionality require lower characterization capacity of agents and are
easier-to-teach. \textcolor{red}{ZD: effects}
The natural emergence of symbolic languages with high compositionality has
attracted extensive attentions from a broad range of communities. Existing
studies only investigated the impacts of \emph{deliberately designed} external
environmental factors (e.g., small vocabulary sizes, carefully constructed
distractors, and ease-of-teaching), which may be too ideal to exist in the
real world, without considering the importance of internal capacity of agents.
In this paper, we first reveal and characterize the quantitative relationship
between the agent capacity and the compositionality of symbolic language both
theoretically and experimentally. The theoretical analysis is built on the MSC
(Markov Series Channel) model for the language transmission process and a
novel mutual information-based metric for the compositionality. The
experiments are conducted on a listener-speaker referential game framework
with eliminated external environment factors. Both theoretical analysis and
experimental results lead to a counter-intuitive conclusion that lower agent
capacity facilitates the emergence of symbolic language with higher
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